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Jan, R., van Teijlingen, E. and Mubeen, K., 2021. December 2021: The end of another eventful year. Journal of Asian Midwives, 8 (2), 1 -2.

Sathian, B., Banerjee, I., Mekkodathil, A.A., van Teijlingen, E., Pizarro, A.B., Asim, M., Mancha, M.A., Kabir, R., Simkhada, P., Borger do Nascimento, I.J. and Al Hama, H., 2021. Epidemiologic characteristics, clinical management and Public Health Implications of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and meta-analysis. Nepal Journal of Epidemiology, 11 (4), 1103 - 1125.

Khatri, R., van Teijlingen, E. and Simkhada, P., 2021. The Health and Well-being of Female Labour Migrants from Nepal: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders,. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (2), 49 - 55.

Heaslip, V., Green, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Richer, S., 2021. How Do People Who Are Homeless Find Out about Local Health and Social Care Services: A Mixed Method Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (1), 46.

Bartholomew, V., Hundley, V., Clark, C. and Parris, B., 2021. The RETHINK Study Protocol: to determine if pregnant women who pain catastrophise are more likely to attend hospital during the latent phase of labour. Evidence Based Midwifery, 20 (2), 5-12.

Almilaji, O., Webb, G., Maynard, A., Chapman, T.P., Shine, B.S.F., Ellis, A.J., Hebden, J., Docherty, S., Williams, E.J. and Snook, J., 2021. Broad external validation of a multivariable risk prediction model for gastrointestinal malignancy in iron deficiency anaemia. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 5 (1), 23.

Dhakal-Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Wood, J., Dangal, G. and Dhakal, K. B., 2021. Caesarean section for non-medical reasons: A rising public health issue. Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, 4 (2), 528.

Faux-Nightingale, A., Kulshrestha, R., Emery, N., Pandyan, A., Willis, T. and Philp, F., 2021. Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy: A Patients’ Perspective. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 3 (4), 100157.

Thomas, S., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Passmore, D., Pretty, K., Fairbanks, B., Davies Smith, A. and Thomas, P., 2021. Creating a Digital Toolkit to Reduce Fatigue and Promote Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis: Participatory Design and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (12), e19230.

Maclean, D., Tsakok, M., Gleeson, F., Breen, D.J., Goldin, R., Primrose, J., Harris, A. and Franklin, J., 2021. Comprehensive Imaging Characterization of Colorectal Liver Metastases. Frontiers in Oncology, 11, 730854.

McGill, K., Sackley, C., Godwin, J., Gavaghan, D., Ali, M., Ballester, B. R., Brady, M. C., Ali, M., Ashburn, A., Barer, D., Barzel, A., Bernhardt, J., Bowen, A., Drummond, A., Edmans, J., English, C., Gladman, J., Godecke, E., Hiekkala, S., Hoffmann, T., Kalra, L., Kuys, S., Langhorne, P., Laska, A. C., Lees, K., Logan, P., Machner, B., Mead, G., Morris, J., Pandyan, A., Pollock, A., Pomeroy, V., Rodgers, H., Sackley, C., Shaw, L., Stott, D. J., Sunnerhagen, K. S., Tyson, S., van Vilet, P., Walker, M. and Whiteley, W., 2021. Using the Barthel Index and modified Rankin Scale as Outcome Measures for Stroke Rehabilitation Trials; A Comparison of Minimum Sample Size Requirements. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31 (2), 106229.

Khatri, R., van Teijlingen, E., Marahatta, S., Simkhada, P., Mackay, S. and Simkhada, B., 2021. Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development fo Nurses: A Qualitative Study with Senior Nurse Leaders in Nepal. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences,, 7 (1), 15 - 29.

Simkhada, B., van Teijlingen, E., Ireland, J. and Simkhada, P., 2021. Mental Health Issues in Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Review of the Nepalese Nursing Curricula. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 7 (1), 73 - 86.

Gonzalez, R.N., Regmi, P., Aryal, N. and Akudjedu, T.. N., 2021. Mental Health Risk and Associated Factors in the Aftermath of the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 7 (1), 93-105.

Aryal, N., Sedhain, A., Regmi, P., KC, R. K. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Risk of kidney health among returnee Nepali migrant workers: A survey of nephrologists. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 12 (12), 126-132.

Welch, L., Sadler, E., Austin, A. A. and Rogers, A., 2021. Social network participation towards enactment of self-care in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative meta-ethnography. Health Expectations, 24 (6), 1995-2012.

Simkhada, B., Vahdaninia, M., van Teijlingen, E. and Blunt, H., 2021. Cultural issues on accessing mental health services in Nepali and Iranian migrants communities in the UK. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30 (6), 1610-1619.

Gelling, L. H., Ersser, S. J., Heaslip, V., Trenoweth, S. and Tait, D., 2021. Ethical conduct of nursing research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30 (23-34), e69-e71.

Lim, H., 2021. Human rights activism among North Korean refugees in the UK: Hope for a democratic future? Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 6, 277-286.

Ladur, A.N., van Teijlingen, E. and Hundley, V., 2021. Male involvement in promotion of safe motherhood in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. Midwifery, 103 (December), 103089.

Jones, M. and James, J., 2021. Role of the nurse in addressing vaccine hesitancy and misinformation on social media. Nursing Standard, 36 (12), e11759.

