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Number of items: 228.


Light, D., Cretan, R. and Dunca, A-M., 2019. Education and post-communist transitional justice: negotiating the communist past in a memorial museum. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 19 (4), 565 - 584.

Sarchah, F.S., Yazdifar, H. and Pifeh, A., 2019. The Effects of Intra- and Extra-Organizational Factors on Management Accounting Practices in the Privatization Processes: Evidence from Iran. International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, 4 (15), 97 - 113.

Polkinghorne, M., O Sullivan, H., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2019. An innovative framework for higher education to evaluate learning gain: a case study based upon the discipline of marketing. Studies in Higher Education, 46 (9), 1740-1755.

Osman, H. and Johns, N., 2019. ‘Home and away: Why do consumers shy away from reporting negative experiences in the peer to peer realms?’. Psychology and Marketing, 36 (12), 1162-1175.

Kozak, M. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Cross–border tourism destination marketing: Prerequisites and critical success factors. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 14 (December), 100392.

Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, K. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Job satisfaction and employee turnover determinants in high contact services: Insights from Employees'Online reviews. Tourism Management, 75 (December), 130 - 147.

Hartwell, C. A., Horvath, R., Horvathova, E. and Popova, O., 2019. Democratic Institutions, Natural Resources, and Income Inequality. Comparative Economic Studies, 61 (4), 531-550.

Medway, D., Light, D., Warnaby, G., Byrom, J. and Young, C., 2019. Flags, society and space: Towards a research agenda for vexillgeography. Area, 51 (4), 689-696.

Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Talent management and retention strategies in luxury hotels: Evidence from four countries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (10), 3855-3878.

Taura, N. and Radicic, D., 2019. Intra-cluster knowledge exchange and frequency of product innovation in a digital cluster. Journal of Small Business Management, 57 (S2), 350-373.

Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Cobanoglu, C., 2019. Guest editorial. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10 (4), 481 - 488.

Djalilov, K. and Piesse, J., 2019. Bank regulation and efficiency: Evidence from transition countries. International review of economics and finance, 64 (November), 308-322.

Qin, Y., Gu, H., Li, B. and Fan, D. X.F., 2019. The Chinese Hospitality Industry: A perspective article. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 117-121.

Cleland, J., Parry, K. D. and Radford, D., 2019. “Perhaps she only had a banana available to throw”: Habitus, racial prejudice, and whiteness on Australian Football League message boards. Sociology of Sport Journal, 36 (4), 330-338.

Damoah, I. S., Tingbani, I., Kumi, D.K., Akwei, C.A. and Amoako, I.O., 2019. Factors influencing school building construction projects abandonment. International Journal of Construction Management, 22 (6), 961-976.

Lin, P, Zhang, Q., Hung, K, Lin, B and Fan, X, 2019. Stakeholders’ views of travelers’ choice of Airbnb. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36 (9), 1037 - 1049.

Choe, J. Y. and Livecchi, C., 2019. Editorial. Gender and Mobility in Tourism. Tourism Review, 74 (5), 1021-1024.

Vizcaino Suarez, L.P. and Diaz-Carrion, I.A., 2019. Gender in Tourism Research: Perspectives from Latin America. Tourism Review, 74 (5), 1091-1103.

Brodie, A., 2019. The Castle or the Green Field: dilemmas and solutions in English prison planning, 1780-1850. Prison Service Journal (246), 4-9.

Hartwell, C. A., 2019. Complexity, Uncertainty, and Monetary Policy: Can the ECB Avoid the Unconventional Becoming the 'New Normal'? Economists' Voice, 16 (1), 20190021.

Steffens, N., Slade, E.L., Stevens, M, Haslam, S.A. and Rees, T., 2019. Putting the ‘we’ into workout: The association of identity leadership with exercise class attendance and effort, and the mediating role of group identification and comfort. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 45 (November), 101544.

Moital, M., Bain, A. and Thomas, H., 2019. Summary of cognitive, affective and behavioural outcomes of consuming prestigious sports events. Sport Management Review, 22 (5), 652-666.

Mhanna, R., Blake, A. and Jones, I., 2019. Spreading Tourists around Host Countries of Mega Sport Events: a Strategy to Overcome Over-tourism in Host Cities. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 11 (5), 611-626.

Richards, S., Brown, L. and Dilettuso, A., 2019. The Airbnb phenomenon: the resident’s perspective. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6 (1), 8-26.

Brown, L., Farbrother, C. and Dazam, J., 2019. Longing for a taste of home. British Food Journal, 121 (12), 3281-3292.

Buhalis, D., Harwood, T., Bogicevic, V., Viglia, G., Beldona, S. and Hofacker, C., 2019. Technological disruptions in services: lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of Service Management, 30 (4), 484 - 506.

Wylde, M., Baranee, K., Young, L. and Callaway, A., 2019. Axis Specific Player Load to Quantify Lower Limb Biomechanical Loading in Adolescent Badminton Players. International Journal of Racket Sports Science, 1 (1), 37 -44.

Holden, M., Shipway, R. and Lamont, M., 2019. Bridging the divide: framing an industry-academia collaborative research agenda for cycling sport tourism events. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 10 (3), 284- 303.

Adisa, T., Baderin, M., Gbadamosi, G. and Mordi, C., 2019. Understanding the Trajectory of the Academic Progress of International Students in the UK. Education and training, 61 (9), 1100-1122.

