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Number of items: 158.


McDougall, J. and McDavitt, S., 2023. Media Literacy in the Third Space School Library. Journal of Media Literacy (27th November), MIL Teacher Librarian Dialogue Issue.

Pope, J., 2023. The Genarrator Authoring Experience: A UX Evaluation Approach. ACM SIGWEB Newsletter (ACM Digital Library) (Autumn), 2.

van Heerden, I., Duman, Ç. and Bas, A., 2023. Performing the post-Anthropocene AI: When a robot writes a play. TDR - The Drama Review, 67 (4), 104-120.

Franklin, I., 2023. Book review: The Art of Appreciation: Music and Middlebrow Culture in Modern Britain. By Kate Guthrie. University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2021. ISBN 978-0-520-35167-7. Twentieth Century British History, 34 (4), 839-841.

Majin, G., 2023. I blame the Boomers. British Journalism Review, 34 (4), 5-7.

Britton, I., Callender, M. and Farquharson, L., 2023. Special beginnings: An explorative study of the early career experiences of volunteer special constables. The Police Journal, 96 (4), 611-625.

Nguyen, A., Glück, A. and Jackson, D., 2023. The up-down-up pandemic news experience: a mixed-method approach to its negative and positive effects on psychological wellbeing. Journalism, 24 (12), 2687-2704.

Goodman, S., 2023. Eastern Premise: Writing the East of England in the novels of Graham Swift. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. (In Press)

Majin, G., 2023. Book Review: Tim Luckhurst, Reporting the Second World War: The Press and the People 1939-1945. Nuova Antologia Militare, 16 (4), 789-793.

Liu, Y., Yan, X., Li, Z., Chen, Z., Wei, Z. and Wei, M., 2023. PointGame: Geometrically and Adaptively Masked Auto-Encoder on Point Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 5705312.

McCulloch, R. and Proctor, W., 2023. The Cuties Controversy: Prefiguration, ‘Sexualisation’, and the New Conspiracism. Participations, 19 (3), 86-157.

Round, J. and Schwertfeger, S., 2023. Introduction: Gothic and Comics. Gothic studies, 25 (3), 233-244.

Round, J., 2023. Our friend of the mists. Hellebore.

Mellor, N. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Engaging Audiences With Local News: Can Solutions Journalism Be a Solution to Local Media Crisis? International Journal of Communication, 17, 6466-6484.

Okunnu, O., 2023. The Historical Role of Women and Political Participation In Kukawa As A Panacea For Managing The Impact Of Boko Haram Insurgencies. Humanus Discourse, 4 (1).

Amaran, M., 2023. Navigating parental duties in a TikTok world, the UK and Nigeria regulations and the online safety bill. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, 5 (4), 322-338.

Frost, S., 2023. Economic Imaginings of Consumption in Book Retail: from a Monumental Logic to a (Passing) Political Moment? LOGOS: The Journal of the World Book Community, 34 (2), 16-25.

Navarro, C., Abuali, Y., Yousef, F. and Alsabbagh, R., 2023. Understanding the use of information sources during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Kuwait. Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 16 (2), 119-138.

Lilleker, D. and Perez-Escolar, M., 2023. Bullshit and Lies? How British and Spanish Political Leaders Add to Our Information Disorder. Javnost, 30 (4), 566-585.

Evans, R., Jackson, D. and Murphy, J., 2023. Google News and machine gatekeepers: algorithmic personalisation and news diversity in online news search. Digital Journalism, 11 (9), 1682-1700.

Cownie, F., Haft, J., Vu, V., Natalia, N. and Chaiveeradech, M., 2023. Gratitude stimulates word-of-mouth more than words of thanks. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31 (4), 416-433.

Zhao, X., Matthews, J., Jackson, D., Mellado, C., Abuali, Y., Thorsen, E. and Glück, A., 2023. Patterns of Journalistic Role Performance during Public Health Crises: Covering COVID-19 in the UK. Journalism Practice. (In Press)

Olesen, G., 2023. A serial distrust: conspiracy and blame in the Italian poliziottesco and news media. Rotura, 3 (2), 12-27.

