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Number of items: 240.


Anwuzia, E. and McLellan, R., 2022. The Role of Teachers in Adolescents’ Career-Specific Future Orientation. Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal, 9, 258-270.

Akcay, E., 2022. City resilience and increase communities’ preparedness for natural disasters. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2022, 30 August - 2 September 2022, Newcastle, UK / Virtual Hybrid. (Unpublished)

Assiouras, I., Vallström, N., Skourtis, G. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Value propositions during service mega-disruptions: Exploring value co-creation and value co-destruction in service recovery. Annals of Tourism Research, 97, 103501.

Akcay, E., Kooli, K. and Bolat, E., 2022. Marketing ethics in brand alliances between large enterprises and SMEs, a dyadic approach. In: ISBE 2022, 27-28 October 2022, York, United Kingdom.

Alam, A., Du, A., Rahman, M., Abbasi, K. and Yazdifar, H., 2022. SMEs respond to climate change: Evidence from developing countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122087.

Al Mashari, H., 2022. Enhancing Private Health Sector Preparedness in Oman: An Evaluation of Effective Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare Disaster Management. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Amilien, V., Discetti, R., Lecoeur, J-L, Roos, G., Tocco, B., Gorton, M., Biasini, B., Menozzi, D., Duboys du Labarre, M., Filipović, J., Meyer, K., Aron, T., Veljković, S., Wavresky, P., Haugrønning, V., Csillag, P., Simons, J. and Ognjanov, G., 2022. European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 336-349.

Adedoyin, F. F., Mavengere, N. and Mutanga, A., 2022. A simulation experiment on ICT and patent intensity in South Africa: An application of the novel dynamic ARDL machine learning model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122044.

Abdoush, T., Hussainey, K. and Albitar, K., 2022. Corporate governance and performance in the UK insurance industry pre, during and post the global financial crisis. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 30 (5), 617-640.

Aladesanmi, K., 2022. Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Sahara Africa. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Anwuzia, E. and McLellan, R., 2022. Education and employability: An adaptation of the framework of the ‘innovator’s DNA’ to the curriculum and pedagogy of secondary and higher education. In: Junior Researchers of Earli, 18-22 July 2022, Porto, Portugal.

Adedoyin, F. F., Osundina, O.A., Bekun, F.V. and Asongu, S.A., 2022. Toward achieving sustainable development agenda: Nexus between agriculture, trade openness, and oil rents in Nigeria. Open Agriculture, 7 (1), 420-432.

Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., Bush-Evans, R., Wang, R., Bolat, E., Hodge, S., Phalp, K. and McAlaney, J., 2022. Social norms and goal-setting interventions to promote responsible gambling in low-to-moderate online gamblers: protocol for a four-arm randomised controlled feasibility study. BMJ Open, 13 (3), e065400.

Akcay, E., 2022. Value co-creation of small and medium sized businesses through brand alliances. In: ISBE ECR / Academic Spring Symposium, 28 April 2022, Business School South, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham.

Adedoyin, F. F., Alola, U.V. and Bekun, F.V., 2022. On the nexus between globalization, tourism, economic growth, and biocapacity: evidence from top tourism destinations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 24995-25005.

Adedoyin, F., Satrovic, E. and Kehinde, M., 2022. The Anthropogenic Consequences of Energy consumption in the presence of Uncertainties and Complexities: Evidence from World Bank Income Clusters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 23264-23279.

Alexander, P. and Balavac, M., 2022. Tax morale: Framing and fairness. Economic Systems, 46 (1), 100936.

Akinmade, B., Khorana, S. and Adedoyin, F., 2022. An Assessment of the UK’s Trade with Developing Countries under the Generalised System of Preferences. Journal of Public Affairs, 22 (1), e2308.

Adedoyin, F., Afolabi, J., Bekun, F.V. and Kursat, Y., 2022. The Export-Led Growth in Malaysia: Does Economic Policy Uncertainty and Geopolitical Risks Matter? Journal of Public Affairs, 22 (1), e2361.


Bortolotti, A., Fullagar, S., Mora, B., Ni Shuilleabhain, N., De Martini Ugolotti, N., Bueno, A. X., Donato, A., Galak, E. and Tonelli, L., 2022. More-than-human Perspectives on Physical Activity, Health and Education. Revista Saude Em Redes (Health in Networks), 8 (3), 513-527.

