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Number of items: 113.


Azadegan, A. and Riedel, J., 2012. D7.2 Report on the integration of SGs in corporate training settings No. 2. Project Report. Gaming and Learning Alliance.

Apeh, E. T., 2012. Adaptive algorithms for real-world transactional data mining. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Andreou, D., Arkush, K., Guegan, J.F. and Gozlan, R. E., 2012. Introduced Pathogens and Native Freshwater Biodiversity: A Case Study of Sphaerothecum destruens. PLoS One, 7 (5).

Ali, R., Griggio, A., Franzén, A. , Dalpiaz, F. and Giorgini, P., 2012. Optimizing Monitoring Requirements in Self-Adaptive Systems. In: 17th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD'12), 25-26 June 2012, Gdańsk, Poland.

Apeh, E., Zliobaite, I., Pechenizkiy, M. and Gabrys, B., 2012. Predicting Multi-class Customer Profiles Based on Transactions: a Case Study in Food Sales. Technical Report. Poole, England: Smart Technology Research Centre Bournemouth University.

Ali, R., Solis, C., Omoronyia, I., Salehie, M. and Nuseibeh, B., 2012. Social Adaptation: When Software Gives Users a Voice. In: 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE'12), 29-30 June 2012, Wroclaw, Poland.


Bélanger, N.N, Slattery, T., Mayberry, R.I. and Rayner, K., 2012. Skilled deaf readers have an enhanced perceptual span in reading. Psychological Science, 23, 816 - 823 .

Boot, C. R., Dahlin, M., Lintonen, T., Stock, C., Van Hal, G., Rasmussen, S. and McAlaney, J., 2012. A survey study on associations between misperceptions on substance use by peers and health and academic outcomes in university students in North-West Europe. International Journal of Disability and Human Development, 11 (2), 273 - 279 .

Beardsley, H., 2012. Factors affecting the growth and recruitment of cyprinid populations of the River Wensum, Eastern England, with specific reference to roach Rutilus rutilus (L.). Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University, School of Applied Sciences..

Broughton, R. K., 2012. Habitat modelling and the ecology of the marsh tit (Poecile palustris). Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Applied Sciences.

Britton, J.R., 2012. Introduced parasites in food webs: new species, shifting structures? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (2), 93-99.

Breen, A. C., Teyhen, D.S., Mellor, F. E., Breen, A. C., Wong, K.W. and Deitz, A., 2012. Measurement of intervertebral motion using quantitative fluoroscopy: report of an international forum and proposal for use in the assessment of degenerative disc disease in the lumbar spine. Advances in Orthopedics, 2012, 802350 -.

Brisbane, M., Makarov, N and Nosov, E., 2012. Medieval Novgorod in its Wider Context. In: Brisbane, M., Makarov, N and Nosov, E., eds. The Archaeology of Medieval Novgorod in Context: A Study of Centre/Periphery Relations. Oxford: Oxbow Books Limited, 1 - 9.

Budka, M., Musial, K. and Juszczyszyn, K., 2012. Predicting the Evolution of Social Networks: Optimal Time Window Size for Increased Accuracy. In: 2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, 3-6 September 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Britton, J.R., 2012. Testing strength of biotic resistance against an introduced fish: Inter-specific competition or predation through facultative piscivory? PLoS One, 7 (2).


Cheng, X., Azadegan, A. and Kolfschoten, G., 2012. A Framework for Evaluating Trust Development in Group Collaborations. In: Group Decision and Negotiations GDN 2012, 20--24 May 2012, Recife, Brazil., 97-103.

Carota, F., Moseley, R. and Pulvermuller, F., 2012. Body-part-specific Representations of Semantic Noun Categories. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (6), 1492 - 1509.

Chen, W., Liu, C. and Nakabayashi, K., 2012. Beauty hinders attention switch in change detection: the role of facial attractiveness and distinctiveness. PLoS One, 7 (2).

Clark, C. J. and Khattab, A. D., 2012. Association Between Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and Developmental Coordination Disorder – A Review. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies.

