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Number of items: 184.

Skains, R. L., 2022. Innovation origins. In: Neverending stories: The popular emergence of digital fiction. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc, 17-34.

McDougall, J. and Rega, I., 2022. Beyond Solutionism: Differently Motivating Media Literacy. Media and Communication, 10 (4), 267-276.

Dix, H., 2022. Autofiction and Cultural Memory. Routledge.

Rossi, G. C., Pyke, T., Pope, J., Skains, R L. and Wisdom, S., 2022. The New Media Writing Prize Special Collection. Electronic British Library Journal, 2022, 8.

Bevan-Mogg, W. and Westling, C., 2022. Dr Tulp and the Theatre of Zoom - an Autopsy of Time and Presence. The Revenant, 8, 377-395.

Zhao, X., Feigenbaum, A. and McDavitt, S., 2022. Feasibility of comics in health communication: Public responses to graphic medicine on Instagram during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Visual Political Communication, 9 (1), 9-28.

Ooi, P., 2022. “If I’m here to teach means I’m really good”: an IPA study into International Academic Staff lived experiences – challenges, coping strategies, investment, and identity. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Scott, M. and Gibson, P., 2022. Twitter as a Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP): New connections and research collaborations. Birmingham City University Education Journal Magazine, 3 (1), 32-33.

Majin, G., 2022. The Unhealed Wound: Official and Unofficial Journalisms, Misinformation and Tribal Truth. In: Fowler-Watt, K. and McDougall, J., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Media Misinformation. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 233-247.

Adzhiev, V., 2022. In Memoriam: Professor Alexander Pasko. Computers and Graphics, 109, A3-A4.


Nguyen, A. and Catalan-Matamoros, D., 2022. Anti-Vaccine Discourse on Social Media: An Exploratory Audit of Negative Tweets about Vaccines and Their Posters. Vaccines, 10 (12), 2067.

Ruszev, S., 2022. Polyphony, Idenity. International journal of film and media arts, 7 (1), 128.

Dong, S., Tang, Z., Wu, M. and Zhang, J., 2022. Stochastic dynamic simulation of railway vehicles collision using data-driven modelling approach. Railway Engineering Science, 30, 512-531.

Glynos, J. and Voutyras, S., 2022. Valuation practices and the cooptation charge: Quantification and monetization as political logics. Contemporary Political Theory, 21, 588-610.

McDougall, J., Rega, I. and Sayah, H., 2022. Boubli in Tunisia: Youth media literacy for civic intentionality. Observatorio (2022, Special Issue), 42-62.

Gerodimos, R., 2022. Global Citizenship in Comparative Perspective: Youth Perceptions of Global Rights, Responsibilities and Efficacy Across Five Continents. Observatorio, 16 (Special Issue), 20-40.

Zhu, Y., Zhang, F. and Xiao, Z., 2022. Attention-Based Recurrent Autoencoder for Motion Capture Denoising. Journal of Internet Technology, 23 (6), 1325-1333.

Xu, W., 2022. Stylistic Dialogue Generation Based on Character Personality in Narrative Films. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Gibson, P., Clarkson, R. and Scott, M., 2022. Promoting potential through purposeful inclusive assessment for distance learners. Distance Education, 43 (4), 543-555.

Tatum, A., Thompson, S. and Yates, C., 2022. Perceptions of women as political leaders at a time of crisis: A psychosocial study. Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 15 (3), 148-166.

Medrado, A., Rega, I. and Paulla, M., 2022. South-to-South dialogues between Brazilian and Kenyan artivists: decolonial and intersectional feminist perspectives. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 5 (1), 2126245.

Durrett, J., 2022. Documenting Syria: Filmmaking, Video Activism and Revolution, by Joshka Wessels. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 15 (4), 481-484.

Jackson, D., Nguyen, A. and Hoang, K., 2022. News sources and emotional responses to Covid-19 news: findings from UK news users. First Monday, 27 (11).

