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Number of items: 62.

Gyori, B., 2012. Breaking Dad. Flow, 17 (04), December 18.

Towse, R., 2012. Economics of Copyright Collecting Societies and Digital Rights: Is There a Case for a Centralised Digital Copyright Exchange? Review of Economic Research in Copyright Issues, 9 (2), 3 - 30 .

Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2012. Computer Assisted Relief Generation - a Survey. Computer Graphics Forum, 31 (8), 2363-2377.

McDougall, J., 2012. Curation Pedagogy – Further Towards the Inexpert. Medijske Studije (Media Studies), 3 (6), 152-156.

Veneti, A., Poulakidakos, S. and Theologou, K., 2012. The Greek Indignants through the domestic TV news bulletins. Estudos em Comunicação (Communication Studies), 12, 107 - 134.

Noghani, J., Anderson, E. F. and Liarokapis, F., 2012. Towards a Vitruvian Shape Grammar for Procedurally Generating Classical Roman Architecture. In: 13th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2012), 19--21 November 2012, Brighton, UK, 41 - 44 .

Watson, T., 2012. “Public Relations Research is Not as New as Some Think”: An Historical Perspective on the Evolution of Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation Practice. In: World Public Relations Forum 2012 Research Colloquium, 18 November 2012, Melbourne, Australia, 135 - 138 (4).

Watson, T., 2012. Current and emerging trends in public relations theory and practice. In: Invited presentation at the Faculty of Communication Arts, 5 November 2012, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Smith, P., Isley, V. and boredomresearch, 2012. In Homage of Change. In: Anderson, D., Delve, J., Dobreva, M., Konstantelos, L., Billenness, C. and Baker, D., eds. The Preservation of Complex Objects (Volume 2): Software Art. London: JISC, 53 - 60 .

MacRury, I., 2012. Book Review: Michael Payne - Olympic turnaround. International Journal of Advertising, 31 (4), 923-924.

Watson, T., 2012. Colleague supervision – “ignored and undervalued”? The views of students and supervisors in a new university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 36 (4), 567-581.

MacRury, I., 2012. The Apprentice: Realities and Fictions for the London Skyline. In: Poynter, G., MacRury, I. and Calcutt, A., eds. London After Recession: a fictitious capital. London: Ashgate Publishing, 127 - 145 .

Round, J. and Thomas, B., 2012. Researching Readers Online. In: Digital Humanities Congress, 06-08 September 2012, Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Watson, T., 2012. Advertising value equivalence – PR’s illegitimate offspring. In: 15th International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), 8--10 March 2012, Miami, FL, USA.

Morris, D.J., Anderson, E. F. and Peters, C., 2012. A Modular Framework for Deformation and Fracture using GPU Shaders. In: 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 2-5 Sep 2012, Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy, 267 - 274 .

Onyia, O.P. and Allen, S., 2012. Peer Assessments of GPW: Infusing fairness into students’ assessment of peer contributions. Research in Higher Education, 17 (September).

Anderson, E. F., Peters, C.E., Halloran, J., Every, P., Shuttleworth, J., Liarokapis, F., Lane, R. and Richardson, M., 2012. In at the Deep End: An Activity-Led Introduction to First Year Creative Computing. Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association, 31 (6), 1852 - 1866 .

Bennett, J., Strange, N., Kerr, P. and Medrado, A., 2012. Multiplatform Public Service Broadcasting: The Economic and Cultural Role of UK Digital and TV Independents. Project Report. London: Royal Holloway, University of London; University of Sussex, London Metropolitan University.

Watson, T., 2012. The Proceedings of the International History of Public Relations Conference 2012. Bournemouth University, 11-12 July 2012. Poole, England: Institute for Media & Communication Research, Bournemouth University.

Barker, B., 2012. Reputation management: the opportunity to improve your customer service. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 2-5 July 2012, Southampton.

Watson, T., 2012. ROI - the Miami debate. Discussion Paper. Gainesville, FL: Institute for Public Relations.

Barker, B., 2012. Media Planning in the digital environment can one define relative media effectiveness? In: Academy of Marketing, 2-5 July 2012, Southampton.

Yates, C., 2012. Fatherhood, Political Culture and the New Politics. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 17 (2), 204 -221.

Round, J., 2012. Fantastic alterities and The Sandman. In: Jakaitis, J. and Wurtz, J. F., eds. Crossing Boundaries in Graphic Narrative: Essays on Forms, Series and Genres. McFarland, 71-92.

Berger, R. and Jackson, D., 2012. Empowering the learner, liberating the teacher? Collaborative lectures using old and new technologies. In: Exploring Collaborative Learning in Media Studies Programmes, 3 May 2012, University of Winchester, England. (Unpublished)

Chignell, H., 2012. BBC Radio Four’s Analysis and the Third Way. Media, Culture and Society , 34 (4), 490-499.

Berger, R. and McDougall, J., 2012. What is Media Education For? Media Education Research Journal, 3 (1), 5 - 20 .

MacRury, I., 2012. Humour as social dreaming:Stand-up comedy as therapeutic performance. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 17, 185 - 203 .