Cordingley, J. E., 2012. Ecosystem service provision in dynamic heath landscapes. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Calderoni, L., Maio, D. and Palmieri, P., 2012. Location-aware Mobile Services for a Smart City: Design, Implementation and Deployment. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 7 (3), 74 - 87 .

Coward, F. , 2012. Rethinking Phylogeny and Ontogeny in Hominin Brain Evolution. Human Origins, 1, 65 - 91 .


Darvill, T., Marshall, P., Parker Pearson, M. and Wainwright, G., 2012. Stonehenge remodelled. Antiquity, 86 (334), 1021 - 1040 .

Dean, P.J.A., Seiss, E. and Sterr, A., 2012. Motor planning in chronic upper-limb hemiparesis: evidence from movement-related potentials. PLoS One, 7 (10), -.

Davis, T., Geistweidt, J.E., Renaud, A. and Dixon,, J., 2012. Interfacing the Network: An Embedded Approach to Network Instrument Creation. In: International Computer Music Conference, 9--14 September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Davies, P., Newell, D., Davies, A. and Karagözlü, D., 2012. Multi Connected Ontologies. In: MMEDIA 2012: The Fourth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia, 29 April-4 May 2012, Chamonix, France.

Dalpiaz, F., Ali, R. and Giorgini, P., 2012. Aligning Software Configuration with Business and IT Context. In: 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'12), 27-29 June 2012, Gdańsk, Poland.


Esteves, L.S., 2012. Climate change adaptation in England: is managed realignment a sustainable strategy? Technical Report. Regional Studies Association.


Fragkiadakis, A.G., Tragos, E.Z., Tryfonas, T. and Askoxylakis, I., 2012. Design and performance evaluation of a lightweight wireless early warning intrusion detection prototype. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012, 73.

Flouri, E. and Panourgia, C., 2012. Do primary school children’s career aspirations matter? The relationship between family poverty, career aspirations and emotional and behavioural problems. Working Paper. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies..

French, C., Scaife, R. G., Allen, M. J., Parker Pearson, M., Pollard, J., Richards, C., Thomas, J. and Welham, K., 2012. Durrington Walls to West Amesbury by way of Stonehenge: a major transformation of the Holocene landscape. Antiquaries Journal, 92 (Sept), 1 - 36 .

Franklin, D. J., Airs, R.L., Fernandes, M., Bell, T.G., Bongaerts, R.J., Berges, J.A. and Malin, G., 2012. Identification of senescence and death in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira pseudonana: Cell staining, chlorophyll alterations, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography, 57 (1), 305 - 317 .

Flouri, E., Moulton, V. and Panourgia, C., 2012. MCS data note: Coding the aspirations of children at age 7 in the Millennium Cohort Study. Working Paper. London: : Centre for Longitudinal Studies.

Fernandes, A. P. M. d. M. B., 2012. Natural processes in the degradation of open-air rock-art sites: an urgency intervention scale to inform conservation. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University .

Faily, S., Lyle, J. and Parkin, S., 2012. Secure System? Challenge Accepted: Finding and Resolving Security Failures Using Security Premortems. In: BCS HCI 2012 Workshops: Designing Interactive Secure Systems, 12 -14 September 2012, Birmingham, UK, 5:1 - 5:4 .

Faily, S. and Fléchais, I., 2012. Software for Interactive Secure Systems Design: Lessons Learned Developing and Applying CAIRIS. In: BCS HCI 2012 Workshops: Designing Interactive Secure Systems, 12-14 Sep 2012, Birmingham, UK, 3:1 - 3:4 .


Garland, N. P., Khan, Z. A. and Palmer, S., 2012. Sustainable development primers for design students: A comparative study. In: 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE12) Design Education for Future Wellbeing, 6-7 September 2012, Artesis University College, Antwerp, Belgium, 617 - 622.

Gray, G., Miles, C., Wilson, N., Jenks, R., Cox, M. and Johnson, A.J., 2012. The contrasting physiological and subjective effects of chewing gum on social stress. Appetite, 58, 554-558.

