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Leadership and resilience in adversity: The impact of COVID-19 on radiography researchers and ways forward.

Stogiannos, N., Skelton, E., Rogers, C., Sharma, M., Papathanasiou, S., van de Venter, R., Nugent, B., Francis, J. M., Walton, L., O Sullivan, C., Abdurakman, E., Mannion, L., Thorne, R. and Malamateniou, C., 2022. Leadership and resilience in adversity: The impact of COVID-19 on radiography researchers and ways forward. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 53 (4), s47-s52.

Full text available as:

Leadership and resilience in adversity- The impact of COVID-19 on radiography researchers and ways forward.pdf - Accepted Version
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DOI: 10.1016/j.jmir.2022.09.011


The recent coronavirus pandemic has greatly impacted research and academia in various ways. While it introduced new challenges and adversity, it has also presented some opportunities. Long-term physical and mental health issues, the need for research design/methodology adaptation and the isolation from the research community, have all been important barriers to radiography researchers worldwide. This work summarizes the main challenges associated with conducting research during the pandemic, as well as opportunities through adaptations of research workflows and routines. We also suggest ways forward to sustain research capacity, while ensuring integrity and quality. The personal reflections and lived experiences of our diverse group of radiography researchers were captured in a summative table. Our comments aligned with similar experiences expressed within the wider literature. Effective leadership and the ability to demonstrate resilience in such challenging situations are highlighted as ways to overcome such crises. Some practical solutions are also provided, which can be adopted not only by radiography researchers, but also by the wider research community in healthcare and beyond.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Radiography; Research; Leadership; Resilience; Adversity; COVID-19
Group:Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
ID Code:39597
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:25 Mar 2024 14:13
Last Modified:25 Mar 2024 14:13


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