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Number of items: 166.


Mahato, P. K., Regmi, P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Angell, C. and Sathian, B., 2015. Birthing centre infrastructure in Nepal post 2015 earthquake. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (4), 518 -519.

Simkhada, P., Regmi, P., Pant, P. R., van Teijlingen, E. and Sathain, B., 2015. Stipulating citizen's fundamental right to healthcare: Inference from the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nepal 2015. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (4), 516 -517.

Mahato, P. K. and Sharma Paudel, G., 2015. Access to free health-care services for the poor in tertiary hospitals of western Nepal: a descriptive study. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, 4 (2), 167 - 175.

Pritchard, C., Harding, A. and Rosenorn-Lanng, E., 2015. Do British and Irish Surgeons Operate Under Fiscal Disadvantage? GDP Expenditure on Health in the Western World 1980-2013. Journal of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, 47, 21 - 24.

Heaslip, V., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Alexander, P. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2015. What factors influence Fair Access students to consider university and what do they look for? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17 (4), 67 - 88.

Douglas, F., van Teijlingen, E., Smith, C. and Moffat, M., 2015. Implementing Health Policy: Lessons from the Scottish Well Men's Policy Initiative. AIMS Public Health, 2 (4), 887 -905.

Pokorná, A. and Knight, A., 2015. Development Opportunities of Emotional Intelligence with reflective strategies using video-based training. Mefanet Journal, 3 (2), 43 - 47.

Shilton, M., Branney, J., Penning de Vries, B. and Breen, A. C., 2015. Does cervical lordosis change after spinal manipulation for non-specific neck pain? A prospective cohort study. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, 23 (33).

Way, S., Taylor, A. M. and Miller, J. E., 2015. Supporting breastfeeding: it takes a whole community. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 25 (4), 491 - 492 .

García-Favaro, L., 2015. ‘Porn Trouble’: On the Sexual Regime and Travels of Postfeminist Biologism. Australian Feminist Studies, 30 (86), 366-376.

Gyawali, B., Sharma, R., Neupane, D., van Teijlingen, E., Mishra, S.R. and Kallestrup, P., 2015. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis from 2000 to 2014. Global Health Action, 8 (29088), 1 -10.

Rowlands, S. and López-Arregui, E., 2015. Editorial: How health services can improve access to abortion. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 21 (1), 1 - 3.

Sathian, B., De, A., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Banerjee, I., Roy, B., Supram, H.S., Devkota, S. and E, R., 2015. Time Trend of the Suicide Incidence in India: a Statistical Modelling. American Journal of Public Health Research, 3 (5A), 80 -87.

Regmi, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. Importance of Health and Social Care Research into Gender and Sexual Minority Populations in Nepal. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 27 (8), 806 - 808.

Escuriet, R., White, J., Beeckman, K., Frith, L., Leon-Larios, F., Loytved, C., Luyben, A., Sinclair, M. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. Assessing the performance of maternity care in Europe: A critical exploration of tools and indicators. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 491.

Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Donaldson, I., Jack, E., Hemingway, A. and Harding, A., 2015. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal qualitative study phase 1. Nurse Education in Practice, 15 (6), 403 - 408.

Smith, G. B., 2015. Vital signs: Vital for surviving in-hospital cardiac arrest? Resuscitation, 98, A3 - A4.

Bond, C. S., 2015. Innovation in health informatics: much is underpinned by eHealth and better information for patients. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 22 (4), 374-376.

Hean, S., Anderson, L., Green, C., John, C., Pitt, R. and O'Halloran, C., 2015. Reviews of theoretical frameworks: challenges and judging the quality of theory application. Medical Teacher, 1-8.

Archibald, D., Douglas, F., Hoddinott, P., van Teijlingen, E., Stewart, F., Robertson, C., Boyers, D. and Avenell, A., 2015. A qualitative evidence synthesis on the management of male obesity. BMJ Open, 5 (10), e008372.

Alqhtani, R.S., Jones, M.D., Theobald, P.S. and Williams, J. M., 2015. Investigating the contribution of the upper and lower lumbar spine, relative to hip motion, in everyday tasks. Manual Therapy, 21, 268 - 273 .

van Teijlingen, E. and Simkhada, P., 2015. Failure to apply for ethical approval for health studies in low-income countries. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (3), 511 - 515.

van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Devkota, B., Fanning, P., Ireland, J., Simkhada, B., Sherchan, L., Silwal, R.C., Pradhan, S., Maharjan, K.S. and Maharjan, R.K., 2015. Mental health issues in pregnant women in Nepal. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (3), 499 - 501.