Brett, J., Gatzidis, C., Davis, T. and Amelidis, P., 2022. The Crypt of Notation: Rote Learning through Video Games For Adult Beginner Keyboard Learners. In: FDG'22: The 17th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 5-8 Sept 2022, Athens, Greece, 1-8.

Dix, H., 2022. Introduction: Compatriots Or Competitors? Welsh, Scottish, English and Northern Irish Writing and Brexit in Comparative Contexts. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Oliver, J. J., 2022. Chronic corporate performance in Media-Tech firms: a new perspective. Journal of Media Business Studies, 19 (4), 263-283.

Johnson, I., Welton, K., Sum, K., Rafferty, V., Kantcheva, R., Nodder, J., Chin, P., Canton, U., Bishopp-Martin, S. and Bickle, E., 2022. Collaborative writing communities for learning development research and practice. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 25 (Oct), 1-7.

Zhu, X., Liu, X., Liu, S., Shen, Y., You, L. and Wang, Y., 2022. Robust quasi-uniform surface meshing of neuronal morphology using line skeleton-based progressive convolution approximation. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16, 953930.

Shi, Z., Quan, Z., Shi, J., Guo, Z., Zhang, M. and Xiao, Z., 2022. 3D Model Retrieval Algorithm Based on Attention and Multi-view Fusion. In: 5th International conference on Computer Graphics, Image and Visualization (CCGIV2022), 2022-10-21 - 2022-10-23, Guilin, China. (Unpublished)

Towse, R., 2022. Digitization internet and the economics of creative industries. In: Gonzalez, W. J., ed. The Internet and Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge, 154-171.

Carls, S. and Amal, M., 2022. From West to East: Mercosur and Singapore agree on FTA. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 17 (11), 898-902.

Denegri-Knott, J., Jenkins, R. and Lindley, S., 2022. Valuing digital possessions: The role of affordances. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 27 (6), zmac019.

Hou, R., Li, Y., Zhang, N., Zhou, Y., Yang, X. and Wang, Z., 2022. Shifting Perspective to See Difference: A Novel Multi-view Method for Skeleton based Action Recognition. In: MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 4987-4995.

Li, T., Fu, Y., Han, X., Liang, H., Zhang, J. J. and Chang, J., 2022. DiffusionPointLabel: Annotated Point Cloud Generation with Diffusion Model. Computer Graphics Forum, 41 (7), 131-139.

Callus, P. and Gingrich, O., 2022. Remediated Sites: Lumen Prize Virtual Gallery as site of memory and digital assemblage. Leonardo: Art Science and Technology, 55 (5), 475-481.

Wignall, L., McCormack, M., Cook, T. and Jaspal, R., 2022. Findings From a Community Survey of Individuals Who Engage in Pup Play. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 3637-3646.

Wang, S., Xia, Y., You, L., Ugail, H., Carriazo, A., Iglesias, A. and Zhang, J., 2022. Interactive PDE patch-based surface modeling from vertex-frames. Engineering with Computers, 38, 4367-4385.

Bickle, E., Allen, S. and Mayer, M., 2022. Learning development 2030. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 25.

Larsson, C. and Anderson, E. F., 2022. Project SAGA: Towards Bridging the Gap between Serious and Entertainment Games. In: GCH 2022: The 20th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 28-30 September 2022, Delft, Netherlands, 77-80.

Ureche, A.-M.-C., Fryazinov, O. and Anderson, E. F., 2022. Traditional Romanian Egg Decoration in Augmented Reality with 3D Printing. In: GCH 2022: The 20th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 28-30 September 2022, Delft, Netherlands, 41-44.

Murphy, J., 2022. "A New Introduction" in: Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell. London: Flame Tree Publishing.

Denegri-Knott, J., Jenkins, R. and Molesworth, M., 2022. Transformations in digital virtual consumption. In: Llamas, R. and Belk, R., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. 2nd ed. Routledge.

