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Number of items: 213.


Adisa, T., Ellis, O. and Gbadamosi, G., 2016. Understanding the causes and consequences of work-family conflict: an exploratory study of Nigerian employees. Employee Relations, 38 (5), 770-788.

Boldanov, R., Degiannakis, S. and Filis, G., 2016. Time-varying correlation between oil and stock market volatilities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. International Review of Financial Analysis, 48 (December), 209-220.

Boes, K., Buhalis, D. and Inversini, A., 2016. Smart tourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2 (2), 108 - 124.

Stojcic, N. and Orlic, E., 2016. Foreign Direct Investment and structural transformation of exports. Ekonomska misao i praksa (2), 355 - 378.

Mzory, H.S. and Firend, A.R., 2016. Marketing e-solution services and cultural readiness in the KRG. International Journal of Business and Management Research, 9 (1), 18 - 27.

Mohrenweiser, J. and Jirjahn, U., 2016. Owner-Managers and the Failure of Newly Adopted Work Councils. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (4), 815-845.

Shamim, S., Cang, S. and Yu, H., 2016. Supervisory orientation, employee goal orientation, and knowledge management among front line hotel employees. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 62, 21 - 32.

Silk, M., Millington, B., Rich, E. and Bush, A., 2016. (Re-)thinking digital leisure. Leisure Studies, 35 (6), 712-723.

Ling, F. C.M., Farrow, A., Farrow, D., Berry, J. and Polman, R. C.J., 2016. Children's perspective on the effectiveness of the Playing for Life philosophy in an after-school sport program. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 11 (6), 780 - 788.

Pera, R and Viglia, G., 2016. Exploring How Video Digital Storytelling Builds Relationship Experiences. Psychology and Marketing, 33 (12), 1142 - 1150.

Roushan, G., Holley, D. and Biggins, D., 2016. The Kaleidoscope of Voices: An Action Research Approach to Informing Institutional e-Learning Policy. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 14 (5), 293-300.

Lloyd, T., 2016. Letter from the President: A Question of Inflation. Agricultural Economics Society, Dec.

Dickinson, J. E., Hibbert, J. F. and Filimonau, V., 2016. Mobile technology and the tourist experience: (Dis)connection at the campsite. Tourism Management, 57, 193-201.

Chowdhury, M. and Mukherjee, A., 2016. Labour market integration and innovation: the implications on consumers. The Manchester School, 84 (6), 771-794.

Conradie, B. and Piesse, J., 2016. Ranking perceived risk to farmers: How important is the environment? African journal of agricultural and resource economics (AfJARE), 11 (4), 263 - 276.

Chapleo, C. and Clark, P., 2016. Branding a Tertiary Institution by Committee: An Exploration of Internal Brand Analysis and Management Processes. Journal of Brand Management, 23 (6), 631-647.

Neal, R., Massey, H., Tipton, M., Young, J. and Corbett, J., 2016. Effect of permissive dehydration on induction and decay of heat acclimation, and temperate exercise performance. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 564.

Vizcaino Suarez, L.P., Barquín, R.S., Jiménez, G.C. and Alfonso, M.J.P., 2016. Theories and methods in research on tourism gender and women in iberoamerica: A bibliographic analysis. Cuadernos de Turismo (38), 595 - 599.

Lee, I.S., Brown, G., King, K. and Shipway, R., 2016. Social identity in serious sport event space. Event Management, 20 (4), 491- 499.

Doyle, J., Filo, K., Lock, D., Funk, D. and Mcdonald, H., 2016. Exploring PERMA in spectator sport: Applying positive psychology to examine the individual-level benefits of sport consumption. Sport Management Review, 19 (5), 506-519.

Ryland, P., 2016. Reporting research: training needs of guides. Interpretation Journal, 21 (2), 5 - 6.

Antonakakis, N., Dragouni, M., Eeckels, B. and Filis, G., 2016. Tourism and economic growth: Does democracy matter? Annals of Tourism Research, 61 (November), 258-264.

O'Regan, M., 2016. Methodological bricolage: A journey on the road less traveled in tourism studies. Tourism Analysis, 20 (5), 457 - 467.

Miles, L., 2016. The five 'C's': Synergies in International Disaster Management and public health and a place for entrepreneurial resilience? Perspectives in Public Health, 136 (6), 323 - 325.

Ladkin, A., Willis, C., Jain, J., Clayton, W. and Marouda, M., 2016. Business Travellers' Connections to Home: ICTs Supporting Work-life Balance. New Technology, Work and Employment, 31 (3), 255-270.

Lawley, M., Birch, D. and Johnson, L., 2016. Changing purchasing habits through non-monetary point of sale strategies: the case of Australian oysters. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 33 (Nov), 194 - 201.

Nanthagopan, Y., Williams, N. and Page, S.J., 2016. Understanding the nature of Project Management Capacity in Sri Lankan Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): A Resource Based Perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 34 (8), 1608-1624.

Khorana, S. and Choukroune, L., 2016. India and the Indian Ocean region. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 12 (2), 122 - 125.

