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Augustyn, M., Jakubik-Bińczak, K., Placek, O., Jachym, R. and Tomik, R., 2024. Assessment and Comparison of the Attractiveness of the City of Katowice and Ustron Health Resort in the Opinion of Tourists. Folia Turistica, 63, 11-30.

Adams, A., Jones, I. and Deane, J., 2024. Applying the volunteer process model to understand the lived experience of habitual volunteers: during COVID-19. Voluntary Sector Review. (In Press)

Awuah, B., Elbardan, H. and Yazdifar, H., 2024. Chief executive officer narcissism, power and sustainable development goals reporting: An empirical analysis. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33 (7), 7630-7650.

Aghaei, I. and Sekandari, E., 2024. Clicks to comfort: the magic of social media marketing in the hotel service industry. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 21 (3-4), 331-355.

Assiouras, I., Giannopoulos, A., Mavragani, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Virtual reality facilitated travel inspiration: the role of pleasure and arousal. Current Issues in Tourism. (In Press)

Axon, S., Chapman, A. and Light, D., 2024. Climate Impacts on Tangible Coastal Cultural Heritage in the United States: Towards Sustainable and Adaptive Coastal Heritage Management. Sustainability, 16 (16), 1-20.

Akinmade, B., 2024. Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Generalised System of Preferences: Framework Development and Empirical Analysis. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Anderson, E., Zeigler, C., Batten, J., Reed, J., Parry, K. D and Magrath, R., 2024. Does the liberalization of masculine space improve experiences for sexual minorities? Sociological Research Online. (In Press)

Aboud, A., Elbardan, H., El-Helaly, M. and Kotb, A., 2024. Does the audit committee member’s accounting experience associated with key audit matter types? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 63, 753-780.

Ahtesham, S., 2024. Measuring Success and Sustainability in Project Management: A Case Study Supporting the Delivery of Quality Education Projects in Pakistan. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Awuah, B., Yazdifar, H. and Elbardan, H., 2024. Corporate reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals: A structured literature review and research agenda. Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change, 20 (4), 617-646.

Arslan, E. and Osei, M., 2024. Unveiling the Attractiveness of Urban Destinations in the Context of Cuisine. Transnational Business and Management, 2 (1), 43-54.

Assiouras, I., Giannopoulos, A., Mavragani, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Virtual reality and mental imagery towards travel inspiration and visit intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26 (2), e2646.

Abdelkareem, R. S., Mady, K., Lebda, S. E. and Elmantawy, E. S., 2024. The effect of green competencies and values on carbon footprint on sustainable performance in healthcare sector. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 12, 100179.

AL Hajri, F. S., 2024. Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction and Response: A Comparison of the Complexities of Inter-Sectoral Coordination in the Omani Disaster Management System 2010-2020. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Assiouras, I., Vallström, N., Skourtis, G. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Exploring how interaction leads to value co-creation, value co-destruction, and value no-creation during service mega-disruptions. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (20), 3231-3248.

Alola, A. A., Adedoyin, F. F. and Alola, U. V., 2024. Investigating the environmental and economic dimensions of household, commercial, and industrial energy intensities in the USA. Carbon Management, 15 (1), 2349161.

Alcaide-Pulido,, P., O'Sullivan, H. and Chapleo, C., 2024. The application of an innovative model to measure university brand image: Differences between English, Spanish and Portuguese undergraduate students. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 34 (1), 283-300.


Boden, J. and Shipway, R., 2024. Meeting the two imposters of triumph and disaster: Senior management perspectives on the covid-19 pandemic’s impact on global tennis tournaments. Event Management, 28 (7), 1055-1072.

Brown, C. and Pappous, A. (S.), 2024. Leveraging the London 2012 Paralympic Games to increase sports participation: the role of voluntary sports clubs. Managing Sport and Leisure, 29 (5), 813-829.

Barrett, Z. and Shipway, R., 2024. Crisis management response strategies of small-scale sport event organisations to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic. Event Management, 28 (3), 441-459.

Buhalis, D., Efthymiou, L., Uzunboylu, N. and Thrassou, A., 2024. Charting the Progress of Technology Adoption in Tourism and Hospitality in the Era of Industry 4.0. Euromed Journal of Business, 19 (1), 1-20.