Khanal, S.P., van Teijlingen, E., Sharma, M.K., Acharya, J. and Sharma, C., 2021. Perceived threats towards COVID-19 pandemic among Nepali migrant workers returned from India. Journal of Health Promotion, 9 (1), 87 - 99.

van Teijlingen, K., Devkota, B., Douglas, F., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Understanding health education, health promotion and public health. Journal of Health Promotion, 9 (1), 1 - 7.

Parker, J. and Veasey, K., 2021. Universal Credit, Gender and Structural Abuse. The Journal of Adult Protection, 23 (6), 358-369.

Kalimeri, M., Totman, J. J., Baum, T., Diefenbach, M.N., Hauner, H., Makowski, M.R., Subburaj, K., Cameron-Smith, D., Henry, C.J., Karampinos, D.C. and Junker, D., 2021. Postmenopausal Chinese-Singaporean Women Have a Higher Ratio of Visceral to Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Volume than Caucasian Women of the Same Age and BMI. Diagnostics (Basel), 11 (11), 2127.

Singleton, H., Hodder, A., Boyers, D., Doney, L., Almilaji, O., Heaslip, V., Thompson, A.R., Boyle, R., Axon, E., Van Onselen, J., O'Meara, S., Roberts, A. and Ersser, S. J., 2021. Psychological and educational interventions for managing eczema. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (11), CD014932.

Payne, L., Ghio, D., Grey, E., Slodkowska-Barabasz, J., Harris, P., Sutcliffe, M., Green, S., Roberts, H.C., Childs, C., Robinson, S., Gudgin, B., Holloway, P., Kelly, J., Wallis, K., Dean, O., Aveyard, P., Gill, P., Stroud, M., Little, P., Yardley, L. and Morrison, L, 2021. Optimising an intervention to support home-living older adults at risk of malnutrition: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 22 (1), 219.

Scott, L. and Andrewes, T., 2021. Using the transtheoretical model of behaviour change to analyse the impact of stopping exercise: a reflection. British Journal of Nursing, 30 (20), 1203 - 1205.

Ashford, S., Mohammed Meeran, R. A., Clark, T., Montesinos Ruiz, M., Hoffman, K., Playford, D. and Pandyan, A., 2021. A consensus process to agree best practice for managing physical wellbeing in people with a prolonged disorder of consciousness. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 57 (5), 701 - 709.

Gelling, L., Ersser, S., Heaslip, V., Tait, D. and Trenoweth, S., 2021. Ethical conduct of nursing research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30 (23-24), e69-e71.

Khan, H. and Cescutti-Butler, L., 2021. Enhancing undergraduate midwifery: using drug and alcohol baby simulators in education. British Journal of Midwifery, 29 (11), 621 - 627.

Mills, A., Knight, A. and Burdett, T., 2021. Supporting student nurses to develop healthy conversation skills. British Journal of Community Nursing, 26 (11), 554-559.

Roberts, N., Welch, L., Kelly, C. and Lippiett, K., 2021. Informing future nursing: An exploration of respiratory teaching in the pre-registration nurse curriculum. Nurse Education in Practice, 57, 103254.

Uchendu, I., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Turner-Wilson, A. and Nakwasi, C., 2021. Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about cervical cancer, and the uptake of cervical cancer screening in Nigeria: An integrative review. Scientific African, 14 (November), e01013.

Akudjedu, T.N., Mishio, N.A., Elshami, W., Culp, M.P., Lawal, O., Botwe, B.O., Wuni, A-R., Julka-Anderson, N., Shanahan, M., Totman, J. J. and Franklin, J.M., 2021. The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical radiography practice: A systematic literature review and recommendations for future services planning. Radiography, 27 (4), 1219-1226.

Pritchard, C., Hansen, L., Silk, A. and Rosenorn-Lanng, E., 2021. 21st Century Early Adult (55-74) Deaths from Brain-Disease-Deaths Compared to All Other Cause Mortality in the Major Western Countries - Exposing a Hidden Epidemic. Neurological Research, 43 (11), 900 - 908.

Singleton, H., James, J., Penfold, S., Falconer, L., Priego-Hernández, J., Holley, D. and Burden, D., 2021. Deteriorating patient training using non-immersive virtual reality: A descriptive qualitative study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 39 (11), 675-681.

Powell, A. and Thomas, S., 2021. How the LiveWell Dorset lifestyle behaviour change service influences older adults’ physical activity behaviour: A generic qualitative study. Public Health in Practice, 2 (November), 100164.

Stride, S. L., Hundley, V. A., Way, S. and Sheppard, Z.A., 2021. Identifying the factors that influence midwives' perineal practice at the time of birth in the United Kingdom. Midwifery, 102 (November), 103077.

Whiffin, C. J, Fergus, G. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2021. The experience of families following traumatic brain injury in adult populations: A meta-synthesis of narrative structures. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 123 (November), 104043.

Alexiou, C., Ward, L., Hume, E., Armstrong, M., Wilkinson, M. and Vogiatzis, I., 2021. Effect of interval compared to continuous exercise training on physiological responses in patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 18. (In Press)

Holley, D., Quinney, A. and Moran, J., 2021. Building a values-based community of practice in Nursing Sciences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (22).

Kawai, E., Gonjo, T. and Takagi, H., 2021. Kinematic and kinetic parameters to identify water polo players' eggbeater kick techniques. Sports Biomechanics, 22 (12), 1752-1763.