Patchitt, J., Porffy, L. A., Whomersley, G., Szentgyorgyi, T., Brett, J., Mouchlianitis, E., Mehta, M. A., Nottage, J. F. and Shergill, S. S., 2022. Alpha3/alpha2 power ratios relate to performance on a virtual reality shopping task in ageing adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 876832.

Round, J., Platz Cortsen, R. and Ahmed, M., 2022. Historical approaches. In: Comics and Graphic Novels. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 91-127.

Portman, S. and Veneti, A., 2022. An investigation into the Modern News Consumption Habits of Students and their Adoption of Twitter as a Mainstream News Outlet. Journal of Promotional Communications, 9 (1), 51-66.

Baker, T. A. and Lilleker, D., 2022. “Not one rule for everyone”: The impact of elite rule-breaking on public trust in the UK. In: Maarek, P. J., ed. Manufacturing government communication on Covid-19: A comparative perspective. Cham: Springer Nature, 301-317.

Javaid Adeel, T., Zia, R. and Fryazinov, O., 2022. Using elements of escapism and fantasy in serious games for rehabilitation of patients with back pain. In: Participatory Design Conference (PDC), 19 August - 1 September, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) and Online. (Unpublished)

Childs, L., 2022. The Quest for Life and Intelligence in Digital Puppets. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Clark, R., 2022. Understanding Hand Interactions and Mid-Air Haptic Responses within Virtual Reality and Beyond. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Wallis, R., 2022. End-of-contract interviews. Working Paper. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.

Murphy, K., 2022. 'In on the ground floor': Women and the early BBC television service, 1932-1939. Critical Studies in Television, 17 (3), 240-253.

Murphy, K., 2022. ‘In on the ground floor’: Women and the early BBC television service, 1932–1939. Critical Studies in Television, 17 (3), 240-253.

Baranowski, P., Kruschinski, S., Russmann, U., Hassler, J., Magin, M., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Jackson, D. and Lilleker, D., 2022. Patterns of negative campaigning during the 2019 European election: Political parties’ Facebook posts and users’ sharing behaviour across twelve countries. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.

Stock, N., Wilkinson, R. and McDougall, J., 2022. Review Symposium Jean Baudrillard and radical education theory. Turning right to go left, by Kip Kline and Kristopher Holland, Brill, 2020, pp. 72, £29 (paperback), ISBN 978-90-04-44535-2. Pedagogy culture and society, 30 (5), 805-813.

Yates, C. and MacRury, I., 2022. Shameful and shameless: Projecting triumph and humiliation in the Brexit era; a psychosocial-group methodological approach. In: Gerodimos, R., ed. Interdisciplinary applications of shame/violence theory. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 245-265.

Ruszev, S., 2022. Wilderness Transcended (Poetic Capacity of Wildlife Webcams in The Time of Pandemic Isolation). In: Dark Eden. Victorian College of the Arts: University of Melbourne: Art + Australia.

Maqsood, R., Khattab, A., Bennett, A. N. and Boos, C. J., 2022. Association between non-acute traumatic injury (TI) and heart rate variability (HRV) in adults: A systematic review protocol. PLoS One, 17 (8), e0273688.

Nguyen, A., 2022. Chuyển đổi số trong báo chí: chuyển đổi cái gì và từ đâu? In: Trao đổi chuyên đề với lãnh đạo các cơ quan báo chí trung ương tại TPHCM, 24 August 2022, Hội Nhà báo VN.

Gerodimos, R., 2022. Introduction: Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory. In: Gerodimos, R., ed. Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-16.

Wallis, R. and Van Raalte, C., 2022. Britain’s Got Talent? A Critique of the “Talent Pipeline” Crisis in the UK’s Film and Television Industries. Media Industries Journal, 9 (1).