Bang, H., Miles, L. and Gordon, R., 2019. Disaster Risk Reduction in Cameroon: Are Contemporary Disaster Management Frameworks Accommodating the Sendai Framework Agenda 2030? International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10, 462-477.

Filimonau, V., Fidan, H., Alexieva, I., Dragoev, S. and Marinova, D.D., 2019. Restaurant food waste and the determinants of its effective management in Bulgaria: An exploratory case study of restaurants in Plovdiv. Tourism Management Perspectives, 32 (October), 100577.

Giudici, M. and Filimonau, V., 2019. Exploring the linkages between managerial leadership, communication and teamwork in successful event delivery. Tourism Management Perspectives, 32 (October), 100558.

Chowdhury, M., 2019. Self and Peer Assessment of Group Work in Higher Education: A Game Theoretic Analysis. Review of Behavioral Economics, 6 (2), 147-158.

Alam, A., Uddin, M., Yazdifar, H., Shafique, S. and Lartey, T., 2019. R&D investment, firm performance and moderating role of system and safeguard: Evidence from emerging markets. Journal of Business Research, 106 (January), 94 - 105.

Osman, H., Brown, L. and Phung, T.M.T., 2019. The Travel Motivations and Experiences of Female Vietnamese Solo Travellers. Tourist Studies, 20 (2), 248-267.

Lau, C., Fan, D. X.F., Milne, S., Qui, H. and Sun, M., 2019. Chinese venturers to Pacific Small Island Developing States: Travel and lifestyle. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 (5), 665-674.

Williams, N. and Ferdinand, N., 2019. Together alone: an exploration of the virtual event experience. Event Management, 23 (4-5), 721-732.

Parrilli, M.D., 2019. Clusters and Internationalization: the role of lead firms' commitment and RIS proactivity in tackling the risk of internal fractures. European Planning Studies, 27 (10), 2015-2033.

Bolat, E. and Taura, N., 2019. Digital technologies are transforming African businesses, but obstacles remain. The Conversation (10 September 2019).

Shamim, S., Cang, S. and Yu, H., 2019. Impact of knowledge oriented leadership on knowledge management behaviour through employee work attitudes. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (16), 2387 - 2417.

Stevens, M., Rees, T. and Polman, R., 2019. Social identification, exercise participation, and positive exercise experiences: Evidence from parkrun. Journal of sports sciences, 37 (2), 221-228.

Degiannakis, S., Filis, G. and Tsemperlidis, S., 2019. Economic announcements and the 10-year U.S. Treasury: Surprising findings without the surprise component. Applied Economics Letters, 26 (15), 1269-1273.

Adisa, T., Gbadamosi, G., Mordi, T. and Mordi, C., 2019. In Search of Perfect Boundaries? Entrepreneurs’ Work-Life Balance. Personnel Review, 48 (6), 1634-1651.

Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Factors affecting and shaping the General Managers’ work in small and medium-sized luxury hotels: the case of Greece. Hospitality and Society, 9 (3), 397-422.

Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D. and Koniordos, M., 2019. Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior. Annals of Tourism Research, 78 (September), 102742.

Stankov, U., Filimonau, V. and Slivar, I., 2019. Calm ICT design in hotels: A critical review of applications and implications. International journal of hospitality management, 82 (September), 298-307.

Hartwell, C. A. and Malinowska, A.P., 2019. Informal institutions and firm valuation. Emerging Markets Review, 40 (September), 100603.

Jirjahn, U. and Mohrenweiser, J., 2019. Performance pay and applicant screening. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57 (3), 540-575.

Owen, C. and De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2019. ‘Pra homem, menino e mulher’?: Problematizing the gender inclusivity discourse in capoeira. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54 (6), 691-710.

Brown, A. and Pitman, D., 2019. Resource Procurement and Inter-regional Connections in pre-contact Taranaki, New Zealand: new evidence from geochemical analysis of obsidian. Archaeology in Oceania, 54 (3), 149-162.

Rihova, I, Moital, M., Buhalis, D. and Gouthro, M.-B., 2019. Practice-based segmentation: Taxonomy of C2C co-creation practice segments. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (9), 3799-3818.

Fulton, E., Baines, D. and Bartle, N., 2019. Underage drinking as a natural part of growing up: a UK study of parental beliefs. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 19 (3), 220 - 229.

Yao, B., Qiu, R.T.R., Fan, X., Liu, A. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Standing out from the crowd - An exploration of signal attributes of Airbnb listings. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (12), 4520-4542.

Haffar, M., Al-Karaghouli, W., Djebarni, R. and Gbadamosi, G., 2019. Organisational culture and TQM implementation: investigating the mediating influences of multidimensional employee readiness for change. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 30 (11-12), 1367-1388.

Gbadamosi, G., Evans, C., Richardson, M. and Chanthana, Y., 2019. Understanding self-efficacy and the dynamics of part-time work and career aspiration. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 9 (3), 468-484.

Laesser, C., Bieger, T., Pechlaner, H., Keller, P. and Buhalis, D., 2019. 75 years of Tourism Review: survival by transformation: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 4-7.

Roberts, S. P., 2019. The intersection of professionalism gay men, bodies and power. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33 (3), 491-501.

Di Giovine, M. and Choe, J. Y., 2019. Geographies of Religion and Spirituality: Beyond the ‘officially’ sacred. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 21 (3), 361-383.