Miller, A., Telford, A.C.J. and Miller, J. E., 2015. Patient-centered health care for infants: a qualitative analysis of mothers’ experiences and preferences. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, 15 (1), 1211 - 1216.

Carlton, E.W., Than, M., Khattab, A. D. and Greaves, K., 2015. "Chest Pain Typicality" in Suspected Acute Coronary Syndromes and the Impact of Clinical Experience. American Journal of Medicine, 128 (10), 1109-1116.e2.

Heward, M., Palfreman-Kay, J. and Innes, A., 2015. In their words: how television and visual media can raise awareness of dementia and other health conditions that carry stigma, including disabilities. Journal of Popular Television, 3 (2).

Hemingway, A., Meeks, R. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2015. An exploration of an equine facilitated intervention with young offenders. Society and Animals.

Heaslip, V., 2015. Caring for People from Diverse Cultures. British Journal of Community Nursing, 20 (9), 421 - 421.

Oliver, S., Burls, T., Fenge, L.-A. and Brown, K., 2015. “Winning and losing”: Vulnerability to Mass Marketing Fraud. Journal of Adult Protection, 17 (6), 360-370.

Randall, D., Childers-Buschle, K., Anderson, A. and Taylor, J., 2015. An analysis of child protection 'standard operating procedures for research' in higher education institutions in the United Kingdom. BMC Medical Ethics, 16 (1), 66.

Ersser, S. J., Farasat, H., Jackson, K., Gardiner, E., Sheppard, Z. and Cowdell, F., 2015. Parental self-efficacy and the management of childhood atopic eczema: development and testing of a new clinical outcome measure. British Journal of Dermatology, 173 (6), 1479-1485.

Swaminathan, R., Williams, J. M., Jones, M.D. and Theobald, P.S., 2015. A kinematic analysis of the spine during rugby scrummaging on natural and synthetic turfs. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34 (11), 1058-1066.

Carlton, E.W., Khattab, A. D. and Greaves, K., 2015. Beyond Triage: The Diagnostic Accuracy of Emergency Department Nursing Staff Risk Assessment in Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndromes. Emergency Medicine Journal, 33 (2), 99 - 104.

Haydock, W., 2015. UK substance use policy research should think local. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 15 (3).

van Teijlingen, E., Acharya, J., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. Assessment of knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards healthy diet among mothers in Kaski, Nepal. Participation, 17 (16), 61 - 72.

Mivšek, P., Pahor, M., Hlebec, V. and Hundley, V., 2015. How do midwives in Slovenia view their professional status? Midwifery, 31 (12), 1193-1201.

Heslop, R., 2015. The contribution of David H. Bayley, policing research pioneer. Police Practice and Research, 16 (6), 512 - 526.

Kelaiditi, E., Andrieu, S., Cantet, C., Vellas, B., Cesari, M. and ICTUS/DSA Group, , 2015. Frailty Index and incident mortality, hospitalization and institutionalization in Alzheimer's disease: data from the ICTUS study. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.

Bevan, A., Joy, R., Keeley, S. and Brown, P., 2015. Learning to nurse: combining simulation with key theory. British Journal of Nursing, 24 (15), 781 - 785.

Strike, S., Carlisle, A., Gibson, E. L. and Dyall, S., 2015. A high omega-3 fatty acid multinutrient supplement benefits cognition and mobility in older women: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot ptudy. Journal of Gerontology Medical Sciences.

Carlton, E. W., Khattab, A. D. and Greaves, K., 2015. Identifying Patients Suitable for Discharge After a Single-Presentation High-Sensitivity Troponin Result: A Comparison of Five Established Risk Scores and Two High-Sensitivity Assays. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 66 (6), 635 -645.e1.

Kang, M. Y. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2015. How do people live life successfully with Parkinson's disease? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (15-16), 2314 - 2322.

Sharples, A.P., Hughes, D.C., Deane, C. S., Saini, A., Selman, C. and Stewart, C.E., 2015. Longevity and skeletal muscle mass: the role of IGF signalling, the sirtuins, dietary restriction and protein intake. Aging Cell, 14 (4), 511 - 523.

Hart Clarida, B., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2015. Strategies for Digital Inclusion: Towards a Pedagogy for Embracing and Sustaining Student Diversity and Engagement with Online Learning. IAFOR Journal of Education, 3 (2), 86-106.

van Teijlingen, E., Benoit, C., Bourgeault, I., De Vries, R. and Wrede, S., 2015. Learning from health care in other countries: the prospect of comparative research. Health Prospect, 14 (1), 8 -12.

