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Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses after exercise-induced muscle damage: the influence of lowered glycogen.

Gavin, J., Myers, S.D. and Willems, M.E.T., 2018. Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses after exercise-induced muscle damage: the influence of lowered glycogen. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 56 (3), 332-340.

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DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06644-5


BACKGROUND: We examined the effect of early-onset of muscle damage and low muscle glycogen on cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses to low-intensity exercise. METHODS: Twelve men cycled for 10 min at 50% maximal oxygen uptake before, and 12 h after a morning downhill run (five, 8 min bouts at -12% gradient, with 2 min rests) under normal (NORM) and lowered glycogen (LOW) conditions, following a cross-over design with conditions separated by six weeks. Cardiorespiratory responses were recorded, with oxidation measures derived from stoichiometry equations. RESULTS: Muscle damage symptoms post-downhill (0 h) were similar between conditions. Carbon dioxide ventilatory equivalent increased 12 h post-downhill for LOW (P<0.05), but not NORM (P=0.7). A trend towards decreased respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was shown 12 h post-downhill for LOW (1.00±0.07 to 0.89±0.12, P=0.06), but not NORM (0.94±0.11 to 0.94±0.08; P=0.6). Twelve hours after LOW downhill running fat oxidation increased (0.21±0.18 g·min-1 to 0.36±0.27 g·min-1; P<0.05) and carbohydrate oxidation decreased (2.68±0.52 g·min-1 to 1.98±0.75 g·min-1; P<0.05); NORM oxidation rates were unchanged (fat: 0.26±0.18 g·min-1 to 0.33±0.18 g·min-1; P=0.5; carbohydrate: 2.51±0.49 g·min-1 to 2.29±0.47 g·min-1; P=0.3). CONCLUSION: Cycling at low-intensity 12 h post-downhill running with lowered muscle glycogen increased fat oxidation, decreased carbohydrate oxidation and elevated carbon dioxide ventilation. Damaging exercise with reduced glycogen availability increases fat utilization during subsequent low-intensity exercise as little as 12 h later.

Item Type:Article
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:24903
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:28 Nov 2016 14:58
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:59


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