Ihama, F., Pandyan, A. and Roffe, C., 2021. Assessment of fracture risk tools in care home residents: a multi-centre observational pilot study. European Geriatric Medicine, 12 (1), 79 -89.

Neilson, S., Randall, D., McNamara, K. and Downing, J., 2021. Children's palliative care education and training: developing an education standard framework and audit. BMC Medical Education, 21 (1), -.

van Teijlingen, E., Dhakal Adhikari, S., Regmi, P.R., van Teijlingen, A., Aryal, N. and Panday, S., 2021. Publishing, identifiers & metrics: Playing the numbers game. Health Prospect: Journal of Public Health, 20 (1), 18-21.

Tamang, P., Simkhada, P., Bissell, P., van Teijlingen, E., Khatri, R. and Stephenson, J., 2021. Correction to: Health facility preparedness of maternal and neonatal health services: a survey in Jumla, Nepal. BMC Health Serv Res, 21 (1), -.

Agyemang, L., Wagland, R., Foster, C., McLean, C. and Fenlon, D., 2021. The cultural and structural factors that hide information from women diagnosed with breast cancer: an ethnography. BMC Women's Health, 21, 364.

Beksinska, A, Jama, Z, Kabuti, R, Kungu, M, Babu, H, Nyariki, E, Shah, P, Maisha Fiti Study Champions, Nyabuto, C, Okumu, M, Mahero, A, Ngurukiri, P, Irungu, E, Adhiambo, W, Muthoga, P, Kaul, R, Seeley, J, Beattie, T., Weiss, H. and Kimani, J, 2021. Prevalence and correlates of common mental health problems and recent suicidal thoughts and behaviours among female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 503.

Leigh, S., Daly, R., Stevens, S., Lapajne, L., Clayton, C., Andrews, T. and Ashall-Payne, L., 2021. Web-based internet searches for digital health products in the United Kingdom before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a time-series analysis using app libraries from the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications (ORCHA). BMJ Open, 11, e053891.

Dhakal-Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Wood, J., Dangal, G. and Dhakal, K.B., 2021. A brief history and indications for cesarean section. Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences, 8, e1 - e10.

ALJawaee, M., Jones, M., Theobald, P. and Williams, J. M., 2021. Does wobble board training improve balance in older adults? A systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews, 26 (6), 447-456.

Nessel, I., Khashu, M. and Dyall, S.C., 2021. Effects of storage practices on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and lipid peroxidation of preterm formula milk. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34 (5), 827-833.

Nyman, S.R., Casey, C. and Polman, R., 2021. Psychometric properties of the ICECAP-O quality of life measurement tool when self-reported by community-dwelling older people with mild and moderate dementia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 35 (4), 356-359.

Tamang, P., Simkhada, P., Bissell, P., van Teijlingen, E., Khatri, R. and Stephenson, J., 2021. Health facility preparedness of maternal and neonatal health services: a survey in Jumla, Nepal. BMC Health Services Research, 21, 1023.

Hills, S. P., Hobbs, M., Tipton, M.J. and Barwood, M.J., 2021. The Water Incident Database (WAID) 2012 to 2019: a systematic evaluation of the documenting of UK drownings. BMC Public Health, 21, 1760.

Wylde, M., Adilah Masismadi, N., Chee Yong, L., Callaway, A. and Williams, J. M., 2021. Placement of inertial measurement units in Racket Sports: Perceptions of coaches for IMU use during training and competition. International Journal of Racket Sports Science, 3 (1), 45 - 55.

Cox, N. and Andrewes, T., 2021. Understanding colorectal cancer survivors’ perceptions of dietary advice: a literature review. Cancer Nursing Practice, 21 (1), 26-34.

Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2021. Barriers and enablers to implementing ‘DEALTS2’ simulation-based train-the–trainer dementia training programme in hospital settings across England: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1), 946.

Wainwright, T. W. and McDonald, D., 2021. A hospital-based mixed-methods observational study to evaluate a hip and knee replacement quality improvement project. TQM Journal, 33 (7), 272 - 294.

Griffith, S and Gelling, L., 2021. How do hospice nurses prepare to give end-of-life care? A grounded theory study of nurses in one UK hospice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 27 (7), 334-350.

Healy, J., 2021. Book Review: What Makes a Social Crisis? The Societalization of Social Problems. Sociological Research Online: an electronic journal, 26 (3), 768-769.

Lancaster, C. and Phillips, P., 2021. How does the use of humour in the UK ambulance service affect a clinician's well-being? British Paramedic Journal, 6 (2), 26 - 33.

Spacey, A., Porter, S., Board, M. and Scammell, J., 2021. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on end of life care delivery in care homes: A mixed method systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 35 (8), 1468-1479.

Shanker, S., Wasti, S. P., Ireland, J., Regmi, P. R., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. The Interdisciplinary Team Not the Interdisciplinarist. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (2), 1-5.

Shanker, S., Wasti, S. P., Ireland, J., Regmi, P., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. The Interdisciplinary Team not the Interdisciplinarist: reflections on Interdisciplinary Research. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (2), 317.

Khaled, K., Hundley, V., Bassil, M., Bazzi, M. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. Validation of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) Food Frequency Questionnaire for use among Adults in Lebanon. Public Health Nutrition, 24 (13), 4007-4016.