Gregory, N. J. and Hodgson, T. L., 2012. Giving subjects the eye and showing them the finger: Socio-biological cues and saccade generation in the anti-saccade task. Perception, 41 (2), 131 - 147 .

Ginige, T. A., Butters, J., Ball, F., Thompson, K., Julius, S., Pearce, D., Caine, C. and Thackwray, C., 2012. Harnessing Marine Renewable Energy from Poole Harbour: Case Study. In: COBRA 2012 - Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors., 10--13 September 2012, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Goodenough, A.E., Hart, A.G and Stafford, R., 2012. Regression with empirical variable selection: description of a new method and application to ecological datasets. PLoS One, 7 (3), e34338.

Green, M. and van Deemter, K., 2012. Vagueness in referring expressions of quantity: effects on the audience. In: SIPI 2012 Proceedings, 25 April 2012, University of Aberdeen.

Gillingham, P.K., Huntley, B., Kunin, W.E. and Thomas, C.D., 2012. The effect of spatial resolution on projected responses to climate warming. Diversity and Distributions, 18 (10), 990 - 1000 .

Gillingham, P.K., Palmer, S.C.F., Huntley, B., Kunin, W.E., Chipperfield, J.D. and Thomas, C.D, 2012. The relative importance of climate and habitat in determining the distributions of species at different spatial scales: a case study with ground beetles in Great Britain. Ecography, 35 (9), 831 - 838 .


Hulusic, V. and Pistoljevic, N., 2012. “LeFCA”: Learning framework for children with autism. Procedia Computer Science, 15, 4 - 16.

Harris, M.A., Wiener, J.M. and Wolbers, T., 2012. Aging specifically impairs switching to an allocentric navigational strategy. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4, 29.

Humphries-Smith, T. and Glasspool, C. R., 2012. Final Year Induction - Re-engagement and Re-motivation. In: Baelus, C., Buck, L., De Grande, G., Frateur, G., Grace, J. and Ion, B., eds. E&PDE2012: Design education for future wellbeing. Antwerp, Belgium: Design Soceity & Institution of Engineering Designers.

Humphries-Smith, T. and Adrian, A., 2012. Intellectual Property Education – Thinking outside the Box meets Colouring within the Lines. International Journal of Learning & Intellectual Capital, 9 (3), 337-350.

Hulusic, V., Harvey, C., Debattista, K., Tsingos, N., Walker, S., Howard, D. and Chalmers, A., 2012. Acoustic Rendering and Auditory–Visual Cross-Modal Perception and Interaction. Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association, 31 (1), 102 -131.

Hulusic, V., Harvey, C., Debattista, K., Tsingos, N., Walker, S., Howard, D. and Chalmers, A., 2012. Acoustic Rendering and Auditory–Visual Cross-Modal Perception and Interaction. Computer Graphics Forum, 31, 102 - 131.

Harris, M. A., Wolbers, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2012. Aging specifically impairs switching to an allocentric navigational strategy. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4 (29), 1-9.

Hills, P.J. and Lewis, M.B., 2012. FIAEs in Famous Faces are Mediated by Type of Processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 256 .

Hunt, C., 2012. Learning in large learning spaces:the academic engagement of a diverse group of students. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 17, 195 - 205.

Hevey, D, Thomas, K., Pertl, M, Maher, L, Craig, A and Ni Chuinneagain, S, 2012. Method Effects and the Need for Cognition Scale. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 12 (1), 20 - 33 .

Harkin, B., Miellet, S. and Kessler, K., 2012. What checkers actually check: an eye tracking study of inhibitory control and working memory. PLoS One, 7 (9), 1-11.


Johnson, A.J., Cauchi, L. and Miles, C., 2012. Hebbian learning for olfactory sequences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66 (6), 1082 - 1089.

Jenkins, E. L., 2012. Mice, scats and burials: unusual concentrations of microfauna found in human burials at the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk, Central Anatolia. Journal of Social Archaeology, 12 (3), 380 - 403 .

Jiang, N., Xu, L., de Vrieze, P. T., Lim, M.G. and Jarabo, O., 2012. A Cloud Based Data Integration Framework. In: PRO-VE 2012: 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 1-3 October 2012, Bournemouth, UK.