Baker-Beall, C., Miles, L., Leach, N. and Reed, E., 2024. From Prevent to Protect and Prepare: The Manchester Arena Attack and Shifting Priorities in the United Kingdom’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST). Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.

Byrom, J., Light, D., Medway, D., Parker, C. and Zenker, S., 2024. Post-holiday memory work: Everyday encounters with fridge magnets. Annals of Tourism Research, 105, 103724.

Bulchand-Gidumal, J., William Secin, E., O’Connor, P. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Artificial intelligence’s impact on hospitality and tourism marketing: exploring key themes and addressing challenges. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (14), 2345-2362.

Baecker, N., Ansari, P. and Schreyer, D., 2024. Formula 1 Grands Prix demand across different distribution channels. Managing Sport and Leisure, 29 (6), 869-882.


Cleland, J., Adair, D., Parry, K. and MacDonald, C., 2024. Spectator Racism in Three Professional Men’s Football Codes in Australia: Observations from White Spectators. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59 (8), 1125-1143.

Cicekli, I., 2024. Investigating the Antecedents and Outcomes of B2B Firms’ Social CRM Capabilities in an Emerging Market. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Childs, D. R. N., Lee, N., Cadogan, J. W. and Dewsnap, B., 2024. Resource gain or resource pain? How managerial social support resources influence the impact of sales anxiety on burnout. Industrial Marketing Management, 121, 74-87.

Chatterjee, S., Mikalef, P., Khorana, S. and Kizgin, H., 2024. Assessing the Implementation of AI Integrated CRM System for B2C Relationship Management: Integrating Contingency Theory and Dynamic Capability View Theory. Information Systems Frontiers, 26, 967-985.

Childs, D., Lee, N., Cadogan, J. W. and Dewsnap, B., 2024. How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 695-714.

Chiew, T. K., Khoo, S., Ansari, P. and Kiruthika, U., 2024. Mobile and wearable technologies for persons with disabilities: a bibliometric analysis (2000–2021). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19 (3), 994-1002.

Chen, S., Sun, J. and Liang, Y., 2024. The impact on Knowledge Transfer to Scientific and Technological Innovation Efficiency of Talents: analysis based on institutional environment in China. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 36 (7), 1398-1413.


Dunnion, M. F., Gbadamosi, G. and Francis-Smythe, J., 2024. The Illusion of Competence: A Qualitative Deep Dive into Workplace False Performance. Behavioral Sciences, 14 (11), 985.

Discetti, R., Osei, M. and Pruhtpahon, S., 2024. The role of "localness" in sustainable food consumption: insights from sustainable coffee in Thailand. British Food Journal, 126 (12), 4396-4416.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2024. Conclusions. In: Music, Forced Migration and Emplacement: Sounds of Asylum Bristol. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 135-152.

De Lisio, A., Silk, M. and Hubbard, P., 2024. Contested Terrains: Mega-Event Securities and Everyday Practices of Governance. Social Sciences, 13 (7), 360.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2024. Pedagogies of the body and embodied spaces in planetary urbanization processes. In: Donato, A., Galak, E. and Bortolotti, A., eds. Pedagogie del Corpo. Rome, Italy: QUAPEG.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2024. Contested bodies in a regenerating city: post-migrant men’s contingent citizenship, parkour and diaspora spaces. Leisure Studies, 43 (6), 900-916.


Etukakpan, N., Osei, M., Etokakpan, I. and Ejime, E., 2024. Examining the role of community interest in improving responsible project management practices in construction projects: a developing country's perspective. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 16 (6).

Ezenwa, A., Rajaprakasam, P., Ede, O., Bray, J. P. and Hartwell, H., 2024. Advancing sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review of the roles of short food supply chains. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2024, 4-6 September 2024, Dublin, Ireland.. (Unpublished)

Ezenwa, A., Rajaprakasam, P., Ede, O., Bray, J. P. and Hartwell, H., 2024. Exploration of short food supply chain practices, challenges, and opportunities: A case study of local farm markets in Dorset county, England. In: Logistics Research Network Conference 2024, 4-6 September 2024, Dublin, Ireland.. (Unpublished)

Ejime-Okereafor, E. O., 2024. The Role of Psychological Distance in Influencing Consumer’s Future Behavioural Intention in A Digital Service Encounter: A Cross-National Investigation of Motor Insurance – UK And Nigeria. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Ezenwa, A., 2024. Navigating sustainability: A conceptual exploration of road freight decarbonisation. In: Bányai, A., ed. Advances in Logistics Engineering. IntechOpen.