Gavin, J., Immins, T. and Wainwright, T., 2016. Stair negotiation as a rehabilitation intervention for enhancing recovery following total hip and knee replacement surgery. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing.

Viglia, G., Minazzi, R. and Buhalis, D., 2016. The influence of e-word-of-mouth on hotel occupancy rate. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (9), 2035-2051.

Xu, F., Brown, L. and Long, P., 2016. Travel experiences and aspirations: a case study from Chinese youth. International review for spatial planning and sustainable development, 4 (4), 69 - 87.

Vogel, R., Homberg, F. and Gericke, A., 2016. Abusive supervision, public service motivation, and employee deviance: The moderating role of employment sector. Evidence-Based HRM, 4 (3), 214-231.

Elshaer, I. and Augustyn, M., 2016. Direct effects of quality management on competitive advantage. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 33 (9), 1286 - 1310.

Davidson, J., Halunga, A., Lloyd, T., McCorriston, S. and Morgan, C.W., 2016. World Commodity Prices and Domestic Retail Food Price Inflation: Some Insights from the UK. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 119 (2), 414-419.

Paliktzoglou, V., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2016. Assessment of Students’ Familiarity, Adoption, and Use of Social Media in Bahrain. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 7 (4), 82 -90.

Jones, D., 2016. The ‘Biophilic Organization’: An Integrative Metaphor for Corporate Sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 138 (3), 401 - 416.

Djalilov, K. and Holscher, J., 2016. Regulations, market power and stability in the banking sector of transition countries. LIMES Plus: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 13 (1), 77 - 94.

Adisa, T., Gbadamosi, G. and Osabutey, E., 2016. Work-family Balance: A Case Analysis of Coping Strategies Adopted by Nigerian and British Working Mothers. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 31 (7), 414-433.

Mosquera, A. and Bachmann, S.-D., 2016. Lawfare in Hybrid Wars: The 21st Century Warfare. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 7 (1), 63-87.

Bachmann, S.-D. and Paphiti, A., 2016. Russia’s Hybrid War and its implications for Defence and Security in the United Kingdom – a Case Study. Scientia Militaria : South African Journal of Military Studies, 44 (2), 28-67.

Dragouni, M., Filis, G., Gavriilidis, K. and Santamaria, D., 2016. Sentiment, Mood and Outbound Tourism Demand. Annals of Tourism Research, 60 (1), 80-96.

Yankholmes, A., 2016. Will Macau’s casino-based tourism revenue bounce back? Tourism Society Journal (September).

Litchfield, C., Kavanagh, E. J., Osborne, J. and Jones, I., 2016. Virtual Maltreatment: Sexualisation and Social Media Abuse in Sport. Psychology of Women Section Review, 18 (2).

Huynh, T., 2016. Early-stage Fundraising of University Spin-offs: A Study through Demand-site Perspectives. Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance, 18 (4), 345-367.

Dewhurst, S., Thomas, N.M., Bampouras, T.M. and Donovan, T., 2016. Eye Movements Affect Postural Control in Young and Older Females. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8, 1-11.

Haffar, M., Enongene, L., Gbadamosi, G. and Hamdan, M., 2016. The Influence of National Culture on Consumer Buying Behaviour: An Exploratory Study of Nigerian and British Consumers. WASET International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic and Management Engineering, 10 (8), 3033-3037.

Alharbi, N., Ghodsi, Z. and Hassani, H., 2016. Noise correction in gene expression data: a new approach based on subspace method. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39 (13), 3750 - 3757.

Fan, D. X.F., Zhang, Q.H., Jenkins, C.L. and Lin, P.M.C., 2016. Does social contact lessen perceived cultural distance? Evidence from tourist–host social contact. Annals of tourism research, 61 (November), 223 - 225.

Brown, L. and Richards, B., 2016. Media Representations of Islam in Britain: A Sojourner Perspective. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36 (3), 350 - 363.

Morakabati, Y. and Kapuscinski, G., 2016. Personality, Risk Perception, Benefit Sought and Terrorism Effect. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (5), 506-514.

Kavanagh, E. J., Knowles, Z., Brady, A., Rhind, D., Gervis, M., Miles, A. and Davison, R., 2016. The BASES expert statement in safeguarding in the sport sciences. The Sport and Exercise Scientist (49), 20 - 21.

Akanga, F., 2016. Governance of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Cameroon: What lessons can we learn? Enterprise Development and Microfinance, 27 (3), 219 - 235.

Bolat, E. and Kooli, K. , 2016. Businesses’ ubiquitous fantasy through mobile social media capability. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (8), 971-981.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. Determinants of property rights in Poland and Ukraine: the polity or politicians? Journal of Institutional Economics, 13 (01), 133 - 160.

Johnson, L., Addamo, P., Raj, I., Borkoles, E., Wyckelsma, V, Cyarto, E and Polman, R. C.J., 2016. An acute bout of exercise improves the cognitive performance of older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 24 (4), 591-598.