Jiang, J., Lu, X., Zhao, L., Dazaley, R. and Wang, M., 2023. Masked autoencoders in 3d point cloud representation learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. (In Press)

Gee, M., 2023. Women as witness, victim and villain: multifaceted role-play in Fatal Frame II. Journal for cultural research, 27 (3), 299-312.

Brownsword, R., 2023. Between Rocks and Hard Places: Good Governance in Ethically Divided Communities. New Bioethics, 29 (3), 247-264.

Li, Z., Xiang, N., Chen, H., Zhang, J. and Yang, X., 2023. Deep Learning for Scene Flow Estimation on Point Clouds: A Survey and Prospective Trends. Computer Graphics Forum, 42 (6), e14795.

Brownsword, R. and Joynson, C., 2023. Good governance and the development of an ethical framework for the UK National Screening Committee. Medical Law International, 23 (3), 271-296.

Wang, X., Wang, T., Wang, J., Xu, Y., Ban, X., Huang, H., Zhu, Z., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. Implicit smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for simulating incompressible fluid-elastic coupling. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 34 (5), e2146.

Oliver, J. J., 2023. Scenario planning: Reflecting on cases of actionable knowledge. Futures & Foresight Science, 5 (3-4), e164.

Zhang, W., Nie, Y., Guo, S., Chang, J., Zhang, J. and Tong, R., 2023. Struct2Hair: A hair shape descriptor for hairstyle modeling. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 34 (5), e2128.

Nicholson, R. and Domeneghetti, R., 2023. Book Review: Everybody wants to rule the world: Britain, sport and the 1980s. Sport in History, 44 (2), 284-286.

van Raalte, C., 2023. ‘Critical Race Theory and Jordan Peele’s Get Out’ by Kevin Wynter (Book Review). Media Education Research Journal, 12 (1), 1-3.

Loader, R.-M., 2023. Broadcasting Change: An aerial overview of South African television debates in an age of constant transition. Critical Studies in Television, 19 (2), 1-25.

Horry, R., Rudd, J. A., Skains, R L. and Ross, H., 2023. Development and Validation of the Climate Capability Scale. Sustainability, 15 (15), 11933.

Xiang, N., Liang, H-N., Yu, L., Yang, X. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. A mixed reality framework for microsurgery simulation with visual-tactile perception. The Visual Computer, 39, 3661-3673.

Dix, H., 2023. Constructions of cosmopolitanism in the making of Welsh writing in English. International Journal of Welsh Writing in English, 10 (1).

Tran, M. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Besieged from all sides: impediments to science journalism in a developing country and their global implications. Journal of Science Communication, 22 (4).

Wurst, A-K., Pohl, K., Hassler, J. and Jackson, D., 2023. Emojis in Parties’ Online Communication During the 2019 European Election Campaign: Toward a Typology of Political Emoji Use. International Journal of Communication, 17, 4686-4706.

Fisher, A., 2023. Bastard Theatres and Human Dregs: Cultures of Illegitimacy on 42nd Street. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 43 (3), 746-770.

Stockton-Brown, M., 2023. Inking Cultures: Authorship, AI-generated art and copyright law in tattooing. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 36, 2037-2065.

Zhu, X., Yao, X., Zhang, J., Zhu, M., You, L., Yang, X., Zhang, J. J., Zhao, H. and Zeng, D., 2023. ED2IF2-Net: Learning Disentangled Deformed Implicit Fields and Enhanced Displacement Fields from Single Images Using Pyramid Vision Transformer. Applied Sciences, 13 (13), 7577.

Round, J., 2023. Editorial. Studies in Comics, 13 (1-2), 3-5.

Oliver, J., 2023. Determining which CEO candidates will lead growth through innovation. Strategy and Leadership, 51 (4), 27-31.

Han, B., Yao, C., Wang, X., Chang, J. and Ban, X., 2023. HandDGCL: Two-hand 3D reconstruction based disturbing graph contrastive learning. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 34 (3-4), e2186.