Ban, J., Kim, H. (J.), Sheehan, B. and Manimont, G., 2022. Regulatory mode and acceptance of online recommendations. In: Proceedings of ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect & Reimagine. Perth, Western Australia: ANZMAC, 120-122.

Beer, S., 2022. Crying the Moor 2022. The Exmoor Review, 64, 19-20.

Boulhaga, M., Bouri, A. and Elbardan, H., 2022. The effect of internal control quality on real and accrual-based earnings management: evidence from France. Journal of Management Control, 33, 545-567.

Boulhaga, M., Elbardan, H. and Elmassri, M., 2022. The effect of internal control and corporate social responsibility on conditional accounting conservatism: Evidence from France. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance.

Bang, H., 2022. The Application of Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development: Insights from Developing Countries. In: Mbah, M.F., Filho, W.L. and Ajaps, S., eds. Indigenous Methodologies, Research and Practices for Sustainable Development. Springer, 319-336.

Buhalis, D., 2022. Tourism management and marketing in transformation: preface. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Barnett, S., 2022. The Determinants of the Merger Arbitrage Spread: Panel Data Approach Evidence from the UK. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Buhalis, D., Papathanassis, A. and Vafeidou, M., 2022. Smart cruising: smart technology applications and their diffusion in cruise tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13 (4), 626-649.

Baker-Beall, C. and Mott, G., 2022. Understanding the European Union's Perception of the Threat of Cyberterrorism: A Discursive Analysis. Journal of Common Market Studies, 60 (4), 1086-1105.

Buhalis, D. and Moldavska, I., 2022. Voice assistants in hospitality: using artificial intelligence for customer service. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13 (3), 386-403.

Bray, J., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K. and Lacey, J., 2022. Food insecurities during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK and consumption adaptation. In: International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences, 2-3 June 2022, Lyon, France.

Brodie, A. and Winter, G., 2022. England’s Heritage from the Air: Photographs from the Aerofilms Collection. Journal of Historic Buildings & Places, 1, 7-28.

Bobeva, M. and Taylor, D., 2022. Virtual writing groups: staff-student collaboration for enhancing research quality, re-building cohort identify and fostering student confidence. In: CAN 2022: 9th Change Agents’ Network Conference, 11-13 May 2022, University College London, London.

Bethune, E., Buhalis, D. and Miles, L., 2022. Real time response (RTR): Conceptualizing a smart systems approach to destination resilience. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 23 (March), 100687.

Bang, H., 2022. A Concise Appraisal of Cameroon’s Hazard Risk Profile: Multi-Hazard Inventories, Causes, Consequences and Implications for Disaster Management. GeoHazards, 3 (1), 55-87.

Bang, H. and Balgah, R., 2022. The ramification of Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis: conceptual analysis of a looming “Complex Disaster Emergency. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 7, 6.

Bekun, F.V., Adedoyin, F. F., Etokakpan, M.U. and Gyamfi, B.A., 2022. Exploring the tourism-CO2 emissions-real income nexus in E7 countries: accounting for the role of institutional quality. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 14 (1), 1-19.


Chapman, A., 2022. Wilvercombe and the seaside resorts of the 1930s. In: The Dorothy L Sayers Society 46th Annual Convention, 4-8 August 2022, University of Bristol, UK.

Clarkson, B., Parry, K. D., Kavanagh, E. J., Sawiuk, R. and Grubb, L., 2022. Transforming the English coaching landscape: Black women football coaches’ acts of resistance against racism and sexism. Managing Sport and Leisure. (In Press)

Chakraborty, D., Rana, N.P., Khorana, S., Singu, H.B. and Luthra, S., 2022. Big Data in Food: Systematic Literature Review and Future Directions. Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Clarke, R., Polkinghorne, M., Gilani, P. and Farquharson, L., 2022. Driving Economic Growth: Examining the Role of Leadership within SME Innovation. In: Huseyin Bilgin, M. and Danis, H., eds. Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 63-80.

Chatterjee, S., Khorana, S. and Kizgin, H., 2022. Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence to Foster Citizens’ Satisfaction: An empirical study on India. Government Information Quarterly, 39 (4), 101621.

Cicekli, I., Kooli, K., Akcay, E. and Okwilagwe, O., 2022. Investigating the antecedents and outcomes of B2B firms’ social CRM capabilities in emergent markets. In: EMAC Regional Conference 2022, 21-23 September 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Clarkson, B., Parry, K. D., Culvin, A. and Pope, S., 2022. An institutional analysis of gender (in)equalities, covid-19 and governance of elite women’s football in Australia, England and USA. Sport, Business and Management, 12 (4), 459-478.

