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Number of items: 104.

Hawkins, S.J., Sugden, H.E., Mieszkowska, N., Moore, P.J., Poloczanska, E., Leaper, R., Herbert, R. J.H., Genner, M.J., Moschella, P.S., Thompson, R.C., Jenkins, S.R., Southward, A.J. and Burrows, M. T., 2009. Consequences of climate-driven biodiversity changes for ecosystem functioning of North European rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 396, 245-259.

Cobb, J. E. and Hadley, G. J. M., 2009. Development of a low profile laser Doppler probe for monitoring perfusion at the patient – mattress interface. Technical Report. Poole, England: Smart Technology Research Centre, Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Torney, L.K., Johnson, A.J. and Miles, C., 2009. Chewing gum and impasse-induced self-reported stress. Appetite, 53 (3), 414-417.

Fatjo, G., Hadfield, M., Vieillard, C. and Sekulic, J., 2009. Early Stage Cavitation Erosion within Ceramics: An Experimental Investigation. Ceramics International, 35 (8), 3301-3312.

Thomas, B., Hadfield, M. and Austen, S., 2009. Experimental Wear Modelling of Lifeboat Slipway Launches. Tribology International, 42 (11-12), 1706-1714.

Paddon, H. L., 2009. An Investigation of the key factors and processes that underlie the contemporary display of biological collections in British museums. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Kadlec, P., 2009. On robust and adaptive soft sensors. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Fonteh, M, Esteves, L.S. and Gehrels, W., 2009. Mapping and valuation of ecosystems and economic activities along the coast of Cameroon: implications of future sea level rise. Coastline Reports (EUCC International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice), 13 , 47 - 63 .

Douglas, S. J., 2009. Habitat suitablity modelling in the New Forest National Park. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Darvill, T., Wainwright, G., Armstrong, K. and Ixer, R.A., 2009. Strumble-Preseli ancient communities and environment study (SPACES); Sixth report 2007-08. Archaeology in Wales, 48, 47-56.

Thomas, B., Hadfield, M. and Austen, S., 2009. Wear observations applied to Lifeboat Slipway Launches. Wear, 267 (11), 2062-2069.

Thomas, B., 2009. Friction and Wear Performance of Lifeboat Launch Slipways. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Turner-Wilson, A. L., 2009. Healthiness, through the material culture of the late iron age and roman large urban-type settlements of South-East Britain. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Thompson, N. D., 2009. Distict element numerical modelling of volcanic debris avalanche emplacement geomechanics. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Jenkins, E. L., 2009. Phytolith taphonomy: a comparison of dry ashing and acid extraction on the breakdown of conjoined phytoliths formed in Triticum durum. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36 (10), 2402-2407.

Almond, S. F., 2009. Validation and application of the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth.

Clarke, R. T., Sharp, J. and Liley, D., 2009. The impacts for stone curlews of increased traffic on the A11. Model and predictions. Technical Report. Footprint Ecology. (Unpublished)

Humphries-Smith, T., 2009. Collaborative Student Centred Learning: Intellectual Property for Product Designers. In: EPDE2009: Creating a Better World. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. University of Strathclyde: The Design Society and IED, 49-54.

Conrad, F. and Humphries-Smith, T., 2009. The Development of an On-Line Learning and Teaching Resource for the Socio-Centric Aspects of Sustainable Design. In: EPDE2009: Creating a Better World. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Unviersity of Strathclyde: The Design Society and IED, 122-127.

Darvill, T., 2009. Book Review: Stone Worlds: Narrative and Reflexivity in Landscape Archaeology, by Barbara Bender, Sue Hamilton & Chris Tilley, 2007. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press; ISBN 978-1-59874-218-3. Cambridge Journal of Archaeology, 19 (2), 263-265.

Green, I. D., Tibbett, M., Diaz, A. and Smith, M. T.E., 2009. Does the soil microbiology of chemically restored lowland heath resemble that of native heaths? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 7-10 September 2009, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.

Tong, D. L., Phalp, K. T., Schierz, A. C. and Mintram, R., 2009. Innovative Hybridisation of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks in Detecting Marker Genes for Leukaemia Cancer. In: 4th IAPR International Conference in Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics, 7-9 September 2009, Sheffield, UK.