Johnson, A.J., Miles, C. and Volp, A., 2012. Qualitative differences in the immediate recognition memory for wine and visual matrices. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012, 18-20 April 2012, Grand Connaught Rooms, London, England. (Unpublished)

Juszczyszyn, K., Gonczarek, A., Tomczak, J., Musial, K. and Budka, M., 2012. Probabilistic Approach to Structural Change Prediction in Evolving Social Networks. In: International Workshop on Complex Social Network Analysis (CSNA 2012) co-located with International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), 26-29 August 2012, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Johnson, A.J., Miles, C., Haddrell, B., Harrison, E., Osborne, L., Wilson, N. and Jenks, R., 2012. The effect of chewing gum on physiological and self-rated measures of alertness and daytime sleepiness. Physiology and Behavior, 105 (3), 815-820.


Kirkby, J. A., White, S. J. and Blythe, H. I., 2012. Binocular coordination during reading. In: Liversedge, S. P., Gilchrist, I. and Everling, S., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Eye Movements. Abingdon: Oxford University Press, 802-817.


Ling, F. C.M., McManus, A.M., Knowles, G. and Polman, R. C.J., 2012. Propensity for emotion rehearsal, body image estimation and metabolic health in Chinese children. In: Sports Medicine Australia - Be Active 2012, 31 October -3 November 2012, Sydney, Australia, S164 - S164.

Los, S.O, Rosette, J., Kljun, N., North , P.R.J, Chasmer, L., Suarez, J., Hopkinson, C., Hill, R.A., van Gorsel, E., Mahoney, C. and Berni, J.A., 2012. Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data. Geoscientific Model Development, 5, 413-432.

Liliana, P., Mazeiar, S., Ali, R., Inah, O. and Bashar, N., 2012. On the Role of Primary and Secondary Assets in Adaptive Security: An Application in Smart Grids. In: Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS'12) Zurich, Switzerland 4-5 June 2012. SEAMS.

Lintonen, T., McAlaney, J. and Kaarianen, J., 2012. Substance use among police cadets: The role of normative misperceptions. The Police Journal, 85, 29 - 39 .


Montalvão, D., Cláudio, R.A.L.D., Ribeiro, A.M.R. and Duarte-Silva, J., 2012. Experimental measurement of the complex Young's modulus on a CFRP laminate considering the constant hysteretic damping model. Composite Structures, 97, 91 - 98.

Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J., 2012. Investigating Variation in the Prevalence of Weathering in Faunal Assemblages in the UK: A Multivariate Statistical Approach. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 22 (5), 509-522.

Marin-Arroyo, A.B., Madgwick, R., Brugal, J-P. and Moreno-Garcia, M., 2012. New Perspectives on Taphonomy. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 22 (5), 505-508.

McAlaney, J., Boot, C. R., Dahlin, M., Lintonen, T., Stock, C., Rasmussen, S. and Van Hal, G., 2012. A comparison of substance use behaviours and normative beliefs in North West European university and college students. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11 (3), 281 - 287 .

McCartney, I., 2012. The Armoured Cruiser HMS Defence: A case-study in assessing the Royal Navy shipwrecks of the Battle of Jutland (1916) as an archaeological resource. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 41 (1), 56 - 66.

Montalvão, D. and Sena Alcada, F., 2012. Comparação de limas ProFile GT Série X com ProFile GT através da caracterização por DRX e de um Estudo por Elementos Finitos. Revista da Ordem dos Medicos Dentistas (12), 10 - 15.

Mecheroui, C. A., 2012. Development of a wireless ditributed three channel stimulator used for automatic triggering of stimulation to enable co-ordinated task execution of stroke patients. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Mestry, N., Menneer, T., Wenger, M.J. and Donnelly, N., 2012. Identifying sources of configurality in three face processing tasks. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 456.

Murray, J.M., Watson, G.J., Giangrande, A., Licciano, M. and Bentley, M.G., 2012. Managing the marine aquarium trade: revealing the data gaps using ornamental polychaetes. PLoS One, 7 (1), e29543 - .