Wilkes, K., 2016. Book Review: Tourism and cricket: travels to the boundary, edited by Tom Baum and Richard Butler, Bristol: Channel View Publications,2014,208 pp.,£24.95(pbk,ISBN-13:978-1-84541-452-8. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 20 (2), 161 - 162.

Pyke, S., Hartwell, H., Blake, A. and Hemingway, A., 2016. Exploring Well-being as a Tourism Product Resource. Tourism Management, 55, 94 - 105.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. The institutional basis of efficiency in resource-rich countries. Economic Systems, 40 (4), 519 - 538.

Schliephack, J. and Dickinson, J. E., 2016. Tourists’ representations of coastal managed realignment as a climate change adaptation strategy. Tourism Management, 59, 182 - 192.

Kavanagh, E. J., Jones, I. and Sheppard-Marks, L., 2016. Towards typologies of virtual maltreatment: Sport, digital cultures and dark leisure. Leisure Studies, 35 (6), 783-796.

Martínez González, J.A., Parra-Lopez, E. and Buhalis, D., 2016. The loyalty of young residents in an island destination: An integrated model. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 6 (4), 444 - 455.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going: Nonlinear Effects of Financial Liberalization in Transition Economies. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53 (2), 250 - 275.

Firend, A.R. and Langroudi, M., 2016. Co-creation and consumer’s purchasing intentions, any value in B2B activities? Journal of Life Science and Biotechnology, 1 (4), 133-141.

Brown, L., 2016. Treading in the footsteps of literary heroes. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7 (1), 135 - 145.

Pera, R, Viglia, G. and Furlan, R., 2016. Who Am I? How Compelling Self-storytelling Builds Digital Personal Reputation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 35, 44 - 55.

Neal, R., Corbett, J., Massey, H. and Tipton, M., 2016. Effect of short‐term heat acclimation with permissive dehydration on thermoregulation and temperate exercise performance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 26 (8), 875-884.

Robson, J. and van der Heijden, H., 2016. Senior Management Perceptions of Aspirational Groups: a Study of the UK General Insurance Market. Journal of Business Research, 69 (8), 2731-2738.

Abrate, A and Viglia, G., 2016. Strategic and tactical price decisions in hotel revenue management. Tourism Management, 55, 123 - 132.

Francombe-Webb, J. and Silk, M., 2016. Young girls embodied experiences of femininity and social class. Sociology, 50 (4), 652-672.

Darcy, S., Lock, D. and Taylor, T., 2016. Enabling inclusive sport participation: Effects of disability and support needs on constraints to sport participation. Leisure Sciences, 39 (1), 20-41.

Akyeampong, O.A. and Yankholmes, A., 2016. Profiling masquerade festival attendees in Ghana. Event Management, 20 (2), 285 - 296.

Mohrenweiser, J. and Pfeiffer, F., 2016. The development of study-specific self-efficacy during grammar school.(Zur Entwicklung der studienspezifischen Selbstwirksamkeit in der Oberstufe). Journal for Labour Market Research, 49 (1), 77-95.

Kooli, K., 2016. Current Issues and Challenges in B2B Marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1), 1 - 2.

Breitbarth, T., 2016. Unternehmerischer Nutzen von Sponsoring und sozialem Engagement im Sport - Im olympischen Rio wie in der heimischen Region (How businesses benefit from sport sponsoring and sport-related social responsibility – at the Rio Olympics and in their home regions). Industrieanzeiger (German Language), 17 (6), 24 - 26.

Kapuscinski, G. and Richards, B., 2016. News framing effects on destination risk perception. Tourism Management, 57 (Dec), 234-244.

Lloyd, T., 2016. Letter from the President: A Perfect Storm. Agricultural Economics Society Newsletter, July.

Brown, L., 2016. Treading in the footsteps of literary heroes: an autoethnography. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7 (2), 135 - 145.

Apanasovich, N., Alcalde, H and Parrilli, M.D., 2016. The impact of business innovation modes on SME innovation performance in post-Soviet transition economies: the case of Belarus. Technovation, 57-58 (Nov/De), 30-40.

Filimonau, V. and Barth, J.A., 2016. From Global to Local and Vice Versa: On the Importance of the 'Globalization' Agenda in Continental Groundwater Research and Policy-Making. Environmental Management, 58 (3), 491-503.

Chatziantoniou, I., Degiannakis, S., Eeckels, B. and Filis, G., 2016. Forecasting Tourist Arrivals Using Origin Country Macroeconomics. Applied Economics, 48 (27), 2571-2585.

Young, C. and Light, D., 2016. Interrogating spaces of and for the dead as ‘alternative space’: cemeteries, corpses and sites of Dark Tourism. International Review of Social Research, 6 (2), 61 - 72.

Lawley, M. and Birch, D., 2016. Exploring Point of Sale Strategies for Improving Seafood Retailing: The Case of the Australian Oyster Industry. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22 (7), 792-808.

Price, S., Viglia, G., Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Chapleo, C., Appleton, K., Saulais, L., Mavridis, I. and Perez-Cueto, F., 2016. What are we eating? Consumer information requirement within a workplace canteen. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 39 - 46.