Dolea, A., 2023. The Invisible Luggage of the Displaced: Emotions, Trauma and Public Diplomacy. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 19, 242-247.

Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Voutyras, S. and Warren, R., 2023. Paradoxes in the Management of Timebanks in the UK’s Voluntary Sector: Discursive Bricolage and its Limits. Voluntas, 34, 486-496.

Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Voutyras, S. and Warren, R., 2023. Paradoxes in the Management of Timebanks in the UK’s Voluntary Sector: Discursive Bricolage and its Limits. Voluntas, 34, 486-496.

Kaneva, N., Dolea, A. and Manor, I., 2023. Public diplomacy and nation branding in the wake of the Russia–Ukraine War. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 19, 185-189.

Pope, J. and Gyori, B., 2023. Branching Paths: Using digital interactive storytelling to encourage marginalized young people to engage with creative writing. Writing in Education, Spring (89), 41-48.

Zhu, Z., You, L. and Zhang, J., 2023. Vectorizing binary image boundaries with symmetric shape detection, bisection and optimal parameterization. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 1-15.

Lilleker, D. and Perez-Escolar, M., 2023. Demonising migrants in contexts of extremism: Analysis of hate speech in UK and Spain. Politics and Governance, 11 (2), 127-137.

Mills, R., 2023. From Monaco to Mycenae: Europe in the English Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Studies in Crime Writing, 4, 1-16.

Li, O., Fu, H., Bian, S., Yang, X., Jin, X., Iglesias, A., Noreika, A., You, L. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. Character Modelling with Sketches and ODE-Based Shape Creation. Numerical Mathematics: Theory Methods and Applications, 2023 (May), 1-32.

Perez-Escolar, M., Lilleker, D. and Tapia-Frade, A., 2023. A Systematic Literature Review of the Phenomenon of Disinformation and Misinformation. Media and Communication, 11 (2), 76-87.

Johansson, B., Lilleker, D., Veneti, A. and Visgo, O., 2023. Editorial. Journal of Visual Political Communication, 10 (1), 3-6.

Gai, D., Feng, R., Min, W., Yang, X., Su, P., Wang, Q. and Han, Q., 2023. Spatiotemporal Learning Transformer for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33 (9), 4564-4576.

Hughes, D., 2023. The case for team-based learning in higher education scriptwriting programmes: A narrative literature review. Journal of Screenwriting, 14 (1), 59-73.

Klinkner, M., 2023. The Right to the Truth as an Enabler for Missing Persons Efforts. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 15 (1), 118-137.

Zhao, X., 2023. Constructing the ‘us’ and ‘them’ dichotomy through the notion of responsibility: An integrated framework. Global Media and Communication, 19 (1), 119-138.

Karathanasopoulou, E. and Williams, H., 2023. Podcasting as a feminist space for the disclosure of trauma and intimate embodied experience: The heart podcast as a case study of quiet activism. Radio Journal, 21 (1), 29-44.

Stockton-Brown, M., 2023. Ghosts and Punks: The Aesthetics of Copyright Law in Graphic Novels and Comics. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 36, 509-527.

Oktavio, A., Mitasari, R., Sinarta, Y., Kusumawidjaya, E., Wijaya, V. and Widyawati, C., 2023. Indonesian students’ entrepreneurial behavior: The effect of creativity, passion, alertness and intention. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10 (2), 227-237.

Sheibanifard, A. and Yu, H., 2023. A Novel Implicit Neural Representation for Volume Data. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13, 3242.

Fair, J., 2023. Where do we go from here?: Virtual Production and the potential impact on regional filmmaking. DBS Business Review, 5 (2023), 1-8.

Audy Martinek, P., Alessandro, C. and Denegri-Knott, J., 2023. Digital practices tracing: studying consumer lurking in digital environments. Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (3-4), 244-274.

Charles, M. H. and Fowler-Watt, K., 2023. Storylistening’ as a methodology for peacebuilding among young survivors of conflict and their communities in Colombia. Methodological Innovations, 16 (1), 15-26.

