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Pandemic News Experience: COVID-19, News Consumption, Mental Health, and the Demand for Positive News.

Nguyen, A., Smith, A., Jackson, D. and Zhao, X., 2021. Pandemic News Experience: COVID-19, News Consumption, Mental Health, and the Demand for Positive News. Project Report. Bournemouth University, in collaboration with Newsquest Media Company, the Solutions Journalism Network, and the Association of British Science Writers.

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DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3832669


COJO for COVID Recovery is a UKRI/AHRC-funded rapid COVID-19 response research project that addresses the role that constructive journalism (COJO), particularly solution-focused journalism, can play in the pandemic recovery. The research set out in this report details the findings of the project’s initial in-depth interviews and survey with UK news audiences. Four key sets of findings regarding COVID-19 news consumption and experience emerge from this analysis. 1. The high interest in COVID-19 news was associated with the need to monitor and navigate the uncertain evolution of the pandemic as it affected audiences. 2. There was a clear fluctuation that followed “an inverse Bell curve” (up-down-up) pattern of COVID-19 news consumption which was in parallel with the severity of the pandemic and its associated lockdown restrictions. 3. Many of our participants reported switching off from the news or avoiding it for reasons linked to mental and emotional health, including negativity, repetitive reporting and information overload. 4. Participants demanded the media provide more positive news that helps to lift the mood of the public and/or offers ways out of the pandemic.

Item Type:Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information:This report is the first pre-print from the UKRI/AHRC-funded Covid-19 Rapid Response research project, COJO for COVID Recovery: Solutions-focused Constructive Journalism as a Pandemic Exit Strategy for the UK’s Local/Regional Communities. The project is led by Bournemouth University, in collaboration with Newsquest Media Company, the Solutions Journalism Network, and the Association of British Science Writers. The authors would like to thank Khanh Hoang for the excellent assistance with data visualisation and the report design and to Searchmore Muridzo and Tabitha Alice Baker for conducting some of the in-depth interviews and transcribing the audio material. For further information, please visit:
Uncontrolled Keywords:journalism, constructive journalism, solutions journalism, COVID-19
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:35631
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:14 Jun 2021 10:35
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:28


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