Hassapidou, M., Daskalou, E., Tsofliou, F., Tziomalos, K., Paschaleri, A., Pagkalos, I. and Tzotzas, T., 2015. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children in Thessaloniki, Greece. Hormones (Athens).

Kosteniuk, J.G., Morgan, D.G., O'Connell, M.E., Kirke, A., Crossley, M., Teare, G.F., Stewart, N.J., Bello-Haas, V.D., Forbes, D.A., Innes, A. and Quail, J.M., 2015. Incidence and prevalence of dementia in linked administrative health data in Saskatchewan, Canada: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Geriatrics, 15 (1), 73 - .

Milne, L., van Teijlingen, E., Hundley, V., Simkhada, P. and Ireland, J., 2015. Staff perspectives of barriers to women accessing birthing services in Nepal: A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15, 142.

Bate, S., Bennetts, R., Parris, B., Bindemann, M., Udale, R. and Bussunt, A., 2015. Oxytocin increases bias, but not accuracy, in face recognition line-ups. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , 10 (7), 1010 - 1014 .

Regmi, P., Aryal, N., Pant, P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P. and Devkota, B., 2015. Priority public health interventions and research agendas in post-earthquake Nepal. South East Asia Journal of Public Health, 5 (2), 7-12.

Robertson, C., Avenell, A., Stewart, F., Archibald, D., Douglas, F., Hoddinott, P., van Teijlingen, E. and Boyers, D., 2015. Clinical Effectiveness of Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Interventions for Men: A Systematic Review of Men-Only Randomized Controlled Trials (The ROMEO Project). American Journal of Men's Health.

Jan, R, and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. JAM: Sharing the voices of regional practicing midwives. Journal of Asian Midwives, 2 (1), 1 - 2.

Ireland, J., van Teijlingen, E. and Kemp, J,, 2015. Twinning in Nepal: the Royal College of Midwives UK and the Midwifery Society of Nepal working in partnership. Journal of Asian Midwives, 2 (1), 26 - 33.

Hall, J. and Lucas, G., 2015. Postnatal Changes. RCM Midwives Journal (Summer), 26 -27 .

Crowther, S. and Hall, J., 2015. Spirituality and spiritual care in and around childbirth. Women and Birth, 28 (2), 173 - 178.

Terry, R.H., Palmer, S.T., Rimes, K.A., Clark, C. J., Simmonds, J.V. and Horwood, J.P., 2015. Living with joint hypermobility syndrome: patient experiences of diagnosis, referral and self-care. Family Practice, 32 (3), 354 - 358.

Hall, J., Hundley, V. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. The journal editor: Friend or foe? Women and Birth, 28 (2), e26 - e29.

Murphy, J., Worswick, L., Pulman, A., Ford, G. and Jeffery, J., 2015. Translating research into practice: Evaluation of an e-learning resource for health care professionals to provide nutrition advice and support for cancer survivors. Nurse Education Today, 35 (1), 271-276.

Weston, G., Lawson, J., Blell, M. and Hayton, J., 2015. Anthropologists in Films: “The Horror! The Horror!”. American Anthropologist, 117 (2), 316-328.

Carter, S., Cook, J., Sutton-Boulton, G., Ward, V. and Clarke, S., 2015. Social pedagogy as a model to provide support for siblings of children with intellectual disabilities: A report of the views of the children and young people using a sibling support group. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities.

Dawson, A., Bowes, A., Kelly, F., Velzke, K. and Ward, R., 2015. Evidence of what works to support and sustain care at home for people with dementia: a literature review with a systematic approach. BMC Geriatrics, 15 (59), 1-17.

Fleming, R, Kelly, F. and Stillfried, G., 2015. 'I want to feel at home': establishing what aspects of environmental design are important to people with dementia nearing the end of life. BMC Palliative Care, 14 (26), 1-14.

Sharma, S., Joshi, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. ‘Nepenglish’ or ‘Nepali English’: A New Version of English? Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 4 (2), 188 - 193.

Norton, E., 2015. The application of humanization theory to health-promoting practice. Perspectives in Public Health, 135 (3), 133-137.

Ahmed, O., Weiler, R., Schneiders, A.G., McCrory, P. and Sullivan, S.J., 2015. Top tips for social media use in sports and exercise medicine: doing the right thing in the digital age. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 (14), 909 - 910.

Clark, C. J., Carr, E. C.J. and Khattab, A. D., 2015. Abstract: Pain poses a significant health burden in those with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. British Journal of Pain, 9 (2 supp), 10 -10.