Fai, P. B., Bayighomog, S. W. and Stubbs, J., 2024. Crisis Reporting and Professionalism in Journalism: An Analysis of Reporting Practices in Cameroon and Nigeria. Journalism Practice. (In Press)

Fan, D. X. F., Lyu, J., Huang, Y., Shang, K. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Senior Tourists' Digital Travel Experience: A Humanisation Perspective. In: Berezina, K., Nixon, L. and Tuomi, A., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2024. Cham: Springer, 317-322.


Giousmpasoglou, C., 2024. Working Conditions in the Hospitality Industry: The Case for a Fair and Decent Work Agenda. Sustainability, 16 (19), 8428.

Giousmpasoglou, C., Papavasileiou, E. F., Marinakou, E. and Hall, K., 2024. “Make it or fake it?” The Imposter Syndrome in Kitchen Professionals. In: The INC 2024, 5-7 June 2024, The Hague.

Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2024. Diversity and gender issues in hotel management [Chapter eight]. In: The contemporary hotel industry: A people management perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 187-212.

Garanti, Z., Ilkhanizadeh, S. and Liasidou, S., 2024. Sustainable Place Branding and Visitors’ Responses: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 16 (8), 3312.

Gennings, E., Batten, J. and Brown, H., 2024. Development and validation of the Winchester Adolescent Wellbeing Scale: a holistic measure of children’s wellbeing. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29 (1), 2331569.

Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2024. Worker exploitation in the gig economy: the case of dark kitchens. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7 (1), 414-435.

Grigore, G., Chapleo, C., Homberg, F., Alniacik, U. and Stancu, A., 2024. Employer branding dimensions: An adapted scale for Eastern Europe. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 32 (4), 447-466.


Hillingdon, A. Y. and Scaramozzino, P., 2024. Social welfare theorem and the wider impact of sanctions: Are the winners and losers of sanctions only those expected? In: SESTEF 2024 Conference, 11-13 Dec 2024, University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Harvey, T., 2024. The Lived Experiences of Transgender Footballers in the UK. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Hesami, S., Jenkins, H. and Jenkins, G. P., 2024. Digital Transformation of Tax Administration and Compliance: A Systematic Literature Review on E-Invoicing and Prefilled Returns. Digital Government: Research and Practice, 5 (3), 18.

Holmes, K., Smith, K. A., Lockstone-Binney, L., Shipway, R. and Ong, F., 2024. Volunteering legacies from the Olympic Games: missed opportunities. Voluntas, 35, 768-779.

Hansen-Addy, A. E., Parrilli, M. D. and Tingbani, I., 2024. The impact of regulatory business environment on SME's funding choices in developing countries - evidence from Africa. International Journal of Finance and Economics. (In Press)

Heere, B., Lock, D. and Cooper, D., 2024. Brand community formation in service management: lessons from the sport industry. Journal of Service Management, 35 (1), 71-88.

Hansen-Addy, A. E., Parrilli, D. M. and Tingbani, I., 2024. The impact of trade facilitation on African SMEs' performance. Small Business Economics, 62, 105-131.

Hartwell, H., Bray, J., Lavrushkina, N., Lacey, J., Rodrigues, V. M., Fernandes, A. C., Bernardo, G. L., Martinelli, S. S., Cavalli, S. B. and Proença, R. P. D. C., 2024. Identifying key factors that encourage vegetable intake by young adults: using the health belief model. British Food Journal, 126 (1), 453-470.

Henderson, H. and Shipway, R., 2024. (Re)framing Lego® Serious Play® for Children & Young People. International Journal of Educational Research, 124, 102322.

Hewlett, D., Gray, D., Gunton, R., Munro, T., Agarwal, S., Breed, M., Skelly, C., Weinstein, P., Terradillos, A., Lavrushkina, N. and Byrne, D., 2024. Significant Spaces: Exploring the Health and Wellbeing Impacts of Natural Environments. In: Finneran, N., Hewlett, D. and Clarke, R., eds. Managing Protected Areas People and Places. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 167-192.

