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Watson, T., 2013. Coporate and Marketing Communications - Lessons from history. In: First International Corporate and Marketing Communication in Asia Conference, 18--19 November 2013, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Vannini, S., Rega, I. and Cantoni, L., 2013. Information and Communication Flows through Community Multimedia Centers: Perspectives from Mozambican Communities. Information Technology for Development, 21 (1), 85 - 98 .
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Watson, T., 2013. IPRA’s Code of Athens – the first international code of public relations ethics. In: International Public Relations Research Conference, 7--9 March 2013, Miami, FL, USA.
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Fowler-Watt, K. and Allan, S., eds., 2013. Journalism: New Challenges. Poole, England: CJCR: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research, Bournemouth University.
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