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Chang, J., Yang, X. and Zhang, J. J., 2009. Hyper-twist. Digital Creativity, 20 (1 & 2), 47 - 58.

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DOI: 10.1080/14626260902867956


In this paper, we introduce ‘hyper-twist’, a distortion technique for the production of abstract artistic forms (see Figure 1). It is developed via exploiting the theoretical feature of deforming an infinite space filled with a hyper-elastic media. Any object placed within this space can change its shape as a result of the distortion of the space. Based on this developed theoretic insight, we have produced a computer program where point sources are used to control the form and extent of distortion. These sources perform a similar function to forces exerting on a soft body. By qualifying them with a distortion tensor, they define the patterns of the resultant distortions. Linking this representation with time, temporal effects can be produced. Our work, incorporating physics into a digital creation, presents a new form of algorithmic art.

Item Type:Article
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:9882
Deposited By: Dr Jian Chang
Deposited On:21 May 2009 17:07
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 13:22


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