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Transforming the English coaching landscape: Black women football coaches’ acts of resistance against racism and sexism.

Clarkson, B., Parry, K. D., Kavanagh, E. J., Sawiuk, R. and Grubb, L., 2022. Transforming the English coaching landscape: Black women football coaches’ acts of resistance against racism and sexism. Managing Sport and Leisure. (In Press)

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DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2022.2148720


Research question: We seek to understand how Black women coaches negotiate and resist problematic, confined social structures caused by Association football’s embedded masculinised and racist culture. Through an intersectional lens, we ask what can we learn from Black women coaches’ lived experiences and acts of resistance, what motivates acts, and what personal effects do coaches experience following individual resistance acts? Methodology: Nine coaches were interviewed. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Black women coaches negotiate dominant football culture by engaging in (1) transformative resistance to challenge institutional practices and afford opportunities, and (2) conformist resistance to amplify issues, resist microaggressions, and downplay their ethnic identity. Coaches’ acts of resistance were motivated by a need for safety, to promote women’s and ethnic minorities’ interests, to challenge white privilege, and to (re)educate. These acts led to increased or diminished empowerment depending on their reception. Coaches reported positive organisational changes but also relationship conflict (e.g., were perceived as difficult). Practical implications: Compelling personal stories provide football associations with actionable areas to ensure football is more equitable and inclusive. Research Contribution: We provide the first working model of coaches' individual acts of resistance through sharing new insights into how gender and race intersect to restrain Black women coaches’ football participation.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Women coaches; Football; Black coaches; Racism; Acts of resistance
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:37809
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:15 Nov 2022 14:00
Last Modified:14 Jun 2024 01:08


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