Eastwood, M. and Gabrys, B., 2009. A Non-Sequential Representation of Sequential Data for Churn Prediction. In: Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 13th International Conference, KES 2009, Santiago, Chile, September 28-30, 2009, Proceedings, Part I. Heidelberg: Springer, 209-218.

Agrawal, S.K., Dubey, V. N., Gangloff Jr., J.J., Brackbill, E.A. and Sangwan, V., 2009. Optimization and design of a cable driven upper arm exoskeleton. In: ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 30 August- 2 September 2009, San Diego, California, USA.

Stepien, P., 2009. Placement and routing for reconfigurable systems. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Hunt, C. and Reynolds, T., 2009. The Significance of Purchasing Behavioural Characterisation on Sustainable Design Education of Students. In: McMahon, C., Hogarth, P. and Ion, B., eds. Creating a Better World -Proceedings of the 11th Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, University of Brighton, 10th-11th September 2009. Design Society/ Institution of Engineering Designers, 402-408.

Androutsopoulos, K., Gold, N., Harman, M., Li, Z. and Tratt, L., 2009. A theoretical and empirical study of EFSM dependence. In: International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2009), 20-26 September 2009, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Unpublished)

Grabenhorst, F., Rolls, E. T., Parris, B. and De Souza, A., 2009. How the brain represents the reward value of fat in the mouth. Cerebral Cortex.

Cayuela, L, Golicher, D., Newton, A., Kolb, H, de Alburquerque, F. S., Arets, E. J. M. M, Alkemade, J. R. M. and Pérez, A. M., 2009. Species distribution modeling in the tropics: problems, potentialities, and the role of biological data for effective species conservation. Tropical Conservation Science, 2 (3), 319-352.

Huebner, R., 2009. Sediment geochemistry - a case study approach. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Bigham, S., 2009. Impaired Competence for Pretense in Children with Autism: Exploring Potential Cognitive Predictors. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Xu, L., de Vrieze, P. T., Bouguettaya, A. and Yang, J., 2009. Adaptation driven change management. In: HEALTHINF 2009: International Conference on Health Informatics, 14-17 January 2009, Porto, Portugal, 288-293.

Davies, P., 2009. 3D cellular automata. In: Proceedings 5th Annual BPC Research Conference 5th July 2009. Bournemouth, England: Bournemouth and Poole College.

Newell, D. and Davies, P., 2009. Requirements for adaptive multimedia with VLE integration. In: Bournemouth & Poole Research Conference 2009, 3 July 2009, Queens Hotel, Bournemouth, England. (Unpublished)

Tratt, L., 2009. Dynamically typed languages. In: Zelkowitz, M. V., ed. Advances in Computing. Elsevier, 149-184.

Musial, K., Juszczyszyn, K., Gabrys, B. and Kazienko, P., 2009. Patterns of Interactions in Complex Social Networks Based on Coloured Motifs Analysis. In: Köppen, M., Kasabov, N. and Coghill, G., eds. Advances in Neuro-Information Processing: 15th International Conference, ICONIP 2008, Auckland, New Z. Heidelberg: Springer, 607-614.

Chai, W. K., Karaliopoulos, M. and Pavlou, G., 2009. Providing proportional TCP performance by fixed-point approximations over bandwidth on demand satellite networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (7), 3554 - 3565.

Kadlec, P. and Gabrys, B., 2009. Self-Adapting Soft Sensor for On-Line Prediction. In: Köppen, M., Kasabov, N. and Coghill, G., eds. Advances in Neuro-Information Processing: 15th International Conference, ICONIP 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, November 25-28, 2008, Revised Selected Papers, Part I. Heidelberg: Springer, 1172-1179.

Chechina, N., King, P., Pooley, R. and Trinder, P., 2009. Simulating Autonomous Mobile Programs on Networks. In: PGNeT: PostGraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, June 2009, Liverpool, UK.

Xie, X., 2009. Automatic skeletonization and skin attachment for realistic character animation. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Jeary, S., Phalp, K. T. and Vincent, J., 2009. An Evaluation of the Utility of Web Development Methods. Software Quality Journal, 17 (2), 125-150.

Banks, A., 2009. A Nature inspired guidance system for unmanned autonomous vehicles employed in a search role. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Miellet, S., O'Donnell, P. J. and Sereno, S. C., 2009. Parafoveal magnification: visual acuity does not modulate the perceptual span in reading. Psychological Science, 20 (6), 721 - 728 .