Dong, S., Jing, T. and Zhang, J., 2022. A Few-Shot Learning-Based Crashworthiness Analysis and Optimization for Multi-Cell Structure of High-Speed Train. Machines, 10 (8), 696.

Al-Zoubi, Z., 2022. Al-Jazeera's role in the Syrian uprising: A study of Al-Jazeera's coverage of the Syrian uprising, its impact on Syrian audience perception, and the factors motivating content selection. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Crapolicchio, E., Sarrica, M., Rega, I, Norton, L. S. and Vezzali, L., 2022. Social representations and images of slum tourism: Effects on stereotyping. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 90, 97-107.

Kieu, H. D., Yu, H., Li, Z. and Zhang, J. J., 2022. Locally weighted PCA regression to recover missing markers in human motion data. PLoS One, 17 (8), e0272407.

Matthews, L. S., 2022. Off Beat: Police as Protestors and use of Twitter as a Tactical Online Public Space. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Jukes, S., Fowler-Watt, K. and Rees, G., 2022. Reporting the Covid-19 pandemic: Trauma on our own doorstep. Digital Journalism, 10 (6), 997-1014.

Zhang, J., Nie, Y., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2022. SIG-Former: monocular surgical instruction generation with transformers. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 17, 2203-2210.

Hilty, R., D. Batista, P. H. and Carls, S., 2022. Traditional Knowledge, Databases and Prior Art – Options for an Effective Defensive Use of TK Against Undue Patent Granting. In: Stamatoudi, I., ed. Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 132-153.

Sun, J., Yu, H., Zhang, J. J., Dong, J., Yu, H. and Zhong, G., 2022. Face image-sketch synthesis via generative adversarial fusion. Neural Networks, 154, 179-189.

Favale, M., 2022. Robots as the new judges: Copyright, Hate Speech, and Platforms. European Intellectual Property Review, 44 (8), 461-471.

Gray, M., 2022. Perspective: State of Play of Media Brands. Technical Report. Poole: Bournemouth University.

Chambers, A. C. and Skains, R. L., 2022. Science and Technology. In: Garcia-Siino, L., Mittermeier, S. and Rabitsch, S., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Star Trek. New York: Routledge, 348-356.

Matthews, J. and Thorsen, E., 2022. Theorising Disaster Communities: Global Dimensions and their Local Contexts. Journal of International Communication, 28 (2), 228-248.

Gerodimos, R., 2022. Media literacy, values, and drivers of youth civic engagement: Reflecting on two decades of research. In: De Abreu, B. S., ed. Media Literacy, Equity, and Justice. London: Routledge, 98-105.

Dix, H., 2022. The Structure of Complex Words. American Literary History, ajac121.

Zhang, M., 2022. Slash Fan Fiction in China: Negotiating Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Female Fan Communities and Their Fan Texts. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Miu, V., 2022. Computer Vision with Machine Learning on Smartphones for Beauty Applications. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Ding, Z., 2022. Automatic 3D Neuron Tracing from Optical Microscopy Images. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Blades, C., 2022. Paranoid-Schizoid, Manic Defensive Society: Kleinian Psychodynamics in Contemporary Political Culture. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Alvares, C., Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A., Coutinho, A., Giannouli, I. and Armenakis, A., 2022. Campaigning for Europe ‘After’ the Economic ‘Crisis’: The Cases of Greece and Portugal. In: Novelli, E., Johansson, B. and Wring, D., eds. The 2019 European Electoral Campaign: In the Time of Populism and Social Media. London: Palgrave, 303-320.

Khosravi, m., Zia, R. and Chang, J., 2022. Exeter Cathedral: A colour reconstruction for use in augmented reality devices. In: EVA London 2022, 04–08 July 2022, London.

Voutyras, S., 2022. Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society.

Zia, R., 2022. “Seen Description” – Visualising and crafting data in mixed realities. In: EVA London 2022, 04–08 July 2022, London, 22-27.