Hewlett, D., Gunton, R., Gray, D., Terradillos, A., Agarwal, S., Lavrushkina, N. and Byrne, D., 2024. Tourism and Visitor Management in Protected Areas Post-pandemic: The English Context. In: Finneran, N., Hewlett, D. and Clarke, R., eds. Managing Protected Areas People and Places. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 267-293.


Inoue, Y., Lock, D., Sato, M., Aizawa, K., Mikura, A., Kohno, N. and Ogasawara, E., 2024. What explains the well-being benefits of physical activity? A mixed-methods analysis of the roles of participation frequency and social identification. Social Science and Medicine, 340, 116454.


Jia, G., Wen, J., Fan, D. X. F. and Liu, X., 2024. Role reversal in adult child-aging parent family travel. Annals of Tourism Research, 106, 103751.

Jia, G., Yao, Y. and Fan, D. X. F., 2024. Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction Through Adult Child–Parent Interactions During Family Vacations: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Travel Research. (In Press)

Jamin, A. B., Gbadamosi, G. and Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., 2024. The ecosystem of disability inclusion in hospitality and tourism organisations: An integrative review and research agenda. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (13), 38-56.

Jones, I., Adams, A. and Mayoh, J., 2024. Fan responses to ownership change in the English Premier League: Motivated ignorance, social creativity and social competition at Newcastle United F.C. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59 (1), 101-118.

Jia, G., Fan, D. X. F., Xu, J. and Shen, J. H., 2024. Tourist Prosocial Behavior: Scale Development and its Role between Tourist Destination Social Exclusion and Wellbeing. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32 (12), 2518-2539.


Korosteleva, J., Mickiewicz, T. and Parrilli, M. D., 2024. Ethnic diversity in SME business teams: generating employment growth through digitalisation, innovation, and exporting. Small Business Economics. (In Press)

Kim, H. J., Manimont, G. and Memery, J., 2024. “Ugly Bundling” Increase Purchase of Unattractive Produce. In: The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) 2024, 2-4 Dec 2024, Tasmania, Australia. (Unpublished)

Kavanagh, E. and Ansari, P., 2024. Safe sport. In: Pedersen, P. M., ed. Encyclopedia of Sport Management. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 822.

Kooli, K., Skandrani, H., Akcay, E. E. and Sghaier, M., 2024. Paving the way for the SDGs implementations: new consumption and marketing models in post-pandemic context. Qualitative Market Research, 27 (4), 529-535.

Kehinde, M. N., 2024. Decoupling, Tight Coupling and Barriers to Sustained Culture Change for Environmental Sustainability in North-East Scottish Universities. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Khorana, S., Caram, S. and Rana, N. P., 2024. Measuring public procurement transparency with an index: Exploring the role of e-GP systems and institutions. Government Information Quarterly, 41 (3), 101952.

Kavanagh, E. J., Litchfield, C., Osborne, J. and Parry, K. D, 2024. Gender and physical education, physical activity and sport (PEPAS) policy brief. Lausanne, Switzerland: Global Observatory for Gender Equality & Sport.

Kurtuk, I. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Optimising decision-making: Devising a framework applicable to project management practitioners. In: 40th EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society, 6-8 July 2022, Istanbul, 53-69.

Kavanagh, E. and Mountjoy, M., 2024. CyberAbuse in sport: beware and be aware! British Journal of Sports Medicine (April), 1-3.

Kılıçarslan, O., Yozukmaz, N., Albayrak, T. and Buhalis, D., 2024. The impacts of Metaverse on tourist behaviour and marketing implications. Current Issues in Tourism. (In Press)

Kenyon, J., Binder, J. F. and Baker-Beall, C., 2024. An analysis of terrorist attack perpetrators in England and Wales: Comparing lone actors, lone dyads, and group actors. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management.

Kenyon, J., Binder, J. and Baker-Beall, C., 2024. Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Process of Radicalisation: An Analysis of Convicted Extremists in England and Wales. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 47 (12), 1747-1771.


