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Neonate simulators: creatively engaging social work students in understanding risks of alcohol use during pregnancy.

Khan, H., Dray, R. and Pourzanjani, P., 2024. Neonate simulators: creatively engaging social work students in understanding risks of alcohol use during pregnancy. The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (6), 2736-2755.

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DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcae054


Use of simulation-based education (SBE) in social work is growing. However, there is a lack of substance use training, for both post-qualified social workers and undergraduate social work students. This study addressed a gap in undergraduate substance use educa tion around prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and its impact on foetal development. A mixed methods approach was used with undergraduate social work students across two universities in the Southwest of the UK. Both groups received a taught session on foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), completed pre- and post-taught session questionnaires assessing FAS knowledge, and had the opportunity to interact with the FAS neonate simulator. Creative activities around interaction with the FAS simulator enabled feedback on thoughts, feelings and practice implications. Findings revealed increased pre- to post-FAS knowledge and enhanced understanding of the long-term impacts of gestational alcohol use for the developing child. Social work students felt more aware of the impact of alco hol use during pregnancy and were more confident to address these issues through fu ture practice. The use of FAS neonate simulators as a pedagogic tool is beneficial to help elucidate student knowledge on alcohol use during pregnancy and to increase confidence working with people who are pregnant who may be using alcohol or substances

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:creative pedagogy; foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); pre-natal alcohol exposure (PAE); simulation-based education; social work; teratogens
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:39851
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:19 Jul 2024 14:25
Last Modified:29 Nov 2024 16:28


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