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No pupillometric evidence for effortful proactive control in the proportion-congruent Stroop paradigm.

Hasshim, N., Carruthers, M., Ferrand, L., Augustinova, M. and Parris, B. A, 2024. No pupillometric evidence for effortful proactive control in the proportion-congruent Stroop paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. (In Press)

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DOI: 10.1177/17470218241235671


Cognitive control is the ability to allocate attention away from stimuli that are irrelevant to achieving a goal, towards stimuli that are. When conflict is anticipated, attention is biased in a global, top-down manner called proactive control and this effortful type of cognitive control is engaged before stimulus onset. The list-wise congruency proportion (LWPC) effect, where the Stroop congruency effect is reduced when there are more incongruent than congruent trials compared to vice versa, has been viewed as one of the prime signatures of this type of cognitive control. However, there has been recent debate about the extent to which this effect should be attributed to proactive control instead of alternative explanations such as simpler associative learning or reactive control. Thus, by using pupillometry (i.e., an indicator of cognitive effort), the present study investigated the extent to which LWPC effects result from effortful proactive control. Experiment 1 employed a classic proportion congruency manipulation while Experiment 2 replaced congruent trials with neutral trials to control for potential effects of associative learning. While in line with past findings, proportion congruency effects were obtained in response times of both experiments and pupillometry showed both proportion congruency and Stroop effects after stimulus onset, no differences in pupil sizes were found during the preparatory phase. Therefore, these results do not support the idea that the observed LWPC effects are due to participants engaging in effortful proactive control.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cognitive control; Proportion congruency; Stroop task
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:39571
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:05 Mar 2024 11:13
Last Modified:05 Mar 2024 11:13


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