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Number of items: 73.


Ahmed, O., Claydon, L.S., Ribeiro, D.C., Arumugam, A., Higgs, C. and Baxter, G.D., 2013. Social media for physiotherapy clinics: considerations in creating a Facebook page. Physical Therapy Reviews, 18 (1), 43 - 48.

Angell, C. and Taylor, A. M., 2013. Alien knowledge: Preparing student midwives for learning about infant feeding-Education practice at a UK university. Nurse Education Today, 33 (11), 1411 - 1415 .

Adams, J., Chapman, J., Bradley, S. and Ryan, S.J., 2013. Literacy levels required to complete routinely used patient-reported outcome measures in rheumatology. Rheumatology (Oxford), 52 (3), 460 - 464 .


Bogren, M.U., Bajracharya, K., Berg, M., Erlandsson, K., Ireland, J., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2013. Nepal needs midwifery. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 1 (2), 41 - 44.

Bevan, A., 2013. Creating communicative spaces in an action research study. Nurse Researcher, 21 (2), 14 - 17.

Browne, K., Bourne, J., Levell, J., Desouza, E., Sohal, A., Ball, G., Willie, I., Shoyinka, B., Dennis, T., Bewley, S., Burkimsher, A., Nwosu, V., Nightingale, M., Oxley, A., Hopkins, D., Lowther, S., Smedley, L., Hayward, M., Murphy, W., Akosa, M., Stevens, D., Oldman, C. and Jennings, A., 2013. Health Visiting and School Nursing Programmes: supporting implementation of the new service model No.5: Domestic Violence and Abuse – Professional Guidance. Documentation. Department of Health.

Belchamber, C.A., Gousy, M.H. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2013. Fostering Hope Through Palliative Rehabilitation. European Journal of Palliative Care, 20 (3), 136 - 139 .

Bagust, J., Docherty, S. and Razzak, R.A., 2013. Rod and frame alignment times increase when the frame is tilted. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2), 66 - 72 .

Bagust, J., Docherty, S., Haynes, W., Telford, R. and Isableu, B., 2013. Changes in rod and frame test scores recorded in schoolchildren during development--a longitudinal study. PLoS One, 8 (5), e65321 .

Bond, C. S., Ahmed, O., Hind, M., Thomas, B. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2013. The conceptual and practical ethical dilemmas of using health discussion board posts as research data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15 (6), e112 - .


Clark, C. J., 2013. Development and Psychometric Properties of A Screening Tool for Assessing Developmental Coordination Disorder in Adults. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 1 (145), - .


Dibb, B., Ellis-Hill, C., Donovan-Hall, M., Burridge, J. and Rushton, D., 2013. Exploring positive adjustment in people with spinal cord injury. Journal of Health Psychology, 19 (8), 1043 - 1054 .

Demain, S., Burridge, J., Ellis-Hill, C., Hughes, A. M., Yardley, L., Tedesco-Triccas, L. and Swain, I. D., 2013. Assistive technologies after stroke: self-management or fending for yourself? A focus group study. BMC Health Services Research, 13, 1-12.

Douglas, F.C., Greener, J., van Teijlingen, E. and Ludbrook, A., 2013. Services just for men? Insights from a national study of the well men services pilots. BMC Public Health, 13, 425 -.


Ersser, S. J., Farasat, H., Jackson, K., Dennis, H., Sheppard, Z. and More, A., 2013. A service evaluation of the Eczema Education Programme: an analysis of child, parent and service impact outcomes. British Journal of Dermatology, 169 (3), 629 - 636 .

Emmanuel, M., O'Neill, P., Holley, D., Johnson, L. and Sinfield, S., 2013. Taking action in business. In: Deane, M. and O'Neill, P., eds. Writing in the Disciplines. Palgrave Macmillan, 122- 139.

Excell, T., Freeman, C., Meadmore, K., Hallewell, E., Hughes, A-M. and Burridge, J., 2013. Optimisation of hand posture stimulation using an electrode array and iterative learning control. Journal of Automatic Control, 21, 1 - 4 .