Tronchin, G., Akudjedu, T.. N., Ahmed, M., Holleran, L., Hallahan, B., Cannon, D.M. and McDonald, C., 2021. Correction to: Progressive subcortical volume loss in treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients after commencing clozapine treatment. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46, 1857-1858.

Gonjo, T., McCabe, C., Coleman, S., Soares, S., Fernandes, R.J., Vilas-Boas, J.P. and Sanders, R., 2021. Do swimmers conform to criterion speed during pace-controlled swimming in a 25-m pool using a visual light pacer? Sports Biomechanics, 20 (6), 651 - 664.

Botwe, B. O., Antwi, W. K., Arkoh, S. and Akudjedu, T.. N., 2021. Radiographers’ perspectives on the emerging integration of artificial intelligence into diagnostic imaging: The Ghana study. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 68 (3), 260-268.

Hofmeyr, G.J., Bernitz, S., Bonet, M., Bucagu, M., Dao, B., Downe, S., Galadanci, H., Homer, C.S.E., Hundley, V., Lavender, T., Levy, B., Lissauer, D., Lumbiganon, P., McConville, F.E., Pattinson, R., Qureshi, Z., Souza, J.P., Stanton, M.E., Ten Hoope-Bender, P., Vannevel, V., Vogel, J.P. and Oladapo, O.T., 2021. WHO next generation partograph: revolutionary steps towards individualised labour care. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 128 (10), 1658-1662.

Aryal, N., Regmi, P., Sedhain, A., KC, R. K., Martinez Faller, E., Rijal, A. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Kidney health risk of migrant workers: An issue we can no longer overlook. Health Prospect, 20 (1), 15-17.

Barbosa, A.C., Barroso, R., Gonjo, T., Rossi, M.M., Paolucci, L.A., Olstad, B.H. and Andrade, A.G.P, 2021. 50 m freestyle in 21, 22 and 23 s: What differentiates the speed curve of world-class and elite male swimmers? International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 21 (6), 1055 - 1065.

Dayus, J., Callaway, A., Ellis, S. and Butterworth, A., 2021. Analysis of playing style across different developmental stages in football. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 21 (6), 934-952.

Takagi, H., Nakashima, M., Sengoku, Y., Tsunokawa, T., Koga, D., Narita, K., Kudo, S., Sanders, R. and Gonjo, T., 2021. How do swimmers control their front crawl swimming velocity? Current knowledge and gaps from hydrodynamic perspectives. Sports Biomechanics, 1 - 20.

Randall, D. and Collins, E., 2021. Community nursing: will new standards be a panacea? British Journal of Nursing, 30 (15), 880.

Gonjo, T. and Olstad, B. H., 2021. Differences between elite and sub-elite swimmers in a 100 m breaststroke: a new race analysis approach with time-series velocity data. Sports Biomechanics, 22 (12), 1722-1733.

Oliver, L., 2021. Child-to-Parent Violence and Abuse: why families need to open up when the nation locks down. The Sociological Observer (3), 61 - 67.

Power, C. and Andrewes, T., 2021. Reflecting on health and wellbeing as a student nurse: a personal journey. Nursing Times, 117 (8), 22-24.

Recio-Saucedo, A., Smith, G. B., Redfern, O., Maruotti, A., Griffiths, P. and Missed Care Study Group, 2021. Observational study of the relationship between nurse staffing levels and compliance with mandatory nutritional assessments in hospital. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34 (4), 679-686.

Abdul-Razak, W., Botwe, O.B. and Akudjedu, T.N., 2021. Impact of artificial intelligence on clinical radiography practice: futuristic prospects in a low resource setting. Radiography, 27 (S1), S69-S73.

Jan, R. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Editorial: Midwifery 2021 in a World in Turmoil. Journal of Asian Midwives, 8 (1), 1 - 2.

Khaled, K., Hundley, V. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. Poor dietary quality and patterns are associated with higher perceived stress among women of reproductive age in the UK. Nutrients, 13 (8), 2588.

Botwe, B.O., Akudjedu, T.N., Antwi, W.K., Rockson, P., Mkoloma, S.S., Balogun, E.O., Elshami, W., Bwambale, J., Barare, C., Mdletshe, S., Yao, B. and Arkoh, S., 2021. The integration of artificial intelligence in medical imaging practice: Perspectives of African radiographers. Radiography, 27 (3), 861-866.

Lawrence, V., Hickson, M., Weekes, C. E., Julian, A., Frost, G. and Murphy, J., 2021. A UK survey of nutritional care pathways for patients with Covid‐19 prior to and post hospital stay. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34 (4), 660-669.

Billy, S., Raymond, L. and Williams, J. M., 2021. Validity and reliability of innovative field measurements of tibial accelerations and spinal kinematics during cricket fast bowling. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 59, 1475-1484.

Williams, J. M. and Nyman, S., 2021. A secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial to investigate the effect of Tai Chi on the instrumented Timed Up and Go test in people with mild to moderate dementia. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 2175-2181.

Roberts, N. J., Kelly, C. A., Lippiett, K. A., Ray, E. and Welch, L., 2021. Experiences of nurses caring for respiratory patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: An online survey study. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 8 (1), e000987.