Pritchard, C. and Mirza, S., 2015. Under-five mortality and child-abuse-related-deaths in the former USSR. Is there an under-reporting of abuse-related deaths? Child Abuse Review, 25 (3), 218-229.

Palmer, K., Hebron, C. and Williams, J. M., 2015. A randomised trial into the effect of an isolated hip abductor strengthening programme and a functional motor control programme on knee kinematics and hip muscle strength. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16, 105.

Williams, J. M., Dorey, C, Clarke, S. and Clark, C. J., 2015. The within-day and between-day reliability of using sacral accelerations to quantify balance performance. Physical Therapy in Sport, 17, 45 - 50.

Scarfe, S. and Marlow, C., 2015. Overcoming the fear: an autoethnographic narrative of running with epilepsy. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7 (5), 688 - 697.

Wainwright, T., 2015. A 5-year length of stay trend analysis for surgical procedures identified by the Department of Health as suitable for ERAS in the South West region of England. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 62, 703.

Wainwright, T. and Middleton, R., 2015. What effect has the introduction of ERAS had on length of stay after total hip and knee replacement in the South West region of England? Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 62, 711.

Wainwright, T. and Middleton, R., 2015. What is the potential effect on national bed capacity if ERAS was applied to all fractured neck of femur patients? Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 62, 695.

Wainwright, T. and McDonald, D., 2015. What issues must we address if we are to further accelerate recovery and shorten length of stay in total hip and knee replacement ERAS? Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 62, 713.

Scott, F.N., McDonald, D., Wainwright, T., Barlow, R., Fearon, K., Ljungqvist, O. and Carter, F., 2015. The evolution and impact of national ERAS societies: lessons to learn from ERAS-UK. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia, 62, 700.

Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. Study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool Aged Children of Kaski District of Nepal. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare, 1 (2), 97 -118.

Wainwright, T., Immins, T. and Middleton, R., 2015. A cycling and education programme to promote self-management and to increase functional ability in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23 (2), A372.

Santer, M., Muller, I., Yardley, L., Burgess, H., Ersser, S. J., Lewis-Jones, S. and Little, P., 2015. 'You don't know which bits to believe': qualitative study exploring carers' experiences of seeking information on the internet about childhood eczema. BMJ Open, 5 (4), e006339.

Simkhada, P., Lee, A., van Teijlingen, E., Karki, K. and Neupane, C. H., 2015. Need and importance of health protection training in Nepal. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (1), 441 -443.

Thomas, S., Kersten, P. and Thomas, P., 2015. Author finding post print - The Multiple Sclerosis-Fatigue Self- Efficacy (MS-FSE) scale: initial validation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29 (4), 376 - 387 .

Whiffin, C. J, Bailey, C, Ellis-Hill, C., Jarrett, N and Hutchinson, P. J., 2015. Narratives of family transition during the first year post-head injury: perspectives of the non-injured members. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (4), 849 - 859.

Dyall, S., 2015. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and the brain: A review of the independent and shared effects of EPA, DPA and DHA. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 52 - ? .

Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E. and Luce, A., 2015. Do midwives need to be more media savvy? MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 25 (1), 5 - 10.

Knight, A., Parker, J., Carmichael, H., Esser, A. and Aspden, C., 2015. Shaping the future assistant/associate practitioner workforce; a Hampshire case study. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9 (3), 144 - 149.

Way, S. and Scammell, J., 2015. Humanising midwifery care. Practising Midwife, 19 (3), 27 - 29.

Marsh, W., Colbourne, D., Way, S. and Hundley, V., 2015. Would a student midwife run postnatal clinic make a valuable addition to midwifery education in the UK? - A systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 35 (3), 480-486.

Carlton, E.W., Cullen, L., Than, M., Gamble, J., Khattab, A. D. and Greaves, K., 2015. A novel diagnostic protocol to identify patients suitable for discharge after a single high-sensitivity troponin. Heart, 101 (13), 1041-1046.

Wainwright, T., Immins, T. and Middleton, R., 2015. Hip osteoarthritis: patients with complex comorbidities can make exceptional improvements following intensive exercise and education. BMJ Case Reports, 2015, bcr2014208529.

