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Population genetics and demography of the endemic mouse species of Cyprus, Mus cypriacus.

Hardouin, E. A., Riccioli, F., Andreou, D., Baltazar-Soares, M., Cvitanovic, M., Williams, N. F., Chevret, P.., Renaud, S., García-Rodríguez, O., Hadjisterkotis, E., Miltiadou, D., Macholán, M., Odenthal-Hesse, L., Kuenzel, S. and Mitsainas, G. P., 2024. Population genetics and demography of the endemic mouse species of Cyprus, Mus cypriacus. Mammalian Biology, 104, 311-322.

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DOI: 10.1007/s42991-024-00410-w


Mus cypriacus is one of three small palaeoendemic mammals that have survived the Mediterranean islands’ anthropization. This species, endemic to Cyprus, was described in 2006 and stands out as one of the last mammal species to have been discovered in Europe. Despite scarce data on its genetics, ecology, and life-history traits, Mus cypriacus is assessed as Least Concern LC in the IUCN Red List, partly due to its morphological similarity with the sympatric house mouse that prevented earlier identification. Our study uses mitochondrial and microsatellite markers to investigate this small rodent's population genetic structure and diversity. Our analysis did not identify any population genetic structure and suggested a high genetic diversity across Cyprus. When inferring habitat preference using sample locations, it appeared that M. cypriacus utilizes a diverse variety of habitats, covering more than 80% of the island. Although these results are encouraging for the conservation status of the species, they still need to be cautiously applied as potential threats may arise due to increasing habitat destruction and changes in land use. Consequently, our encouraging results should be applied judiciously. Additional ecological data are urgently needed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this inconspicuous endemic species.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mediterranean islands; Muridae; Rodentia; Endemic Species; Microsatellites
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:39638
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:25 Mar 2024 08:20
Last Modified:04 Jul 2024 10:40


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