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Embedded Implicit Stand-ins for Animated Meshes: a Case of Hybrid Modelling.

Kravtsov, D., Fryazinov, O., Adzhiev, V., Pasko, A. and Comninos, P., 2008. Embedded Implicit Stand-ins for Animated Meshes: a Case of Hybrid Modelling. Technical Report. Poole, England: National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University.

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In this paper we address shape modelling problems, encountered in computer animation and computer games development that are difficult to solve just using polygonal meshes. Our approach is based on a hybrid modelling concept that combines polygonal meshes with implicit surfaces. A hybrid model consists of an animated polygonal mesh and an approximation of this mesh by a convolution surface stand-in that is embedded within it or is attached to it. The motions of both objects are synchronised using a rigging skeleton. This approach is used to model the interaction between an animated mesh object and a viscoelastic substance, normally modelled in implicit form. The adhesive behaviour of the viscous object is modelled using geometric blending operations on the corresponding implicit surfaces. Another application of this approach is the creation of metamorphosing implicit surface parts that are attached to an animated mesh. A prototype implementation of the proposed approach and several examples of modelling and animation with near real-time preview times are presented.

Item Type:Monograph (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Convolution surfaces, blending, implicit surfaces, fluid, character animation, hybrid modelling
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:6071
Deposited By: Professor Alexander Pasko
Deposited On:27 Aug 2008 13:52
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:14


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