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Implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for simulating incompressible fluid-elastic coupling.

Wang, X., Wang, T., Wang, J., Xu, Y., Ban, X., Huang, H., Zhu, Z., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. Implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for simulating incompressible fluid-elastic coupling. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 34 (5), e2146.

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DOI: 10.1002/cav.2146


Fluid simulation has been one of the most critical topics in computer graphics for its capacity to produce visually realistic effects. The intricacy of fluid simulation manifests most with interacting dynamic elements. The coupling for such scenarios has always been challenging to manage due to the numerical instability arising from the coupling boundary between different elements. Therefore, we propose an implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid-elastic coupling approach to reduce the instability issue for fluid-fluid, fluid-elastic, and elastic-elastic coupling circumstances. By deriving the relationship between the universal pressure field with the incompressible attribute of the fluid, we apply the number density scheme to solve the pressure Poisson equation for both fluid and elastic material to avoid the density error for multi-material coupling and conserve the non-penetration condition for elastic objects interacting with fluid particles. Experiments show that our method can effectively handle the multiphase fluids simulation with elastic objects under various physical properties.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:elastic simulation; fluid-solid coupling; multiple fluid interaction; particle systems; physically based animation
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:38471
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:20 Apr 2023 13:53
Last Modified:24 May 2024 08:16


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