Robson, J., Waite, K. and Ashraf, S., 2016. Academy of Marketing conference 2015 special issue. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21 (2), 87 - 89.

Holscher, J. and Tomann, H., 2016. Das institutionelle Design der EU nach der Finanzkrise (The institutional design of the EU after the financial crisis). Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 96 (6), 393 - 396.

Zhang, H.Q., Fan, D. X.F., Tse, T.S.M. and King, B., 2016. Creating a scale for assessing socially sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25 (1), 61 - 78.

Tukamushaba, E., Xiao, H. and Ladkin, A., 2016. The effect of tourists’ perceptions of a tourism product on memorable travel experience: Implications for destination branding. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7 (1), 2-12.

Yankholmes, A., 2016. A look at the consumption behaviours along Ghana’s slave routes. Tourism Recreation Research, 41 (3), 272 - 282.

Ryland, P., 2016. Reporting research: the development and application of a narrative for use with a personal or digital guide. Interpretation Journal: Journal of the Association for Heritage Interpretation, 21 (1), 5.

Gavin, J., Myers, S.D. and Willems, M.E.T., 2016. Effect of eccentric exercise with reduced muscle glycogen on plasma interleukin-6 and neuromuscular responses of m. quadriceps femoris. Journal of Applied Physiology, 121 (1), 173-184.

Morakabati, Y., Page, S.J. and Fletcher, J., 2016. Emergency Management and Tourism Stakeholder Responses to Crises: A Global Survey. Journal of Travel Research, 56 (3), 299-316.

Miles, L., 2016. Entrepreneurial Resilience. Crisis Response Journal, 11 (4), 52 - 54.

Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2016. Comparative Analyses of the Banking Environment in Transition Countries. Economic Annals, 61 (208), 7-25.

Lloyd, T., 2016. Letter from the President; Turbulent Times. Agricultural Economics Society Newsletter, April.

Parrilli, M.D. and Alcalde, H, 2016. STI and DUI innovation modes: scientific-technological and context-specific nuances. Research Policy, 45 (4), 747-756.

Stylidis, D., Sit, J. and Biran, A., 2016. An Exploratory Study of Residents’ Perception of Place Image: The Case of Kavala. Journal of Travel Research, 55 (5), 659 - 674.

Guderjan, M. and Miles, L., 2016. The fusion approach – applications for understanding local government and European integration. Journal of European Integration, 38 (6), 637 - 652.

De Martini Ugolotti, N., 2016. ‘If I climb a wall of ten meters’: capoeira, parkour and the politics of public space among (post)migrant youth in Turin, Italy. Patterns of Prejudice, 50 (2), 188 - 206.

Funk, D.C., Lock, D., Karg, A. and Pritchard, M., 2016. Sport Consumer Behavior Research: Improving Our Game. Journal of Sport Management, 30 (2), 113-116.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. Book review: Single Markets: Economic Integration in Europe and the United States, by M. P.Egan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, ISBN 9780199280506); xiv+240pp., £55.00 hb. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (3), 763 - 764.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. Single Markets: Economic Integration in Europe and the United States (Book Review). Journal of Common Market Studies, 54 (3), 763- 764.

Balavac, M. and Pugh, G.T., 2016. The link between trade openness, export diversification, institutions and output volatility in transition countries. (running title: Output volatility and trade openness revisited: the role of export diversification and institutions in transition countries). Economic Systems, 40 (2), 273 - 287.

Djalilov, K. and Piesse, J., 2016. Determinants of bank profitability in transition countries: What matters most? Research in International Business and Finance, 38, 69 - 82.

Chelghoum, A., Takeda, S., Wilczek, B. and Homberg, F., 2016. The challenges and future of trade unionism in Algeria: a lost cause? Employee Relations, 38 (3), 351 - 372.

Seetaram, N., 2016. Economics of Tourism and Transport: An Introduction. Tourism Economics, 22 (2), 203-206.

Neuhofer, B., 2016. An Exploration of the Technology Enhanced Tourist Experience. European Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 220-223.

Abrate, G., Viglia, G., Sanchez, J. and Forgas-Coll, S., 2016. Price competition within and between airlines and high-speed trains: the case of the Milan–Rome route. Tourism Economics, 22 (2), 311 -323.

Lock, D. and Funk, D.C., 2016. The Multiple In-group Identity Framework. Sport Management Review, 19 (2), 85-96.

Fan, D. X.F., 2016. The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism: 7–9 January 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Anatolia, 27 (4), 549 - 551.

O'Regan, M., 2016. A backpacker habitus: the body and dress, embodiment and the self. Annals of Leisure Research, 19 (3), 329-346.

Gössling, S., Cohen, S.A. and Hibbert, J. F., 2016. Tourism as connectedness. Current Issues in Tourism, 21 (14), 1586 -1600.

Knott, B., Fyall, A. and Jones, I., 2016. Leveraging nation branding opportunities through sport mega-events. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 10 (1), 105 - 118.

