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Customer empowerment in tourism through Consumer Centric Marketing (CCM).

Niininen, O., Buhalis, D. and March, R., 2007. Customer empowerment in tourism through Consumer Centric Marketing (CCM). Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10 (3), 265-281.

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We explain Consumer Centric Marketing (CCM) and adopt this new technique to travel context. Benefits and disadvantages of the CCM are outlined together with warnings of typical caveats Value: CCM will be expected as the norm in the travel industry by customers of the future, yet it is only the innovators who gain real tangible benefits from this development. We outline current and future opportunities to truly place your customer at the centre and provide the organisation with some real savings/gains through the use of ICT Practical Implications: We offer tangible examples for travel industry on how to utilise this new technology. The technology is already available and the ICT companies are keen to establish ways how consumers can utilise it, i.e. by providing ‘content’ for these ICT products the travel industry can fully gain from these developments and also enhance consumers’ gains from it. This can result in more satisfied customers for the travel (as well as ICT) companies thus truly adopting the basic philosophy of marketing

Item Type:Article
Group:Bournemouth University Business School
Bournemouth University Business School
ID Code:5062
Deposited By: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis
Deposited On:11 Mar 2008 14:30
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:13


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