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Cognitive-perceptual traits associated with autism and schizotypy influence use of physics during predictive visual tracking.

Cooper, C. and Meso, A. I., 2023. Cognitive-perceptual traits associated with autism and schizotypy influence use of physics during predictive visual tracking. European Journal of Neuroscience, 58 (10), 4236-4254.

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DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16169


Schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can disrupt cognition and consequently behaviour. Traits of ASD and the subclinical manifestation of schizophrenia called schizotypy have been studied in healthy populations with overlap found in trait profiles linking ASD social deficits to negative schizotypy and ASD attention to detail to positive schizotypy. Here, we probed the relationship between subtrait profiles, cognition and behaviour, using a predictive tracking task to measure individuals' eye movements under three gravity conditions. A total of 48 healthy participants tracked an on-screen projected ball under familiar gravity, inverted upward acceleration (against gravity) and horizontal gravity control conditions while eye movements were recorded and dynamic performance quantified. Participants completed ASD and schizotypy inventories generating highly correlated scores, r = 0.73. All tracked best under the gravity condition, producing anticipatory downward responses from stimulus onset which were delayed under upward inverted gravity. Tracking performance was not associated with overall ASD or schizotypy trait levels. Combining measures using principal components analysis (PCA), we decomposed the inventories into subtraits unveiling interesting patterns. Positive schizotypy was associated with ASD dimensions of rigidity, odd behaviour and face processing, which all linked to anticipatory tracking responses under inverted gravity. In contrast, negative schizotypy was associated with ASD dimensions of social interactions and rigidity and to early stimulus-driven tracking under gravity. There was also substantial nonspecific overlap between ASD and schizotypy dissociated from tracking. Our work links positive-odd traits with anticipatory tracking when physics rules are violated and negative-social traits with exploitation of physics laws of motion.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:ASD; eye movements; gravity; prediction; schizotypy; Humans; Autistic Disorder; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Schizotypal Personality Disorder; Cognition; Physics
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:39255
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:11 Dec 2023 12:40
Last Modified:11 Dec 2023 12:40


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