Chapleo, C., Leijerholt, U. and O'Sullivan, H., 2022. A complex identity and brand structure: insights from the Swedish public sector. In: International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 7-8 July 2022, Braga, Portrugal.

Chowdhury, M., Willaims, N., Thompson, K. and Ferdous, G., 2022. The Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh: An analysis of the involvement of local humanitarian actors. Third World Quarterly, 43 (9), 2188-2208.

Childs, D., Lee, N., Cadogan, J. and Dewsnap, B., 2022. A longitudinal examination of salesperson burnout: Understanding the within-person burnout process and how it can be managed". In: 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 18-20 Feb 2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, 771-775.

Cleland, J., Adair, D. and Parry, K. D., 2022. Fair go? Indigenous rugby league players and the racial exclusion of the Australian national anthem. Communication and Sport, 10 (1), 74-96.

Clarkson, B.G., Culvin, A., Pope, S. and Parry, K. D., 2022. Covid-19: Reflections on threat and uncertainty for the future of elite women’s football in England. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27 (1-2), 50-61.


Del Gobbo, A., De Fazio, G., Panico, C., Fernandez Vaz, A., Galak, E., Bueno, A. X., De Martini Ugolotti, N., Donato, A. and Tonelli, L., 2022. Cartographies of the Body in Pandemic Times. Saude em Redes, 8 (3), 493-511.

Delia, E., Melton, N., Sveinson, K., Cunningham, G. and Lock, D., 2022. Understanding the lack of diversity in sport consumer behavior research. Journal of Sport Management, 36 (3), 265-276.

Discetti, R. and Anderson, M., 2022. Hybrid consumer activism in Fairtrade Towns: exploring digital consumer activism through spatiality. Consumption Markets and Culture (Nov 2022), 1-18.

Dwivedi, Y.K., Hughes-Davies, L., Baabdullah, A.M., Ribeiro-Navarrete, S., Giannakis, M., Al-Debei, M.M., Dennehy, D., Metri, B., Buhalis, D., Cheung, C.M.K., Conboy, K., Doyle, R., Dubey, R., Dutot, V., Felix, R., Goyal, D.P., Gustafsson, A., Hinsch, C., Jebabli, I., Janssen, M., Kim, Y.G., Kim, J., Koos, S., Kreps, D., Kshetri, N., Kumar, V., Ooi, K.B., Papagiannidis, S., Pappas, I.O., Polyviou, A., Park, S.M., Pandey, N., Queiroz, M.M., Raman, R., Rauschnabel, P.A., Shirish, A., Sigala, M., Spanaki, K., Wei-Han Tan, G., Tiwari, M.K., Viglia, G. and Wamba, S.F., 2022. Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 66 (October), 102542.

Djalilov, K., 2022. A Contingent Resource-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Advantage: A Focus on Transition Countries. Business Ethics and Leadership, 6 (1), 92-108.

Dai, F., Xu, L. and Zhu, Y., 2022. Higher Education Expansion and Supply of Teachers in China. China Economic Review, 71 (February), 101732.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2022. Music-making and forced migrants’ affective practices of diasporic belonging. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48 (1), 92-109.

Dyer, B., Glithro, R. and Batley, A., 2022. The design of an upper arm prosthesis utilising 3D printing conceived for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games: A technical note. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 9. (In Press)

Degiannakis, S., Filis, G, Klein, T. and Walther, T., 2022. Forecasting Realized Volatility of Agricultural Commodities. International Journal of Forecasting, 38 (1), 51-73.

Djalilov, K. and Hartwell, C., 2022. Do social and environmental capabilities improve bank stability? Evidence from transition countries. Post-Communist Economies, 34 (5), 624-646.

Diaz-Carrion, I.A. and Vizcaino Suarez, L.P., 2022. Mexican women’s emotions to resist gender stereotypes in rural tourism work. Tourism Geographies: an international journal of tourism place, space and the environment, 24 (2-3), 244-262.


El-Bassiouny, D., Kotb, A., Elbardan, H. and El-Bassiouny, N., 2022. To Blow or Not to Blow the Whistle? An Islamic Framework. Journal of Business Ethics (October), 1-50.

