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An Evaluation Model For Web-based 3D Mass Customization Toolkit Design.

Zhao, H., McLoughlin, L., Adzhiev, V. and Pasko, A., 2018. An Evaluation Model For Web-based 3D Mass Customization Toolkit Design. In: 2017 World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference, 20-21 November 2017, Aachen, Germany.

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Zhao2018_Chapter_AnEvaluationModelForWeb-based3.pdf - Published Version
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The development of geometric modelling technologies and web technologies provides the ability to present a virtual 3D product in a mass customization (MC) toolkit. Compared with 2D graphic toolkits, 3D toolkit design requires better consideration of individual customer needs, consumer and toolkit interaction, and also a means of integrating with the underlying technical infrastructure. However, there is currently no widely accepted model or criteria to regulate and evaluate 3D MC toolkit design. Given these considerations, in this paper we provide an evaluation model for web-based 3D toolkits and a heuristic evaluation of two representative commercial web-based 3D toolkits. The evaluation results indicate the usefulness and effectiveness of the model as a scale for evaluating 3D toolkits. It also reveals that despite a fair amount of effort that has been devoted to theoretical research, current 3D toolkits are still at an early development stage. We therefore conclude this paper by identifying and encouraging further topics and questions as directions for future research.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mass customization toolkit; 3D toolkit design; Evaluation model; Interaction design; 3D modelling; Heuristic evaluation
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:31335
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:08 Oct 2018 15:42
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:13


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