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Towards an improved dementia care experience in clinical radiography practice: A state-of-the-art review.

Abowari-Sapeh, M. E., Ackah, J. A., Murphy, J. L. and Akudjedu, T. N., 2024. Towards an improved dementia care experience in clinical radiography practice: A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 55 (2), 307-319.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.jmir.2024.01.008


INTRODUCTION: The increasing global incidence rate of dementia and associated co/multimorbidity has consequently led to a rise in the number of people with dementia (PwD) requiring clinical radiography care services. This review aims to explore and integrate findings from diverse settings with a focus on the experiences of PwD and stakeholders, towards the development of a holistic approach for dementia care and management within the context of radiography services. METHOD: An electronic search was performed across the following databases: PUBMED, CINAHL, Medline, SCOPUS, and ScienceDirect for articles published from January 2009 and June 2023. Articles were included if they fulfilled a predefined criteria mainly focused on experiences of PwD and/or other stakeholders when using the radiography services. Data obtained from the included studies were analysed using a result-based convergent synthesis. RESULT: Eleven studies from diverse settings met the inclusion criteria. A mix of both positive and negative experiences of PwD and stakeholders were reported following visits to radiology and radiotherapy departments were highlighted across settings. The findings were themed around the need for: person-centred care, effective communication, attitudinal changes of staff, specialised and improved clinical environment and inclusion of caregivers for the care of PwD. DISCUSSION: This study emphasise the critical importance of adopting holistic approaches to caring for PwD. This involves adopting a person-centred approach, actively involving caregivers, effective communication, and adequate training for radiographers to provide quality services, all in dementia-friendly environments. CONCLUSION: The experiences of various stakeholders highlight the need for a more holistic approach and strategy for the care and management of PwD within the context of the radiography services. This calls for an urgent need for a comprehensive strategy that includes awareness creation of staff to enhance the quality of care and the overall experience for PwD using the radiography services.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Alzheimer's; Dementia; Medical imaging; Radiography; Radiotherapy
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:39515
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:22 Feb 2024 09:43
Last Modified:04 Jul 2024 08:08


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