Evans, G. and Sadd, D., 2022. Critical Systems Thinking: A post-hoc analysis of a Community OR healthcare project. Systemist, 42 (2), 133-160.


Fung, C. P. Y., Ladkin, A. and Osman, H., 2022. Occupational commitment and perceived social status for hospitality educators: A case study of Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 34 (4), 245-261.

Fenton, A. and Parry, K. D., 2022. Netnography – an approach to ethnography in the digital age. In: Quan-Haase, A. and Sloan, L., eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. London: SAGE, 214-227.

Filimonau, V., Vi, L. H., Beer, S. and Ermolaev, V. A., 2022. The Covid-19 pandemic and food consumption at home and away: An exploratory study of English households. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82 (Part A), 101125.

Fenton, A., Parry, K. D., Chadwick, S., Guimarães, G. and Aeron, V., 2022. Digital Innovation in Sport – Barriers and Opportunities for Branded Fitness Apps for Fans. In: Ratten, V., ed. Entrepreneurial Innovation: Strategy and Competition Aspects. Springer, 25 - 42.

Fan, X., Tsaur, S. H., Lin, J. H., Chang, T. Y. and Tsai, Y. R., 2022. Tourist Intercultural Competence: A Multidimensional Measurement and its Impact on Tourist Active Participation and Memorable Cultural Experiences. Journal of Travel Research, 61 (2), 414-429.

Fujak, H., Frawley, S., Lock, D. and Adair, D., 2022. Consumer behaviour toward a new league and teams: television audiences as a measure of market acceptance. European Sport Management Quarterly, 22 (2), 161-181.

Funsho Idowu, O., Adedoyin, F. F., Bekun, F. V. and Balsalobre-Lorente, D., 2022. Modeling the environmental implications of car ownership and energy consumption in the UK: Evidence from NARDL model. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16 (12), 1097-1109.


Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2022. Trends: Ghost Kitchens. Food Service, 149 (Oct), 42-46.

Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2022. The emergence of Ghost Kitchens in the restaurant industry: Operational and labour perspectives. In: EuroCHRIE 2022, 24-27 October 2022, Apeldoorn, Netherlands.

Gale, T., 2022. Pop-up tourism and the 'cult of the temporary'. In: International Geographical Union (IGU-UGI) Centennial Congress 2022, 18-22 July 2022, Paris.

Grote, M., Pilko, A., Scanlan, J., Cherrett, T., Dickinson, J. E., Smith, A., Oakey, A. and Marsden, G., 2022. Sharing airspace with Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Views of the General Aviation (GA) community. Journal of Air Transport Management, 102 (July), 102218.

Ghosh, S., 2022. Service Design Experience within Online Financial Services in the UK. In: Academy of Marketing: Marketing the fabric of life, 5-7 July 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Gyamfi, B.A., Bein, M.A., Adedoyin, F. F. and Bekun, F.V., 2022. To what extent are pollutant emission intensified by international tourist arrivals? Starling evidence from G7 Countries. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24, 7896-7917.

Giousmpasoglou, C. and Casson, G., 2022. The central role of front-line employees in the luxury accommodation product: Evidence from Australia. Journal of Tourism Research, 28 (June 2022), 5-40.

Giousmpasoglou, C., 2022. Using Contactless Mobile Payment in the Vietnamese Restaurant Industry. Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Services Marketing, 8 (1), 3-15.

Gyamfi, B.A., Agozie, D.Q., Bein, M.A., Bekun, F.V. and Adedoyin, F. F., 2022. Unlocking the investment impact of biomass energy utilization on environmental degradation for an isolated island. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 16 (4), 585-604.

Gyamfi, B.A., Bein, M.A., Adedoyin, F. F. and Bekun, F.V., 2022. How does energy investment affect the energy utilization-growth-tourism nexus? Evidence from E7 Countries. Energy and Environment, 33 (2), 354-376.

Gilani, P., Rook, C., Razeghi, Y. and Carr, M., 2022. Swimming against the current: Negotiating leadership challenges for women in Iran. Leadership, 18 (1), 162-185.

Gale, T., Obasaju, T. and Brown, L., 2022. What health preparations do international students make for their academic sojourn? Tourism Geographies, 24 (6-7), 1153-1172.


