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Website development for Physiotherapy Cancer Care: A unique physiotherapy service for people living with cancer [Academic poster].

Belchamber, C.A., 2011. Website development for Physiotherapy Cancer Care: A unique physiotherapy service for people living with cancer [Academic poster]. In: 3rd Annual Postgraduate Research Conference Bournemouth University, 12 January 2011, Bournemouth University, England. (Unpublished)

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Practice development (PD) is core to the Doctorate of professional Practice (DProf). The aim of the PD element of ‘Are physiotherapists meeting National Palliative care standards? A case study approach’ is recommendations for improvement in practice within the NHS, as well as the development of a unique private physiotherapy practice for people living with cancer. The latter will run concurrently with the research. The PD objective is the development of the private practice through a website, with the research findings playing an important role in shaping and directing the private practice. Following a business model, considerations were made to the marketing and set up of this unique physiotherapy service. A website to promote the private practice was designed and developed allowing it to evolve over time (

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Additional Information:This practice development is part of a Doctorate of Professional Practice (DProf), which has been funded by the Association of Chartered Society of Physiotherapists in Oncology and Palliative care (ACPOPC) research grant and The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) Charitable Trust Fund. This research study is sponsored by Bournemouth University. The Bournemouth University School Postgraduate Committee and Bournemouth University Research Governance and Ethics have reviewed the study and this study was given a favourable ethical opinion for conduct by the Berkshire Research Ethics Committee.
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cancer, physiotherapy, website, private practice, practice development
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:17131
Deposited By: Mrs Caroline Belchamber LEFT
Deposited On:15 Jan 2011 19:39
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:37


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