Innes, A., Page, S.J. and Cutler, C., 2015. Barriers to leisure participation for people with dementia and their carers: An exploratory analysis of carer and people with dementia's experiences. Dementia, 15 (6), 1643-1665.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. and Marahatta, S. B., 2015. Mental health services in Nepal: Is it too late? Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 1 (4), 1 - 2.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Bhatta, P., Stone, P. and Ingham, R., 2015. Nepalese trekking guides: A quantitative study of sexual health knowledge and sexual behaviour. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 1 (4), 35 -42.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E., Winter, R. C., Fanning, C., Dhungel, A. and Marahatta, S. B., 2015. Why are so many Nepali women killing themselves? A review of key issues. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 1 (4), 43 -49.

Angell, C., Hunt, J. and Alexander, J., 2015. ‘Draw, write and tell’. A literature review and methodological development on the ‘draw and write’ research method. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 13 (1), 17-29.

Jan, R, and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. Another year over …. Journal of Asian Midwives, 2 (2), 1 -1.

Hall, J. and Crowther, S., 2015. Spirituality and spiritual care in and around childbirth. Women and Birth, 28 (2), 173-178.

Glithro, S., Newell, D., Burrows, L., Hunnisett, A. and Cunliffe, C., 2015. Public health engagement: detection of suspicious skin lesions, screening and referral behaviour of UK based chiropractors. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 23 (1).

Kelaiditi, E., Guyonnet, S. and Cesari, M., 2015. Is nutrition important to postpone frailty? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care , 18 (1), 37 - 42 .

Smith, G. B., Prytherch, D.R., Meredith, P. and Schmidt, P.E., 2015. Re: cross-sectional audit on the relevance of Elevated National Early Warning Score in medical patients at a Model 2 hospital in Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 185 (1), 267 - 268.

Janssens, L., McConnell, A. K. , Pijnenburg, M., Claeys, K., Goossens, N., Lysens, R., Troosters, T. and Brumagne, S., 2015. Inspiratory muscle training affects proprioceptive use and low back pain. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47 (1), 12 - 19 .

Arnold, R., van Teijlingen, E., Ryan, K. and Holloway, I., 2015. Understanding Afghan healthcare providers: a qualitative study of the culture of care in a Kabul maternity hospital. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 122 (2), 260-267.

Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2015. Using the Internet as a source of information and support: a discussion paper on the risks and benefits for children and young people with long-term conditions. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 22 (1), 222 - 226.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Parker, J., 2015. Being male in female spaces: Perceptions of male students on masculinity on a qualifying course. Revista de Asistenţă Socială, XIII (4), 7 - 26 .

May, C. R., Masters, J., Welch, L., Hunt, K., Pope, C., Myall, M., Griffiths, P., Roderick, P., Glanville, J. and Richardson, A., 2015. Experts 1 - Experiences of long-term life-limiting conditions among patients and carers: Protocol for a qualitative meta-synthesis and conceptual modelling study. BMJ Open, 5 (4), e007372.

Thomas, S., Kersten, P., Thomas, P., Slingsby, V., Nock, A., Jones, R., Smith, A.D., Galvin, K. T., Baker, R. and Hillier, C., 2015. Exploring strategies used following a group-based fatigue management programme for people with multiple sclerosis (FACETS) via the Fatigue Management Strategies Questionnaire (FMSQ). BMJ Open, 5 (10), e008274.

Ellis-Hill, C., Gracey, F., Thomas, S., Lamont-Robinson, C., Thomas, P., Marques, E. M., Grant, M., Nunn, S., Cant, R. P., Galvin, K. T., Reynolds, F. and Jenkinson, D. F., 2015. 'HeART of Stroke (HoS)', a community-based Arts for Health group intervention to support self-confidence and psychological well-being following a stroke: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study. BMJ Open, 5 (8), e008888 .

Hean, S., Staddon, S., Clapper, A., Fenge, L.-A., Heaslip, V. and Jack, E., 2015. Improving collaborative practice to address offender mental health: criminal justice and mental health service professionals’ attitudes towards interagency training, current training needs and constraints,. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 5 (1).

Andrews, L. M., Allen , H., Sheppard, Z., Baylis, G. and Wainwright, T., 2015. More than just ticking a patient and public involvement improved the research design and funding application for a project to evaluate a cycling intervention for hip osteoarthritis. Research Involvement and Engagement, 1 (13).

Hemingway, A., Norton, E. A. and Aarts, C., 2015. Principles of Lifeworld Led Public Health Practice in the UK and Sweden: Reducing Health Inequalities. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015, 124591 - .

Bate, S., Bennetts, R., Mole, J.A., Ainge, J.A., Gregory, N. J., Bobak, A. K. and Bussunt, A., 2015. Rehabilitation of face-processing skills in an adolescent with prosopagnosia: Evaluation of an online perceptual training programme. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 25 (5), 733-762.