Forde, E., Butcher, A., Fraser, A., Phillips, S. and Turner, M., 2021. Virtual training in the practical management of emergencies in primary care: making a virtue out of necessity. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, 74, 648-649.

Morley, D. A. and Cunningham, S., 2021. Global partnerships in nursing - A qualitative study in lessons for success. Nurse Education in Practice, 54 (July), 103069.

De Baetselier, E., Van Rompaey, B., Dijkstra, N.E., Sino, C.G., Akerman, K., Batalha, L.M., Fernandez, M.I.D., Filov, I., Grøndahl, V.A., Heczkova, J., Helgesen, A.K., Keeley, S., Kolovos, P., Langer, G., Ličen, S., Lillo-Crespo, M., Malara, A., Padysakova, H., Prosen, M., Pusztai, D., Raposa, B., Riquelme-Galindo, J., Rottkova, J., Talarico, F., Tziaferi, S. and Dilles, T., 2021. The NUPHAC-EU Framework for Nurses' Role in Interprofessional Pharmaceutical Care: Cross-Sectional Evaluation in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (15), 7862.

Mivšek, P., Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E., Pahor, M. and Hlebec, V., 2021. Slovenian midwifery professionalisation: Perception of midwives and related health professions. European Journal of Midwifery, 5 (July), 30.

Bowers, H., Kendrick, T., van Ginneken, N., Glowacka, M., Williams, S., Leydon, G.M., May, C., Dowrick, C., Moncrieff, J., Johnson, C.F., Moore, M., Laine, R. and Geraghty, A.W.A., 2021. A Digital Intervention for Primary Care Practitioners to Support Antidepressant Discontinuation (Advisor for Health Professionals): Development Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (7), e25537.

Darby, I., Phillips, P., Phillips, L. and Wicks, A., 2021. Is it civic duty? An exploratory study of factors that influenced the public's decision to download the NHS COVID-19 app. British Journal of Health Care Management, 27 (7).

Lear, P. and Andrewes, T., 2021. Do mindfulness interventions reduce burnout in oncology nurses? A literature review. Cancer Nursing Practice.

Stevens, M., Rees, T. and Cruwys, T., 2021. Social Identity Leadership in Sport and Exercise: Current Status and Future Directions. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55 (July), 101931.

Andina Díaz, E., Siles González, J., Serrano Fuentes, N., Welch, L., del Blanco Ubiergo, G. and Solano Ruiz, M., 2021. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups through the gaze of nursing students: an educational project with Photovoice. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 8, 571-581.

Jain, S., Lamb, J., Townsend, O., Scott, C.E.H., Kendrick, B., Middleton, R., Jones, S.A., Board, T., West, R. and Hermant, P., 2021. Risk factors influencing fracture characteristics in postoperative periprosthetic femoral fractures around cemented stems in total hip arthroplasty. Bone and Joint Open, 2 (7), 466-475.

Ambrosio, L., Hislop-Lennie, K., Barker, H., Culliford, D. and Portillo, M. C., 2021. Living with Long term condition Scale: A pilot validation study of a new person centred tool in the UK. Nursing Open, 8 (4), 1909-1919.

Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. C.J. and Nyman, S.R., 2021. People living with dementia and their family carers’ adherence to home-based Tai Chi practice. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice, 20 (5), 1586-1603.

Williams, J. M. and Nyman, S., 2021. Age Moderates Differences in Performance on the Instrumented Timed Up and Go test between People with Dementia and their Informal Caregivers. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 44 (3), E150-E157.

Christensen, M., Craft, J. and White, S., 2021. "I've had horrible things said about me": An inductive content analysis of nursing academic experiences of contra-power harassment from undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 54 (July), -.

White, S., Tait, D. and Scammell, J., 2021. Nursing students' evolving professional values: Capturing their journey through co-operative inquiry. Nurse Education in Practice, 54 (July), 103117.

Jain, S., Lamb, J., Townsend, O., Scott, C.E.H., Kendrick, B., Middleton, R., Jones, S.A., Board, T., West, R. and Pandit, H., 2021. Risk factors influencing fracture characteristics in postoperative periprosthetic femoral fractures around cemented stems in total hip arthroplasty : a multicentre observational cohort study on 584 fractures. Bone & Joint Open, 2 (7), 466 - 475.

Parker, J., 2021. Social Work and COVID-19: Lessons for Education and Practice Denise Turner (ed.). British Journal of Social Work, 51 (5), 1935-1936.

Yasar, Z., Elliott, B.T., Kyriakidou, Y., Nwokoma, C.T., Postlethwaite, R.D., Gaffney, C.J., Dewhurst, S. and Hayes, L.D., 2021. Sprint interval training (SIT) reduces serum epidermal growth factor (EGF), but not other inflammatory cytokines in trained older men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121, 1909-1919.

Randall, D. and Richardson, A., 2021. Why should nurses care if Heidegger was a Nazi? Pragmatics, politics and philosophy in Nursing. Nursing Inquiry, 28 (3), e12409.

Morley, D. A. and Cunningham, S., 2021. The international focus-A neglected curriculum in global undergraduate nursing. Nurse Education in Practice, 54 (July), 103101.

Dhakal-Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Wood, J., Dangal, G. and Dhakal, K. B., 2021. Classification of Caesarean Section: A Scoping Review of the Robson classification. Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 16 (1), 2 -9.

