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Fixing it in the present - the decisive moment in high dynamic range landscape photography.

Zia, R., 2020. Fixing it in the present - the decisive moment in high dynamic range landscape photography. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

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[thumbnail of ZIA, Rehan_Ph.D._2020.pdf]
ZIA, Rehan_Ph.D._2020.pdf

[thumbnail of ZIA, Rehan_Portfolio v1.pdf]
ZIA, Rehan_Portfolio v1.pdf



Photographing landscapes can be challenging given the wide range of tonal values present in the scene that can extend beyond the range of what most digital cameras can record. Moving elements in the landscape such as clouds, foliage, water, and, changing light pose a challenge, as well as creative opportunities, to create distinct creative image looks based on the degree of change these elements undergo during capture of the multiple exposures. Key photographic opportunities where the elements in the scene come together to create a certain sense of balance and composition, or, the Decisive Moment, may be missed between exposures given the multi-shot nature of this workflow. Stack-based high dynamic range photography can be used to capture the full range of scene values by photographing a range of different exposures and combining them digitally. The aim of this practice-led research is to take better control over the potential look of the final image by capturing all tonal values available in the scene in best possible detail, thereby extending the range of creative possibilities available postcapture whilst also capturing the Decisive Moment. The production workflow adopted allows for the original camera RAW files to remain unchanged and complements the reflective practice method used in this research that can be utilised in other virtual craft practices. The new technique offers insights into creative possibilities to allow better control over capturing the Decisive Moment in the scene whilst ensuring maximum image latitude for postproduction. This workflow also incorporates focus stacking and digital panorama techniques to extend creative control and image latitude. The images produced explore and evidence the look that can be achieved using this workflow.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Additional Information:If you feel that this work infringes your copyright please contact the BURO Manager.
Uncontrolled Keywords:landscape photography; high dynamic range; craft
Group:Faculty of Media & Communication
ID Code:34873
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:24 Nov 2020 12:01
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:25


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