Effah, A., 2013. The Voice of people living with mycobacterium ulcerans (Buruli ulcer) disease: a grounded theory to understand the illness experience and support needs of people living with mycobacterium ulcerans disease in a rural district of central Ghana. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Gleeson, J A, 2013. Using policy analysis to explore the reciprocal impact of health policy on public health nursing and public health nursing on policy. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth university.


Hean, S. and Smith, S., 2013. Interprofessional Collaboration when Working with Older People. In: Barker, S., ed. Caring for Older People in Nursing. London: Learning Matters, 191-209.

Heslop, R., 2013. A comparison of police pre-employment training and education in the UK and USA. In: 4th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Forum for Learning and Development in Policing (POLCON 4), 3--4 September 2013, Canterbury Christchurch Unversity. (Unpublished)

Hean, S., 2013. Content and constraints: IP training between the criminal justice and mental health services. In: EIPEN 4th European Conference on Interprofessional Practice & Education. Quality of life in health and social care. An interprofessional matter, 11--13 September 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Hean, S., 2013. Lack of theory: Educational malpractice. In: EIPEN 4th European Conference on Interprofessional Practice & Education. Quality of life in health and social care. An interprofessional matter, 11--13 September 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Hean, S., 2013. A BEME Review: the contribution of theory to the effective development and delivery of interprofessional curricula in health and social care professional education. In: AMEE 2013 (Association of Medical Educators Europe). Colouring outside the lines, 25--28 April 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.

Heaslip, V., 2013. Hidden voices: guiding the way. In: Phi Mu Chapter (England) Inaugural Conference: Putting people at the heart of nursing care; leading the way, 21 June 2013, Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E. and Simkhada, P., 2013. Academic authorship: who, why and in what order? Health Renaissance, 11 (2), 98 - 101.

Hean, S., 2013. Interprofessional Education: From Theory to Practice and from Practice to to Theory. In: Crossing Borders IV, 12--14 June 2013, Vancouver Canada.

Hemingway, A., 2013. What is nursing care and who owns it? Nursing Times, 109 (6), 16 - 17 .

Hundley, V., Avan, B.I., Sullivan, C. and Graham, W.J., 2013. Should oral misoprostol be used to prevent postpartum haemorrhage in home-birth settings in low-resource countries? A systematic review of the evidence. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 120 (3), 277 - 285 .

Hemingway, A., Aarts, C., Koskinen, L., Campbell, B. and Chasse, F., 2013. A European union and Canadian review of public health nursing preparation and practice. Public Health Nursing, 30 (1), 58 - 69 .

Hean, S., Worswick, L., Fenge, L.-A., Wilkinson, C., Fearnley, S. and Ersser, S. J., 2013. Asset rich cash poor in the economic downturn: the financial challenges facing retired older people. Technical Report. Edinburgh: Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland.

Hallewell, E., Excell, T., Meadmore, K., Freeman, C., Kutlu, M., Hughes, A-M. and Burridge, J., 2013. Goal-orientated Functional Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Motor Recovery in the Upper Extremity Post-Stroke. In: 18th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, 6--9 June 2014, Donostia-San-Sebastian, Spain. (Unpublished)

Hewitt-Taylor, J., Bond, C. S., Hean, S. and Barker, S. A., 2013. The experiences of older people who live with a long-term condition. Nursing Older People, 25 (6), 21 - 25 .


Ismail, K.M., Kettle, C., Macdonald, S.E., Tohill, S., Thomas, P. and Bick, D., 2013. Perineal Assessment and Repair Longitudinal Study (PEARLS): a matched-pair cluster randomized trial. BMC Medicine, 11, 209 - .


Jones, K., 2013. “Research as Fiction: The Return of Rufus Stone”. Sociological Imagination.

Jones, K. and Hearing, T., 2013. Turning Research into Film: Trevor Hearing Speaks with Kip Jones about the Process of Creating the Short, Research-Based Film, Rufus Stone in Chapter 7: Planning and Conceptualizing a Qualitative Research Study. In: Lichtman, M.V., ed. Qualitative Research for the Social Sciences. New York: Sage Publications, 184-188.

