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Material flow during the extrusion of simple and complex cross-sections using FEM.

Flitta, I. and Sheppard, T., 2005. Material flow during the extrusion of simple and complex cross-sections using FEM. Materials Science and Technology, 21 (6), 648-656.

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DOI: 10.1179/174328405X43045


This paper deals with the extrusion of rod and shape sections and uses a 3D finite element model analysis (FEM) to predict the effect of die geometry on maximum extrusion load. A description of material flow in the container is considered in more detail for rod and shape sections in order to fully comprehend the transient conditions occurring during the process cycle. A comparison with experiments is made to assess the relative importance of some extrusion parameters in the extrusion process and to ensure that the numerical discretisation yields a realistic simulation of the process. The usefulness and the limitation of FEM are discussed when modelling complex shapes. Results are presented for velocity contours and shear stress distribution during the extrusion process. It is shown that for most of the shapes investigated, the material making up the extrudate cross-sections originates from differing regions of virgin material within the billet. The outside surface of the extrudate originates from the material moving along the dead metal zone (DMZ) and the core of the extrudate from the central deformation zone. The FE program appears to predict all the major characteristics of the flow observed macroscopically.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:931
Deposited On:04 Jan 2008
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:06


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