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Read, R., 2021. Unwaged labour intensified. Volunteer management and work targets at a UK charity. The Sociological Review, 69 (1), 223-239.

Kalimuddin, S., Xie, W., Watanabe, S., Tham, J.Y., Sam, H., Chan, K.W.K., Yap, T.S., Totman, J. J., Chacko, A-M., Vasudevan, S.G. and Low, J.G., 2021. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography as a window into human dengue pathophysiology. Antiviral Research, 185 (January), 104991.

Simkhada, B., van Teijlingen, E., Nadeem, A., Warren, A. and Green, S., 2021. Importance of involving patients and public in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and health research in South Asia. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37, e10.

Maxwell, K.J., Hoggart, L., Bloomer, F., Rowlands, S. and Purcell, C., 2021. Normalising abortion: what role can health professionals play? BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 47, 32-36.

Vathagavorakul, R., Gonjo, T. and Homma, M., 2021. Differences in limb coordination in polyrhythmic production among water polo players, artistic swimmers and drummers. Journal of Motor Behavior, 53 (2), 191 - 199.

Dinh, T-H. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Factors influencing engagement in premarital sex among Vietnamese young adults: a qualitative study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 33 (4), 20180201.

Alexander, K.M., Chan, S.S., Opfer, E., Cuna, A., Fraser, J.D., Sharif, S. and Khashu, M., 2021. Implementation of bowel ultrasound practice for the diagnosis and management of necrotising enterocolitis. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 106, 96-103.

De Rezende, H., Melleiro, M. M., Marques, P. A. O. and Barker, T. H., 2021. Interventions to reduce patient identification errors in the hospital setting: A systematic review. Open Nursing Journal, 15 (1), 109-121.

Spacey, A., Harvey, O. and Casey, C., 2021. Postgraduate researchers ’ experiences of accessing participants via gatekeepers : ‘ wading through treacle !’. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (4), 433-450.

O'Carroll, V., Owens, M., Sy, M., El-Awaisi, A., Xyrichis, A., Leigh, J., Nagraj, S., Huber, M., Hutchings, M. and McFadyen, A., 2021. Top tips for interprofessional education and collaborative practice research: a guide for students and early career researchers. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 35 (3), 328-333.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Esteves, L. and Hemingway, A., 2021. A new (ab)normal?: Scrutinising the work life balance of academics under lockdown. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (9), 1177-1191.

Book Section

Neveling, P., 2021. The anthropology of special economic zones (free ports, export processing zones, tax havens). In: Aldenderfer, M., ed. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Turner-Wilson, A. L., Dearborn, S. and Bullen, C., 2021. Avenues of Opportunity: Journeys of Activities through Third Sector Organisations. In: Hean, S., Johnsen, B., Kloetzer, L. and Kajamaa, A., eds. Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems. Palgrave Macmillan, 323-340.

Holley, D., Goldsmith, B. and Fevyer, D., 2021. Inspiring learning through technology. 2nd ed. In: Pokorny, H. and Warren, D., eds. Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education. Sage, 107-134.

Holley, D. and Priego-Hernández, J., 2021. “More than just saving the government care costs”: Re-presenting student carers’ narratives. In: Harrison, N. and Atherton, G., eds. Marginalised communities in higher education: Disadvantage, Mobility and Indigeneity. London: Society for Research into Higher Education and Routledge, 48-63.

Gundur, R., Berry, M. and Taodang, D, 2021. Using Digital Open Source and Crowdsourced Data in Studies of Deviance and Crime. In: Lavorgna, A. and Holt, T.J., eds. Researching Cybercrimes Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches. Palgrave Macmillan, 145-167.

Poobalan, A., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Acting as external examiners in UK: going beyond quality assurance. In: Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P., Ssemwanga, A. and Cozza, B., eds. The role of external examining in higher education: challenges and best practices. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, 13 - 23.

Wrede, S., Novkunskaya, A., Sarlio-Nieminen, J. and van Teijlingen, E., 2021. Birth Systems across the World: Variations in maternity policy and services across countries. In: Sandall, J., ed. The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine – Obstetrics Module: Volume 1 Pregnancy and society. The Global Library of Women's Medicine.

Morley, D. A., 2021. Conclusion: Real World Learning— Researching and Co-constructing Working Definitions for Curriculum Development and Pedagogy. In: Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.D.G., eds. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan, 395 - 412.

Morley, D. A., Marchbank, P., Steyger, T., Taylor, L., Diaz, A. and Calleja, P., 2021. Designing and Supporting Extraordinary Work Experience. In: Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.G., eds. Applied Pedagogies in Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan, 135 - 162.

Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.G., 2021. Introduction: Real World Learning—Recalibrating the Higher Education Response Towards Application to Lifelong Learning and Diverse Career Paths. In: Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.G., eds. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan, 1 - 17.

Watson, B., Caudwell, J., Wheaton, B. and Mansfield, L., 2021. Physical Education, Sports and Gender. In: Mayo, C., ed. Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education. Oxford University Press.

Archer, M., Morley, D. A. and Souppez, J-B., 2021. Real World Learning and Authentic Assessment. In: Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.G., eds. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan, 323 - 341.