Shipway, R., King, K., Lee, I.S. and Brown, G., 2016. Understanding cycle tourism experiences at the Tour Down Under. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 20 (1), 21- 39.

Khorana, S., 2016. International Trade in the Health Sector: Forgotten Frontier? Commonwealth Trade Hot Topics, 126.

Beer, S., 2016. Book Review: The Future of Food Tourism. Foodies, Experiences, Exclusivity, Visions and Political Capital. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 27 (4), 557-558.

Daniels, K., Beesley, N., Cheyne, A. and Wimalasiri, V., 2016. Safety climate and increased risk: The role of deadlines in design work. Human Relations, 69 (5), 1185 - 1207.

Brown, L., 2016. Tourism and Pilgrimage: Paying Homage to Literary Heroes. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (2), 167-175.

van Rens, F., Borkoles, E., Farrow, D., Curran, T., Ling, F. C.M. and Polman, R. C.J., 2016. Development and Initial Validation of the Role Strain Questionnaire for Junior Athletes (RSQ-JA). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 24, 168-178.

Hartwell, C. A., 2016. Improving competitiveness in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union: a blueprint for the next decade. Post-Communist Economies, 28 (1), 49 - 71.

Curtis, B.L. and Baines, D., 2016. What is an antique? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 74 (1), 75 - 86.

Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Online and Social Media Recruitment: Hospitality Employer and Prospective Employee Considerations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (2), 327 - 345.

Getz, D and Page, S.J., 2016. Progress and prospects for event tourism research. Tourism Management, 52, 593-631.

Memery, J. and Birch, D., 2016. Exploring attitudes towards aquaculture development in the UK: A consultative stakeholder approach. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 28 (4), 363-372.

Rees, T., Hardy, L., Guellich, A., Abernethy, B., Cote, J., Woodman, T., Montgomery, H., Laing, S. and Warr, C., 2016. The Great British Medalists Project: A Review of Current Knowledge on the Development of the World’s Best Sporting Talent. Sports Medicine, 1-18.

Disegna, M. and Osti, L., 2016. Tourists’ expenditure behaviour: the influence of satisfaction and the dependence of spending categories. Tourism Economics, 22 (1), 5 - 30.

Price, S, Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A. and Chapleo, C., 2016. Workplace foodservice; perception of quality and trust. Appetite, 97, 169 - 175.

Chapman, A. and Light, D., 2016. Exploring the tourist destination as a mosaic: The alternative lifecycles of the seaside amusement arcade sector in Britain. Tourism Management, 52, 254 - 263.

English, C., Healy, G.N., Olds, T., Parfitt, G., Borkoles, E., Coates, A., Kramer, S. and Bernhardt, J., 2016. Reducing Sitting Time After Stroke: A Phase II Safety and Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. ( Presented in part as a poster to the European Stroke Organization, April 17–19, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom; and Stroke 2015 (a combined conference of the Stroke Society of Australasia and Smartstrokes NSW), September 1–5, 2015, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97 (2), 273 - 280.

Hassani, H., Ghodsi, Z., Silva, E. and Heravi, S., 2016. From Nature to Maths: Improving Forecasting Performance in Subspace–based methods using Genetics Colonial Theory. Digital Signal Processing, 51 (April), 101-109.

O'Regan, M., 2016. [Book Review] Songshan (Sam) Huang and Ganghua Chen (eds) Tourism research in China: themes and issues. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 27 (2), 288-289.

Vizcaino Suarez, L.P., 2016. Theories and methods in research on tourism gender and women in Ibero-america: a bibliographic analysis. Cuadernos de Turismo, 38, 485 - 501.

Stangl, B., Inversini, A. and Schegg, R., 2016. Hotels' dependency on online intermediaries and their chosen distribution channel portfolios: Three country insights. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 52, 87 - 96.

Hartwell, H., Shepherd, P.A., Edwards, J. and Johns, N., 2016. What Do Patients Value in the Hospital Meal Experience? Appetite, 96 (1), 293-298.

Viglia, G., Mauri, A. and Carricano, M., 2016. The exploration of hotel reference prices under dynamic pricing scenarios and different forms of competition. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 52, 46-55.

Kellezi, B., Baines, D., Coupland, C., Beckett, K., Barnes, J., Sleney, J., Christie, N. and Kendrick, D., 2016. The impact of injuries on health service resource use and costs in primary and secondary care in the English NHS. Journal of Public Health, 38 (4), e464 - e471.

Degiannakis, S., Duffy, D., Filis, G. and Livada, A., 2016. Business cycle synchronisation in EMU: Can fiscal policy bring member-countries closer? Economic Modelling, 52 (Part B), 551-563.

Mangena, M., Li, J. and Tauringana, V., 2016. Disentangling the Effects of Corporate Disclosure on the Cost of Equity Capital: A Study of the Role of Intellectual Capital Disclosure. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 31 (1), 3- 27.

Seetaram, N., Forsyth, P. and Dwyer, L., 2016. Measuring price elasticities of demand for outbound tourism using competitiveness indices. Annals of Tourism Research, 56 (1), 65 - 79.