Emelonye, A. U., Pitkäaho, T. and Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., 2015. Spousal Presence as a Nonpharmacological Pain Management during Childbirth: A Pilot Study. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015, 932763.

Grylka-Baeschlin, S., van Teijlingen, E., Stoll, K. and Gross, M.M., 2015. Translation and validation of the German version of the Mother-Generated Index and its application during the postnatal period. Midwifery, 31, 47-53.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Parker, J., Azman, A. and Masu'd, F., 2015. Typologies of learning in international placements. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 25 (1), 42-53.

Hean, S., Willumsen, E., Ødegård, A. and Bjørkly, S., 2015. Using social innovation as a theoretical framework to guide future thinking on facilitating collaboration between mental health and criminal justice services. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 14 (4), 280-289.

Hall, J., Mansfield, L., Kay, T. and McConnell, A. K. , 2015. The effect of a sit-stand workstation intervention on daily sitting, standing and physical activity: protocol for a 12 month workplace randomised control trial. BMC Public Health, 15, 152 .

Hutchings, M. and Quinney, A., 2015. The flipped classroom, disruptive pedagogies, enabling technologies and wicked problems: responding to 'the bomb in the basement'. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 13 (2), 106 - 119 .

Book Section

Hean, S., 2015. Moving from atheoretical to theoretical approaches to interprofessional client-centred collaborative practice. In: Orchard, C., Herbert, C. and Bainbridge, L., eds. Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice – What does it look like? How can it be achieved? Vancouver: CIHC.

Hean, S., Walsh, E. and Hammick, M., 2015. Training to improve collaborative practice: a key component of strategy to reduce mental ill health in the offender population. In: Winstone, J., ed. Mental Health, Crime and Criminal Justice: responses and reforms. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 242-265.

Benoit, C., Declercq, E., Murray, S.F., Sandall, J., van Teijlingen, E. and Wrede, S., 2015. Maternity Care as a Global Health Policy Issue. In: Kuhlmann, E., Blank, R., Bourgeault, I. and Wendt, C., eds. The Palgrave International Handbook of Healthcare Policy and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, 85 - 100.

Neveling, P., 2015. Export processing zones, special economic zones and the long March of capitalist development policies during the Cold War. In: James, L. and Leake, E., eds. Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 63-84.

Neveling, P., 2015. Flexible capitalism and transactional orders in colonial and postcolonial mauritiusflexible capitalism and transactional orders in Mauritius: A post-occidentalist view. In: Kjaerulff, J., ed. Flexible Capitalism: Exchange and Ambiguity at Work. Oxford, UK: Berghahn, 207 - 234.

Acharya, D.R., Regmi, P., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. Modernization and Changes in Attitudes towards Sex and Relationships in Young People. In: Wasti, S. P., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., eds. The Dynamics of Health in Nepal. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha, 63 - 94.

Neveling, P., 2015. Export processing zones and global class formation. In: Carrier, J.G. and Kalb, D., eds. Anthropologies of Class: Power, Practice, and Inequality. Cambridge University Press, 164 - 182.

Hean, S., 2015. Collaboration, Coproduction and Social Innovation. In: Willumsen, E., Ødegård, A. and Sirnes, T., eds. Innovation in the Public Sector. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Neveling, P., 2015. Free Trade Zones, Export Processing Zones, Special Economic Zones and Global Imperial Formations 200 BCE to 2015 CE. In: Ness, I. and Cope, Z., eds. The Palgrave encyclopedia of imperialism and anti-imperialism. Palgrave Macmillan, 1007-1016.

Everton, C., Bird, S., Brito, W., Collé, P., Franco, A. P., Lutjeber, S., Nodeland, K., Rième, S., Siddika, M., Webb, J. and Angmorterh, S., 2015. The effects of clinical support surfaces on pressure as a risk factor in the development of pressure ulcers, from a radiographical perspective: a narrative literature review. In: Hogg, P. and Lança, L., eds. Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimisation in Medical Imaging OPTIMAX 2014, Lisbon. Lifelong Learning Programme, 69-74.

Everton, C., Bird, S., Brito, W., Collé, P., Franco, A. P., Lutjeber, S., Nodeland, K., Rième, S., Siddika, M., Webb, J. and Angmorterh, S., 2015. An experimental study to compare the interface pressure and experience of healthy participants when lying still for 20 minutes in a supine position on two different imaging surfaces. In: Hogg, P. and Lança, L., eds. Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimisation in Medical Imaging OPTIMAX 2014, Lisbon. Lifelong Learning Programme, 75-80.