Miellet, S., Caldara, R., He, L., Zhou, X. and Lao, J., 2012. When East meets West: Gaze-contingent Blindspots abolish cultural diversity in eye movements for faces. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 5 (2), 1-12.


Newton, A., Hodder, K. H., Cantarello, E., Perrella, L., Robins, J., Douglas, S., Moody, C., Cordingley, J. E. and Birch, J.C., 2012. Cost-benefit analysis of ecological networks assessed through spatial analysis of ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49 (3), 571 - 580 .

Nyqvist, M. J., 2012. Behavioural causes and consequences of sexual size dimorphism in an apex predator species. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Nyqvist, M. J., Gozlan, R. E., Cucherousset, J. and Britton, J.R., 2012. Behavioural syndrome in a solitary predator is independent of body size and growth rate. PLoS One, 7 (2), e31619 - .

Nair, G., Van Dyk, K., Shah, U., Purohit, D.P., Shah, A.B., Grossman, H., Perl, D., Ganwir, V., Shanker, S. and Sano, M., 2012. Characterizing cognitive deficits and dementia in an aging urban population in India. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2012, 673849.

Newton, A., del Castillo, R.F, Echeverría, C., Geneletti, D., González-Espinosa, M., Malizia, L.R., Premoli, A.C., Rey Benayas, J.M., Smith-Ramírez, C. and Williams-Linera, G., 2012. Forest landscape restoration in the drylands of Latin America. Ecology and Society, 17 (1), 21.

Nyman, S.R. and Victor, C.R., 2012. Use of personal call alarms among community-dwelling older people. Ageing & Society.


Ollis, G., 2012. In search of practitioner perspectives on ‘good code’. In: 24th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group - PPIG 2012, 21-23 November 2012, London Metropolitan University, UK.


Pacey, A.A, Merrick, H., Arden-Close, E., Morris, K., Barton, L.C., Crook, A.J., Tomlinson, M.J., Wright, E., Rowe, R. and Eiser, C., 2012. Monitoring fertility (semen analysis) by cancer survivors who banked sperm prior to cancer treatment. Human Reproduction, 27 (11), 3132 - 3139 .

Parris, B., Dienes, Z. and Hodgson, T. L., 2012. Temporal constraints of the post-hypnotic word blindness suggestion on Stroop task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 38 (4), 833-837.

Pischke, C.R., Zeeb, H., van Hal, G., Vriesacker, B., McAlaney, J., Bewick, B.M., Akvardar, Y., Guillen-Grima, F., Orosova, O., Salonna, F., Kalina, O., Stock, C., Helmer, S.M. and Mikolajczyk, R.M., 2012. A feasibility trial to examine the social norms approach for the prevention and reduction of licit and illicit drug use in European University and college students. BMC Public Health, 12.

Parris, B., Bate, S., Brown, S.D. and Hodgson, T. L., 2012. Facilitating goal-oriented behaviour in the Stroop task: when executive control is influenced by automatic processing. PLoS One, 7 (10), e46994 - ?.

Palmieri, P. and Pereira, O., 2012. Implementing Information-Theoretically Secure Oblivious Transfer from Packet Reordering. In: Information Security and Cryptology - 14th International Conference (ICISC 2011), 30 November --2 December 2011, Seoul, Korea, 332 - 345 .


Rostami, S. and Shenfield, A., 2012. CMA-PAES: Pareto archived evolution strategy using covariance matrix adaptation for multi-objective optimisation. In: UKCI 2012: 12th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 5-7 Sep 2012, Edinburgh, UK.

Rostami, S. and Shenfield, A., 2012. Adaptive Grid Archiving Combined with the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy. In: Manchester Metropolitan University Research Symposium 2012, 18 April 2012, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Reynolds, S. C., 2012. Nyctereutes terblanchei: The raccoon dog that never was. South African Journal of Science, 108 (1/2), 1-10.

Reza Ramazani, M., Sewell, P., Noroozi, S., Khanadan, R. and Cripps, B., 2012. Using artificial neural networks and strain gauges for the determination of static loads on a thin square fully constrained composite marine panel subjected to a large central displacement. Insight: non-destructive testing and condition monitoring, 55 (8), 442.