Firend, A.R, 2016. Performance variation, training, and outcome in SE-Asian manufacturing sector. International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering, 3 (1), 90-94.

Bolat, E., 2016. Business practitioners’ Perspective on Value of Mobile Technology. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1), 31-48.

Hartwell, H., Johns, N. and Edwards, J. S. A., 2016. E-menus – Managing Choice Options in Hospital Foodservice. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 53 (February), 12-16.

Elbardan, H., Ali, M. and Ghoneim, A., 2016. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Introduction and Internal Auditing Legitimacy: An Institutional Analysis. Information Systems Management, 33 (3), 231 - 247.

Kooli, K., Ben Mansour, K. and Cornwell, V., 2016. Exploring CRM and SRM User Satisfaction in B2B Relationships Management. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1), 81-95.

D'Urso, P., Disegna, M., Massari, R. and Osti, L., 2016. Fuzzy segmentation of postmodern tourists. Tourism Management, 55, 297-308.

Gbadamosi, G., Evans, C. and Obalola, M.A., 2016. Multitasking, but for what benefit? The dilemma facing Nigerian university students regarding part-time working. Journal of Education and Work, 29 (8), 956-979.

Mohrenweiser, J., 2016. Recruitment and Apprenticeship Training. Industrielle Beziehungen , 23 (1), 1-19.

Ram, Y., Tribe, J. and Biran, A., 2016. Sexual harassment: Overlooked and under-researched. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (10), 2110-2131.

Lewis, A. and Moital, M., 2016. Young Professionals’ Conspicuous Consumption of Clothing. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20 (2), 138-156.

Strong, J. and Bolat, E., 2016. A qualitative inquiry into customers' perspectives on branding and the role of digital technologies in B2B: A case study of Panasonic. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1), 97-116.

Harding, J., Lock, D. and Toohey, K., 2016. A social identity analysis of technological innovation in an action sport: judging elite half-pipe snowboarding. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16 (2), 214-232.

Book Section

Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2016. Culture and managers in a globalised world. In: Ordoñez de Pablos, P and Tennyson, R.D., eds. Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 1 - 27.

Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Gendered leadership as a key to business success: Evidence from the middle east. In: Ordoñez de Pablos, P and Tennyson, R.D., eds. Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 200 - 230.

Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Academic governance. In: Danver, S., ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Online Education. Los Angeles: Sage, 8 - 14.

Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Hotel and restaurant management education. In: Danver, S., ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Online Education. Los Angeles: Sage, 546 - 549.

Caudwell, J., 2016. Football and Misogyny. In: Hughson, J., Moore, K., Spaaij, R. and Maguire, J., eds. Routledge Handbook of Football Studies. Routledge.

Lawley, M., Birch, D. and Craig, J., 2016. Managing sustainability in the seafood supply chain: The confused or ambivalent consumer. In: Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M., Angell, R., Memery, J. and Vanhamme, J., eds. A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food: Local, National, and Global Issues. Ashgate, 284-296.

Light, D. and Watson, S., 2016. The Castle Imagined: Emotion and Affect in the Experience of Ruins. In: Tolia-Kelly, D.P., Waterton, E. and Watson, S., eds. Heritage, Affect and Emotion: Politics, practices and infrastructures. London: Routledge, 154 - 178.

Karg, A. and Lock, D., 2016. New media development and strategies for sport mega-events: The Olympic Games and the Football World Cup. In: Frawley, S., ed. Managing Sport Mega-Events. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y. and Hideshima, E., 2016. How to Support Decision Making of Local Government in Prioritising Policy Menu Responding to Citizens’ Views: An Exploratory Study of Text Mining Approach to Attain Cognitive Map Based on Citizen Survey Data. In: van der Aalst,, W., Mylopoulos,, J., Rosemann,, M., Shaw,, M..J. and Szyperski,, C., eds. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer.

Lloyd, T., McCorriston, S. and Morgan, W., 2016. Has Price Volatility Increased and Does it Vary across Commodities? (RPV 0029). In: House of Lords. European Union Committee. 15th Report of Session 2015–16. Responding to price volatility: creating a more resilient agricultural sector. London: House of Lords.

Young, C. and Light, D., 2016. Multiple and contested geographies of memory: remembering the 1989 Romanian ‘revolution'. In: Drozdzewski, D., de Nardi, S. and Waterton, E., eds. Memory, Place and Identity: Commemoration and Remembrance of War and Conflict. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 56 - 73.

Alexander, P., 2016. Owner Occupied Housing Taxation: A Vertical Equity Evaluation of the UK and US Tax Systems. In: Salter, D. and Oats, L., eds. Contemporary Issues in Tax Research: Volume 2. Birmingham, UK: Fiscal Publications.

Okwilagwe, O. and Apostolakis, C., 2016. Public-Private Partnerships for Enhancing Organizational Capabilities in Nigeria. In: Kazeroony, H.H., du Plessis, Y. and Puplampu, B.B., eds. Sustainable Management Development in Africa: Building Capabilities to Serve African Organizations. London: Routledge, 241-270.