Kantcheva, R. and Bickle, E., 2023. Inclusive learning development practices: the consequences of flexibility and choice in the hybrid era. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 26 (Feb).

Moufahim, M., Heath, T., O’Malley, L., Casey, K., Denegri-Knott, J., Kuruoglu, A., Pavlopoulou, I. and Pradhan, A., 2023. Teaching note–Critical pedagogies: practical examples from the marketing classroom. Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (1-2), 149-165.

Li, T., Wang, M., Liu, X., Liang, H., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. Point cloud synthesis with stochastic differential equations. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 34 (5), e2140.

Van Raalte, C., Wallis, R. and Pekalski, D., 2023. More than just a few ‘bad apples’: The need for a risk management approach to the problem of workplace bullying in the UK’s television industry. Creative Industries Journal (Feb), 1-18.

Fang, J., You, L., Chaudhry, E. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. State-of-the-art improvements and applications of position based dynamics. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (e2143).

Luo, G., He, B., Xiong, Y., Wang, L., Wang, H., Zhu, Z. and Shi, X., 2023. An optimized convolutional neural network for the 3D point-cloud compression. Sensors, 23 (4), 2250.

Mardon, R., Denegri-Knott, J. and Molesworth, M., 2023. "Kind of Mine, Kind of Not”: Digital Possessions and Affordance Misalignment. Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (2), 255-281.

Nash, J. and Sidhu, C., 2023. ‘Pink is for girls, blue is for boys’ exploring brand gender identity in children’s clothing, a post‐evaluation of British retailer John Lewis. Journal of Brand Management.

Rovisco, M., Poulakidakos, S. and Veneti, A., 2023. Who Are We? Square Politics and the Collective Self-Understanding of the Indignados in Spain and Greece—Reflections and Legacies. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research.

Matthews, J., Zhao, X., Jackson, D., Thorsen, E., Mellado, C., Abuali, Y. and Glück, A., 2023. Sourcing UK Covid-19 News: An analysis of sourcing patterns of 15 UK news outlets reporting on Covid-19 across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Health Communication.

Oliver, J., Reid, M. and Gray, K., 2023. The Library of the Future: a scenario-based approach. Journal Of Library Administration, 63 (1), 27-41.

Xu, Y., Song, C., Wang, X., Ban, X., Wang, J., Zhang, Y. and Chang, J., 2023. Spatial adaptivity with boundary refinement for smoothed particle hydrodynamics fluid simulation. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 1-14.

Murphy, K., 2023. The early years of television and the BBC, Jamie Medhurst (book review). Journal of British Cinema and Television, 20 (1), 129-131.

Murphy, K., 2023. 'Careers for women': BBC women's radio programmes and the 'professional', 1923-1955. Women's History Review, 32 (6), 809-827.

Ross, H., Rudd, J. A., Skains, R L. and Horry, R., 2023. Climate change education through the You and CO2 programme: modelling student engagement and teacher delivery during COVID-19. Environmental Education Research, 29 (12), 1849-1869.

Scott, M. and Gibson, P., 2023. Designing institutional systems that support neurodivergent educators. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 16 (2), 36-41.

Wright, S. and Nolan, D, 2023. The Development of Data Journalism in China: Influences, Motivations and Practice. Digital Journalism, 11 (9), 1664-1681.

Aljouni, A., Bademci, O., Hogan, S., Marino, S., McDougall, J., Rega, I., Syrme, S. and Uddin, N., 2023. Digital arts - refugee engagement. Media Practice and Education, 24 (3), 271-290.