Lautenschlager, C., Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K. and Viglia, G., 2024. Cross-cultural determinants of global account management: Findings from B2B services. Industrial Marketing Management, 123, 358-371.

Lavallee, D., Braekeveld, D., Hall, N., Sheppard-Marks, L. and Marinelli, C., 2024. Analysis of patterns and trends in competition manipulation in sport global data: 2018–2023. Managing Sport and Leisure. (In Press)

Liang, Y. (D.), Chen, S., Abeyskera, R., O'Sullivan, H., Bray, J. and Keevill-Savage, I., 2024. Examining the adoption of technology-enhanced learning in universities and its effects on student performance, satisfaction, and motivation. Computers and Education Open, 7, 100223.

Liang, Y., Chen, S. and Zhao, J., 2024. Engaging the future: motivations and impacts of Community-Based Volunteering among the youth. In: Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference 2024, 11-12 Sep 2024, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Lyu, J, Liang, Y. D. and Vellore Nagarajan, D, 2024. Optimizing live streaming engagement through store atmospheric cues: exploring prosocial behavior and social comparison—insights from streamers and viewers. Internet Research. (In Press)

Lan, H., Lloyd, T., McCorriston, S. and Revoredo-Giah, C., 2024. Food Price Inflation, Product Entry-Exit and Taste Changes across Income Groups: Evidence from UK Ready Meals Sector. In: International Conference of Agricultural Economics, 31 Jul - 07 Aug 2024, Delhi, India. (Unpublished)

Lupu, C., Light, D., Cretan, R. and Voiculescu, S., 2024. Souvenir practices of domestic tourists. Current Issues in Tourism. (In Press)

Liang, Y., Yang, Y. and Shamim, S., 2024. Exploring the impact of Social Media Influencers on purchase intentions for luxury products through Human Brand Theory. In: European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, 28-31 May 2024, Bucharest, Romania. (Unpublished)

Lin, H., Lloyd, T. and McCorriston, S., 2024. Anomalous Weather and Supply Chains. In: 98th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society, 18-20 Mar 2024, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Lee, Y-S., Lee, D. and Ahn, N. Y., 2024. SAQ training on sprint, change-of-direction speed, and agility in U-20 female football players. PLoS One, 19 (3), e0299204.

Leong, A. M. W., Bai, J. Y., Luo, J. M. and Fan, D. X. F., 2024. Why do negative career shocks foster perceived employability and career performance: A career crafting explanation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 119, 103724.

Lyu, J., Wang, X. and Fan, D. X. F., 2024. Ageing in the context of accompanying migration: a leisure stress coping perspective. Leisure Studies, 43 (2), 311-326.

Luo, J. M., Fan, D. X. F. and Fan, Y, 2024. Regional city integration and its impacts on tourism development. Anatolia, 35 (2), 239-256.

Lock, D., Delia, E., Inoue, Y. and Gillooly, L., 2024. Success interrupted: Exploring how supporters interpret their team’s success in a postponed competition. European Sport Management Quarterly, 24 (5), 1070-1089.


Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Papavasileiou, E. F., 2024. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in talent acquisition: The case of Greek luxury hotels. Strategic Change. (In Press)

Mohamed, T., Adedoyin, F. F. and Kirkpatrick, A., 2024. Carbon emissions pricing, public wellbeing and public reaction. In: Tax Research Network Conference 2024, 9-11 September 2024, Cardiff, UK.

Mayoh, J., McDonald, K. and Luce, A., 2024. Listening to women’s personal stories about suicide: An online thematic analysis of the discourse on UK parenting forum Mumsnet. Feminist Media Studies. (In Press)

Manimont, G., Memery, J. and Alahakoon, T., 2024. Food day-trippers’ perceptions of regional food destination attractiveness: an application of distance decay theory. Leisure Studies. (In Press)

Manimont, G., Kim, H. and Memery, J., 2024. When ugly meets ugly: How “ugly” bundle can improve attractiveness of imperfect produce. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium (IFMRS), 18-20 June 2024, Tromso, Norway.

