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Number of items: 48.

Abdel-Naby, S., Giorgini, P. and Ali, R., 2007. Towards integrating agents with objects tracing systems in AmI. In: 5th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'07), 13 - 14 Dec 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia.


Ali, R., Abdel-Naby, S., Maña, A., Muñoz, A. and Giorgini, P., 2007. Agent oriented AmI engineering. In: Ambient Intelligence Developments Conference (AmI.D07), 17 - 19 September 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France, 166-179.


Bharara, M., 2007. Liquid crystal thermography in neuropathic assessment of the diabetic foot. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Cook, R., 2007. Spatial and temporal scales of the morphodynamic evolution within the Studland complex. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Carvalho, L., Dudley, B., Dodkins, I., Clarke, R. T., Jones, I., Thackeray, S. and Maberley, S., 2007. Phytoplankton Classification Tool (Phase 2). Project Report. Edinburgh: SNIFFER.


Darvill, T., 2007. WIGGOLD: The archaeology of a 'lofty open country'. Project Design: Phase 1 (2007). Project Report. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University; Cotswold Archaeology, and Abbey Home Farm. (Unpublished)

Davis, T. and Rebelo, P., 2007. Environments for sonic ecologies. In: Evoworkshops, Valencia, 508-516.

Davis, T. and Karamanlis, O., 2007. Gestural control of sonic swarms: Composing with grouped sound objects. In: 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 11-13 Jul 2007, Lefkada, Greece.

Dubey, V. N. and Grewal, G. S., 2007. Photoelastic stress analysis under unconventional loading. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 4-7 September 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 525-530.

Dubey, V. N. and Grewal, G. S., 2007. Tactile whole-field imaging sensor on photoelasticity. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 4-7 September 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 339-345.


Echeverria, C., Lara, A., Rey Benayas, J. M., Newton, A. and Coomes, D. A., 2007. Impacts of Forest Fragmentation on Species Composition and Forest Structure in the Temperate Landscape in Southern Chile. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16, 426-439.


Fakorede, O., 2007. An investigation into the implementation issues and challenges of service oriented architecture. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Fleutot, F. and Tratt, L., 2007. Contrasting Compile-Time Meta-Programming in Metalua and Converge. In: 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, 31 July 2007, Berlin, Germany.

Ferris, H., McKenzie, K., Thomas, K. and Craig, A., 2007. The link between post-qualification experience and self-confidence ratings in two problem-solving domains: a study of radiation therapists. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 6 (4), 225-228.


Green, I. D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2007. The effect of sewage sludge application to an agricultural soil on the fecundity of the Rose Grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum). In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 10-12 September 2007, University of Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Grewal, G. S., 2007. Digital photoelasticity in biomedical sensing. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Grewal, G. S. and Dubey, V. N., 2007. Inverse problem of photoelastic fringe mapping using neural networks. Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 1361-1366.


Hodder, K. H., Masters, J.E.G., Beaumont, W.R.C., Gozlan, R. E., Pinder, A. C., Knight, C. M. and Kenward, R. E., 2007. Techniques for Evaluating the Spatial Behaviour of River-Fish. Hydrobiologia, 582 (1), 257-269.

Hole, L. and Williams, O., 2007. The Emotion Sampling Device (ESD). In: HCI2007, 3-7 Sep 2007, Lancaster, UK, 177-178.

Hole, L. and Williams, O., 2007. Gaining insight into the User eXperience. In: Towards a UX Manifesto, 3 September 2007, Lancaster, UK, 15-18.

Hambleton, E., 2007. Skulls on Show: An investigation of ritual treatment of animal remains at the prehistoric settlement of Battlesbury Bowl, Hampshire. In: Releasing Research and Enterprise Potential 2006-7 Finale Event, 18 July 2007, Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Humphries-Smith, T., 2007. To Embed or not to Embed (Sustainability in the Curriculum) That is the Question – And Do We Have a Choice? In: Bohemia, E., Hilton, K., McMahon, C. and Clarke, A., eds. Shaping the Future? Proceedings of 9th Engineering and Product Design Education International Conference Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 13th and 14th September 2007. Basildon, Essex: Hadleys, 27-33.


Johnson, A.J. and Miles, C., 2007. Serial position functions for recognition of olfactory stimuli. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60 (10), 1347-1355.

Johnson, A.J. and Miles, C., 2007. Evidence against memorial facilitation and context-dependent memory effects through the chewing of gum. Appetite, 48 (3), 394-396.

Jenkins, E. L. and Rosen, A..M, 2007. The Phytoliths. In: Finlayson, B. and Mithen, S., eds. The Early Prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan: Archaeological survey of Wadis Faynan, Ghuwayr and al-Bustan and Evaluation of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Settlement of WF16. Oxford, England: Oxbow Books, 429-436.