Atfield-Cutts, S., Davies, P., Rowe, N. and Newell, D., 2009. Multimedia Presentation System with Contextual Support BU & Bournemouth and Poole College. In: Education Enhancement Conference 2009, 21 May 2009, Bournemouth University.

Newell, D., 2009. Using BlackBoard VLE MyBU MPQ Tests to Lighten the Assessment Load. In: Bournemouth University Teaching Enhancement Conference 2009, 21 May 2009, Bournemouth University, England. (Unpublished)

Brackbill, E.A., Mao, Y., Agrawal, S.K., Annapragada, M. and Dubey, V. N., 2009. Dynamics and Control of a 4-dof Wearable Cable-driven Upper Arm Exoskeleton. In: IEEE ICRA2009: International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 12-17 May 2009, Kobe, Japan.

Budka, M. and Gabrys, B., 2009. Electrostatic Field Classifier for Deficient Data. In: Kurzynski, M. and Wozniak, M., eds. Computer Recognition Systems 3. Heidelberg: Springer, 311-318.

de Vrieze, P. T., Xu, L., Bouguettaya, A., Yang, J. and Chen, J., 2009. Process-oriented Enterprise Mashups. In: Grid and Pervasive Computing Conference, 2009. GPC '09. 4th International Workshop on Workflow Management (ICWM2009), 4-8 May 2009, Geneva, Switzerland.

Clarke, R. T., 2009. Uncertainty in WFD (Water Framework Directive) Assessments for Rivers Based on Macroinvertebrates and RIVPACS. Project Report. Bristol, England: Environment Agency.

Darvill, T., 2009. Expert Opinion: 'A phenomenology of landscape: places, paths and monuments' by Christopher Tilley in Canonical texts: are these the most influential books ever written? By Matthew Reisz. 23 April 2009. Times Higher Education Supplement, 1893 (23 Apr), 34-35.

Kadlec, P., Gabrys, B. and Strandt, S., 2009. Data-driven Soft Sensors in the Process Industry. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 33 (4), 795-814.

Mayes, H. and Atfield-Cutts, S., 2009. Formality and Familiarity: A combination of approaches for the implementation of PAL on the Software Systems Framework at Bournemouth University. In: Students learning from students: from theory to practice, 3 April 2009, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven .

Pamplin, G. D., 2009. A Biometrical investigation into the relationship between vertebral joint osteophytosis and body proportion biomechanics. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

De Groot, J. I.M. and Steg, L., 2009. Mean or green? Values, morality and environmental significant behavior. Conservation Letters, 2 (2), 61-66.

Androutsopoulos, K., Clark, D., Harman, M., Li, Z. and Tratt, L., 2009. Control dependence for extended finite state machines. In: 12th International Conference, FASE 2009, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2009, 22-29 March 2009, York, 216-230.

Lemke, C., Riedel, S. and Gabrys, B., 2009. Dynamic Combination of Forecasts Generated by Diversification Procedures Applied to Forecasting of Airline Cancellations. In: 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering Proceedings. Nashville: IEEE, 85-91.

Kadlec, P. and Gabrys, B., 2009. Evolving on-line prediction model dealing with industrial data sets. In: 2009 IEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self-Developing Intelligent Systems Proceedings. Nashville: IEEE, 24-31.

Clark, T. and Tratt, L., 2009. Formalizing homogeneous language embeddings. In: Language Descriptions Tools and Applications (LDTA), 28-29 March 2009, York, England. (Unpublished)

Balaguer-Ballester, E., Clark, N.R., Coath, M., Krumbholz, K. and Denham, S.L., 2009. Understanding pitch perception as a hierarchical process with top-down modulation. PLoS Computational Biology, 5 (3), e1000301.

Jenkins, E. L., 2009. Unwanted Inhabitants? The Microfauna from Çatalhöyük and Pınarbası. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM-Verlag.

Pearson, M. P., Chamberlain, A., Jay, M., Marshall, P., Pollard, J., Richards, C., Thomas, J., Tilley, C. F. and Welham, K., 2009. Who was buried at Stonehenge? Antiquity, 83 (319), 23-39.

Dubey, V. N., 2009. Do it like a robot. Packaging Today, 10-11.

Johnson, A.J. and Miles, C., 2009. Single-probe serial position recall: evidence of modularity for olfactory, visual and auditory short-term memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (2), 267-275.

Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Apergi, M., Laver, S., Serhal, P. and Delhanty, J. D. A., 2009. Meiotic and mitotic behaviour of a ring/deleted chromosome 22 in human embryos determined by preimplantation genetic diagnosis for a maternal carrier. Molecular Cytogenetics, 2, 3.

Johnson, A.J. and Miles, C., 2009. Serial position effects in 2-alternative forced choice recognition: Functional equivalence across visual and auditory modalities. Memory, 17 (1), 84-91.

Armstrong, K., Darvill, T. and Cheetham, P., 2009. Archaeological Geophysical Prospection in Peatland Environments: case studies and suggestions for future practice. In: 8th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection: Mémoire du sol, Espace des hommes, 9-12 September 2009, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France, 251-254.

Alexander, M., Darvill, T. and Hart, J., 2009. Blenheim Farm: Discussion. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Report, 5, 54-66.

Hambleton, E., 2009. The Bones of the Matter: Inspiring Learning & Achievement in Zooarchaeology. In: Education Enhancement Conference 2009, 21 May 2009, Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Hodder, K. H., Buckland, P. C., Kirby, K. K. and Bullock, J.M., 2009. Can the mid-Holocene provide suitable models for rewilding the landscape in Britain? British Wildlife, 20 (5), 4-15.

Callaway, A., Cobb, J. E. and Jones, I., 2009. A Comparison of Video and Accelerometer Based Approaches Applied to Performance Monitoring in Swimming. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 4 (1), 139-153.

Phalp, K. T., Jeary, S., Adlem, A. and Vincent, J., 2009. Comprehension, Use Case and Requirements. In: Annual International SQM (Software Quality Management) and INSPIRE (International conference for Process Improvement, Research and Education) Conferences, 6-8 April 2009, Southampton Solent University, Southampton, England, 207-218.

Phalp, K. T., Adlem, A., Jeary, S. and Vincent, J., 2009. Comprehension, Use Cases and Requirements. In: Dawson, R., Ross, M. and Staples, G., eds. Software Quality in the 21st Century: Software Quality Management XVII. The British Computer Society, 207-218.

Ali, R., Chitchyan, R. and Giorgini, P., 2009. Context for goal-level product line derivation. In: 3rd International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL09) co-located with the 13th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC09), 24 - 28 Aug 2009, San Francisco, California, USA.

Tsakonas, A. and Dounias, G., 2009. Deriving Models for Software Project Effort Estimation By Means of Genetic Programming. In: KDIR-2009 Workshop (INSTICC Conference), 6-8 October 2009, Madeira.

Darvill, T., 2009. Discussion: early prehistory. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Report, 6, 68.

Hewitt, I., Russell, B. and Manley, H., 2009. East Stoke: The Old Church of St Mary. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 130, 31-41.

Karunamurthy, B., 2009. Erosion and rolling contact wear mechanisms in silicon nitride hybrid bearings. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Dyer, B. T.J., 2009. A Fair Provision of Lower-limb Technology for Paralympic Running [prizewinner]. In: Postgraduate Research Conference, May 2009, Bournemouth University, England. (Unpublished)

Dyer, B. T.J., 2009. The Fair Regulation of Lower-limb Prostheses Technology in Paralympic Running. In: Paralympics GB National Conference, March 2009, Loughborough University.

Boryczka, U. and Budka, M., 2009. Finding groups in data: Cluster analysis with ants. Applied Soft Computing, 9 (1), 61 - 70 .

Milner, E. , Cheetham, T., Costen, D., Gevaux, N., Hoch, M., Osborne, L. and Russell, B., 2009. Gazetteer of Archaeological Investigations Undertaken in England 2007:Supplement 18. Gazetteer of Archaeological Investigations Undertaken in England 2007, 18.

Ali, R., Dalpiaz, F. and Giorgini, P., 2009. Goal-based self-contextualization. In: 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE 09 - Forum), 8-12 June 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Hulusic, V., Czanner, G., Debattista, K., Sikudova, E., Dubla, P. and Chalmers, A., 2009. Investigation of the beat rate effect on frame rate for animated content. In: SCCG '09: 25th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 2 -25 April 2009, Budmerice, Slovakia, 151 - 159.

Garland, N. P., Hadfield, M., Howarth, G. and Middleton, D., 2009. Investment in Sustainable Development: A UK Perspective on the Business and Academic Challenges. Sustainability, 1 (4), 1144-1160.