BICKERTON, C., Lushey, C., PAECHTER, C. and Tura, F., 2021. Evaluation of Small Steps Big Changes: Report on Attempt to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis. Technical Report. Nottingham: Nottingham Trent University. (In Press)

Felton, M., Hundley, V. and McConnell, A., 2021. Acute cardiovascular responses to slow and deep breathing in normotensive men and women. Documentation. The authors. (In Press)

Felton, M., Hundley, V. and McConnell, A., 2021. Acute cardiovascular responses to slow and deep breathing in normotensive non-pregnant and pregnant women. Documentation. The authors. (Unpublished)

Gyollai, D., 2021. Trends of Radicalisation Hungary/3.2 Research Report. Project Report.

Norton, E., Hemingway, A. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2021. Final Evaluation Report Summary for Parkinson’s Dance, Memory Art and Art for Parents Project. May 2021. Project Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. (Unpublished)

Gyollai, D., 2021. Stakeholders of (De-) Radicalisation in Hungary D3.1 Country Report. Project Report.

Healy, J., Levell, J., Harvey, O., Cole, T. and Pritchard, C., 2021. Country Report: United Kingdom. The Other Side of the Story: Perpetrators in Change. Project Report. The Other Side of the Story: Perpetrators in Change, EU.

Healy, J., Levell, J., Harvey, O., Cole, T. and Pritchard, C., 2021. Time for Change: Evidence Based Research for New Practice Approaches. Project Report. European Union / OSSPC.

Conference or Workshop Item

Whiffin, C., Gracey, F. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2021. A Meta-Synthesis of the Family Experience of Traumatic Brain Injury in Adult Populations: Reflections on a Methodology. In: 20th Annual Thinking Qualitatively Virtual Conference, 5-9 July 2021, Virtual, 97 - 98.

Parker, J., 2021. Vulnerable citizens or democratic partners? In: Collaboration for Better Outcomes in Criminal Justice? ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021, 1-30 November 2021, Bournemouth, England/ online.

Parker, J., Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Dixon, J., 2021. What a waste! Reflections on student recycling behaviours. In: VII Jornadas Internacionales: RESPINES Lab de innovacíon sostenibles, 9 November 2021, Malaga, Spain.

Staples, J., Edwards, R., Pask, S., Singleton, H., Moran, J., Holley, D. and Rolfe, U., 2021. 360 Simulation: Assessing baby Robin. In: Moving upstream using simulation to improve systems, 8 November 2021.

Bancroft, A., Rolfe, U., Holley, D. and Moran, J., 2021. Exercise Martian Attack!: Using VR feedback as a reflective tool for paramedic science students. In: Moving upstream using simulation to improve systems, 8-10 November 2021, Paper 61.

Regmi, P., Dhakal Adhikari, S., Aryal, N., van Teijlingen, E., Wasti, S. P. and Sharma, S., 2021. Moral Panic and Othering Practices during Nepal’s COVID19 Pandemic. In: 10th Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal & the Himalaya, 28-30 July 2021, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Ray, E., Kelly, C., Culliford, D. and Welch, L., 2021. A training needs analysis of UK respiratory nurses' research capability and capacity. In: ERS International Congress 2021, 6-9 September 2021, Online.

Welch, L., Roberts, N., Lippiett, K., Ray, E. and Kelly, C., 2021. A negotiation of respiratory risk in the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. In: ERS Congress 2021, 5-8 September 2021, Online.

Crossen-White, H., Hemingway, A. and Ladkin, A., 2021. Discussing the global need to rethink ageing and how to ensure a good quality of health and wellbeing in later life. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, 31 August -3 September 2021, Online.

Crossen-White, H. and Turner-Wilson, A. L., 2021. Wellbeing in urban settings: A discussion of Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) in towns. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, 31 August -3 September 2021, Online.

Stainer, L., Tait, D., Watson, A. and Bockle, E., 2021. The creation of a virtual locality placement enabled student nurses to achieve practice hours during the pandemic. In: Fusion Learning Conference: Innovation and Excellence in the pandemic, 28 June -2 July 2021, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Balderstone, C., 2021. An investigation Into managing pain for the insertion of intrauterine contraceptives for women in the UK. In: 26th WONCA Europe Conference, 6-10 July 2021, Online only.

Turner-Cobb, J. and Moseley, R., 2021. Feeling like a ‘perimenopausal stress ball’: menopause and midlife stress in people with autism. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Health Psychology (DHP) annual conference, 29-30 June 2021, Online.

Hemingway, A. and Laurie, H., 2021. A proposed study to shift TheHorseCourse equine-assisted intervention to VR platform for large-scale reach. In: Federation for Horses in Education and Therapy International Seoul Korea, 8-11 June 2021, Seoul, Korea.

Thurston, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2021. Students as Researchers: Developing an Online Resource for All Students. In: Fusion Learning Conference 2021: Innovation and Excellence in the Pandemic, 28 Jun - 09 Jul 2021, Bournemouth University.

Hemingway, A. and Sullivan, K., 2021. The impact of DFM and TheHorseCourse on domestic violence and abuse in Troubled Families. In: HETI 2021, 7-10 June 2021, Seoul, South Korea.

Hemingway, A., 2021. The Cost of Ideological Political Decision Making. In: SHDC-RG Research Series: Public Sessions on Science, Health, & Data Communication 2021, 2021-06-16, Online. (Unpublished)

Board, M., Kilgore, C., Morley, D., Fletcher, K., Scammell, J., Edwards, M.E. and Collins, P., 2021. The role of the ACP working with older people during the pandemic. In: British Geriatric Society (BGS) Wessex Region Spring Meeting 2021, 27 May 2021, Virtual.

