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Whispers in the mangroves: Unveiling the silent impact of potential toxic metals (PTMs) on Indian Sundarbans fungi.

Mahanty, S., Pillay, K., Hardouin, E., Andreou, D., Cvitanović, M., Darbha, G. K., Mandal, S., Chaudhuri, P. and Majumder, S., 2024. Whispers in the mangroves: Unveiling the silent impact of potential toxic metals (PTMs) on Indian Sundarbans fungi. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 209 (B), 117233.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117233


This study investigates sediment samples from the Indian Sundarbans' mangrove habitat, where most samples were alkaline and hypersaline, except for one acidic sample. Elemental analysis revealed poor sediment quality, with elevated Enrichment Factors (2.20–9.7), Geo-accumulation indices (− 2.19–1.19), Contamination Factors (0.61–3.18), and Pollution Load Indices (1.04–1.32). Toxic metal ions, including Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Zn, and Cr, were identified as key contributors to compromised sediment quality. These metals inhibit crucial sediment enzymes, such as CMC-cellulase, β-glucosidase, aryl sulfatase, urease, and phosphatases, essential for nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition. A negative correlation was found between heavy metals and biodiversity, as indicated by the Shannon index, and a similar trend was observed with fungal load. The study highlights the adverse effects of persistent trace metals on the fungal community, potentially disrupting the mangrove ecosystem and suggests using manglicolous fungi as biological indicators of environmental health.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Indian Sundarbans; Sediment enzyme; Fungal metagenome; Fungal diversity; Potential toxic metals (PTMs); Mangrove
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:40559
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:06 Dec 2024 16:10
Last Modified:06 Dec 2024 16:10


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