Simkhada, B., Sah, R.K., Mercel-Sanca, A., van Teijlingen, E., Devkota, B. and Bhurtyal, Y.M., 2015. Health and Wellbeing of the Nepalese population: Access and experiences of health and social care services in the UK. Project Report. Poole, England: UKNFS with Bournemouth University.

Scammell, J., Tait, D., Spriggs, A., Hind, M., Belchamber, C.A. and van Teijlingen, E., 2015. Dorset Adult Integrated Care Service (DAIRS): Service Evalaution. Project Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Fenge, L.-A., Barrett, G, Wincewicz, S. and Brown, K., 2015. Making Safeguarding Personal Evaluation: London Borough of Enfield. Project Report. Bournemouth: The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work.

Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Brown, K., Wincewicz, S and Barrett, G, 2015. Empowering Leaders: Empowering Teams - Leadership Development Pathway Evaluation. Project Report. Bournemouth, UK: The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Shiel, C. and Alus, Y., 2015. 'Loaded dice'? Barriers to Women's Progression. Project Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Fenge, L.-A., Rosenorn-Lanng, E., Brown, K. and Wincewicz, S., 2015. Perceptions of the Health and Social Care Sector. Project Report. Bournemouth: The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work.

Lim, H., Farmer, H., Alus, Y., Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Willetts, C., Parker, J., Crump, E. and Pillarisetti, B., 2015. Swimming Upstream: Identifying student anxieties and solutions. Project Report. Poole, England: Centre for Social Work, Sociology & Social Policy, Bournemouth University.

Conference or Workshop Item

Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2015. Understanding the strategies required to meet hydration needs of people living with dementia. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2015, 18 - 23 July 2015, Washington DC, P3-280.

Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2015. The Use of Wearable Technology to Measure Energy Expenditure, Physical Activity and Sleep Patterns in Dementia. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2015, 18 - 23 July 2015, Washington DC, O2-07-03.

Ahmed, O. and Bond, C. S., 2015. "Where does my health information come from?": Information sharing in peer-to-peer health communities.Abstract. In: Medicine X, 25--27 January 2016, Stanford University, CA.

Stadtmann, M., Mikic, I., Leuter, U. and Wolfensberger, P., 2015. Pflegerische Fallführung in der ambulanten psychiatrischen Versorgung – ein Zukunftsmodell? Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Praxis und Forschung im Diskurs/Nurse lead case management in ambulant mental health care - a model of the future? Experiences and findings of research and practice on discourse. In: 12. Dreiländerkongress Pflege in der Psychiatrie, 24--25 September 2015, Wien, Austria, 220 - 224.

Heaslip, V., Spriggs, A., Mills, A., Warren, A. and Haynes, J., 2015. Service User/Carers contribution to Value Based Recruitment in a Pre-registration Adult Nursing Programme. In: NET; networking for education in healthcare, 8--10 September 2015, Churchill College, Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Norton, E. A., 2015. The Role of Occupational Science in Public health and Wellbeing Practice. In: 3rd International Occupational Science Europe Conference - Health and Wellbeing Through Occupation, 3--4 September 2015, Bournemouth University, Poole, England. (Unpublished)

Wolfensberger, P. and Minder, J., 2015. Betagte Psychosepatienten in Alters- und Pflegeheimen / Elderly Psychosis Patients in Elderly- and Nursing Homes. In: Integrierte Psychiatrie im Diskurs, 19 March 2015, Winterthur, Switzerland, 14.

Thomas, S., Fazakarley, L., Thomas, P., Collyer, S., Brenton, S., Perring, S., Scott, R., Galvin, K.T., Hickson, J., Jones, K. and Hillier, C., 2015. Mii-vitaliSe - Development of a physiotherapist-supported Nintendo Wii (TM) intervention to encourage people with multiple sclerosis to become more active in the home. In: Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, 7-10 October 2015, Barcelona, 775.

Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. A Comparative Study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool Aged Children of Nepal. In: “The Micronutrient Forum Global Conference – Bridging Discovery and Delivery, 2--6 June 2014, Addis Ababa, 389 - 389.