Jones, K. and Fenge, L.-A., 2013. Involving older gay men in research: the lure of group experience. In: Pini, B. and Pease, B., eds. Men, Masculinities and Methodologies. London: Palgrave, 209 - 222.

Janssens, L., Pijnenburg, M., Claeys, K., McConnell, A. K. , Troosters, T. and Brumagne, S., 2013. Postural strategy and back muscle oxygenation during inspiratory muscle loading. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45 (7), 1355 -1362 .

Janssens, L., Brumagne, S., McConnell, A. K. , Hermans, G., Troosters, T. and Gayan-Ramirez, G., 2013. Greater diaphragm fatigability in individuals with recurrent low back pain. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 188 (2), 119 - 123 .

Jones, K., Fenge, L.-A., Read, R. and Cash, M., 2013. Collecting Older Lesbians' and Gay Men's Stories of Rural Life in South West England and Wales: "We Were Obviously Gay Girls ... (So) He Removed His Cow From Our Field". Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14 (2).

Joshi, R., Sharma, S. and van Teijlingen, E., 2013. Improving neonatal health in Nepal: Major challenges to achieving millennium development goal 4. Health Science Journal, 7 (3), 247 - 257.

Jones, K., 2013. Infusing biography with the personal: writing Rufus Stone. Creative Approaches to Research, 6 (2), 6 - 23 .

Janssens, L., Brumagne, S., McConnell, A. K. , Claeys, K., Pijnenburg, M., Burtin, C., Janssens, W., Decramer, M. and Troosters, T., 2013. Proprioceptive changes impair balance control in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS One, 8 (3), e57949 - .


Keen, S. and Rutter, L., 2013. Service improvement in social work and health. An e-guide for practitioners and managers. Poole, England: National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work, Bournemouth University.

Kelaiditi, E., Cesari, M., Canevelli, M., van Kan, G.A., Ousset, P.J., Gillette-Guyonnet, S., Ritz, P., Duveau, F., Soto, M.E., Provencher, V., Nourhashemi, F., Salva, A., Robert, P., Andrieu, S., Rolland, Y., Touchon, J., Fitten, J.L., Vellas, B. and IANA/IAGG, , 2013. Cognitive frailty: rational and definition from an (I.A.N.A./I.A.G.G.) international consensus group. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 17 (9), 726 - 734 .

Khatri, R., Schildbach, E., Schmitz, K., Silwal, P.R. and van Teijlingen, E., 2013. National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme: Mid-Term Evaluation Report. Project Report. Kathmandu, Nepal: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Knight, A. and La Placa, V., 2013. Healthy Universities: taking the University of Greenwich Healthy Universities Initiative forward. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 51 (1), 41 - 49.


Lyne, M., 2013. Safeguarding adults at risk of harm: Staff groups C and D workbook. Birmingham: Learn to Care and The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work, Bournemouth University.


Mahato, P. K., Bi, P. and Burgess, T., 2013. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services and its role in HIV/AIDS prevention and management in Nepal. South East Asian Journal of Public Health, 3 (1), 10-16.

Morrison, Y., Wilson, L., Kelly, F., Bennett, C., Duffy, F., McGoldrick, S. and Reynish, E., 2013. Assessment of outcome in clinical trials in mild Alzheimer 19s disease: urgent time for a rethink? OA Elderly Medicine, 1 (1), 1 - 3 .

Marciani, L., Cox, E.F., Hoad, C.L., Totman, J. J., Costigan, C,, Singh, G,, Shepherd, V,, Chalkley, L,, Robinson, M,, Ison, R,, Gowland, P.A. and Spiller, R.C., 2013. Effects of various food ingredients on gall bladder emptying. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67 (11), 1182 - 1187.

Murphy, J. and Girot, E., 2013. The importance of nutrition, diet and lifestyle advice for cancer survivors - the role of nursing staff and interprofessional workers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22 (11-12), 1539-1549.

Marciniak, R., Holley, D. and Dobson-Davies, C., 2013. Fashion students engaging in iconic designs in a business world. In: McIntosh, P. and Warren, D., eds. Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using the Arts in Teaching and Learning In Higher Education. Intellect Books, 135 - 148.