Bockle, E., Watson, A., Tait, D. and Stainer, L., 2021. A Virtual Placement - An innovative initiative during a global pandemic. In: RCN Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition, 21-22 April 2021, Online.

Ribchester, H., Bewes, R., Hind, M., Stainer, L. and Holley, D., 2021. We belong together: Reflections on a Virtual Introduction to Professional Learning. In: Celebrating and Disseminating Good Practice across Health Care Professions, 5 May 2021, A HEE South West Virtual Event.

Stainer, L., Tait, D., Watson, A. and Bockle, E., 2021. The creation of a Virtual Locality Placement that enabled student nurses to achieve practice hours during the pandemic. In: Celebrating and Disseminating Good Practice across Health Care Professions, 5 May 2021, A HEE South West Virtual Event: Clinical Placement Expansion and Capacity theme.

Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Parker, J., 2021. Courage, Compassion, Corecion, and COVID. In: Courage and Innovations in Social and Youth Work SocNet98, 19-22 April 2021, Humak, Finland.

Donaldson, I., Stainer, L. and Cooper, K., 2021. Introducing an online portfolio for practice placement assessment for nurses. In: RCSI 40th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, 23 February - 03 March 2021, Dublin.

Forde, E., Knight, A., Steele, G., Lyness, E., Wedderburn, C. and Butcher, A., 2021. Can virtual International exchanges improve primary health care? In: Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) conference: A fresh approach to general practice, 11 - 12 February 2021, Virtual.

Forde, E., Knight, A., Wedderburn, C. and Lyness, E., 2021. Can virtual international exchanges offer a means to enhance doctors global health competences? Views from GP trainees. In: Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) conference: A fresh approach to general practice, 11 - 12 February 2021, Virtual.

Scott, R., Forde, E. and Wedderburn, C., 2021. Refugee and vulnerable migrants' experience of NHS primary care. In: Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) conference: A fresh approach to general practice, 11 - 12 February 2021, Virtual.

Chelvanayagam, S., 2021. Eating disorders: practical assessment and impact on the GI system. In: 8th National Gastrointestinal Nursing Virtual Conference, 29 January 2021, Online - London. (Unpublished)

Almilaji, O., Parry, S., Thomas, P. and Snook, J., 2021. Downstaging of right-sided colorectal cancer diagnosed through iron deficiency anaemia. In: BSG Campus, 21-29 January 2021, online.

Almilaji, O., Engen, V., Thomas, P. and Snook, J., 2021. The development of a web-based application to predict the risk of GI cancer in IDA. In: BSG Campus, 21-29 January 2021, online.

Khaled, K., Hundley, V. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. Association between Diet Quality and Perceived Stress in Women of Reproductive Age from a University Population in UK. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference: Nutrition in a changing world, 6–8 July 2021, Virtual.

Adesina, N., Dogan, H., Green, S. M. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. Dietary digital tools to support self-management of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic literature review. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference: Nutrition in a changing world, 6–8 July 2021, Virtual.

Owen, R.l. and Arvanitidou, E.I., 2021. Women's perceptions and experiences of nutritional advice and support during their climacteric. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference: Nutrition in a changing world, 6–8 July 2021, Virtual.

Fairbairn, P. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. The combined effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins on cognition in the older adult: a systematic review. In: Nutrition Society Summer Conference: Nutrition in a changing world, 6–8 July 2021, Virtual.


Morley, D. A. and Jamil, M.G., 2021. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. Palgrave Macmillan.


Dunne, C., 2021. Isometric hip and groin strength in elite football players: preliminary investigations into the validity and reliability of testing, comparison to a normal population and in-season strength changes. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Fairbairn, P., 2021. The effects of docosahexaenoic acid combined with supporting nutrients and physical activity on mobility and cognitive function in older women. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Daniel, E., 2021. Measuring spinal and trunk shape using an electromagnetic sensor. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Cox, C., 2021. Walking the frailty tightrope: exploring the construction of identity in older people with frailty within an NHS Day Hospital. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Felton, M., 2021. The influence of pregnancy upon acute cardiovascular responses to slow and deep breathing. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Vlachos, D., 2021. Investigating factors that influence adoption of and adherence to Mediterranean style diet in healthy adults who live in England. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Tomlin-Kräftner, M., 2021. Colonial matriarchs in the British slavery economy: exploring the socioeconomic landscape of mixed-heritage women in Jamaica from 1750 - 1850. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Luke, R., 2021. A case study-based investigation into the factors that influence the physical and technical interactions on match performance within an under 18's academy football team. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Odell, J., 2021. Exploring the use of manual therapy as an adjunctive therapy to 'care as usual' on outcomes in chronic migraine. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Ladur, A., 2021. Male involvement in facilitating the uptake of maternal health services by women in Uganda. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Holley, D. and Biggins, D., 2021. Wellbeing: The chasm between students’ expectations and institutional provision. #Take5.

Holley, D., 2021. Tackling equities and inequities across the sector: the digital conundrum? Copyright Licensing Association.

Holley, D. and Singleton, H., 2021. Breaking the Zoom gloom for students: hi-tech to lo-tech solutions. #Take5.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 13:43:56 2025 UTC.