Muraina, A. O., 2024. Factors that influence strategic alignment of Information Technology for Supply Chain Integration: Perceptions of Nigerian Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises and their suppliers. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Mady, K., Anwar, I. and Abdelkareem, R. S., 2024. Nexus between regulatory pressure, eco‑friendly product demand and sustainable competitive advantage of manufacturing small and medium‑sized enterprises: the mediating role of eco‑innovation. Environment, Development and Sustainability. (In Press)

Marinakou, E. and Matthew, A., 2024. Will the future of events be hybrid? Hybrid festival visitors experience using the event experience theory in the post Covid era. In: The INC 2024, 5-7 June 2024, The Hague.

Miles, L., 2024. Spotlight on Sierra Leone: Lessons from the AFRICAB and EVALDIS projects. UK Cabinet Office and Emergency Planning College (EPC).

Manley, A., Silk, M., Wang, Y-W., Chung, C., Bailey, R. and Craig, P., 2024. Navigating creative partnerships and cross-cultural collaboration: a case study between China and the UK. Cultural Trends. (In Press)

Mady, K., Abdelkareem, R. S., Halim, M. A. S. A., Omar, K. and Elsheikh, T., 2024. A systematic review and scientometric analysis of the driving factors of eco-innovation: trends and future research. International Journal of Procurement Management, 19 (1), 74-105.

McLeod, M., Vaughan, D. R., Edwards, J. and Moital, M., 2024. Knowledge sharing and innovation in open networks of tourism businesses. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36 (2), 438-456.


Nofel, M., Marzouk, M., Elbardan, H., Saleh, R. and Mogahed, A., 2024. From sensors to standardized financial reports: A proposed automated accounting system integrating IoT, Blockchain, and XBRL. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (10), 445-475.

Nadeem, T., Dickinson, J. E., Smith, A., King, K., Cherret, T., Oakey, A., Grote, M. and Pilko, A., 2024. Game of (delivery) drones: A serious game exploring transport futures involving logistics drones with stakeholders. Journal of Transport and Health, 38, 101881.

Nofel, M., Marzouk, M., Elbardan, H., Saleh, R. and Mogahed, A., 2024. Integrating Blockchain, IoT, and XBRL in Accounting Information Systems: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (8), 372.

Nguyen, Q., Yankholmes, A., Ladkin, A. and Osman, H., 2024. National stereotypes in the cross-cultural service encounter: empirical evidence from Vietnam. Tourism Review. (In Press)

Neill, L., Hemmington, N., McDonald, C. and Zampollo, F., 2024. Designer delectables; exploring the design practice of haute couture and haute cuisine. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 35, 100870.

Nordberg, D., 2024. Governing corporations with ‘strangers’: Earning membership through investor stewardship. Philosophy of Management, 23, 85-107.

Nordberg, D., 2024. Enacting and exploring ideas in fiction: The Overstory and The Portable Veblen. New Writing, 21 (1), 73-93.

Neal, S., Pang, B., Parry, K. and Rishbeth, C., 2024. Informal sport and leisure, urban space and social inequalities - Editors’ Introduction. Leisure Studies, 43 (6), 875-886.


O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and O'Sullivan, M., 2024. Understanding success: An initial investigation considering the alignment of university branding with the expectations of future students. Administrative Sciences, 14 (10), 257.

Osei, M. B., Papadopoulos, T. and Acquaye, A., 2024. Examining the factors influencing sustainability performance in the UK food industry. Supply Chain Forum. (In Press)

O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M., Chapleo, C. and Cownie, F., 2024. Contemporary Branding Strategies for Higher Education. Encyclopedia, 4 (3), 1292-1311.

O'Sullivan, H., Chapleo, C. and Cownie, F., 2024. Location, Vocation, Education: Place Marketing in the context of English ‘new’ universities. Pannon Management Review: Selected Papers of 22nd International Congress on Public and Nonprofil Marketing, 13 (July), 161-180.

Osei, M. and Ofori, D., 2024. Improving sustainability performance in emerging economies: The role of organisational culture and supply chain learning. In: EUROMA2024, 29 Jun - 3 Jul 2024, Barcelona. (Unpublished)

Oe, H. and Deng, F., 2024. Starbucks’ innovative approach: a pilot discussion about how to enhance customer experiences in the hospitality sector. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 18 (2), 111-128.