Kadlec, P. and Gabrys, B., 2007. Nature-Inspired Adaptive Architecture for Soft Sensor Modelling. In: NiSIS'2007 Symposium: 3rd European Symposium on Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems, 26- 27 November 2007, St Julian's, Malta.


Lehmann, J., Korstjens, A. and Dunbar, R.I.M., 2007. Group size, Grooming and Social Cohesion in Primates. Animal Behaviour, 74 (6), 1617-1629.

Lemke, C. and Gabrys, B., 2007. Review of Nature-Inspired Forecast Combination Techniques. In: NiSIS'2007 Symposium: 3rd European Symposium on Nature-inspired Smart Information Systems, 26- 27 November 2007, St Julian's, Malta.


McMahon, M. and Hadfield, M., 2007. The Butterfly Effect: Creative Sustainable Design Solutions through Systems thinking. In: The 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: FAIM 2006, 26-28 June 2006, University of Limerick, Ireland, 247-254.

McMahon, J., McAlaney, J. and Edgar, F., 2007. Binge drinking behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in a UK community sample: An analysis by gender, age and deprivation. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 14 (4), 289 - 303 .

McAlaney, J. and McMahon, J., 2007. Normative beliefs, misperceptions and heavy episodic drinking in a British student sample. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68 (3), 385 - 392 .

Maltby, M., 2007. Chop and change: specialist cattle carcass processing in Roman Britain. In: Croxford, B., Ray, N. and Roth, R., eds. TRAC 2006: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Oxford: Oxbow, 59-76.

Mitchell, D., Shen, X and Green, M., 2007. Does selective reanalysis really play a role in sentence processing?: implications for computational models of eye-movement behaviour. In: 13th Annual Conference for Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, 24-27 August 2007, Turku, Finland.

Milner, E. , Gevaux, N., Hathaway, S.-J., Hopper, M. , Osborne, L. and Russell, B., 2007. Gazetteer of Archaeological Investigations Undertaken in England 2005: Supplement 16. Gazetteer of Archaeological Investigations Undertaken in England 2005, 16.


Newton, A., Marshall, E., Schreckenberg, K., Golicher, D., te Velde, D. W., Edouard, F. and Arancibia, E., 2007. Use of a Bayesian belief network to predict the impacts of commercializing non-timber forest products on livelihoods. Ecology and Society, 11 (2).

Nyman, S.R. and Ballinger, C., 2007. Falls prevention in practice: A literature review. Project Report. London: Help the Aged.


Phalp, K. T., 2007. The RolEnact Process Modelling Language. In: Talk to the Declarative Systems and Software Engineering Group (DSSE), Department of Electronics and Computer Science, February 1997, University of Southampton. (Unpublished)

Polman, R. C.J. and Borkoles, E., 2007. Relationship between physical self-perceptions and body composition following a 10 week exercise program for previously sedentary participants. In: International Biennial Self Research Conference, 4th, 23--27 July 2006, Ann Arbor, USA, 1 - 8 .


Ruta, D. and Gabrys, B., 2007. Reducing Spatial Data Complexity for Classification Models. In: Maroulis, G. and Simos, T.E., eds. Computational Methods in Science and Engineering: Theory and Computation: Old Problems and New Challenges (AIP Conference Proceedings). Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, 603-613.

Riedel, S. and Gabrys, B., 2007. Dynamic Pooling for the Combination of Forecasts Generated Using Multi Level Learning. In: Neural Networks, 2007. IJCNN 2007. International Joint Conference on, 12-17 Aug. 2007, Orlando, FL,, 454-459.

Reynolds, S. C., 2007. Temporal variation in Plio- Pleistocene Antidorcas (Mammalia: Bovidae) horncores: the case from Bolt's Farm and why size matters. South African Journal of Science, 103, 47 - 50 .

Ruta, D. and Gabrys, B., 2007. Neural Network Ensembles for Time Series Prediction. In: Neural Networks, 2007. IJCNN 2007. International Joint Conference on, 12-17 Aug. 2007, Orlando, FL,, 1204-1209.


Tratt, L., 2007. Model Transformations in MT. Science of Computer Programming, 68 (3), 196-213.

Tratt, L. and Wuyts, R., 2007. Dynamically Typed Languages. IEEE Software, 24 (5), 28-30.

Twumasi, B. O., 2007. Automated shape analysis and visualization of the human back. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Tsakonas, A. and Dounias, G., 2007. Evolving Neural-Symbolic Systems Guided by Adaptive Training Schemes: Applications in Finance. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 21 (7), 681-706.

Tratt, L., 2007. Evolving a DSL implementation. In: 2nd Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, 2 -7 July 2007, Braga, Portugal.


Williams, O. and Hole, L., 2007. Emotion sampling using appraisals. In: The 3rd International Workshop on Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction, 4 September 2007, Lancaster, UK.

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