Ma, X., Dai, M. and Fan, D. X.F., 2019. Land expropriation in tourism development: Residents' attitudinal change and its influencing mechanism. Tourism Management, 76, 103957.

Bolat, E., 2019. Mobile tech: Superfood or super fad of Creative Business? Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26 (3-4), 295-318.

Tóffano Pereira, R.P., Filimonau, V. and Ribeiro, G.M., 2019. Score a goal for climate: Assessing the carbon footprint of travel patterns of the English Premier League clubs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 227 (August), 167 - 177.

Peters, M., Kallmuenzer, A. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Hospitality entrepreneurs managing quality of life and business growth. Current Issues in Tourism, 22 (16), 2014- 2033.

Chatziantoniou, I., Degiannakis, S. and Filis, G., 2019. Futures-based forecasts: How useful are they for oil price volatility forecasting? Energy Economics, 81 (June), 639-649.

Djalilov, K. and Lam, T.N., 2019. Ownership, risk and efficiency in the banking sector of the ASEAN countries. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 3 (2), 5-16.

Fan, X., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. A Tourist Typology of Online and Face-to-Face Social Contact: Destination Immersion and Tourism Encapsulation/Decapsulation. Annals of tourism research, 78 (September), 102757.

Rodrigues, V.M., Bray, J., Fernandes, A.C., Bernardo, G.L., Hartwell, H., Secchi Martinelli, S., Lazzarin Uggioni, P., Barletto Cavalli, S. and Proenca, R.P.D.C., 2019. Vegetable Consumption and Factors Associated with Increased Intake among College Students: A Scoping Review of the Last 10 Years. Nutrients, 11, 1 - 28.

Stevens, M., Rees, T., Steffens, N. K., Haslam, S. A., Coffee, P. and Polman, R., 2019. Leaders’ creation of shared identity impacts group members’ effort and performance: Evidence from an exercise task. PLoS ONE, 14 (7), e0218984.

Kichuk, A., Brown, L. and Ladkin, A., 2019. Talent pool exclusion: the hotel employee perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (10), 3970-3991.

Kooli, K., Tzempelikos, N. and Foroudi, P., 2019. What drives B-to-B marketers in emerging countries to use social media sites? Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26 (3/4), 245-264.

Litchfield, C. and Kavanagh, E. J., 2019. Twitter, Team GB and the Australian Olympic Team: representations of gender in social media spaces. Sport in Society, 22 (7), 1148-1164.

Orlic, E., Radicic, D. and Balavac, M., 2019. R&D and innovation policy in the Western Balkans: are there additionality effects? Science and Public Policy, 46 (6), 876-894.

Leidner, S., Baden, D. and Ashleigh, M., 2019. Green (environmental) HRM: Aligning ideals with appropriate practices. Personnel Review, 48 (5), 1169-1185.

Wassler, P., Wang, S. and Hung, K., 2019. Identity and destination branding among residents: How does brand self-congruity influence brand attitude and ambassadorial behavior? International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 (4), 437-446.

Hartwell, C. A., 2019. Short waves in Hungary, 1923 and 1946: Persistence, chaos, and (lack of)control. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 163 (July), 532 - 550.

Wassler, P., Nguyen, T.H.H., Mai, L.Q. and Schuckert, M., 2019. Social representations and resident attitudes: A multiple-mixed-method approach. Annals of tourism research, 78 (September), 102740.

Rascle, O., Charrier, M., Higgins, N.C., Rees, T., Coffee, P., Le Foll, D. and Cabagno, G., 2019. Being one of us: Translating expertise into performance benefits following perceived failure. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43 (July), 105-113.

Bo, L., Böhm, S. and Reynolds, N-S., 2019. Organizing the environmental governance of the rare-earth industry: China’s passive revolution. Organization Studies, 40 (7), 1045-1071.

Santamaria, D. and Filis, G., 2019. Tourism demand and economic growth in Spain: New insights based on the yield curve. Tourism management, 75 (December), 447-459.

Booth, R. and Nordberg, D., 2019. Fund board performance evaluation. NED Global: Risk and Governance.

Mimler, M., 2019. Current Developments -EU: Decision T 1063/18. Intellectual Property Forum (116), 80 - 82.

Buhalis, D. and Sinarta, Y, 2019. Real-time co-creation and nowness service: lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36 (5), 563 - 582.

Manville, G., Karakas, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Petford, N., 2019. Supporting Open Innovation with the use of a Balanced Scorecard Approach: A Study on Deep Smarts and Effective Knowledge Transfer to SMEs. Production Planning and Control, 30 (10-12), 842-853.

Ryland, P. and Mitchell, J., 2019. Interpretation: creating memorable moments through informal education. Environmental Education – the NAEE Journal, 121 (Summer), 25 -27.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2019. Parkour, Leisure and Neoliberal Cityscapes: a two-book review. Leisure Studies, 38 (4), 568-572.

O'Regan, M., Choe, J. Y. and Yap, M., 2019. Conspicuous consumption and hospitality at a wine festival in China. Hospitality & Society, 9 (2), 125-143.

Brodie, A., 2019. Leisure and Commerce - seafront rivals in England’s first seaside resorts. Academica Turistica, 12 (1), 13-22.

De Lisio, A., Hubbard, P. and Silk, M., 2019. Economies of (Alleged) Deviance: Sex Work and the Sport Mega Event. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16 (2), 179-189.