Hallin, D. C., Mellado-Ruiz, C., Cohen, A., Hube, N., Nolan, D., Szabó, G., Abuali, Y., Arcila, C., Attia, M., Blanchett, N., Chen, K., Davydov, S., De Maio,, M., Garcés, M., Himma-Kadakas, M., Luisa Humanes, M., I-Hsuan Lin, C., Lecheler, S., Lee, M., Márquez, M., Matthews, J., McIntyre, K., Melki, J., Maurer, P., Mazzoni, M., Mick, J., Milić, K., Olivera, D., Pizzaro, M., Quinn, F., Skjerdal, T., Stępińska, A., Van Leuven, S., Viveros, D., Wyss, V. and Ybáñez, N., 2023. Journalistic Role Performance in Times of COVID. Journalism Studies, 24 (16), 1977-1998.

Teo, Y., 2023. Monuments, unreal spaces and national forgetting: Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant and the abyss of memory. Textual Practice, 37 (4), 505-526.

Joathon, I. and Lilleker, D. G., 2023. Permanent Campaigning: A Meta-Analysis and Framework for Measurement. Journal of Political Marketing, 22 (1), 67-85.

Liu, X., Alharbi, M. S., Chen, J., Diehl, A., Rees, D., Firat, E. E., Wang, Q. and Laramee, R. S., 2023. Visualization Resources: A Survey. Information visualization, 22 (1), 3-30.

Rega, I. and McDougall, J., 2023. What are we thinking about when we talk now about media literacy and / for citizenship? Scholé. Rivista di educazione e studi culturali" (2).

Book Section

Veneti, A., 2023. Depictions of emotions in news media’s visual framing of small-scale protests in Greece. In: Souvlis, G. and Karatzogianni, A., eds. Duty to Revolt: Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolution. Leeds: Emerald Publishing, 203-215.

Liu, X., Chang, J. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation for Medical Conversations: A Survey. In: Gurrola, J., ed. 2023 27th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV). New York, NY: IEEE, 409-413.

Mendis, D. and Ballardini, R., 2023. Intellectual Property Rights at Crossroads: The Copyright and Patent Implications relating to 3D Printing. In: Pei, E., Bernard, A., Gu, D., Klahn, C., Monzón, M., Petersen, M. and Sun, T., eds. Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing. Berlin: Springer, 87-99.

Oliver, J. J. and Gray, M., 2023. The influence of new digital technologies on media brands: creative control versus creative co-creation. In: Godulla, A. and Böhm, S., eds. Digital Disruption and Media Transformation: How Technological Innovation Shapes the Future of Communication. Cham: Springer, 29-39.

Snow, B., Dickinson, J., Smith, A., Chang, J., Nadeem, T., Pilko, A., Cherret, T., Oakey, A. and Blakesley, A., 2023. Navigating the Skies: A Serious Game for Exploring Drone Energy Consumption, Flight Risk, and Societal Impact in Logistics. In: Haahr, M., Rojas-Salazar, A. and Göbel, S., eds. Serious Games 9th Joint International Conference, JCSG 2023. New York, NY: Springer, 342-349.

Jayathunge, K., Yang, X. and Southern, R., 2023. AdSMOTE: A Technique for “High Proportion” Audio Augmentation. In: Soh, H., Geib, C. and Petrick, R., eds. Proceedings of the Inaugural 2023 Summer Symposium Series. Washington, DC: AAAI Publications, 14-18.

Round, J., 2023. Mary Shelley and British Girls' Comics. In: Clare, D., ed. Conception. York: Methuen & Co, 74-75.

Van Raalte, C., 2023. ‘I’ll be back:’ Linda Hamilton and the Return of Sarah Connor in Terminator: Dark Fate. In: Monti, G. and Schingler, M., eds. Comebacks, Cameos, and Camp: The Return of the Aging Star. Detroit, MI: Wayne State UP. (In Press)

Henesy, M., 2023. Contemporary Women's Writing and the Media Ecologies of Neoliberal Britain. In: Ensslin, A., Round, J. and Thomas, B., eds. The Routledge Companion to Literary Media. Abingdon: Routledge, 350-358.

Murphy, J., 2023. The Evolution of Literary Journalism in the Digital Age. In: Ensslin, A., Round, J. and Thomas, B., eds. The Routledge Companion to Literary Media. Abingdon: Routledge, 125-136.