Heaslip, V., 2015. The ETEMIC perspective: a new way of understanding vulnerability of a Gypsy/Travelling community. In: 26th International Nursing Research Congress, 23--27 July 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Unpublished)

Parker, J. and Farmer, H., 2015. Using narrative fiction as a means of assessing and learning in a history of social welfare module. In: Social Policy in the Spotlight: Change, continuity and challenge, Social Policy Association Conference, 6--8 July 2015, Belfast, 112 - 113 .

van Teijlingen, E., Bogren, M.U. and Berg, M., 2015. Midwifery education still lacking in Nepal. In: Innovation in Midwifery Education ... What Works?, 3 July 2015, Bournemouth, England. (Unpublished)

Rogers, C., 2015. Radiological perspective of the formation of pressure ulcers - a comparison of pressure and experience on two imaging surfaces. In: UKRC, 29 June to 1 July 2015, Liverpool.

Parker, J., 2015. Smart housing and the question of care/risk management versus respect: towards information and advice and acts of kindness. In: SHUR (Smart Homes & Urban Renewal) special interest conference, 24--26 June 2015, Malaga, Spain.

Baron, S., Addis, A and Warren, A, 2015. Placing the person at the centre of care: learning from simulation. In: Humanisation SIG Conference, 23 June 2015, Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Parker, J., Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Reeks, E., Marsh, D. and Vasif, C., 2015. ‘River! that in silence windest’ The place of religion and spirituality in social work assessment: sociological reflections and practical implications. In: 17th SocNet 98 International University Week: Methods and Methodology of Social Work – Reflecting Professional Interventions,, 20--24 April 2015, Bremen, Germany.

Hemingway, A., 2015. Improving workplace foodscapes: ideas for managing hunger and satiety. In: International food research seminar, 15 - 16 April 2015, Institute Paul Bocus, Lyon, France. (Unpublished)

Glasgow, G. and Ford, N., 2015. A celebration of PAL: nutrition students benefit from the continuation of a peer assisted learning scheme as it rolls out for year two. In: ALDinHE 2015: The Learning Development Conference, 30--01 April 2015, Southampton Solent University, England. (Unpublished)

Everton, C., Bird, S., Brito, W., Collé, P., Franco, P. A., Lutjeber, S., Nodeland, K., Rième, S., Angmorterh, S., Siddika, M., England, A., Szczepura, K. and Hogg, P., 2015. Radiological perspective of the formation of pressure ulcers – A comparison of pressure and experience on two imaging surfaces. In: European Congress of Radiology, 4-8 March, Vienna.

Parker, J., 2015. Civil society/ ‘Big Society’ and the implications for social work education In England: A Caveat Emptor for other nations. In: International Social Issues Conference, 25 February 2015, Leuven, Belgium.

Ashrafi Dost, S., 2015. Integration of health related activities in community based learning centres (CBLC). In: 7th Annual Postgraduate Conference 2015, Bournemouth University, 20 - 21 January 2015, Bournemouth, UK. (Unpublished)

Evangelinos, G. and Holley, D., 2015. Embedding Digital Competences in the Curriculum: A Case Study on Student-Experience of an Online Technology-enhanced, Activity-based Learning Design. In: EDEN 2015: European Distance and E-Learning Network Annual Conference, 9-12 June 2015, Barcelona.

Baron, S., 2015. Learning the significance of patient-centred care through the active involvement of service users in nurse education. In: 2nd international conference organised by Interprofessional Continuing Education: Where’s the patient’s voice in health professional education 10 years on?, 12-14 November 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Murphy, J. and Holmes, J., 2015. Measurements of energy intake and expenditure in people with dementia living in care homes: the use of wearable technology. In: International Academy of Nutrition and Aging 2015, 18 - 19 June 2015, Barcelona.

Baron, S., 2015. The Patient Journey: A collaborative, structured and people-centred approach to improving health services, experiences and care. In: Service Excellence Conference Bournemouth University - Making a Difference together, 22 April 2015, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Hean, S., Willumsen, E., Ødegård, A. and Ahgren, B., 2015. Weaving together different disciplinary perspectives in an exploration of integration between mental health and criminal justice systems in Norway. In: 15th International Conference for Integrated Care, 25-27 March 2015, Edinburgh, UK.


Roddis, J. K., 2015. Living with a long-term condition: a grounded theory. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..

Heaslip, V., 2015. Experience of vulnerability from a gypsy/travelling perspective: a phenomemological study. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Jones, K., 2015. “Serendipity and conference attendance”. Creative Quarter.

Haydock, W., 2015. Before we start to think about ‘what works’, even on alcohol policy we need to know what we’re trying to do. LSE British Politics and Policy Bog.

Regmi, P. and Aryal, N., 2015. Public health impact of earthquakes. Setopati Online.

Jones, K., 2015. “Apparently, he comes with a rider these days”. The Sociological Imagination.

Jones, K., 2015. “Ten 'rules' for being creative in producing research”. Creative Quarter.

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