Adeel, T. J., Zia, R. and Fryazinov, O., 2022. Design and Development Considerations for Serious Games to Assist in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Back Pain: An overview. In: EVA London 2022, 4–8 July 2022, London, 262-263.

Gyori, B. and Zaluczkowska, A., 2022. How we role: The collaborative role-playing poetics of the Secret Story Network. Journal of Screenwriting, 13 (2), 207-230.

Terkanian, K., 2022. From women operators to technical assistants: women in the BBC’s wartime engineering division. Women's History Review, 31 (4), 580-602.

Gerodimos, R., 2022. Humiliation, Shame and Violence: Honor, Trauma and Political Extremism Before and After the 2009 Crisis in Greece. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 31 (1), 34-45.

Veneti, A. and Russmann, U., 2022. Image-as-data and visual methods. In: Ceron, A., ed. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Technology and Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 90-94.

Baker, J., Mendes, K. and Terkanian, K., 2022. Labour, media and technology: editors' introduction. Women's History Review, 31 (4), 533-541.

Allen, S., Bickle, E. and Mayer, M., 2022. Academic Integrity: Explore, Examine, Enthuse, Educate and Expand. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022, 30 June 2022, Poole, UK.

Hughes, D., 2022. TBLC featured resource - graduate script project. Team Based Learning Collaborative.

Van Raalte, C., 2022. “No fate but what we make for ourselves”: agency and the action heroine in the Terminator films. In: Console-ing Passions, 23-25 June 2022, Orlando, Florida. (Unpublished)

Stones, H., 2022. A sufficient connection to Great Britain for maritime employees: Horgan v Chevron Transport Corporation Ltd [2022] UKET 4109707/2021. Lloyd's Shipping & Trade Law, 22 (5), 6-8.

Baker, T., 2022. The EU’s Impact on Identity Formation in East-Central Europe Between 2004 and 2013. Perceptions of the Nation and Europe in Political Parties of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Europe-Asia Studies, 74 (5), 877-879.

Zhu, Z., Iglesias, A., You, L.H. and Zhang, J., 2022. A Review of 3D Point Clouds Parameterization Methods. In: ICCS 2022: International Conference on Computational Science, 21-23 June 2022, London, 690-703.

Chan, V.S., Iglesias, A., Haron, H., Prada, P.J., Ruiz, S., Galvez, A., You, L.H., Salleh, F.M. and Mohamed, F., 2022. Virtual Reality Prototype of a Linear Accelerator Simulator for Oncological Radiotherapy Training. In: ICCS 2022: International Conference on Computational Science, 21-23 June 2022, London, 676-689.

Wang, S., Xia, Y., You, L. and Zhang, J., 2022. PDE-based surface reconstruction in automotive styling design. Multimedia Tools and Applications.

Van Raalte, C., 2022. From stepmother to mentor: intergenerational heroism in the female-led action films. In: Action Heroines in the Twenty-First Century: Sisters in Arms, 8-10 June 2022, Bournemouth. (Unpublished)

Stones, H., 2022. The price of breaking the law: the saga of the P&O Ferries Redundancies. Lloyd's Shipping and Trade Law, 22 (4), 1-3.

Baker, T., 2022. The psychosocial relationship between national identity and political sentiment in England: 2016-2020. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Brylla, C., 2022. Parasocial Contact in Factual Media. In: Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI) Conference, 1-4 June 2022, Universitat Polytecnica de Valencia, Campus de Gandia, Spain.

Schwandner-Sievers, S. and Klinkner, M. J., 2022. Divergent meaning of transitional justice principles: A Kosovo case study of social memory and incomplete transitional justice in the context of missing persons. In: Rauschenbach, M., Viebach, J. and Parmentier, S., eds. Localising Memory in Transitional Justice The Dynamics and Informal Practices of Memorialisation after Mass Violence and Dictatorship. Routledge.