Ensslin, A., Round, J. and Thomas, B., 2023. Introduction: What is Literary Media? In: Ensslin, A., Round, J. and Thomas, B., eds. Routledge companion to literary media. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-14.

Frost, S., 2023. Readers, Markets and a Packet of Literary Media, please – efferent readers and their ordering of a new economics. In: Ensslin, A., Round, J. and Thomas, B., eds. Routledge Companion to Literary Media. Abingdon: Routledge, 311-323.

Oshima, S., 2023. Knowledge Work of Professional Clients. In: Engberg, J., Fage-Butler, A. and Kastberg, P., eds. Perspectives on Knowledge Communication: Concepts and Settings. New York: Routledge, 171-192.

Brylla, C., 2023. Documentary and stereotypes: Reducing stigma through factual media [Chapter 9: Cross-categorisation]. In: Documentary and stereotypes: Reducing stigma through factual media. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 123-141.

Roussos, K., Vazquez Garcia, J. and Voutyras, S., 2023. Reflections on grassroots healthcare provisioning in Greece in times of crisis: Breaking with capitalocentric fantasy by prefiguring futures of solidarity. In: Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A. and Rovisco, M., eds. Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World. Abingdon: Routledge, 26-41.

Majin, G., 2023. Orange man bad: Russiagate, the rise of boomer journalism, narrative and pro-social lying. In: Boyd-Barrett, O. and Marmura, S., eds. Russiagate revisited: The aftermath of a hoax. Palgrave Macmillan, 65-86.

Chen, G., Xie, X., Yang, Z., Deng, R., Huang, K. and Wang, C., 2023. Development of a Virtual Reality Game for Cultural Heritage Education: The Voyage of 'Gotheborg'. In: 9th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 531-535.

Mendis, D., 2023. Collaborative intellectual property learning: law and design-engineering students bring IP law to life. In: Jacques, S., ed. Teaching Intellectual Property Law: Strategy and Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 206-220.

Xiang, N., Liang, H-N., Yu, L., Yang, X. and Zhang, J. J., 2023. MRMSim: A Framework for Mixed Reality based Microsurgery Simulation. In: O'Conner, L., ed. 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). New York, NY: USA: IEEE, 729-730.

Murphy, J., 2023. Better Safe Than Sorry: Preparing Journalism Students for a Dangerous World. In: Fowler-Watt, K., ed. Challenges and New Directions in Journalism Education. Abingdon: Routledge, 146-160.

Veneti, A. and Rovisco, M., 2023. Introduction to Visual Politics in the Global South. In: Veneti, A. and Rovisco, M., eds. Visual Politics in the Global South. London: Palgrave, 1-26.

Round, J., 2023. Picturing Girlhood: Afterword. In: Pursall, D. and Van de Wiele, E., eds. Sugar, Spice and the Not So Nice. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 229-233.

Matthews, J., 2023. Conceptualising Crisis: Events, Crisis Processes and Collective Sensemaking. In: Iordanidou, S., Jebril, N. and Takas, E., eds. Political Discourse and Media in Times of Crisis. Anthem Press.

Teo, Y., 2023. Memory and Understanding in Ishiguro. In: Bennett, A., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Kazuo Ishiguro. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 226-239.

Teo, Y., 2023. Nocturnes, hope, and ‘that croony nostalgia music’. In: Shaw, K. and Sloane, P., eds. Kazuo Ishiguro. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Berger, R., 2023. “Something’s lost in the translation!” Hemimetabolic Adaptation (or Incomplete Metamorphosis) in David Cronenberg’s The Fly. In: Cutchins, D. R. and Perry, D. R., eds. Revenge of the Remakes: Adaptation and Influence of 1950s Sci-Fi Films. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company. (Unpublished)

Davis, H., 2023. Obtaining Information from an overmighty subject: the Parliamentary Experience. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Abingdon: Routledge, 225-241.

Karathanasopoulou, E., 2023. Audio within audio: Story-telling and the Evocation of Emotion in Podcasting. In: Chignell, H. and McDonald, K., eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio. Bloomsbury Academic, 226-242.