Hartwell, H., Appleton, K., Bray, J. P., Price, S., Mavridis, I., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Ronge, M., 2019. Shaping smarter consumer food choices: The FoodSMART project. Nutrition Bulletin, 44 (2), 138-144.

Curtin, S. C. and Brown, L., 2019. Travelling with a purpose: an ethnographic study of the eudemonic experiences of volunteer expedition participants. Tourist Studies, 19 (2), 192-214.

Bray, J. P., Hartwell, H., Price, S., Viglia, G., Kapuscinski, G., Appleton, K., Laure, S., Perez Cueto, A. and Mavridis, I., 2019. Food information presentation: consumer preferences when eating out. British Food Journal, 121 (8), 1744-1762.

Zeitoun, H., Nordberg, D. and Homberg, F., 2019. The dark and bright sides of hubris: Conceptual implications for leadership and governance research. Leadership, 15 (6), 647-672.

Barker, A.B., Opazo Breton, M., Murray, R.L., Grant-Braham, B. and Britton, J., 2019. Exposure to 'smokescreen' marketing during the 2018 Formula 1 Championship. Tobacco Control, 28, e154-e155.

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C. and Light, D., 2019. Naming rights, place branding, and the tumultuous cultural landscapes of neoliberal urbanism. Urban Geography, 40 (6), 747-761.

Manley, A. and Silk, M., 2019. Remembering the City: Changing Conceptions of Community in Urban China. City and Community, 18 (4), 1240-1266.

Read, D., Skinner, J., Lock, D. and Houlihan, B., 2019. Legitimacy driven change at the World Anti-Doping Agency. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11 (2), 233-245.

Gaber, H.R., Wright, L.T. and Kooli, K., 2019. Consumer Attitudes towards Instagram Advertisements in Egypt: The Role of the Perceived Advertising Value and Personalization. Cogent Business & Management, 6 (1), 1618431.

Gbadamosi, G., Evans, C., Jones, K., Hickman, M. and Rudley, H., 2019. The perceived value of work placements and part-time work and its diminution with time. Journal of Education and Work, 32 (2), 196-214.

Kinnucan, H.W. and Lloyd, T., 2019. Forty Years of Price Transmission Research in the Food Industry: Insights, Challenges and Prospects: Comment. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70 (3), 874 - 879.

Volchek, K., Liu, A., Song, H. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies. Tourism Economics, 25 (3), 425 - 447.

Khoo-Lattimore, C., Prayag, G. and Disegna, M., 2019. Me, My Girls, and the Ideal Hotel: Segmenting Motivations of the Girlfriend Getaway Market Using Fuzzy C-Medoids for Fuzzy Data. Journal of Travel Research, 58 (5), 774-792.

Wood, C., 2019. Festival visiting, voluntary risk and positive health. Annals of Tourism Research, 76 (May), 323-325.

Nanthangopan, Y., Williams, N. and Thompson, K., 2019. Levels and Interconnections of Project Success in Development Projects by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 12 (2), 487-511.

Tingbani, I., Tauringana, V., Okafor, G. and Zalata, A., 2019. Terrorism and Country-Level Global Business Failure. Journal of Business Research, 98 (May), 430-440.

Leijerholt, U., Chapleo, C. and O'Sullivan, H., 2019. A brand within a brand: an integrated understanding of internal brand management and brand architecture in the public sector. Journal of Brand Management, 26 (3), 277-290.

D'Urso, P., De Giovanni, L., Disegna, M. and Massari, R., 2019. Fuzzy clustering with spatial-temporal information. Spatial Statistics, 30 (April), 71-102.

Mosley, E., Laborde, S. and Kavanagh, E. J., 2019. The Contribution of Coping-Related Variables and Cardiac Vagal Activity on Prone Rifle Shooting Performance Under Pressure. Journal of Psychophysiology, 33 (3), 171-187.

Yasar, Z., Dewhurst, S. and Hayes, L., 2019. Peak Power Output Is Similarly Recovered After Three- and Five-Days’ Rest Following Sprint Interval Training in Young and Older Adults. Sports, 7 (4), 94 - 103.

Lin, P., Fan, D. X.F., Zhang, H. and Lau, C., 2019. Spend Less and Experience More: Understanding Tourists’ Social Contact in the Airbnb Context. International journal of hospitality management, 83 (October), 65-73.

Stevens, M., Rees, T., Coffee, P., Steffens, N., Haslam, S.A. and Polman, R., 2019. Leading ‘us’ to be active: A two-wave test of relationships between identity leadership, group identification, and attendance. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9 (1), 128-142.

Diaz-Carrion, I.A. and Vizcaino-Suarez, L.P., 2019. Tourism and gender research in Brazil and Mexico. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 19 (4), 277-289.

Güllich, A., Hardy, L., Kuncheva, L., Laing, S., Barlow, M., Evans, L., Rees, T., Abernethy, B., Côté,, J., Warr, C. and Wraith, L., 2019. Developmental biographies of Olympic super-elite and elite athletes – a multidisciplinary pattern recognition analysis. Journal of Expertise, 2 (1), 23-46.

Ryland, P., 2019. Reporting research: attracting young people into museums. Interpretation Journal, 24 (1), 5 - 6.

Bang, H., Balgah, R. and Fondo, S., 2019. Drivers for coping with flood hazards: Beyond the analysis of single cases. Jàmbá : Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 11 (1), 678.