Mulville, J., Madgwick, R., Stevenson, R., O'Connell, T., Craig, O., Powell, A., Sharples, N. and Parker Pearson, M., 2009. Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic, 2, 51-59.

Darvill, T., 2009. Linking fieldwork, theory and knowledge in teaching prehistoric archaeology. Research in Archaeological Education Journal, 1 (2), 5-20.

Dubey, V. N. and Grewal, G. S., 2009. Load estimation from photoelastic fringe patterns under combined normal and shear forces. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 181 (012074).

De Groot, J. I.M. and Steg, L., 2009. Morality and Prosocial Behavior: the Role of Awareness, Responsibility and Norms in the Norm Activation Model. Journal of Social Psychology, 149 (4), 425-449.

Race, E.A., Shanker, S. and Wagner, A.D., 2009. Neural Priming in Human Prefrontal Cortex: Multiple Forms of Learning Reduce Demands on the Prefrontal Executive System. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21 (9), 1766 - 1781.

Kuncheva, L. and Zliobaite, I., 2009. On the Window Size for Classification in Changing Environments. Intelligent Data Analysis, 13 (6), 861-872.

Dubey, V. N., 2009. Photoelastic Stress Analysis. In: Evans, J.E., Dulieu-Barton, J.M and Burguete, R.L., eds. Modern Stress and Strain Analysis A state of the art guide to measurement techniques. London: British Society for Strain Measurement and Eureka, 10-11.

Hodder, K. H. and Bullock, J. M., 2009. Really Wild? Naturalistic grazing in modern landscapes. British Wildlife, 20 (5), 37-43.

Atfield-Cutts, S., Davies, P., Newell, D. and Rowe, N. , 2009. Requirements for an Adaptive Multimedia Presentation System with Contextual Supplemental Support Media. In: MMedia 2009: The First International Conference on Advances in Multimedia, 20-25 July 2009 , Colmar, France.

Darvill, T. and Wainwright, G., 2009. Stonehenge excavations 2008. Antiquaries Journal, 89 (1), 1-19.

Mayers, A.G., Grabbau, E.A.S., Campbell, C. and Baldwin, D.S., 2009. Subjective sleep, depression and anxiety: inter-relationships in a non-clinical sample. Human Psychopharmacoloy: Clinical and Experimental, 24 (6), 495-501.

Ali, R., Yu, Y. , Chitchyan, R., Nhlabatsi, A. and Giorgini, P., 2009. Towards a unified framework for contextual variability in requirements. In: 3rd International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM09), In conjunction with 17th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE09). , 1 Sep 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Gatzidis, C., Parry, K. D., Kavanagh, E. J., Wilding, A. and Gibson, D., 2009. Towards the Development of an Interactive 3D Coach Training Serious Game. In: IEEE First International Conference Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, 23-24 March 2009, Technocentre Coventry University, UK, 186-189.

Nyman, S.R. and Yardley, L., 2009. Usability and acceptability of a website that provides tailored advice on falls prevention activities for older people. Health Informatics Journal, 15 (1), 27-39.

Deckers, K., Riehl, S., Jenkins, E. L., Rosen, A.M., Dodonov, A., Simokava, A.N. and Conard, N.J., 2009. Vegetation Development and Human Occupation in the Damascus Region of Southwestern Syria from Pleistocene to Holocene. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany , 18 (4), 329-340.

Happa, J., Artusi, A., Dubla, P., Bashford-Rogers, T., Debattista, K., Hulusic, V. and Chalmers, A., 2009. The Virtual Reconstruction and Daylight Illumination of the Panagia Angeloktisti. In: VAST (2009): The 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage; the 7th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 22-25 September 2009, St. Julians, Malta, 49 - 56.

Schierz, A. C., 2009. Virtual Screening of Bioassay Data. Journal of Cheminformatics, 1 (21).

Nyman, S.R. and Yardley, L., 2009. Web-site-based tailored advice to promote strength and balance training: An experimental evaluation. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17 (2), 210-222.

Taylor, J. and Taylor, J., 2009. A content analysis of interviews with players of massively multiplayer online role-play games (MMORPGs). In: Ozok, A. A. and Zaphiris , P., eds. Online Communities and Social Computing. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 613-621.

Ali, R., Dalpiaz, F. and Giorgini, P., 2009. A goal modeling framework for self-contextualizable software. In: The 14th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD09), 8 - 9 June 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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