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The evolving workplace: the possible impacts of hybrid working and hotdesking on retention of social workers.

Pulman, A. and Fenge, L.-A., 2024. The evolving workplace: the possible impacts of hybrid working and hotdesking on retention of social workers. The British Journal of Social Work, 54 (8), 3755-3772.

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DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcae120


Challenges with the retention of social workers have increased over the past ten years with links made to higher caseloads, increased stress, shrinking office space and hybridisation of work roles driven by both austerity and changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper reports on findings from a study developed with two local authorities exploring retention in adult social care from the perspective of practitioners working in the South of England. A mixed methods approach was taken. A group of (n=57) social workers at two local authorities completed an online survey and (n=13) were interviewed in depth. A semi-structured interview schedule was constructed to collect expanded reflections on issues affecting retention. Several themes emerged concerning the differential impacts of the changing workplace post COVID. These include increased stress and high caseloads and the potential negative impact of hotdesking and hybrid working on supervision and wellbeing. We discuss areas where changes might address some of the current concerns highlighted by participants, which may in turn exert a positive impact on retention.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:hotdesking; hybrid working; retention; social workers; stress; wellbeing
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:40140
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:10 Jul 2024 12:39
Last Modified:10 Jan 2025 13:28


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