Bang, H., Miles, L. and Gordon, R., 2019. Evaluating local vulnerability and organisational resilience to frequent flooding in Africa: the case of Northern Cameroon. Foresight, 21 (2), 266-284.

Takeda, S., Disegna, M. and Yang, Y., 2019. Changes in Chinese work values: A comparison between the One-Child, Social Reform and Cultural Revolution Generations. Evidence-Based HRM, 7 (1), 24-41.

Uyar, A., Elbardan, H. and Yam, A., 2019. Drivers of convergence/divergence of corporate governance codes of MENA countries. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 13 (3), 217-243.

Adisa, T. and Gbadamosi, G., 2019. Regional Crises and Corruption: The Eclipse of the Quality of Working Life in Nigeria. Employee Relations, 41 (3), 571-591.

Shrivastava, M. and Tamvada, J.P., 2019. Which Green Matters for Whom? Greening and Firm Performance across Age and Size Distribution of Firms. Small Business Economics, 52 (4), 951-968.

Ngugi, I. K., 2019. Co-creating value in the dyadic relationships of small and large firms in the agri-food sector. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 31 (1), 52-68.

Wassler, P. and Kirillova, K., 2019. Hell is other people? An existential-phenomenological analysis of the local gaze in tourism. Tourism Management, 71 (April), 116-126.

Filimonau, V. and Perez, L., 2019. National culture and tourist destination choice in the UK and Venezuela: an exploratory and preliminary study. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 21 (2), 235-260.

Fan, X., Liu, A. and Qiu, R.T., 2019. Revisiting the relationship between host attitudes and tourism development: A utility maximization approach. Tourism Economics, 25 (2), 171-188.

Marinova, E. and Fox, D., 2019. An exploratory study of British Millennials’ attitudes to the use of live animals in events. Leisure Studies, 38 (3), 422-434.

Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2019. Does Accession to the European Union Affect Firms’ Productivity? IZA Policy Papers, 458.

Pareek, M., Eborall, H.C., Wobi, F., Ellis, K.S., Kontopantelis, E., Zhang, F., Baggaley, R., Hollingsworth, T.D., Baines, D., Patel, H., Haldar, P., Patel, M., Stephenson, I., Browne, I., Gill, P., Kapur, R., Farooqi, A., Abubakar, I. and Griffiths, C., 2019. Community-based testing of migrants for infectious diseases (COMBAT-ID): impact, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of identifying infectious diseases among migrants in primary care: protocol for an interrupted time-series, qualitative and health economic analysis. BMJ Open, 9 (3), e029188.

O'Regan, M. and Choe, J. Y., 2019. Managing a non-profit hospitality platform conversion: The case of Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 138 -146.

Wood, C., 2019. Nursing Now campaign: Time to break your silence. Journal of community nursing, 32 (6), 14 - 17.

Volchek, K., Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Song, H., 2019. The Good, the bad, and the ugly: Tourist perceptions on interactions with personalised content. e-Review of Tourism Research, 16 (2-3), 62 - 72.

Fan, D. X.F., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. Tourists' online and face-to-face social contact and destination immersion. e-Review of Tourism Research, 16 (2-3), 224 - 233.

Dickinson, J. E., Smith, A. and Robbins, D. K., 2019. Defining sustainable transport in rural tourism: experiences from the New Forest. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 (2), 258-275.

Yazdifar, H., Askarany, D., Wickramasinghe, D., Nasseri, A. and Alam, A., 2019. The Diffusion of Management Accounting Innovations in Dependent (Subsidiary) Organizations and MNCs. International Journal of Accounting, 54 (1), 1950004.

Mohrenweiser, J., Zwick, T. and Backes-Gellner, U., 2019. Poaching and Firm-Sponsored Training. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57 (1), 143-181.

Stankov, U. and Filimonau, V., 2019. Reviving calm technology in the e-tourism context. Service Industries Journal, 39 (5-6), 343-360.

Yazdifar, H., Rastogi, L., Alam, A., Eskandari, R. and Al Bahloul, M., 2019. A Review of The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Innovation: Insights and Directions for Future Research. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12 (5), 625-647.

McCarthy, D., Wei, P., Homberg, F. and Tabvuma, V., 2019. Public service motivation in the Chinese public and private sectors. Evidence-based HRM, 9 (1), 1-17.

Sparkes, A.C. and Stewart, C., 2019. Stories as actors causing trouble in lives: a dialogical narrative analysis of a competitive cyclist and the fall from grace of Lance Armstrong. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 11 (4), 460-477.

Littlejohns, R., Gouthro, M.-B. and Dickinson, J. E., 2019. Runners’ Engagement and Social Support Practices: Exploring the Uses and Role of Online Activities. Sport in Society, 22 (12), 2243-2260.

Koo, C., Mendes-Filho, L. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Smart tourism and competitive advantage for stakeholders: Guest editorial. Tourism Review, 74 (1), 1 - 4.

Zhang, Q., Fan, X., Lyu, J., Lin, P. and Jenkins, C., 2019. Analyzing the Economic Sustainability of Tourism Development: Evidence from Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research: The Professional Journal of the Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, 43 (2), 226-248.

Papanikolaou, N.I., 2019. How changes in market conditions affect screening activity, credit risk, and the lending behaviour of banks. European Journal of Finance, 25 (9), 856-875.

Alexander, P., Balavac, M. and Lymer, A., 2019. Minding the Age Gap. Tax Adviser (1st February).

