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Law, innovation and technology: fast forward to 2021.

Brownsword, R. and Somsen, H., 2021. Law, innovation and technology: fast forward to 2021. Law, Innovation and Technology, 13 (1), 1 - 28.

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DOI: 10.1080/17579961.2021.1898298


This article, introducing a new extended form of the journal, offers some reflections on the changing context in which we now research law, innovation, and technology. Three major changes are highlighted: the evolving landscape of Law 3.0, potentially de-centring both rules and humans from the legal enterprise; the new ‘normal’ of life with pandemics, underlining the vulnerability of humans; and, threading through all of this, the Anthropocene, destabilising a host of baseline distinctions, and a constant warning about the fragility of the global commons and the human condition. In this changing context, the question is whether technology can provide the solutions to our global challenges without involving an irreversible erosion of human agency. With this, we open the floor to our contributors.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Law 3.0, pandemics, the new normal, the Anthropocene, technological solutions, disruption
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:35509
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:17 May 2021 15:23
Last Modified:30 Sep 2022 01:08


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