Hering, J., 2022. The information content of narrative disclosures in financial statements. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Haffar, M., Al-Karaghouli, W., Djebarni, R., Al-Hyari, K., Gbadamosi, G., Oster, F., Alaya, A. and Ahmed, A., 2022. Organizational culture and affective commitment to e-learning’ changes during COVID-19 pandemic: The underlying effects of readiness for change. Journal of Business Research, 155 (Part A), 113396.

Hasan, F., Shafique, S., Das, B. C. and Shome, R., 2022. R&D intensity and firms dividend policy: evidence from BRICS countries. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 23 (4), 846-862.

Hartwell, C. A., 2022. Shooting for the Tsars: Heterogeneous political volatility and institutional change in Russia. Terrorism and Political Violence, 34 (4), 706-724.


Inoue, Y., Lock, D., Gillooly, L., Shipway, R. and Swanson, S., 2022. The Organizational Identification and Well-being Framework: Theorizing about How Sport Organizations Contribute to Crisis Response and Recovery. Sport Management Review, 25 (1), 1-30.

Inoue, Y., Lock, D., Sato, M. and Funk, D., 2022. Psychological Processes Connecting Team Identification and Social Well-Being for Middle Aged and Older Adults: Moderated Mediation of Subjective and Objective On-Field Performance. Sport Management Review, 25 (2), 207-233.


Johnson, A.-G. and Buhalis, D., 2022. Solidarity during times of crisis through co-creation. Annals of Tourism Research, 97, 103503.

Jones, I., Mayoh, J. and Adams, A., 2022. Hiding Under the Bed: Leisure, Motivated Ignorance and the Flat Earth. In: Leisure Studies Association Conference, 12-14 July 2022, Falmouth. (Unpublished)

Jenkins, H., Hesami, S. and Yesiltepe, F., 2022. Factors Affecting Internet Banking Adoption: An Application of Adaptive LASSO. Computers, Materials and Continua, 72 (3), 6167-6184.

Jarvis, N., Weeden, C., Ladkin, A. and Taylor, T., 2022. Intergroup contact between front-line cruise staff and LGBT passengers. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42 (April), 100960.

Jia, G., Yao, Y. and Fan, D. X. F., 2022. Travel in your way or in my way? Resolution of conflict between young adult children and their parents during family vacation decision-making. Current Issues in Tourism, 24 (4), 664-680.

Jenkins, G. P., Miklyaev, M., Olubamiro, O. C. and Hesami, S., 2022. Cost-benefit analysis of tax administration reforms in Finland. Discussion Papers: Queen's University Economics Department.


Khorana, S., Escaith, H., Ali, S., Kumari, S. and Do, Q., 2022. The changing contours of global value chains post-COVID: Evidence from the Commonwealth. Journal of Business Research, 153 (December), 75-86.

Khoo, S., Ansari, P., John, J. and Brooke, M., 2022. The Top 50 Most Cited Articles on Special Olympics: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (16), 10150.

Kooli, K. and Akcay, E., 2022. Achieving the UN SDGs Through Knowledge Exchange: An Example from the Business School’s Students, Educators and Partners. In: Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022, 30 June 2022, Bournemouth University, Poole, England.

Kavanagh, E. J. and Adams, A., 2022. Experiencing the felt difficulty of sport coaching violence. Evidence and reflections from the arts-informed practitioner education event, ways of seeing sport coaching violence. In: IRNOVIS & SIMS Chair: International Perspectives on Violence in Sport Research, 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-15, University Laval, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)

Kavanagh, E., Litchfield, C. and Osborne, J., 2022. Social Media, Digital Technology and Athlete Abuse. In: Sanderson, J., ed. Sport, Social Media, and Digital Technology. Emerald Insight, 185-204.

Kavanagh, E., Knowles, Z., Brady, A., Rhind, D., Gervis, M., Miles, A. and Davison, R., 2022. The BASES Expert Statement on Safeguarding in the Sport and Exercise Sciences (Revised). The Sport and Exercise Scientist (71). (In Press)

Kavanagh, E. and Rhind, D., 2022. Safeguarding in Physiological Testing. In: Davison, R., Smith, P., Hopker, J., Price, M. J, Hettinga, F., Tew, G. and Bottoms, L., eds. Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume I - Sport Testing. 2nd ed. Routledge, 25-28.

Khorana, S., 2022. Can blockchain solve the puzzle of labour standards implementation in international trade? In: Kimberly, A E., ed. Handbook on Globalisation and Labour Standards. Elgar, 432-441.