Murphy, J., 2022. A Textbook Case: Aligning Orwell and NCTJ Teaching. George Orwell Studies, 6 (2), 58-77.

Johnstone, P., 2022. Independent Local Radio Drama: A Cultural, Historical And Regulatory Examination Of British Commercial Radio Drama. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Van Den Boom, F., 2022. Driven by digital innovations: Regulating connected car data access and use, for Telematics Insurance in Europe. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Marini, A. M. and Round, J., 2022. The Gothic in comics and children’s literature: an interview with Julia Round. REDEN, 3 (2), 80-99.

Witchel, H. J., Jones, C. I., Thompson, G. A., Westling, C. E. I., Romero, J., Nicotra, A., Maag, B. and Critchley, H. D., 2022. Spelling Errors in Brief Computer-Mediated Texts Implicitly Lead to Linearly Additive Penalties in Trustworthiness. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 873844.

Marinissen, A., 2022. The composition of concert music within the Digital Audio Workstation environment. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Patsiaouras, G., Veneti, A. and Green, W., 2022. The Hong Kong Umbrella Movement as a non-profit organization: An empirical study on the use of visual branding practices for social change. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 27 (2), e1717.

Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2022. Paralympic broadcasting and social change: An integrated mixed method approach to understanding the Paralympic audience in the UK. Television and New Media, 23 (4), 368-388.

Duncan, S. and Luce, A., 2022. Using the Responsible Suicide Reporting Model to increase adherence to global media reporting guidelines. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 23 (5), 1132 - 1148.

Redford, A. and Anderson, E. F., 2022. Digital Matte Painting - An Effective Undergraduate Assignment. In: Eurographics 2022, 25 April- 29 April 2022, Reims, France, 17-20.

Maezumi, S.Y., Elliott, S., Robinson, M., Betancourt, C. J., de Souza, J. G., Alves, D., Grosvenor, M., Hilbert, L., Urrego, D. H., Gosling, W. D. and Iriarte, J., 2022. Legacies of Indigenous land use and cultural burning in the Bolivian Amazon rainforest ecotone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377 (1849), 20200499.

Stones, H., 2022. Written evidence submitted by Dr Hannah Stones (MAR0003). Documentation. UK Parliament.

Gee, M., 2022. Golems Inc. Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy (4).

Lilleker, D. G., 2022. Outside the bubble: Social media and political participation in western democracies. Political Studies Review, 20 (3), NP3-NP4.

Southern, R., 2022. A comparison of LED panels for use in Virtual Production: Findings and recommendations. Technical Report. The Author. (Unpublished)

Van Raalte, C. and Helmers, M., 2022. Being Frank? Breaking the ’fourth wall’ in Netflix’s House of Cards. In: Cardwell, S., Bignell, J. and Donaldson, L.F., eds. Complexity / simplicity: Moments in television. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Stockton-Brown, M., 2022. Out-of-Commerce How the Existing Copyright Practices in Film Archives Impact on Widening Public Access to Cultural Heritage. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 13 (1), 5513.

Helmers, M. and Van Raalte, C., 2022. The Rush of the Ride: affecting perception through acousmatic sound design in Bodyguard. In: Cardwell, S., Bignell, J. and Donaldson, L.F., eds. Sound / image: Moments in television. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Sun, J., Wang, Z., Yui, H., Zhang, S., Dong, J. and Gao, P., 2022. Two-stage deep regression enhanced depth estimation from a single RGB image. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 10 (2), 719-727.

Majin, G., 2022. Millennial Journalism and its Ideological War with Donald Trump. In: ‘Arafa, M. A, ed. Perceptions and Misconceptions of Donald Trump. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Tatum, A., 2022. A Psycho-Political Study of Women’s Responses to Women Political Leaders in the United Kingdom. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Lewis, J., 2022. Mediating the Past: BBC Radio Archaeology Broadcasting, 1922-1966. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Cownie, F., 2022. Pursuing Climate Action: combining academic and professional forces. In: AdvancedHE Sustainability Symposium 2022, 29-30 March 2022, Online.