McDonald, K., 2023. The Radio Phone-In and the Suicidal Caller. In: McDonald, K. and Chignell, H., eds. Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio. New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 190-207.

Cosson, F. and Terkanian, K., 2023. The Graduate Project: A Model for Embedded Employability in Arts and Humanities Undergraduate Education. In: Broadley, T., Cai, Y., Firth, M., Hunt, E. and Neugebauer, J., eds. Sage Handbook of Graduate Employability. London: Sage, 206-221.

Rehman, A., Zhang, J. J. and Yang, X., 2023. Intonation Template Matching for Syllable-Level Prosody Encoding. In: Villagrá, P. L. and Li, X, eds. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cognitive AI 2023 co-located with the 3rd International Conference on Learning & Reasoning (IJCLR 2023). Aachen: CEUR-WS.

Veneti, A. and Lilleker, D., 2023. Introduction: Researching Visual Politics. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A., eds. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, xvii.

Lilleker, D. and Koliastasis, P., 2023. Peripheral cues and the power of simple images. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A., eds. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 259-267.

Veneti, A. and Poulakidakos, S., 2023. The Political Symbolism of Flags in Revolutionary Movements: The case of the 1821 Greek War of Independence. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A., eds. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 359-370.

Miles, C., 2023. Visual rhetoric and the analysis of persuasive political communication. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A., eds. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2-13.

Feigenbaum, A. and Alberda, A., 2023. Covid-19 Comics and the Data Visualization of Everyday Life. In: Ramírez-Blanco, J. and Spampinato, F., eds. The Pandemic Visual Regime Visuality and Performativity in the COVID-19 Crisis. Santa Barbara, CA: Punctam Books, 117-148.

Berger, R., 2023. Deserted Parks and Empty Swings: absent children and hybridity in Scandi-horror. In: McCulloch, R. and Proctor, W., eds. The Scandinavian Invasion: Nordic Noir and Beyond. New York: Peter Lang.

Mendis, D. and Hong, D., 2023. Informational Rights: Puzzles of Co-Production in 3D Printing. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Abingdon: Routledge, 144-161.

Estèves, N., Wernick, A. and Carls, S., 2023. The Potential of Follow-On Innovation Financing Instruments to Support a Sustainable Transition. In: Pihlajarinne, T., Mähönen, J. and Upreti, P.N., eds. Intellectual Property Rights in the Post Pandemic World: an Integrated Framework of Sustainability, Innovation and Global Justice. Edward Elgar. (In Press)


Wallis, R. and Van Raalte, C., 2023. What the industry and government can do to ensure British film and high-end television adapt for the future: Evidence for the Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s British Film and High-End Television Inquiry. Technical Report. Online: UNSPECIFIED.

Wallis, R., Van Raalte, C. and Pekalski, D., 2023. The production management survey 2023: initial insights. Technical Report. Poole: Bournemouth University.

Nicholson, R., Parry, K. D. and Reghunathan, A., 2023. Levelling the playing field? The impact of The Hundred, Year One. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Tatum, A., 2023. Exploring the US 2022 midterms - gender representation. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Walden, V. G., Marrison, K., Jolly, M., Makhortykh, M., Bailey-Tomecek, C., Brivati, B., Hogervorst, S., Hoyer, K., Jensen, M., Karathanasopoulou, E., Keydar, R. and Kleeman, S., 2023. Recommendations for digitally recording, recirculating, and remixing holocaust testimony. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Conference or Workshop Item

Xu, Y., Wang, X., Wang, J., Song, C., Wang, T., Zhang, Y., Chang, J., Zhang, J. J., Kosinka, J., Telea, A. and Ban, X., 2023. An implicitly stable mixture model for dynamic multi-fluid simulations. In: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, 12-15 December 2023, Sydney, Australia.

Cownie, F., 2023. Purposeful and unintentional greenwashing in higher education. In: SRHE Annual Conference, 4 December 2023, Online.