Stahl, F., Medhat Gaber, M. and Salvador, M. M., 2012. eRules: A Modular Adaptive Classification Rule Learning Algorithm for Data Streams. In: AI-2012, The Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 11 - 13 December 2013, Cambridge, England, 65 - 78.

Saeed, A., Khan, Z. A. and Hadfield, M., 2012. Corrosion resistance evaluation of coatings within large vehicles through prohesion testing. In: ASME STLE 2012 Joint Tribology International Conference, 7-10 Oct 2012, Denver, Colorado.

Stahl, F. and Jordanov, I., 2012. An Overview of the Use of Neural Networks for Data Mining Tasks. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2 (3), 193-208.

Stillman, R. A., West, A. D., Clarke, R. T. and Liley, D., 2012. Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project Phase II: Predicting the impact of human disturbance on overwintering birds in the Solent. Project Report. Winchester: Solent Forun.

Schotter, E.R., Blythe, H.I., Kirkby, J. A., Rayner, K., Holliman, N.S. and Liversedge, S.P., 2012. Binocular coordination: Reading stereoscopic sentences in depth. PLoS One, 7 (4).

Stahl, F. and Bramer, M., 2012. Computationally efficient induction of classification rules with the PMCRI and J-PMCRI frameworks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 35, 49 - 63 .

Stahl, F. and Bramer, M., 2012. Jmax-pruning: A facility for the information theoretic pruning of modular classification rules. Knowledge-Based Systems, 29, 12 - 19 .

Smith, M. J., Kneller, P., Elliott, D, Young, C, Manley, H. and Osselton, D. M., 2012. Multidisciplinary analysis of a mummified cranium claimed to be that of a medieval execution victim. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 4 (1), 75-89 .

Salehie, M., Pasquale, L., Omoronyia, I., Ali, R. and Nuseibeh, B., 2012. Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime. In: Proceedings 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'12) 24-28 September 2012, Chicago, USA. IRE, 111 - 120 .


Taylor, J., 2012. The assessment of critical evaluation, leadership and reflection skills through participation in online discussions. Psychology Teaching Review, 18 (2), 52 -58.

Taylor, J., Hulme, J., Davies, M. N. O. and Banister, P., 2012. The science of enhanced student engagement and employability. Psychology Teaching Review, 18 (2), 3 -8.

Thompson, S. and Bishop, P., 2012. Born to yawn? Understanding yawning as a warning of the rise in cortisol levels: Randomized trial. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 1 (2), e4.

Thompson, S., 2012. Art meets science – empowering stroke patients to regain muscular control through creative graphics technology, psycho-physiology and neuroplasticity. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 5 (4), 79 - 85 .

Tzanakis, I., Hadfield, M., Thomas, B., Noya, S.M., Henshaw, I. and Austen, S., 2012. Future perspectives on sustainable tribology. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16 (6), 4126 - 4140 .


Walton, B.R. and Hills, P.J., 2012. Face distortion aftereffects in personally familiar, famous, and unfamiliar faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 258 - .

Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Büchner, S.J. and Konieczny, L., 2012. Gaze Behaviour during Space Perception and Spatial Decision Making. Psychological Research, 76 (6), 713-729.

Wiener, J.M., Kmecova, H. and de Condappa, O., 2012. Route repetition and route retracing: effects of cognitive aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4, 7 - .

Wood, K.A., 2012. Swan-plant interactions in a chalk river catchment. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Applied Sciences..

Wood, K.A., Stillman, R. A., Clarke, R. T., Daunt, F. and O'Hare, M.T., 2012. Understanding plant community responses to combinations of biotic and abiotic factors in different phases of the plant growth cycle. PLoS One, 7 (11), e49824 - .


Yankouskaya, A., Booth, D.A. and Humphreys, G., 2012. Interactions between facial emotion and identity in face processing: evidence based on redundancy gains. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74 (8), 1692 - 1711.


Zhao, H., 2012. Emotion-driven interactive storytelling. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

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