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Number of items: 53.


Archibald, D, Douglas, F, Hoddinott, P, van Teijlingen, E., Robertson, C and Avenell, A, 2012. Tackling Male Obesity: the ROMEO (Review Of MEn Obesity) study. In: Heads up for Public Health: Inspiration, Integration and Innovation, 8--09 November 2012, Crieff, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Aryal, N., Regmi, P. and Mudwari, N., 2012. Violence against Women Living with HIV: A Cross Sectional Study in Nepal. Global Journal of Health Science, 4 (3), 117-125.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Husain, F., 2012. Within, without: dialogical perspectives on feminism and Islam. Religion & Gender, 2 (1), 128-149.


Belchamber, C.A., 2012. Breast Cancer Care: Exercise. In: Breast Cancer Care: Younger Women's Forum, 23--24 November 2012, The Old Ship Hotel, Brighton. (Unpublished)

Brown, S. J., 2012. Working at the interface between the art and science of breastfeeding: a qualitative study of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants' experiences. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Clark, C. J., Thomas, S., Carr, E. C.J. and Breen, A. C., 2012. Development and Validation of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire for Assessing Developmental Coordination Disorder in Adults. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 10, A50 - A50.

Clark, C. J., Khattab, A. D., Carr, E. C.J., Breen, A. C. and Grahame, R., 2012. Functional Impairments in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and Developmental Coordination Disorder In IFOMPT 2012: A Rendez-Vous of Hands and Minds, September 30–October 5, 2012, Québec City, Canada. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 42 (10), A49 - A49 .

Clark, C. J., Khattab, A. D., Carr, E. C.J., Breen, A. C. and Grahame, R., 2012. An Exploration of Neurophysiological Symptoms in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and their Impact on Quality of Life. In: Physiotherapy UK, 12--13 October 2012, Liverpool, UK.

Chelvanayagam, S., Duncan, J., Collins, B. and O'Brien, L., 2012. Uncovering anorexia nervosa in a biofeedback clinic for bowel dysfunction. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 10 (6), 43 - 48 .

Crossen-White, H., 2012. Drug-related activity in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland between 1900 and 1922: what evidence can be found through systematic searches of the Times digital achive. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..

Clark, C. J., Khattab, A. D., Carr, E. C.J., Breen, A. C. and Grahame, R., 2012. An Exploration of Neurophysiological Symptoms in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and their Impact on Quality of Life. In: Physiotherapy UK 2012, 12-13 October 2012, Liverpool Convention Centre, Liverpool,UK. (Unpublished)

Clark, C. J., 2012. Exploring the multi-factorial manifestations of joint hypermobility syndrome and the impact on quality of life. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Frampton, S.J., Ward, M.J., Sunkaraneni, V.S., Ismail-Koch, H., Sheppard, Z., Salib, R.J. and Jain, P.K., 2012. Guillotine versus dissection tonsillectomy: randomised, controlled trial. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 126 (11), 1142 - 1149 .


Griffiths, P.L., Sheppard, Z., Johnson, W., Cameron, N., Pettifor, J.M. and Norris, S.A., 2012. Associations between household and neighbourhood socioeconomic status and systolic blood pressure among urban South African adolescents. Journal of Biosocial Science , 44 (4), 433 - 458 .

Gashoot , M.M., 2012. Healing environment: a contribution to the interior design and decor features in single occupancy hospital rooms in Libya. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..


Hundley, V., Avan, B.I., Ahmed, H., Graham, W.J. and Birth Kit Working Group, 2012. Clean birth kits to improve birth practices: development and testing of a country level decision support tool. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 12 (158).

Hall, J. and Caldeira, S., 2012. Spiritual leadership and spiritual care in neonatology. Journal of Nursing Management, 20 (8), 1069 - 1075 .

Hughes, M., 2012. Unitary appreciative inquiry (UAI): A new approach for researching social work education and practice. British Journal of Social Work, 42 (7), 1388-1405.

Heaslip, V. and Board, M., 2012. Does nurses' vulnerability affect their ability to care? Br J Nurs, 21, 912 - 916 .

Hean, S., 2012. Challenges facing a systematic review of the contribution of theory to the development & delivery of effective interprofessional curricula in health professional education. In: AMEE 2012 (Association of Medical Educators Europe) The continuum of medicine and the healthcare professions, 27-29 August 2012, Lyon, France.

Hasselbusch, A. and Dancza, K., 2012. Application of the Person - Environment - Occupation (PEO) model in school-based occupational therapy. Children, Young People & Families Occupational Therapy Journal, 16 (2), 3 - 12.

Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C. S., 2012. Electronic health information and long term conditions. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (12), 623 - 627.

Hean, S., Fenge, L.-A., Worswick, L., Wilkinson, C. and Fearnley, S., 2012. Intersectoral interagency partnerships to promote financial capability in older people. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26 (5), 419-421.

Hughes, M., 2012. Is social work education life changing?: a unitary appreciative inquiry into the impact of social work education on a person's beliefs, values and behaviour. Other Thesis (Other). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..

Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C. S., 2012. What e-patients want from the doctor-patient relationship: content analysis of posts on discussion boards. J Med Internet Res, 14 (6), e155 - .

