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A new Asian version of the CFMT: The Cambridge Face Memory Test – Chinese Malaysian (CFMT-MY).

Kho, S.K., Leong, B.Q.Z., Keeble, D.R.T., Wong, H.K. and Estudillo, A.J., 2023. A new Asian version of the CFMT: The Cambridge Face Memory Test – Chinese Malaysian (CFMT-MY). Behavior Research Methods (Mar).

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DOI: 10.3758/s13428-023-02085-6


The Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) is one of the most important measures of individual differences in face recognition and for the diagnosis of prosopagnosia. Having two different CFMT versions using a different set of faces seems to improve the reliability of the evaluation. However, at the present time, there is only one Asian version of the test. In this study, we present the Cambridge Face Memory Test – Chinese Malaysian (CFMT-MY), a novel Asian CFMT using Chinese Malaysian faces. In Experiment 1, Chinese Malaysian participants (N = 134) completed two versions of the Asian CFMT and one object recognition test. The CFMT-MY showed a normal distribution, high internal reliability, high consistency and presented convergent and divergent validity. Additionally, in contrast to the original Asian CFMT, the CFMT-MY showed an increasing level of difficulties across stages. In Experiment 2, Caucasian participants (N = 135) completed the two versions of the Asian CFMT and the original Caucasian CFMT. Results showed that the CFMT-MY exhibited the other-race effect. Overall, the CFMT-MY seems to be suitable for the diagnosis of face recognition difficulties and could be used as a measure of face recognition ability by researchers who wish to examine face-related research questions such as individual differences or the other-race effect.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cambridge Face Memory Test; Asian; other-ethnicity effect; face memory; face recognition; prosopagnosia; neuropsychological test
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:38527
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:04 May 2023 14:28
Last Modified:27 Mar 2024 01:08


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