Obiegbu, C. J. and Larsen, G., 2024. Algorithmic personalization and brand loyalty: An experiential perspective. Marketing Theory. (In Press)

Obigbesan, E., Chapman, A. and Light, D., 2024. Positive experiences of visually impaired tourists. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (12), 1870-1883.

Osman, H. and Brown, L., 2024. Towards the search for a sustainable destination: a gender perspective. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32 (11), 2344-2360.


Parent, S., Radziszewski, S., Aghedo, O., Daignault, I., Kavanagh, E., Lang, M., Mountjoy, M., Pankowiak, A., Topart, J., Woessner, M. and Vertommen, T., 2024. Identifying future research priorities in the field of interpersonal violence (IV) towards athletes in sport: A Delphi study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58 (22), 1345-1352.

Parker, B., Britton, J R., Green, I. D., Jackson, M. C. and Andreou, D., 2024. Microplastic-stressor responses are rarely synergistic in freshwater fishes: A meta-analysis. Sci Total Environ, 947, 174566.

Parrilli, M. D., 2024. Cluster Policy: the challenging and complex horizon in the 2020s. European Planning Studies, 32 (9), 1868-1884.

Permana, R., Dickinson, J., Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S. and Smith, A., 2024. The (un)sustainability of rural tourism travel in the Global South: A social practice theory perspective. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26 (4), e2668.

Parry, K. D., 2024. Hero formation and the myth of Australian national identity in Australian football. In: Nosal, P., Kossakowski, R. and Woźniak, W., eds. Football, Fandom and Collective Memory: Global Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, 78-92.

Parry, K. D., Adair, D. and Cleland, J., 2024. National anthems and athlete activism. In: Lawrence, S., Hill, J. and Mowatt, R., eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, 431-445.

Pham, H., Mudalige, P., Le, H., Bui, M., Nguyen, V., Ramiah, V., Chu, T. and Vu, T. H., 2024. The effects of free trade agreements on the stock market: Evidence from Vietnam. PLoS ONE, 19 (2), e0294456.

Piggin, J., Parry, K. D and White, A. J., 2024. Conceptualising Brainwashing: Corporate communication in a concussion crisis. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 16 (4), 625-639.

Pizam, A., Ozturk, A. B., Hacikara, A., Zhang, T., Balderas-Cejudo, A., Buhalis, D., Fuchs, G., Hara, T., Meira, J., Revilla, R. G. M., Sethi, D., Shen, Y. and State, O., 2024. The role of perceived risk and information security on customers' acceptance of service robots in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 117, 103641.

Parry, K. D., Braim, A. G., Jull, R. E. and Smith, M. J., 2024. No Longer a Sign of Weakness? Media Reporting on Mental Ill Health in Sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 17 (2), 171-181.


Ryland, P., 2024. The art of storytelling. Interpretation Journal, 29 (2), 40-41.

Ryland, P., 2024. What emotions do cultural or heritage exhibits stimulate? Interpretation Journal, 29 (1), 32-33.

Rasul, T., de Oliveira Santini, F., Lin, W. M., Buhalis, D., Ramkissoon, H., Ladeira, W. J., Pingo, D C. and Azhar, M., 2024. Tourist engagement: Toward an integrated framework using meta-analysis. Journal of Vacation Marketing. (In Press)

Roper, L., 2024. Early Career Researchers and their quest in finding space amongst the Professoriate to facilitate research collaboration: A qualitative case study. The Open Review, 9, 8-20.

Rainoldi, M., Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Blending work and leisure: A future digital worker hybrid lifestyle perspective. Annals of Leisure Research, 27 (2), 215-235.

Rainoldi, M., 2024. Managing Work and Leisure in the Digital Age: A Practice Exploration of Digital Nomadism. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Rubio-Escuderos, L., García-Andreu, H., Michopoulou, E. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Perspectives on experiences of tourists with disabilities: implications for their daily lives and for the tourist industry. Tourism Recreation Research, 49 (1), 48-62.

Read, D., Skinner, J., Smith, A. C. T., Lock, D. and Stanic, M., 2024. The challenges of harmonising anti-doping policy implementation. Sport Management Review, 27 (3), 365-386.


