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What else is new in Cancer care? Breathlessness in lung cancer patients. Telephone interview included in article by Jane Hobden in Frontline 3rd August 2005.

Hobden, J. and Belchamber, C.A., 2005. What else is new in Cancer care? Breathlessness in lung cancer patients. Telephone interview included in article by Jane Hobden in Frontline 3rd August 2005. Physiotherapy Frontline, 11 (15), 20-21.

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Telephone interview with Caroline Belchamber, a Senior 1 Physiotherapist at Poole Hospital

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Jane Hobden contacted me from Frontline in June 2005. Frontline is The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy journal. Jane had been given my name as a contact to find out the latest developments in physiotherapy practice relating to breathlessness; the impact of the NICE guidelines; any new / emerging developments; signposts to key sources of information on practice for physiotherapists reading the article (general as well as specialists) and any active research (including unpublished) as she was writing a peice about what is new / emerging in physiotherapy practice in Oncology. Jane requested that I identify two topic areas that would be of interest to both general physiotherapists as well as those working in the field of Oncology. The aim of the article was to flag up the issues, provide signposts to further information and curent research activity. The resulting article forms part of a telephone interview that I had with Jane regarding lung cancer.
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:12222
Deposited By: Mrs Caroline Belchamber LEFT
Deposited On:13 Nov 2009 09:25
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:26


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