Huynh, T. , 2016. Entrepreneurship and Equity Crowdfunding: A Research Agenda. In: Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., Fletcher, D. and Welter, F., eds. Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. ECSB, 30-48.

Brodie, A. and Bowdler, R., 2016. The designation of amusement parks and fairground rides in England. In: Wood, J., ed. The Amusement Park History, Culture and the Heritage of Pleasure. London: Routledge, 248-267.


Grammatikos, T. and Papanikolaou, N.I., 2016. Applying Benford’s law to detect accounting data manipulation in the banking industry. Working Paper. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg School of Finance.

Di Lascio, M.F.L. and Disegna, M., 2016. A copula-based clustering algorithm to analyse EU country diets. Working Paper. Bournemouth, UK: Bournemouth University.

Ryland, P. and Welch, S., 2016. Demystifying evaluation: a brief guide to the evaluation of interpretive media, activities and programmes. Discussion Paper. Gillingham, Kent: Association for Heritage Interpretation.

Conference or Workshop Item

Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2016. Social Corporate Responsibility in Transition Countries. In: Banking in Transition Countries, 17--20 October 2016, Sumy, Ukraine. (Unpublished)

Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Cooper, J., 2016. Chefs’ future competencies needs in the UK: the stakeholders’ perspectives. In: EuroCHRIE 2016: What’s Going Well In Hospitality, Tourism And Events?, 26-28 October 2016, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Lawley, M. and Birch, D., 2016. Retailing Underutilised Products: A POS Trial of Australian Oysters. In: Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2016: Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era, 5-7 December 2016, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Kavanagh, E. J., Knowles, Z., Brady, A., Rhind, D., Gervis, M., Miles, A. and Davison, R., 2016. BASES expert statement on safeguarding in the sport and exercise sciences. In: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, 28-30 November 2016, Nottingham, England, 20- 21.

Bolat, E., Dogan, H., Biggins, D., Dupac, M. and Crowley, E. J., 2016. Empowering University Students Through Online Multiple Choice Questions. In: 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14-16 November 2016, Valencia, Spain.

Wassler, P. and Schuckert, M., 2016. Meet the locals: A phenomenology of experiencing residents in North Korea. In: International conference on emerging tourism destinations (ICETD), 24-27 October 2016, Dili, Timor Leste.

Thompson, K., 2016. Digital Technologies in Project Management. In: Digital Engagement, 29 June 2016, Bournemouth University and online.

Starkey, G. and Hao, Y., 2016. Multimedia News Web Sites: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Online Journalism in China and the UK. In: 5th Annual JMCOMM (Journalism, Media & Communication Conference), 10-11 October 2016, Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore, 22 - 31.

Nordberg, D., 2016. Contestation over board design and development of UK corporate governance. In: British Academy of Management, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University, England.

Carr, M. and Kelan, E., 2016. Femininities at Work: How Women Support Other Women in the Workplace. In: British Academy of Management (BAM2016) Conference: Thriving in Turbulent Times, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle, UK.

Nordberg, D., 2016. Short-termism, ownership and implications for investor stewardship. In: British Academy of Management, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University, England.

Biggins, D., Truelove, L. and Lawlor-Wright, T., 2016. Trends in Project Management 1966 – 2015. In: BAM 2016: Thriving in turbulent times, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University, England.

Huynh, T., 2016. University Spin-Off’s Seed Capital: An Empirical Study from Demand Perspectives. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University, England.

Birch, D., Quest, J., Shiel, C. and Memery, J., 2016. Towards a sustainable food city: The case of the Bournemouth and Poole Sustainable Food City Partnership. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium, 13 -14 June 2016, Bologna, Italy.

Firend, A.R., 2016. Asian Economies, Brexit, and World Markets. In: 3rd Annual International Asian Markets Conference, 17-19 August 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Firend, A.R, 2016. Contextual Examination of TQM Practices and Competitive Advantage in the MalaysianManufactoring Sector. In: 2nd World Virtual Conference on Social and Behavioural Sciences, 28-30 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Firend, A.R and Araghi, M., 2016. Critical Factors in Competitive Advantage of Islamic Banking. In: 6th IIUM International Accounting Conference, 28-29 October 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Firend, A.R, 2016. The impact of B2B value co-creation on consumer’s purchasing intentions in SE-Asia. In: Academy of Marketing 3rd B2B Marketing Colloquium University Paris1 Pantheon Sorbonne- Bournemouth University, 23-24 July 2016, Paris, France.

Firend, A.R and Binti Sofyan, P., 2016. Technical executive’s organizational commitment at Malaysian Oil & Gas Industry. In: International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS) 2015, 17-20 August 2015, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.

Mavridou, I., 2016. Gestures - Emotions Interaction: e-Viographima application for visual artistic synthesis. In: 3rd International Symposium On Movement & Computing (MOCO'16), 5-6 July 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Osborne, N., Bolat, E. and Memery, J., 2016. Meaningful CSR Communication via Digital Media. In: Academy of Marketing, 4-7 July 2016, Newcastle, UK.