Rutherford and Cownie, F., 2022. Teaching Advertising for the Public Good. Journal of Promotional Communications, 9 (1), 37-50.

Mathee, J.M., 2022. Towards a pedagogy that promotes the values of craftsmanship in a photography practice programme. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Zhu, Z., Zheng, A., Iglesias, A., Wang, S., Xiang, Y., Chaudhry, E., You, L.H. and Zhang, J., 2022. PDE patch-based surface reconstruction from point clouds. Journal of Computational Science, 61 (May), 101647.

Seyed Esfahani, M., Heydari Khajehpour, S., Roushan-Easton, G. and Howell, R. D., 2022. A framework for successful adoption of surgical innovation. Surgical Innovation, 29 (5), 662-670.

Kamyab, M., Liu, G., Rasool, A. and Adjeisah, M., 2022. ACR-SA: attention-based deep model through two-channel CNN and Bi-RNN for sentiment analysis. PeerJ Computer Science, 8, e877.

Attard, I., 2022. Achieving Valuable Education for All: An Exploration of Curricular Challenges in Reforming Malta’s Secondary Education. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Faculty of Media and Communication.

Stones, H., 2022. Limitation of liability: what is an operator? Splitt Chartering APS and Others v Saga Shipholding Norway AS and Others (The “Stema Barge II) [2021] EWCA Civ 1880; [2022] 1 Lloyd's Rep 170. Lloyd's Shipping and Trade Law, 22 (1), 9-11.

Gnacek, M., Broulidakis, J., Mavridou, I., Fatoorechi, M., Seiss, E., Kostoulas, T., Balaguer-Ballester, E., Kiprijanovska, I., Rosten, C. and Nduka, C., 2022. emteqPRO—Fully Integrated Biometric Sensing Array for Non-Invasive Biomedical Research in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in virtual reality, 3, 781218.

Brownsword, R., 2022. Law, authority, and respect: three waves of technological disruption. Law, Innovation and Technology, 14 (1), 5-40.

McDougall, J., Bennett, P. and Potter, J., 2022. Uncertain springs of activism: Walking with Hoggart. In: Lee, C., Bailey, C., Burnett, C. and Rowsell, J., eds. Unsettling Literacies: Directions for literacy research in precarious times. Singapore: Springer Nature, 181-194.

Fang, J, Chaudhry, E, Iglesias, A, Macey, J, You, L and Zhang, J, 2022. Reconstructing Dynamic 3D Models with Small Data by Integrating Position-Based Dynamics and PDE-Based Modelling. Mathematics, 10 (5), 821.

Farkas, X., Jackson, D., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Russmann, U. and Veneti, A., 2022. Strikingly similar: Comparing visual political communication of populist and non-populist parties across 28 countries. European Journal of Communication, 37 (5), 545-562.

Murphy, K., 2022. Book Review: Gender and Early Television. Mapping Women's Role in Emerging US and British Media, 1850-1950. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 17 (1), 98-100.

Dolea, E.-A., 2022. Transnational diaspora diplomacy, emotions and COVID-19: The Romanian Diaspora in the UK. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 18, 12-14.

Veneti, A., Poulakidakos, S. and Minotakis, A., 2022. Generation Z. Project Report. Athens: UNSPECIFIED.

Williams, H. and Karathanasopoulou, E., 2022. Podcasting to Smash the Patriarchy: The Heart as a case study of quiet activism. In: The Centre for Applied Social Sciences Public Lectures, 23 February 2022, The Centre for Applied Social Sciences at the University of Sunderland.

Zhao, X., Jackson, D. and Nguyen, A., 2022. The psychological empowerment potential of solutions journalism: Perspectives from pandemic news users in the UK. Journalism Studies, 23 (3), 356-373.

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