Hess, R. U., 2012. Women's lives in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and their experiences with the 'capacitar practices' for transforming trauma: an embodied enquiry. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..

Hutchings, M., Quinney, A., Galvin, K. T. and Clark, V., 2012. The yin/yang of innovative technology enhanced assessment for promoting student learning. In: European Conference on E-Learning ECEL, 11th, , 26--27 October 2012, Groningen, Netherlands, 230 - 237 .


Jones, K., 2012. Connecting Research with Communities through Performative Social Science. Qualitative Report, 17 (18), 1 - 8 .


Kodagalli, A., Mynors-Wallis, L., Cope, D., Ogallah, R. and Immins, T., 2012. Patient-reported outcome measures v. clinician-measured outcomes in community psychiatric practice. Psychiatric Bulletin, 36 (2), 61 - 64.


Lim, H., 2012. Culture and Motherhood: Findings from a Qualitative Study of East Asian Mothers in Britain’. Families, Relationships and Societies, 1 (3), 327 - 343 .


Mohan, V. and Das, S., 2012. Cardiorespiratory parameters before and after acupuncture: observations in a healthy and diseased state. Clinics, 67 (6), 673 -673.

Marden, S., Thomas, P., Sheppard, Z., Knott, J., Lueddeke, J. and Kerr, D., 2012. Poor numeracy skills are associated with glycaemic control in Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 29 (5), 662 - 669 .

Mayoh, J., Bond, C. S. and Todres, L., 2012. An Innovative Mixed Methods Approach to Studying the Online Health Information Seeking Experiences of Adults With Chronic Health Conditions. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6 (1), 21 - 33 .

Mojsa, J. E., 2012. Non-duality and psychotherapeutic practice: a phenomenological study of psychotherapist experiences of non-duality and implications for psychotherapeutic practice. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..


Pulman, A. and Taylor, J., 2012. Munchausen by internet: current research and future directions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14 (4), e115 - .

Parker, J. and van Teijlingen, E., 2012. The Research Excellence Framework (REF): Assessing the impact of social work research on society. Practice: Social Work in Action, 24 (1), 41 - 52.


Ribchester, H. and Jones, J., 2012. The introduction of iPads to support undergraduate occupational therapy education. In: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, 12 - 14 June 2012, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC), Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)


Scammell, J., Hind, M. and Harding, D., 2012. End of Life Care Education: A Service evaluation. Project Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E., Sharma, G., Simkhada, B. and Townend, J., 2012. User costs and informal payments for care in the largest maternity hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. Health Science Journal, 6 (2), 317-334.

Staddon, S., Hean, S. and Clapper, A., 2012. Interagency training across criminal justice and mental health services: an Initial report. Project Report. South of England Offender Health.

Smith, J. L., 2012. Practitioner based inquiry: taking the case of homeopathy. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E., Acharya, D.R., Schildbach, E., Silwal, P.R., Shrestha, J. and Pandey, P.L., 2012. Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in rural Nepal: Knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Nepal Population Journal, 17 (16), 3 - 10.


ter Horst, A. C., Cole, J., van Lier, R. and Steenbergen, B., 2012. The effect of chronic deafferentation on mental imagery: a case study. PLoS One, 7 (8), e42742 .


van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P. and Acharya, D. R., 2012. Sexual and reproductive health status and health service utilisation of adolescents in four districts in Nepal. Project Report. Bonn & Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P. and Rizyal, A., 2012. Submitting a paper to an academic peer-reviewed journal, where to start? Health Renaissance, 10 (1), 1-4.

van Teijlingen, E. and Simkhada, P., 2012. Ethical approval in developing countries is not optional. Journal of Medical Ethics.


Wasti, S. P., Simkhada, P., Randall, J., Freeman, J.V. and van Teijlingen, E., 2012. Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition, 30 (4), 410 - 419.

West, P.D., Sheppard, Z. and King, E.V., 2012. Comparison of techniques for identification of peripheral vestibular nystagmus. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 126 (12), 1209 - 1215 .

Weston, G. and Djohari, N., 2012. The Ship of Theseus and the Problem of 'Post-War' Answers to Contemporary Guatemalan Problems. History and Anthropology, 23 (4), 405-424.

Wasti, S. P., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2012. Ethical and Practical Challenges in Conducting Fieldwork on a Sensitive Topic (HIV) in Nepal. In: Loubere, N., Morgan, R., Kruckenberg, L., De Beukelaer, C. and Hernandez Montes De Oca, P., eds. RiDNET Practical Fieldwork Notes. Leeds: University of Leeds, 9 - 9.

Weston, G., 2012. Superheroes and comic-book vigilantes versus real-life vigilantes: an anthropological answer to the Kick-Ass paradox. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4 (2), 223-234.

Wasti, S. P., Simkhada, P., Randall, J., Freeman, J. and van Teijlingen, E., 2012. Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Nepal: A Mixed-Methods Study. PLoS One, 7 (5), e35547.

Wilkins, C., 2012. Emotional processing in childbirth: a longitudinal study of women's management of emotions during pregnancy and the association with postnatal depression. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care..

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