Neupane, D., van Teijlingen, E., Khanal, V., Mishra, S.R. and Kallestrup, P., 2013. Involving Nepali academics in health research. Health Prospect, 12 (2), 21 - 23.

Neveling, P., 2013. A periodisation of Mauritian integration into the global sugar commodity chain (1825-2005). In: Curry-Machado, J., ed. Global histories, imperial commodities, local interactions. Palgrave Macmillan, 121-142.


Parker, J. and Ashencaen Crabtree, S., 2013. Ripples in a pond: Do social work students need to learn about terrorism? Social Policy & Social Work in Transition, 3 (2), 77-100.

Peacocke, R. L., 2013. On being a mental health service user and becoming a service user representative: an autoethnography. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Paterson, C. and Chapman, J., 2013. Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in professional practice. Physical Therapy in Sport, 14 (3), 133 - 138 .

Pulman, A., Hill, J. and Masding, M.G., 2013. Reconsidering your perceptions: exploring the lifeworld of a young person with type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference, 13--15 March 2013, Manchester, England.

Pulman, A., Hill, J. and Masding, M.G., 2013. Why haven’t YOU thought of that? Over 15 great mobile app ideas for improving the quality of life of a young person with type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference, 13--15 March 2013, Manchester, England.

Pulman, A., Hill, J. and Masding, M.G., 2013. The development of an innovative mobile phone app for type 1 diabetes alcohol education. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference, 13--15 March 2013, Manchester, England.

Parrish, M. and Burry, C., 2013. Twofold Adversity: Incarcerated mothers and child protection. In: International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, 15--18 September 2013, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)


Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Eales, S., 2013. Liaison Psychiatry for every acute hospital: Integrated mental and physical healthcare. College Report 183. Discussion Paper. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists.


Simkhada, P., Devkota, S., Bissell, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2013. Sex trafficking in Nepal: A qualitative study of process and context. Abstract. In: 19th Qualitative Health Research Conference, 27--28 October 2013, Halifax, Canada, 817 - 817.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. and Hundley, V., 2013. Writing an academic paper for publication. Health Renaissance, 11 (1), 1-5.

Smith, G. B., Prytherch, D.R., Meredith, P., Schmidt, P.E. and Featherstone, P.I., 2013. The ability of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to discriminate patients at risk of early cardiac arrest, unanticipated intensive care unit admission, and death. Resuscitation, 84 (4), 465-470.


Thomas, S., Thomas, P., Kersten, P., Jones, R, Green, C., Nock, A., Slingsby, V, Smith, A.D., Baker, R., Galvin, K. T. and Hillier, C, 2013. A pragmatic parallel arm multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a group-based fatigue management programme (FACETS) for people with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 84 (10), 1092 - 1099 .


van Teijlingen, E. and Hundley, V., 2013. Editorial. Midwifery, 29 (6), 557 - 558.


Wolfensberger, P., 2013. Negotiating uncertainty: an aspect of personal recovery in people living with mental illness - a workshop. In: Horatio - European Psychiatric Nursing Conference, 31 October --2 November 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Wolfensberger, P., Hahn, S., Richter, D., Schwarze, T. and Zuaboni, G., 2013. Recovery oriented mental health nursing: a pilot Intervention study. In: Recovery-Focused Conference: Engagment in Life: Promoting Wellbeing and Mental Health, 6 September 2013, Bournemouth, UK. (Unpublished)

White, S., Phillips, J. and Stainer, L., 2013. Retaining Non Standard Students in Health and Social Care. In: Clark, R., Andrews, J., Thomas, L. and Aggarwal, R., eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: Volume 2. Aston University, Birmingham, and the Higher Education Academy, York, 105 - 108.

Worswick, L., 2013. Becoming part of behind the scenes: patients' experiences of co-learning with primary health care teams. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Yip, P. K., Pizzasegola, C., Gladman, S., Biggio, M. L., Marino, M., Jayasinghe, M., Ullah, F., Dyall, S., Malaspina, A., Bendotti, C. and Michael-Titus, A. T., 2013. The omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid accelerates disease progression in a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One, 8 (4), 1-17.

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