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Two fatty acid anion-based ionic liquids - part I: Physicochemical properties and tribological behavior as neat lubricants.

Sernaglia, M., Blanco, D., Hernandez Battez, A., Viesca Rodriguez, J.L., Gonzalez, R. and Bartolomé, M., 2020. Two fatty acid anion-based ionic liquids - part I: Physicochemical properties and tribological behavior as neat lubricants. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 305 (May), 112827.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.112827


Two new ionic liquids ([N6,6,6,6][C8:0] and [N6,6,6,6][C16:0]) synthetized from fatty acids through a salt metathesis reaction were both characterized from a physicochemical and tribological point of view. Density, viscosity, corrosion activity and thermal stability tests were performed before making tribological tests under ball-on-disc both unidirectional (with fixed and variable slide-to-roll ratio) and reciprocating configuration. The main results of this work were the following: the longer the length of the alkyl chain of the anion the lower both viscosity and density and higher both viscosity index and thermal stability; these ionic liquids (ILs) are not corrosive; the [N6,6,6,6][C16:0] behaved better changing from elastohydrodynamic to mixed lubrication regime at lower speeds; their antiwear behavior at high load seems depend on their viscosity (for tests made at room temperature) and thermal stability and IL-surface interaction (for tests made at high temperature).

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ionic liquids; Fatty acids; Lubrication; Physicochemical properties; FrictionWear
Group:Faculty of Science & Technology
ID Code:34091
Deposited By: Symplectic RT2
Deposited On:03 Jun 2020 14:31
Last Modified:14 Mar 2022 14:22


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