Moital, M., Dias, N. R. and Machado, D. F. C., 2013. A Cross National Study of Golf Tourists’ Satisfaction. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2 (1), 39-45.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2013.02.003
The purpose of this study was two-fold: firstly, it was to examine the determinants satisfaction levels of golf tourists and secondly to investigate if these vary across golf tourists’ country of residence. Using data collected through a survey of golf tourists visiting Lisbon (Portugal), attributes directly related to playing golf as well as more generic destination attributes were examined as potential determinants of golf tourists’ satisfaction. The data was analysed in two stages by the means of logistic regression. In stage one, the analysis was based on a representative sample of golf tourists to the region. In the second stage, two separate analyses were undertaken, one examining the satisfaction of Nordic golf tourists and another of British golf tourists (the two main markets for Lisbon). The results indicate that the satisfaction level of golf tourists is influenced by several factors, including those related to perceived quality and value. In addition, the results suggest that satisfaction is influenced by cross-cultural differences. While some determinants were important influences for both the British and the Nordic golfers, other determinants were specific to each country of origin. lytoinvestigateifthesevaryacrossgolftourists’countryofresidence.Using data collectedthroughasurveyofgolftouristsvisitingLisbon(Portugal),attributesdirectlyrelatedto playinggolfaswellasmoregenericdestinationattributeswereexaminedaspotentialdeterminantsof golf tourists’satisfaction.Thedatawasanalysedintwostagesbythemeansoflogisticregression.In stage one,theanalysiswasbasedonarepresentativesampleofgolftouriststotheregion.Inthesecond stage, twoseparateanalyseswereundertaken,oneexaminingthesatisfactionofNordicgolftourists and anotherofBritishgolftourists(thetwomainmarketsforLisbon).Theresultsindicatethatthe satisfactionlevelofgolftouristsisinfluencedbyseveralfactors,includingthoserelatedtoperceived qualityandvalue.Inaddition,theresultssuggestthatsatisfactionisinfluencedbycross-cultural differences.WhilesomedeterminantswereimportantinfluencesforboththeBritishandtheNordic golfers,otherdeterminantswerespecifictoeachcountryoforigin.
Item Type: | Article |
ISSN: | 2212-571X |
Group: | Bournemouth University Business School |
ID Code: | 21168 |
Deposited By: | Symplectic RT2 |
Deposited On: | 02 May 2014 15:10 |
Last Modified: | 14 Mar 2022 13:48 |
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