Sadd, D., 2019. Book Review. Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned Events D. Getz, S.J. Page, 3rd edition, Routledge, Abingdon (2016), p. 534, (Pbk.), £38.99, ISBN: 9781138899155. Tourism Management, 70 (February), 99 - 100.

Degiannakis, S. and Filis, G., 2019. Forecasting European Economic Policy Uncertainty. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 66 (1), 94-114.

Mitchell, G., Porter, S. and Manias, E., 2019. From telling to sharing to silence: A longitudinal ethnography of professional-patient communication about oral chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 28 (2), 336 - 342.

Farid, S., Elmahdawy, M. and Baines, D., 2019. A Systematic Review on the Extent and Quality of Pharmacoeconomic Publications in Egypt. Clinical Drug Investigation, 39 (2), 157-168.

Parrilli, M.D., Aragon, C., Iturrioz, C. and Narvaiza, L., 2019. The role of creative social capital in regional innovation systems: creative social capital and its institutionalisation process. Papers in Regional Science (Springer), 98 (1), 35-51.

Hartwell, C. A., 2019. On the impossibility of central bank independence: four decades of time- (and intellectual) inconsistency. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43 (1), 61-84.

Mayoh, J., 2019. Perfect pregnancy? Pregnant bodies, digital leisure and the presentation of self. Leisure Studies, 38 (2), 204-217.

O'Regan, M., Choe, J. Y. and Di Giovine, M., 2019. Reframing and Reconceptualising Gambling tourism in Macau as a Chinese Pilgrimage. Tourism Geographies: An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment, 21 (3), 508-528.

Antón, C., Camarero, C., Laguna, M. and Buhalis, D., 2019. Impacts of authenticity, degree of adaptation and cultural contrast on travellers’ memorable gastronomy experiences. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 28 (7), 743-764.

Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2019. Switching on the BBC: Using Recursive Abstraction to Undertake a Narrative Inquiry-Based Investigation Into the BBC’s Early Strategic Business and Management Issues. SAGE Research Methods Cases, Part 2, 1- 20.

Obiegbu, C. J., Larsen, G., Ellis, N. and O’Reilly, D., 2019. Co-constructing loyalty in an era of digital music fandom: An experiential-discursive perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (3), 463 - 482.

Nannelli, M., Buhalis, D., Franch, M. and Lucia, M.D., 2019. Disruption of the market structure in the tourism and hospitality accommodation service. The impact of the new short-term rental players. e-Review of Tourism Research, 17 (3), 460 - 474.

Alam, A., Uddin, M. and Yazdifar, H., 2019. Financing behaviour of R&D investment in the emerging markets: the role of alliance and financial system. R & D Management, 49 (1), 21 - 32.

Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K. and Lichtenthal, J.D., 2019. Innovation in Business-to-Business Marketing. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26 (3-4), 229-232.

Alam, A., Uddin, M. and Yazdifar, H., 2019. Institutional determinants of R&D investment: Evidence from emerging markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138 (January), 34 - 44.

Yazdifar, H., 2019. Preface. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12 (5), 601 - 603.

Wylde, M., Lee, M., Chee Yong, L. and Callaway, A., 2019. Reliability and validity of GPS-embedded accelerometers for the measurement of badminton specific player load. Journal of Trainology, 7 (2), 34 - 37.

Buhalis, D., 2019. Technology in tourism - from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75 (1), 262-272.

Obiegbu, C. J., Larsen, G. and Ellis, N., 2019. The critical music fan: the role of criticality in collective constructions of brand loyalty. Arts and the Market, 9 (1), 65 - 80.

Baker-Beall, C., 2019. The threat of the ‘returning foreign fighter’: The securitization of EU migration and border control policy. Security Dialogue, 50 (5), 437-453.

Haffar, M., Al-Karaghouli, W., Irani, Z., Djebarni, R. and Gbadamosi, G., 2019. The influence of individual readiness for change dimensions on quality management implementation in Algerian manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Production Economics, 207 (January), 247-260.

Nilemar, K. and Brown, L., 2019. Academic mobility and cultural change. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (1), 189- 100.

Yazdifar, H., 2019. Business Challenges and Opportunities, Management, Leadership and Innovations: Insights from Emerging Markets. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 12 (5), 601-603.

Holscher, J., Postula, M., Alinska, A. and Klepacki, J., 2019. Correlation Between Fiscal Rules and Sustainable Development of the Visegrad Group Countries. Problemy ZarzAdzania-Management Issues, 17 (3), 33 - 53.

Goodwin, K. and Mbah, M., 2019. Enhancing the work placement experience of international students: towards a support framework. Journal of further and higher education, 43 (4), 521-532.

Baines, D., 2019. Evolutionary approaches to the concept of drift in policy studies. Critical Policy Studies, 13 (2), 174-189.

Adams, A. and Carr, S., 2019. Football friends: adolescent boys’ friendships inside an English professional football (soccer) academy. Soccer and Society, 20 (3), 471-493.

Tauringana, V., Mbah, M. and Alexander, P., 2019. Interrogating the importance and awareness of NSS improvement initiatives: A case study of final year undergraduate students. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (1), 58-78.

D'Ambrosio, A., Montresor, S., Parrilli, M.D. and Quatraro, F., 2019. Migration, communities-on-the-move and international innovation networks: An empirical analysis of Spanish regions. Regional Studies, 53 (1), 6-16.