Bolat, E., O'Sullivan, H. and Sreedharan, C., 2016. Radicalising the Marketing of Higher Education: Learning from students - generated social media data. In: Academy of Marketing, 4-7 July 2016, Newcastle, UK.

Bolat, E. and Cutler-Smith, H., 2016. Social media ‘on the go’: Examining the impact of age. In: Academy of Marketing, 4-7 July 2016, Newcastle, UK.

Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2016. Using Tripadvisor© for exploring cultural tourism development in Bahrain. In: International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2016) - New challenges and boundaries in tourism: policies, innovations and strategies, 29 June-2 July 2016, Naples.

Carr, M. and Kelan, E., 2016. Mobilising femininities in the workplace: offering intra-gender support as a way to make work ‘work’. In: Gender, Work & Organization, 29 June -1 July 2016, Keele.

Fox, D., 2016. Leisure Time Preference: The influence of gardening on garden visitation. In: 2016 LARASA World Leisure Congress, 27-29 June 2016, Durban, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Orlic, E., Hashi, I. and Hisarciklilar, M., 2016. Cross sectoral FDI spillovers and their impact on manufacturing productivity. In: Micro-Macro Determinants of Growth in Emerging Economies, 20-21 June 2016, London, UK.

Erdelyi, P. and Whitley, E.A., 2016. Following entrepreneurs to markets: What entrepreneurship theory and market studies can learn from each other. In: Im)Possible Markets: 4th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 8-10 June 2016, University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Huynh, T. and Patton, D., 2016. Start-up’s Performance: An Empirical Study on Dynamic Capabilities Under The Contributions of Bricolage and Social Capital. In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 8-11 June 2016, Bodø, Norway.

Biggins, D., Trollsund, F. and Høiby, A.L., 2016. Applying a life cycle approach to project management methods. In: EURAM 2016: European Academy of Management Conference, 1-4 June 2016, Paris, France.

O'Regan, M., 2016. China and Indonesia: Reflections. In: Faculty of Tourism, Pancasila University: Seminar on Indonesian Marine Tourism, 2 June 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Marinakou, E. and Nikolic, B, 2016. Dimensions of authentic leadership in the Middle Eastern context: Are these leaders really authentic? In: 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research, 27-28 February 2016, Melbourne, Australia, 134 - 143.

Bolat, E., 2016. Discovering magic of mobile technology in business: strategic marketing perspective. In: Academy of Marketing Science, 16-21 May 2016, Orlando, USA.

Nguyen, Q., Ladkin, A. and Osman, H., 2016. Emotional Intelligence and hotel employees in Vietnam. In: CHME (Council for Hospitality Management Education) Annual Research Conference, 4--6 May 2016, Belfast, UK. (Unpublished)

Ryland, P., 2016. Enhancing the visitor experience by exploring their expectations: a case study from The Jurassic Coast, Dorset and East Devon World Heritage Site, UK. In: Interpret Wales / AHI Conference - Sustainable Tourism: The Role of Interpretation, 8 - 9 March 2016, Cardiff, Wales.

Neuhofer, B., 2016. Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction in Connected Tourist Experiences. In: ENTER 2016 Conference, 2--5 February 2016, Bilbao, Spain.

Huynh, C. T., 2016. Pitch for Seed Capital of University Spin-offs: The Roles of Social Networks and Capabilities of Entrepreneurial Teams. In: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 9-12 January 2016, San Diego, California.

Fan, D. X.F. and Qiu, H.Q., 2016. Exploring the Dimensionality of Tourist-Host Social Contact and the Typology of Tourists. In: The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, 7-9 January 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Paliktzoglou, V.P., 2016. The Brain Drain Phenomenon in Higher Education in Greece: Attitudes and Opinions on the Decision to Immigrate. In: 3rd Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World, 3-6 January 2016, Athens, Greece.

Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y. and Hideshima, E., 2016. How to support decision making of local government in prioritising policy menu responding to citizens’ views: An exploratory study of text mining approach to attain cognitive map based on citizen survey data. In: International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST 2016): Decision Support Systems VI - Addressing Sustainability and Societal Challenges, 23-25 May 2016, Plymouth, UK.


Carls, S., 2016. Proteção jurídica das indicações geográficas e desenvolvimento: o regulamento de uso e as estruturas de controle e gestão. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Federal University of Santa Catarina State.

Karyopouli, S., 2016. The bargaining power of the Republic of Cyprus accommodation providers in contractual and non-contractual negotiations with large European tour operators. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.

Condie, G. A., 2016. Exploring the dimensions of disability and leisure: an examination of disabled individuals’ social worlds and leisure experiences. Masters Thesis (Masters). Bournemouth University.

Abeysekera, R., 2016. Enhancing entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka: the provision of business development services (BDS) by microfinance institutions to support the self-sufficiency of microenterprises. Doctoral Thesis (Doctoral). Bournemouth University.


Ryland, P. and Welch, S., 2016. Association for Heritage Interpretation: The evaluation of interpretive activities, events and programmes. [Show/Exhibition]

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