Shen, H. J., Hu, Y., Fan, D. and Buhalis, D., 2024. Rural homestay experiencescape: Scale development and its emotional and cognitive paths to guest engagement behaviour. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. (In Press)

Shome, R., Elbardan, H., Yazdifar, H. and Stevenson, A. T., 2024. Non-traditional banking: Current state of knowledge and future research directions. International Journal of the Economics of Business. (In Press)

Sahranavard, S. A., Oney, E. and Aghaei, I., 2024. Consumer's e-lifestyle and repurchase intention in online food ordering services: Exploring the role of e-WOM and habit. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 208, 123647.

Shome, R., Elbardan, H. and Yazdifar, H., 2024. Banking research in the GCC region and agenda for future research – A bibliometric examination. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 25 (5), 1091-1119.

Saakha, P. and Discetti, R., 2024. Learning to weave through a digital app: Women’s empowerment in Artisan Villages of Nepal. Journal of Fair Trade, 5 (1), 73-101.

Sigala, M., Ooi, K-B., Tan, G. W-H., Aw, E. C-X., Buhalis, D., Cham, T-H., Chen, M-M., Dwivedi, Y-K., Gretzel, U., Inversini, A., Jung, T., Law, R. and Ye, I. H., 2024. Understanding the impact of ChatGPT on tourism and hospitality: Trends, prospects and research agenda. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 60, 384-390.

Shepherd, M. M., 2024. Bodies of Knowledge – Transforming an Occupation to a Profession: An exploratory study of Project Management in the United Kingdom. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Saputra, F. E., Buhalis, D., Augustyn, M. M. and Marangos, S., 2024. Anthropomorphism-based artificial intelligence (AI) robots typology in hospitality and tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.

Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2024. Postgraduate research culture: Providing a positive learning environment and experience. In: 40th EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society, 6-8 July 2022, Istanbul, 375-390.

Shang, K., Buhalis, D., Fan, D. X. F. and Augustyn, M., 2024. Customer-to-Customer Real-Time Value Co-creation in Tourism Live Streaming: A Live Streamer Perspective. In: Berezina, K., Nixon, L. and Tuomi, A., eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2024. ENTER 2024. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Cham: Springer, 175-179.


Tessema, D. H., Yesilada, F., Aghaei, I. and Ahmed, J. N., 2024. Influence of perceived service quality on word-of-mouth: the mediating role of brand trust and student satisfaction. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. (In Press)

Tallontire, A., Anderson, M. and Discetti, R., 2024. Fair Trade Connections: Exploring relationality, decoloniality and future directions of a hybrid movement. Journal of Fair Trade, 5 (1).

Turnšek, M. and Ladkin, A., 2024. Algorithmic management: Reflecting on the practices of Airbnb. In: Valeri, M. and Sousa, B., eds. Human relations management in tourism. IGI Global, 57-81.


Vertommen, T., Woessner, M., Kavanagh, E., Parent, S., Pankowiak, A., Haerens, L., Schyvink, C, Constandt, B., Spaaij, R., Stevens, V., Willem, A. and Mountjoy, M., 2024. ‘First, do no harm’: conducting research on interpersonal violence in sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 58 (22), 1315-1318.

Vasil, M., Chopdar, P. K., Buhalis, D. and Das, S. S., 2024. Value co-creation in the sharing economy: Revisiting the past to inform future. Psychology and Marketing, 41 (7), 1443-1468.


Woessner, M. N., Pankowiak, A., Kavanagh, E., Parent, S., Vertommen, T., Eime, R., Spaaij, R., Harvey, J. and Parker, A. G., 2024. Telling adults about it: children’s experience of disclosing interpersonal violence in community sport. Sport in Society, 27 (5), 661-680.


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Zarei, H., Yazdifar, H., Nasseri, A. and Dahmarde Ghaleno, M., 2024. The fit between GLOBE cultural dimensions, budget transparency and performance management across emerging economies. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19 (9), 2347-2365.

Zhou, L., Buhalis, D., Fan, D. X. F., Ladkin, A. and Lian, X., 2024. Attracting digital nomads: Smart destination strategies, innovation and competitiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 31, 100850.

Zhu, C., Fong, L H. N., Li, X., Buhalis, D. and Chen, H., 2024. Short video marketing in tourism: Telepresence, celebrity attachment, and travel intention. International Journal of Tourism Research, 26 (1), e2599.

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