Filimonau, V. and Mika, M., 2019. Return labour migration: an exploratory study of Polish migrant workers from the UK hospitality industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 22 (3), 357- 378.

Vizcaino-Suarez, L.P., 2019. Tourism and indigenous heritage in Latin America: as observed through Mexico’s magical village Cuetzalan: Book Review. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 14 (5-6), 579-580.

Huynh, T., 2019. What makes external financial supporters engage in university spin-off seed investments: Entrepreneurs' capabilities or social networks? International Journal of Innovation Management, 23 (2), 1950010.

Saulais, L., Massey, C., Perez-Cueto, A.F., Appleton, K., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Hartwell, H. and Giboreau, A., 2019. When are “Dish of the Day” nudges most effective to increase vegetable selection? Food Policy, 85 (May), 15-27.

Djalilov, K. and Radicic, D., 2019. The impact of technological and non-technological innovations on export intensity in SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26 (4), 612-638.

Parrilli, M.D., Montresor, S. and Trippl, M., 2019. A new approach to migration: communities on the move as assets. Regional studies, 53 (1), 1 - 5.

Book Section

Parry, K. D., George, E.S., Richards, J. and Stevens, A., 2019. Watching Football as Medicine: promoting health at the football stadium. In: Krustrup, P. and Parnell, D., eds. Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion. London: Routledge, 183-200.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2019. Corpi e città contese: studi culturali del corpo e trasformazioni urbane. In: Donato, A., Tonelli, L. and Galak, E., eds. Le Pieghe del Corpo. Milan: Mimesis, 73-100.

Nicholson, R., 2019. 'Who are tell the South Africans how to run their country?' The Women's Cricket Association and the aftermath of the D'Oliveira Affair, 1968/69. In: Murray, B., Parry, R. and Winch, J., eds. Cricket and Society in South Africa, 1910-1971: From Union to Isolation. Palgrave Macmillan, 325-346.

Brodie, A., 2019. Ports and the Origins of the Seaside Resort in England. In: Resorts - Cultural - Historical Landscape and Cultural Space Conference Papers, Jurmala 2017. Sava Gramata, 59-87.


Silk, M., Pullen, E., Jackson, D., Rich, E., Misener, L., Howe, D., Scullion, R., Hodges, C. E.M., Nicholson, R., Silva, C.F., Stutterheim, K. and Farmer, S., 2019. Re-presenting para-sport bodies: Disability and the cultural legacy of the Paralympic Games. Project Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.

Nordberg, D. and Booth, R., 2019. Evaluating boards: A policy agenda in need of perspective. Technical Report. New York: The Conference Board Inc..

Storr, R, Knijnik, J, Parry, K., Collinson, A and Staples, E, 2019. Developing LGBT+ Inclusive Supporter Groups in the Big Bash League. Project Report. Penrith, NSW, Australia: Western Sydney University.

Alexander, P., Balavac, M., Mukherjee, S., Massey, D. and Lymer, A., 2019. Improving Tax Literacy and Tax Morale in Young People. Technical Report. Chartered Institute of Taxation.

Conference or Workshop Item

Williams, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2019. Accreditation of Higher Education in the UK: The rise of PSRBs & potential influences. In: BU 11th Annual PGR Conference 2019, 4 December 2019, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Adedoyin, F. and Bekun, F.V., 2019. Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Tourist Arrivals to Small Island Economies Dependent on Tourism [Academic poster]. In: BU Doctoral College: 11th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, 4 December 2019, Bournemouth University.

Polkinghorne, M. and Kurtuk, I., 2019. The Butterfly Effect of Decisions: Enhancement of Teaching Decision-Making in Project Management within UK Higher Education. In: The 11th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, 4 December 2019, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Polkinghorne, M. and Shahid, S., 2019. Measuring Success & Sustainability in Project Management: A Case Study of Quality Education. In: The 11th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, 4 December 2019, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Wassler, P., 2019. Tourist Vulnerability: Proposing an emic perspective. In: ICTDT2019, 22-24 October 2019, Rome, Italy.

Muzarurwi, S., Nordberg, D. and Elbardan, H., 2019. How UK local authorities control their subsidiaries: A conundrum in corporate and public governance. In: British Academy of Management, 2-5 September 2019, Aston University, Birmingham.

Nordberg, D., 2019. Who’s in charge? In whose interest? The experience of ownership and accountability in the charity sector. In: British Academy of Management, 2-5 September 2019, Aston University, Birmingham.

Mavridou, I., Perry, M., Seiss, E., Kostoulas, T. and Balaguer-Ballester, E., 2019. Emerging Affect Detection Methodologies in VR and future directions. In: VRIC 2019: 21st Virtual Reality International Conference, 20-22 March 2019, Laval, France.

Fan, D. X.F., Buhalis, D. and Fragkaki, E., 2019. Towards a Better Quality of Life: Value Co-Creation with the Active Elderly in Leisure Service. In: Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, 9-11 July 2019, Dundee, UK.

Erdelyi, P. and Whitley, E.A., 2019. Schumpeterian entrepreneurship as dual mediation between markets and between heterogeneous resources. In: 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), 8-10 July 2019, IPAG Business School, Nice, France.