Kamna, D.F. and Ilkhanizadeh, S., 2022. Can high-performance work practices influence employee career competencies? There is a need for better employee outcomes in the banking industry. PLoS One (9 Mar), 1-15.

Koutrou, N. and Kohe, G., 2022. Reawakening Sport and Community Engagament in a previous Olympic Host City: Capitalising on the Athens 2004 Olympic Volunteer Legacy 17 Years on. Project Report. The Olympic Studies Centre, International Olympic Committee.

Kataria, M. and De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2022. Running for inclusion: responsibility, (un)deservingness and the spectacle of integration in a sport for-refugees intervention in Geneva, Switzerland. Sport in Society, 25 (3), 602-618.

Konadu, R., Ahinful, G.S., Boakye, D.J. and Elbardan, H., 2022. Board gender diversity, environmental innovation and corporate carbon emissions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121279.

Kapuscinski, G. and Richards, B., 2022. Destination risk news framing effects–the power of audiences. Service Industries Journal, 42 (1-2), 107 - 130.


Lloyd, T., McCorriston, S. and Morgan, W., 2022. Climate, Fossil Fuels and UK Food Prices. Technical Report. London: Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit.

Lan, H., Lloyd, T. A., McCorriston, S. and Morgan, C. W., 2022. Retailer Heterogeneity and Price Transmission. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104 (5), 1679-1700.

Liang, Y., Ghosh, S. and Gibson, L., 2022. An exploration of the factors which determine investment behaviours towards Cryptocurrency. In: British Academy of Management, 31 August- 2 September 2022, Manchester.

Liang, Y., Oe, H., Kehinde, M. and Young, N., 2022. An investigation into Generation Y’s purchase intentions of alternative fuel vehicles: the roles of motivation, constraints and environmental awareness. In: British Academy of Management 31 August-2 September 2022, 31 August-2 September 2022, Manchester.

Liang, Y. and Ghosh, s., 2022. Digital fitness: the impact of live streaming on trainee engagement and trust. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 5-7 July 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Liang, Y., Oe, H., Ghosh, S. and Richards, C., 2022. The Impact of Instagram’s Fashion Influencers on Generation Z consumers purchase behaviours. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 5-7 July 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Lloyd, T., Bebber, D., Lin, H., McCorriston, S. and Varma, V., 2022. Anomalous Weather, Prices and the ‘Missing Middle’. In: AES Conference 2022, 04 Apr - 06 Apr 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

Light, D. and Ivanova, P., 2022. Thanatopsis and mortality mediation in "lightest" dark tourism. Tourism Review, 77 (2), 622-635.

Light, D. and Ivanova, P., 2022. Thanatopsis and mortality mediation within “lightest” dark tourism. Tourism Review, 77 (2), 622-635.

Light, D. and Chapman, A., 2022. The neglected heritage of the English seaside holiday. Coastal Studies and Society, 1 (1), 34-54.

Liang, Y., Ghosh, S. and Oyeyemic, N., 2022. UK Millennials’’ purchase intentions: what factors are influencing their adoption of mobile Apps shopping. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 5 (1), 133-153.

Lan, H., Lloyd, T., Morgan, W. and Dobson, P.W., 2022. Are food price promotions predictable? The hazard function of supermarket discounts. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73 (1), 64-85.

Lock, D. and Adams, A., 2022. Learners and learning in the global industry of sport management. In: Rayner, M. and Webb, T., eds. Sport Management Education: Global Perspectives and Implications for Practice. Routledge.

Lock, D. and Reghunathan, A., 2022. COVID-19 and Sports Consumption. In: Frawley, S. and Schulenkorf, N., eds. Handbook of Sport and COVID-19. New York: Routledge.

Lally, A., Smith, M. and Parry, K. D., 2022. Exploring Migration Experiences of Foreign Footballers to England through the use of autobiographies. Soccer and Society, 23 (6), 529-544.


Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2022. Tourism destination quality and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: tourism Agenda 2030. Tourism Review (Dec 2022).

Marinakou, E., 2022. Post-Pandemic Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Among Airline Crew: A comparative study of two airlines. Journal of Tourism Research, 29, 5-15.

Marinakou, E., 2022. Post-Pandemic Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Among Airline Crew: A comparative study of a UK and Portuguese airline. In: EuroCHRIE 2022, 24-27 October 2022, Apeldoorn, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2022. Talent management in the Tourism Industry during the Great Resignation Era. (19 October 2022).

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