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Caring for the understanding and use of qualitative research findings.

Keen, S., Horberg, U. and Ozolins, L.-L., 2007. Caring for the understanding and use of qualitative research findings. In: IHSRC 2007: International Human Science Research Conference: New frontiers of phenomenology. Beyond postmodernism in empirical research, 13-16 June 2007, Rovereto, Italy.

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Allow me to try and put this presentation on caring for the understanding and use of qualitative research findings in context. Year on year, the rising popularity of qualitative research is demonstrated by the numbers of articles and books devoted to its findings. Some call it a ‘growth industry’, the very success of which is believed to have brought about an imperative to make better use of it all (Sandelowski 2004 p1368). It is said that qualitative researchers are responsible for how their work is read, understood and acted upon; qualitative research aims to close the gap between understanding and use (Sandelowski 2004).

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:11641
Deposited By: Dr Steven Keen
Deposited On:29 Sep 2009 19:42
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:25


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