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Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022 - Proceedings.

Bancroft, A., Khattab, A., Quinney, A., Goldsmith, B., Ojikutu, B., Quenault, C., Nwagu, C., Hunt, D., Biggins, D., Holley, D., Andreou, D., Bickle, E., Akcay, E., Daley, E., Knight, F., Roushan, G., O'Sullivan, H., Mummery, H., Corby, H., Singleton, H., O'Sullivan, H., Darby, I., Thurston, J., Moran, J., Whittle, J., Branney, J., Taylor, J., Ajileye, J., Kooli, K., Gee, L., Musarskaya, M., Mayer, M., Polkinghorne, M., Koohgilani, M., Hughes, M., Klinkner, M., Bowden, M., Adegbenro, M., Moital, M., Mallia, M., Bobeva, M., Garcia-Campo, N., Nurse Practitioners Team, Moore, O., Phillips, P., Haratian, R., Wang, R., Muldoon, R., Snashall, S., McClatchey, S., Allen, S., Pyne, S., Baker, T., Atilade, T., Webb, T., Patel, U. and Rolfe, U., 2022. Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022 - Proceedings. Poole: Bournemouth University.

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Fusion Learning Colloquium Proceedings 2022.pdf - Published Version



This is the proceedings of the 2022 Fusion Learning Colloquium held at Bournemouth University in the UK.

Item Type:Book
Number of Pages:34
Uncontrolled Keywords:Higher Education; University; Student Learning; Pedagogy; Fusion Learning
Group:University Executive Team
ID Code:37128
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:06 Jul 2022 15:26
Last Modified:06 Jul 2022 15:26


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