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Evaluating Collaborative Strategy for Local Partnerships in Urban Regeneration in England.

Apostolakis, C., 2003. Evaluating Collaborative Strategy for Local Partnerships in Urban Regeneration in England. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM2003), Sept 2003, Harrogate . (Unpublished)

Full text available as:

C.Apostolakis-BAM_Conference-_Harrogate_2003.pdf - Presentation



The main argument in this paper is that collaboration as a means of involving different agencies into a common purpose can be the main ‘ingredient’ for the formation of a framework of a strategy, the so-called ‘collaborative strategy’. The utility of such a framework is given through the action of Citywide and Local Strategic Partnerships, which are the recent formations of partnership arrangements within the local government context. In particular, the applicability of the framework is examined in the context of urban regeneration based on policy initiatives that have been introduced over the last years. The paper also introduces a type of evaluation of collaborative strategy that is based upon specific aspects of partnership action. Despite its lack of empirical evidence it could be argued that the paper sets the scene for a framework that would be the base for partnership functioning. In this respect the testing of its applicability becomes apparent either in relation to potential fruitful policy outcomes or from the point of view that recognises significant dysfunctional elements at the operational and implementation level.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:18981
Deposited By: Dr Christos Apostolakis
Deposited On:09 Dec 2011 14:56
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:41


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