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Population-based Study of Septicaemia and Intestinal Infection Disease Deaths in America and Twenty Developed Countries 2013-15: Indicative of Poor Food production and Handling?

Pritchard, C., Kleidpoedszuz, S. and Hansen, L., 2021. Population-based Study of Septicaemia and Intestinal Infection Disease Deaths in America and Twenty Developed Countries 2013-15: Indicative of Poor Food production and Handling? Journal of Medical Discovery, 6 (1), 1 - 12.

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DOI: 10.24262/jmd.6.1.20058


Introduction: American research produced evidence that USA food production and handling, and, the misuse of anti-biotics is linked to increased cases of septicaemia and food-poisoning. This led to this comparison of the extremes of this problem examining current Intestinal Infection Disease Deaths (IIDD) and Septicaemia mortality rates in the USA compared to the twenty Major Developed Countries (MDC) 2013-2015. Methods & Material: WHO mortality data analysed for Septicaemia and IIDD mortality Age-Standardised-Deaths -Rates (ASDR) controlling for age, gender and population. In addition, Adult (55-74) and Infant (>1) death rates per million (pm) compares MDC and USA latest mortality. Odds Ratios calculated between MDC to USA to determine any substantial difference taken as >1:1.50. Results: USA had highest Combined IDD and Sepsis. Septicaemia – USA 211pm was highest Adult rate, MDC averaged 67pm, (minus USA) yielding an MDC: USA ratio of 1:3.15, America is substantially higher than 19 MDC. USA 43pm second highest Infant, MDC averaging 17pm, a MDC: USA ratio of 1:2.53. USA is substantially higher than 17 MDC. Intestinal Disease Deaths- USA Adult joint highest at 38pm, MDC averaged 10pm, an MDC: USA ratio 1:3.80, America double 18 MDC rates. USA 59pm highest Infant, MDC averaging 6pm, a MDC: USA ratio 1:9.83, USA double all the MDC. Conclusions: Had USA matched MDC averages there would have been 14,448 fewer American deaths. Both USA sepsis and IIDD adult and infant rates double most MDCC suggesting worse anti-biotic misuse and poor food production, perhaps indicating the WHO warning about possible future epidemic?

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:sepsis ; intestinal ; mortality ; international ; USA ; Comparison
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:35452
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:30 Apr 2021 15:16
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:27


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