Zia, R., 2023. Fluid teaching environments and semi-structured teaching for a more student-centric and engaging student experience. In: Applying Education Teaching and Learning Conference: Applying Education in a Complex World, 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28, Toronto. (Unpublished)

Zhang, M. and Xiao, Z., 2023. Object recognition based on point cloud geometry construction and embeddable attention. In: 12th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2023), 22-24 September 2023, Nanjing, China. (Unpublished)

Peral-Fuster, C. I., Herold, R. S., Alder, O., Elkelani, O., Ribeiro-Ali, S. I., Deane, E. M., Martindale, A. P. L., Qi, Z., Westling, C. and Witchel, H. J., 2023. Intentional mind wandering is objectively linked to low effort and tasks with high predictability. In: ECCE 2023, 20-22 September 2023, Swansea.

Martindale, A. P. L., Deane, E. M., Peral-Fuster, C. I., Elkelani, O., Qi, Z., Ribeiro-Ali, S. I., Herold, R. S., Westling, C. and Witchel, H. J., 2023. Lingering delays in a go/no-go task: mind wandering delays thought probes reliably but not reaction times. In: ECCE 2023, 20-22 September 2023, Swansea.

Dravecky, P. and Stephenson, I., 2023. Using The Barnes-Hut Approximation For Fast N-Body Simulations In Computer Graphics. In: CGVC: Computer Graphics and Visual Computing 2023, 14-15 Sept 2023, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK.

Fair, J., 2023. The local artisan: Are there values and qualities in other fields of ethical consumption that can be established as qualities in cinema? In: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference 2023, 29 August - 01 September 2023, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Wallis, R., 2023. New mechanisms to support a freelance workforce: expanding human resource management practices in the TV industry. In: European Media Management Association Conference 2023, 7-9 June 2023, University of Navarra, Pamplona. (Unpublished)

Round, J., 2023. Creativity and community in letters pages of British girls' comics. In: International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference, 3-7 July 2023, Cambridge.

Van Raalte, C., Wallis, R. and Pekalski, D., 2023. More than just a few bad apples: The need for a risk management approach to the problem of workplace bullying in the UK’s television industry. In: Critical Studies in Television, 5-7 July 2023, Edgehill University.

Redford, A. and Anderson, E. F., 2023. Towards a formal education of visual effects artists. In: Eurographics 2023, 8-12 May 2023, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Adeel, T. J., Fryazinov, O. and Zia, R., 2023. VR-based exergames for physical rehabilitation of back pain. In: Inclusion in Virtual Reality 2023, 6 March 2023, Online.

Wallis, R., 2023. The talent problem: The policy-framing of media education and skills training for television production in the UK. In: Global Media Education Summit 2023, 2-4 March 2023, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.


Majin, G., 2023. Truthophobia: How the boomers broke journalism: The story of the death of impartial and objective news. London: Independent Publishing Network.


Matthews, T. J., 2023. Human-Centred Design for Improving VR Training of Clinical Skills. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Eccles, C., 2023. Professional Identity and the Transition from Journalism Practitioner to Journalism Educator. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Coles, S., 2023. Selling the British Empire Exhibition 1924 Through Mass Media and Material Culture. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Abdel Karim, M., 2023. Women’s Voices in Lebanese Cinema: Crisis, Patriarchy and Empowerment. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Dewson, C., 2023. The D-Day Landings in First-Person Shooters (1999-2005): A Case Study in Cultural Imperialism and the Americanisation of Popular History. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication.

Isley, V., 2023. Body as Landscape: A Visual Aesthetic Model for Sensual Awareness of Challenges on our Environment. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Glynos, C. M., 2023. Dynamic Retroversion of Strabismus. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication.

Jaipadub, A., 2023. Relationships behind the camera: addressing the influence of the Thai cultural context on the relationship between filmmaker and participant in documentary filmmaking. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Wallis, R., 2023. Richard Wallis: The voice of the production manager must be heard. Broadcast Magazine.

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 21:43:24 2025 UTC.