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FreshLanDiv: A Global Database of Freshwater Biodiversity Across Different Land Uses.

Shen, M., van Klink, R., Sagouis, A., Petsch, D. K., Abong'o, D. A., Alahuhta, J., Al-Shami, S. A., Armendáriz, L. C., Bae, M-J., Begot, T. O., Belliard, J, Benstead, J. P., Bomfim, F. F., Bredenhand, E, Budnick, W. R., Callisto, M., Calvão, L. B., Camacho-Rozo, C. P., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Carvalho, F. G., Chapman, J., Chapman, L., Chen, Q., Chernoff, B., Cibils-Martina, L., Closs, G. P., Corbi, J. J., Cunha, E. J., Cunico, A. M., De los Rios-Escalante, P., Dolédec, S., Dunck, B., Edegbene, A. O., Engman, A. C., Erős, T., Esteves, K. E., Faquim, R. C. P., Faria, A. P. J., Ferreira, C. M., Ferreira, M. C., Fierro, P., Freitas, P. V., Fugère, V., Garcia, T. G., Giam, X, Gonino, G. M. R., González-Trujillo, J. D., Gubiani, É. A., Hamada, N., Haro, R. J., Hepp, L. U., Herrera-R, G. A., Hill, M. J., Huda, A. N., Iniguez-Armijos, C., Jamoneau, A., Jonsson, M., Juen, L., Kadye, W. T., Kahirun, K., Kasangaki, A., Larson, C. A., Pereira, A. L., Leboucher, T., Leite, G. F. M., Lincke, D., Luiza-Andrade, A., Luke, S. H., Lundquist, M. J., Lupi, D., Machuca-Sepúlveda, J., Macuiane, M. A., Mancera-Rodriguez, N. J., Márquez, J. A., Martins, R. T., Masese, F. O., Meixler, M. S., Michelan, T. S., Monge-Salazar, M. J., Mruzek, J. L., Mugni, H. D., Ndagurwa, H. D. T., Niba, A., Nimptsch, J., Novelo-Gutiérrez, R., Ochieng, H., Pacheco-Díaz, R., Park, Y-S., Passy, S. I., Pearson, R. G., Peressin, A., Périco, E., Pires, M. M., Poulos, H., Principe, R. E., Prudente, B. S., Ríos-Touma, B., Ruaro, R., Schmitter-Soto, J. J., Schneck, F., Horst Schulz, U., Selvakumar, C., Sharma, C. M., Siqueira, T., Solis, M. L., Raniere Garcez Costa Sousa, R., Stanley, E. H., Stenger-Kovács, C., Tales, E., Barreto Teresa, F., Thornhill, I., Tison-Rosebery, J., Bernardi Vieira, T., Villada-Bedoya, S., White, J. C., Wood, P. J., Xie, Z., Yule, C. M., Zequi, J. A. C. and Jonathan M. Chase, J. M., 2024. FreshLanDiv: A Global Database of Freshwater Biodiversity Across Different Land Uses. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (12), e13917.

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DOI: 10.1111/geb.13917


Motivation: Freshwater ecosystems have been heavily impacted by land-use changes, but data syntheses on these impacts are still limited. Here, we compiled a global database encompassing 241 studies with species abundance data (from multiple biological groups and geographic locations) across sites with different land-use categories. This compilation will be useful for addressing questions regarding land-use change and its impact on freshwater biodiversity. Main Types of Variables Contained: The database includes metadata of each study, sites location, sample methods, sample time, land-use category and abundance of each taxon. Spatial Location and Grain: The database contains data from across the globe, with 85% of the sites having well-defined geographical coordinates. Major Taxa and Level of Measurement: The database covers all major freshwater biological groups including algae, macrophytes, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:abundance; data sharing; land-use categories; lentic ecosystems; lotic ecosystems
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:40523
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:21 Nov 2024 15:08
Last Modified:21 Nov 2024 15:46


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