Berger, R., 2012. Active adaptations: Killing the girl with the dragon tattoo. In: 42nd Annual PCA/ACA National Conference, April 11-14 2012, Boston, MA, USA. (Unpublished)

Ireland, A., 2012. 'Conditions of time and space': a re-enactment experiment with the British TV series Doctor Who. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Lilleker, D., 2012. Getting them involved: attracting and empowering supporters. In: Digital Campaigning Knowledge Exchange, 22--23 March 2012, Oxford. (Unpublished)

Lilleker, D., Koc-Michalska, K. and Surowiec, P., 2012. Broadcasting to the masses or building communities: Polish political parties online communication during the 2011 election. In: ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2012, 10--15 April 2012, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Isley, V., Smith, P. and boredomresearch, 2012. Fragments of Lost Flight. Computer design.London, Aberdeen, Sheffield, Leicester, Birmingham: UNSPECIFIED.

Asmuß, B. and Oshima, S., 2012. Negotiation of entitlement in proposal sequences. Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Text and Talk, 14 (1), 67 - 86.

Liu, F., 2012. Adaptive motion synthesis and motor invariant theory. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, Media School..

MacRury, I., 2012. Book Review: Andrew McStay, Digital Advertising. Cultural Sociology, 6, 131 - 133 .

Bachmann, S.-D. and Frost, T., 2012. Colonialism, Justice and the Rule of Law: A Southern African and Australian Narrative. De Jure Law , 2 (20), 306 - 328 .

Yu, H., 2012. Constrained parameterization with applications to graphics and image processing. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, Media School..

Keetels, N., 2012. Designing games for chidren's rehabilitation. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Berger, R. and Woodfall, A., 2012. The Digital Utterance: A Crossmedia Approach to Media Education. In: Ibrus, I. and Scolari, C.A., eds. Crossmedia Innovations: Texts, Markets, Institutions. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 111-126.

Watson, T., 2012. Editor's introduction: Bournemouth University's 2011 history conference. Public Relations Review, 38 (3), 339 - 340 .

Dix, H., 2012. From Markets to Metafiction: satires of the literary marketplace at the dawn of two new centuries. Textes et Contextes, 7.

Berger, R., 2012. Headhunting: Bakhtin and adaptations of least resistance. Adaptation Studies.

Machielse, R., 2012. Interaction and collaboration in narrative postproduction. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Watson, T., 2012. Let's get dangerous: A Review of Current Public Relations Historical Scholarship. In: PR and the Past in Local and International Contexts, 13--13 November 2012, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)

Van Raalte, C., 2012. Looking like a hero: constructions of the female gun-fighter in Hollywood cinema. In: Valente, A. and Capucho, R., eds. Avanca Cinema 2012. Avanca, Portugal: Avanca Film Festival.

Somasekharan, A., 2012. Muscle activation mapping of skeletal hand motion: an evolutionary approach. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Al-Khalifa, K. M., 2012. Politics, terrorism and the news media: a case study of Saudi Arabia (2006-2007). Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Yu, H., Lee, T.-Y., Yeh, I.-C., Yang, X., Li, W. and Zhang, J. J., 2012. An RBF-based reparameterization method for constrained texture mapping. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18 (7), 1115 - 1124 .

McLoughlin, L., 2012. Realistic natural atmospheric phenomena and weather effects for interactive virtual environments. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Poudel, R.P.K., Nait-Charif, H., Zhang, J. J. and Liu, D., 2012. Region-based Skin Color Detection. In: VISAPP 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. VISAPP, 301 - 306 .

Nair, A. and Mendis, D., 2012. Response to the consultation ‘Regulating On-line Gambling in the EU: Recent Developments and Current Challenges from the Internal Market Standpoint'. European Journal of Law and Technology, 3 (1), 1-9.

Tayman, A.-J. S., 2012. The Role of public television in social development communication in a post-colonial developing country: a case study of the public televison service in the Republic of Ghana. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Watson, T., 2012. Social Media – the new challenge for PR measurement and evaluation. Discussion Paper. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs (JISEA).

Weston, S., 2012. Software Interfaces - Stuck in the Middle: The Relationship Between the Law and Software Interfaces in Regulating and Encouraging INteroperability. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 43 (4), 427 - 450.

Matthews, J., 2012. Source attribution and perceptual effects. In: Proceedings of the ISLC 2012. International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research Trends and Challenges, 10th-13th June 2012. ISLC, 85 - 96 .

Singh, S. and Kretschmer, M., 2012. Strategic Behaviour in the International Exploitation of TV Formats - A Case Study of the Idols Format. In: Zwaan, A.J. and de Bruin, J., eds. Adapting Idols: Authenticity, Identity and Performance in a Global Television Format. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd..

Surowiec, P., 2012. Towards corpo-nationalism: a Bourdieusian study exploring the relationship between national branding and the reproduction of Polishness (1999 - 2010). Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Yang, S and Robson, J., 2012. A conceptual framework for classifying and understanding relationship marketing in schools. In: Oplatka, I. and Hemsley-Brown, J., eds. The management and leadership of educational marketing: research , practice and implications. Emerald, 185-205.

Watson, T., 2012. The evolution of public relations measurement and evaluation. Public Relations Review, 38 (3), 390 - 398 .

Wang, M., Chang, J., Jens, K. and Zhang, J. J., 2012. A framework for digital sunken relief generation based on 3D geometric models. The Visual Computer.

Adi, A. and Moloney, K., 2012. The importance of scale in Occupy movement protests: a case study of a local Occupy protest as a tool of communication through Public Relations and Social Media. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Publicas, 4 (II), 97-122.

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