Elbardan, H. and Nordberg, D., 2019. Different marches of the machines: Institutional change and identity work of professionals. In: Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations - 35th EGOS Colloquium, 4 - 6 July 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Marinakou, E., 2019. Occupational Segregations by Gender in the Hospitality Industry: The Case of a Luxury Hotel. In: 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, 22-24 May 2019, Hong Kong.

Fan, D. X.F., Liu, A., Wu, D. and Liu, G., 2019. The impact of social contact on diaspora tourism – A mediating role of social identities. In: 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, 22-25 May 2019, Hong Kong, SAR.

Rendell, R.A., Massey, H.C., Costello, J.T., Tipton, M.J. and Corbett, J., 2019. Inter-individual variation in the adaptive response to heat acclimation; impact on temperate performance. In: ICEE 2019: International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, 7-12 July 2019, Amsterdam.

Wassler, P. and Tolkach, D., 2019. Orwellian Tourism 2020? China's Social Credit Score. In: 2019 TTRA Europe Chapter Conference, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth University, UK.

Fan, X., 2019. The Role of Social Contact between Perceived Cultural Distance and Travel Attitude. In: Travel and Tourism Research Association 2019 European Chapter Conference, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth, UK.

Gale, T., Gross, A. and Wassler, P., 2019. Intergroup conflict and its impact on tourism: Causes and consequences of conflict between landowners and the nomadic Samburu tribe in Laikipia County, Kenya. In: TTRA Europe 2019, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK.

Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Talent Management in the Greek Hotel industry: An investigation of Millennials’ recruitment and selection practices in luxury hotels. In: TTRA Europe Chapter Conference 2019, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth University,UK.

Giousmpasoglou, C., Brown, L. and Marinakou, E., 2019. Training prisoners as hospitality workers: The case of the CLINK charity. In: TTRA Europe 2019, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth University, UK.

Giousmpasoglou, C. and Ikonen, E., 2019. The importance of genuine service and human interaction for millennials’ guest experience: the case of hotel reception and front line employees. In: TTRA Europe 2019, 8-10 April 2019, Bournemouth University, UK.

Fan, D. X.F., Buhalis, D. and Lin, B., 2019. Tourists' Online and Face-to-Face Social Contact and Destination Immersion. In: ENTER 2019: 26th Annual International eTourism Conference, 29 January-1 February 2019, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Beer, S., 2019. Experiences of local food supply in Dorset UK: an autoethnographic reflection. Abstract. In: Gastronomy and tourism: reflections on local food consumption in urban and rural areas, 21-22 February 2019, University of Evora, Portugal.

Memery, J., Robson, J. and Birch-Chapman, S., 2019. Conceptualising a Multi-level Integrative Model for Trust Repair. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 29 May-1 June 2018, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Elbardan, H., Ahmi, A. and Mohd Ali, R., 2019. Bibliometric Analysis of Published Literature on Industry 4.0. In: International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 22-25 January 2019, New Zealand.

Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Atkinson, R., 2019. Exploring Andragogy: Understanding the Implications for Teaching in Higher Education. In: Bournemouth University Fusion Learning Showcase 2019.

Manna, S.K. and Dubey, V. N., 2019. Assessment of joint parameters in a Kinect sensor based rehabilitation game. In: ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 18-21 August 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Dubey, V. N. and Manna, S.K., 2019. Design of a game-based rehabilitation system using kinect sensor. In: 2019 Design of Medical Devices Conference, 15-18 April 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Marinakou, E., 2019. Talent management and retention in events companies: Evidence from four countries. In: International Conference (THE INC2018) "Tourism, Hospitality & Events in a Changing World", 26-28th June 2018, Buxton, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)


Smith, A., 2019. Sustainable transport in rural tourism: a social practice perspective of visitor travel experiences in the New Forest National Park. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Bheekee, Y. V., 2019. A critical evaluation of the religious festival and pilgrimage of Maha Shivaratri in Mauritius: the religious experiences of local Hindu participants, the authenticity of the religious experiences and the perceived potential impacts of any future commoditisation on those experiences. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Dayus, J., 2019. The analysis of playing styles across different developmental stages of football. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Hu, W., 2019. The determinant of capital structure in SME’s: evidence from UK and China. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Howard-Jones, P., 2019. The influence of the Washington Consensus programme on the transitional economies of Eastern Europe – a firm level micro economic analysis. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Baron, A., 2019. Understanding HR reputation: a study to identify and measure the factors that determine perceptions and judgements of HR. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Chu, T., 2019. The impact of government expenditure compositions on economic growth: an empirical analysis. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Fung, P. Y., 2019. Exploring hospitality education as an occupation in Hong Kong: attractions, challenges and commitment. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Nguyen, Q., 2019. Exploring emotional intelligence: a study of Vietnamese hotel workers. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Musikavanhu, R., 2019. Fostering community support for mega events: a narrative inquiry of stories and experiences in the context of Cape Town, South Africa. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Chenchehene, J., 2019. Corporate governance and financial distress prediction in the UK. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Al Salti, M. H. M., 2019. Developing the concept of an integrated emergency response system for the tourism industry: case study of the cruise ship industry. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Prince, S.-D., 2019. A critical examination of girls’ (dis)empowerment in sport for development and peace. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Mosley, E., 2019. The contribution of coping related variables and cardiac vagal activity on performance under pressure. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Mufti, M., 2019. Mind your mind: social influence on individual decision-making. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Stevens, M., 2019. A social identity approach to understanding physical activity. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 00:46:09 2025 UTC.