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Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river.

Nolan, E. T., Hindes, A. M., Bolland, J. D., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Tarkan, A. S. and Britton, J. R., 2024. Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river. Hydrobiologia.

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DOI: 10.1007/s10750-024-05533-2


Lowland temperate rivers provide important habitats for piscivorous fishes, but with their year-round spatial and temporal habitat use is often poorly understood, including their use of off-channel habitats. Here, the movements and habitat use of the piscivorous native Northern pike Esox lucius and invasive pikeperch Sander lucioperca were investigated using acoustic telemetry in the highly regulated (through impoundment) lower River Severn, Western England over a 12-month period, where off-channel habitat availability was limited to a single boat marina. The movements of both species varied with season and temperature, with both species moving greater distances in spring. Increasing water temperatures up to 15 °C resulted in a higher frequency of movements of both species, but movements then decreased at temperatures higher than this. Northern pike detections in the river increased in periods of lower river discharge and warmer temperatures, with the off-channel refuge providing an important habitat all year round (78% of detections occurred there). While 63% of pikeperch detections also occurred in the marina, 89% of these detections occurred between December and April. These results thus emphasise the importance of this limited off-channel habitat as potential spawning locations for invasive pikeperch and foraging areas for native Northern pike.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Esox Lucius; Movement; Sander lucioperca; Spawning; Acoustic telemetry
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:39754
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:29 Apr 2024 14:05
Last Modified:29 Apr 2024 14:05


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