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Gestural control of sonic swarms: Composing with grouped sound objects.

Davis, T. and Karamanlis, O., 2007. Gestural control of sonic swarms: Composing with grouped sound objects. In: 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 11-13 Jul 2007, Lefkada, Greece.

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[thumbnail of Gestrual_Controll_of_Sonic_Swarms.pdf]
Gestrual_Controll_of_Sonic_Swarms.pdf - Accepted Version


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This paper outlines an alternative controller designed to diffuse and manipulate a swarm of sounds in 3- dimensional space and discusses the compositional issues that emerge from its use. The system uses an algorithm from a nature-derived model describing the spatial behavior of a swarm. The movement of the swarm is mapped in the 3- dimensional space and a series of sound transformation functions for the sonic agents are implemented. The notion of causal relationships is explored regarding the spatial movement of the swarm and sound transformation of the agents by employing the physical controller as a performance, compositional and diffusion tool.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:17164
Deposited By: Dr Thomas Davis
Deposited On:24 Jan 2011 15:47
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:37


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