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3D sunken relief generation from a single image by feature line enhancement.

Wang, M., Yang, L., Li, T., Guo, S., Jiang, J., Zhang, H. and Chang, J., 2019. 3D sunken relief generation from a single image by feature line enhancement. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 (4), 4989-5002.

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DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-5826-7


Sunken relief is an art form whereby the depicted shapes are sunk into a given flat plane with a shallow overall depth. In this paper, we propose an efficient sunken relief generation algorithm based on a single image by the technique of feature line enhancement. Our method starts from a single image. First, we smoothen the image with morphological operations such as opening and closing operations and extract the feature lines by comparing the values of adjacent pixels. Then we apply unsharp masking to sharpen the feature lines. After that, we enhance and smoothen the local information to obtain an image with less burrs and jaggies. Differential operations are applied to produce the perceptive relief-like images. Finally, we construct the sunken relief surface by triangularization which transforms two-dimensional information into a three-dimensional model. The experimental results demonstrate that our method is simple and efficient.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sunken relief; Unsharp Masking (USM); Triangularization
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:30548
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:09 Apr 2018 10:02
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:10


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