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Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: why families need to open up when the nation locks down.

Oliver, L., 2021. Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: why families need to open up when the nation locks down. The Sociological Observer (3), 61 - 67.

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This article will critically reflect upon how the situation in which children are aggressive, violent and/or controlling towards their parent/s, known as child-to-parent violence and abuse (CPVA), may have been exasperated during the Covid-19 pandemic. The particular focus is upon CPVA and familial problematic communications.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Issue 3. Remaking Social Futures through Biographic, Narrative and Lifecourse Approaches: Story-Making and Story-Telling in Pandemic Times
Uncontrolled Keywords:child-to-parent violence and abuse ; Parent abuse ; Covid Pandemic ; adolescent violence
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:35978
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:07 Sep 2021 13:26
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:29


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